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Ghostface mission

Top_Nep Member Posts: 14

It says while leaning, Mark 3 survivors to apply the exposed status effect, hit the marked survivors, does it mean I have to hit them seconds after they’re exposed or what?



  • lonewolf8376
    lonewolf8376 Member Posts: 24

    U stalk 3 individual survivors(u don’t have to stalk all 3 at the same time) after u stalk they become exposed meaning that u can down them in 1 hit instead of the basic 2, after u expose them they will have a red timer around the survivor icon on the bottom left of your screen, down them before the timer expires(I think it’s around 45 seconds I could be wrong) but do that 3 times, it doesn’t have to be in the same game.

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294

    in all honesty, you are best just deleting this quest. It requires you to lean and stalk. the issue with this is that ghostface will come out of his stalking face as soon as a survivor walks by, if you look at a hook survivor etc etc. Most survivors will group up taking advantage of this running around like maniacs forcing you out of stalk. The odds that you will sneak up on a survivor at a gen are basically next to nill without already having the required skill. There are so many easier to do quests. ALl trying to accomplish this one is going to do is put you are risk of tanking your ranking.

    That said, it's definitely worth trying to get the hang of this killer and good luck :)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    No, you just need to mark them while leaning around a corner and than down them.

    It'll count as long as you down them WHILE they're marked, so if they lose the exposed effect through a long chase than it doesn't count. And if you were wondering if you need to do 3 Survivors at the same time, no, you mark them separately or together... either one works.