Feature Request: Block Players

There needs to be a feature in the game where we can block individual players so that we don't get put in a match with or against them. There are players who have only 1 goal in multiplayer games and that is to ruin the enjoyment of the game for everyone they encounter. We need the tools to defend ourselves from these players whether they are survivors or killers.
Not a good idea. For one thing, DBD doesn't have a big enough playerbase, especially in certain regions, that they can afford to let people pick and choose their opponents without affecting queue times. For another, people would abuse the hell out of this to block players who are just really good at the game so they don't have to go against challenging opponents, and there's no way to police the feature to stop them doing that. Overwatch tried something like this for the same reasons and it went really badly. Read this article for more information on why this isn't a good plan: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/06/22/overwatch-avoid-this-player/
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It is a perfectly good idea and before dedicated servers you could use MLGA to mark players you didn't want to play with and simply leave the lobby if you were paired with them. Worked great for that and this suggestion would be no different. The historical use is there and it worked any theory about it not working is completely unfounded since it has already proven to work.
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Do I need to post an article about how Overwatch tried this and how it literally failed miserably to disprove this? People block players that they lose against and popular people as well. It becomes a mess.
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Obviously people can't read. It was ALREADY WORKING WITH MLGA. Your stupid article does NOT apply.
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The article still applies. There were people who used mlga to block simply better players.
DbD should not add an avoid/block feature because there will be players who will abuse it to get easier opponents.
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This is a bad idea for reasons mentioned above.
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Should we add a feature to the forum to block belligerent people?
Cuz you'd be the top of a few lists right now, AlexisFox.
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I have never used MLGA. Hella lots of players have never used it. So no, it was not working already because not everyone was using it.
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I have the right to enjoy the game that I paid for and if I don't want to play against a toxic person that only wants to grief others then I shouldn't have to. It's as simple as that.
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I was told that by a player who didn't want me in his team in future as a survivor he had noted my name and the typical characters I run and would exit the lobby if I was ever in the same lobby as him. He was most emphatic about that.
For a while (I was new to the game and still learning) I considered stopping playing, but then another player told me there are toxic players in the game and I shouldn't care what they think so much.
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Maybe it'd work if the block list had a limited size, pretty sure that's how the avoid as teammate list in Overwatch works.
If you can only block 3-5 players or something you'd probably reserve the slots for genuinely unpleasant people like survivors hardcore sandbagging you, people saying stuff that should get them banned after the match or killers genuinely "playing for salt" first and foremost, and even if you fill it with people that are simply better than you there's no way you can block enough people for it to really screw with matchmaking. Make the blocks only last a week as well so you can't keep people permanently blocked.
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Of course you have the right to enjoy it, but you don't have the right to demand features and expect your demands to be complied with, which is how you're coming across. If it's that important to you personally, you have already identified the solution - use MLGA.
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Firstly the thread is titled 'Feature Request' that is not a demand, it's a request for a new feature. The post itself explains my feelings on the matter. Second if you had read further down the thread you would have seen where I point out that MLGA does not work anymore because of dedicated servers. All matches use the same IP address because you are always connecting to the same server every match. Due to that MLGA is unable to associate your 'block' with the IP of another player as those IPs are no longer visible client side. Thus the reason for the request of a feature that helps us deal with players that are genuine problems.
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I read the entire thread. It wasn't the title of the thread that made you come across as entitled and demanding, it was your comments to people further down.
I hadn't realised that about MLGA, because you didn't actually say it didn't work anymore, you just said "before dedicated servers you could use MLGA" and I didn't catch the implication there, so sorry about that.
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Ok, let's look back at my comments. You had responded by saying it was a bad idea and giving some details on why you thought so. So I then posted about how MLGA was doing it before which is simply a counter-argument to the points you had brought up. You had also mentioned an article about Overwatch which someone else repeated later on when I felt that my points on the use of MLGA before dedicated servers addressed the invalidity of that article. So in response I said that they failed to read the previous posts because they didn't offer anything new to the discussion. The next few comments are people again not really adding anything new just stating that they agree with the article and one person calling me belligerent for what I'm assuming is because I called the article stupid. Note that I not once insulted anyone or demanded anything yet and I have now been verbally attacked for no reason. I respond to the negativity by stating that I have the right to enjoy a game and protect myself from people that only want to spoil that enjoyment of the game. That brings us up to where we are so please, where am I being entitled and demanding? Is it where I said that I have a right to enjoy a game I paid for? Because you agreed with that didn't you?
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You came across quite dismissive and aggressive, not only by dismissing the article as stupid but by implying that people were only disagreeing with you because they hadn't read your post. Things like insulting people's comprehension skills and using caps lock also helped to convey a sense of frustration and aggression.
You said you have the "right" to enjoy the game and to be able to avoid anyone who impacts said enjoyment, which in the context of the post seemed to be saying that you had the "right" to have a feature implemented which allows you to do so. That's what made you sound entitled and demanding, because really, you don't have the right to anything except what you agreed to in the EULA when you bought the game.
I hope that clears things up. I'm clearly not the only person who got that impression of hostility, and I'm not really interested in arguing back and forth about whether or not the impression was justified. I'm just pointing out that that is how it came across, and this is why, and leaving it up to you to decide whether you might be able to do something differently so as not to give people that impression in future.
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As I said, I did not insult anyone and that also applies to their comprehension skills. I stated that posts were not read. I said nothing about not understood, only that they were completely passed over and there is nothing insulting about that. As for all caps on a portion that is not a sign of aggression that is emphasis on those words in order to draw the eye to them because they are important. It is a basic part of writing when you want to have a reader put extra focus on a specific part of a message since even when skimming through something people will generally stop and read something in all caps. Also now that you are seeing where you've made mistakes you are backtracking and saying I don't have the right to enjoy the game when you previously did say I have the right to do so. My post about my right to enjoy the game also never said that the only option was this suggested feature. That post was in response to people implying that there should be no way to avoid players you don't want to play against. There are many ways the devs could implement various tools to help with the problem, I suggested this one because I believe it to be the simplest and most effective solution. Now, did I call the article stupid out of frustration, yes I did. Because it was already addressed and being brought back up with only 1 post in between the rehash and where it was originally brought up, with a link to the article in the first post about it even. Clearly that poster hadn't even read or skimmed through the posts which is a rather frustrating thing to deal with. As for the EULA, that is a legal document but it does not encompass the full breadth of your rights associated with the purchase and use of the game as evidenced by innumerable court cases covering countless other such agreements in and out of the gaming industry where such agreement either did not provide stipulations for or the stipulations provided were in some way flawed. That is the nature of such civil agreements. It simply is not possible to cover all rights you have in such a document, so to say that the only rights I have in relation to the game are those provided for in the EULA is an ignorant statement and false.