Trying to balance chases and tracking.

Mercury Member Posts: 326
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

If they want to try to break things down and find balance, they'd have to alter some things during a chase. Chases need to end quickly, either by losing or winning them- ie. the survivor hiding of the killer downing them.

This is the main problem, since we're facing maps which enable window and pallet loops. I wish they would implement something in the next ptb, along the lines of this:

The entity's direct link to the pallets enables it to mess with abusers. Running through the same pallet more than/equal to two times darkens your senses, making you unable to sense close-by danger. (This would quite literally turn the Killer invisible for the time being. It would stop immediately, if the survivor is hit/downed, the chase has ended or they drop the pallet.) It would have the same effect as if you had been pulled into the dream world.

I know this seems drastic, but pallet abuse shouldn't even be a thing and this would just be the alternative to the window blockers, but for pallets. It's now the high risk of being hit when trying to loop.

I don't want to dive into individual killer tweaks right now, since I'd be writing for ages.

IF that change ever came into play, I'd also like them to add something on the survivor's end. I would really like to see them implement efficent hiding tools, other than lockers. Those 'pockets of shadows' we were promised back in the doctor release never really made the cut and it's quite sad.

I would also want to talk about tracking survivors, since I feel like it is way too hard to hide, once you have been found. I know that you can't win all chases and I'm fine with it, but there should be some changes to give a better chance at hiding. I'd simply like to suggest some to you guys.

Tracking is one of the things that bring quite a few mechanics into the game, like scratchmarks, blood and audio cues. While not all of them need a lot of balance, some could use some tweaks.

Blood. This is probably the main factor why I've always been found after throwing them off my tracks. In my opinion, the pool of blood on the ground should change in some ways, when the survivor is either running, walking or crouching. While running obviously there are no drastic changes. They would bleed normally as it is now. While walking the bleeding should slow down slightly, only dropping a pool of blood every three seconds. While crouching, the same as walking applies, but the pool of blood itself is smaller in size.

Audio cues. All I really want to talk about here are some things like breaking totems and using lockers. As we probably all know, there is an audio bug that male characters don't make a sound while breaking totems. I actually would like to keep this feature, as long as the totem is not a Hex totem. It kind of feels right, that the survivors don't really make a sound while breaking a dull totem.

About lockers- I always wonder why they have to be so squeaky. Should slowly opening them make a sound at all? Could we get an option to create a false entrance into a locker, like slamming its doors, even though we don't enter it?

Breathing and drops- Dropping down from a ledge or something causes survivors to grunt out in all sorts of ways, that I can't imagine what they feel at that moment. I was hoping that we either finally get a perk to mask this grunty pleasure or enable the survivor to hold his breath for a short amount, drowning out those dropping sounds. After holding the breath for a while, breathing would be sped up for some time, which could function well with stridor.

I think we can agree, that if chases have been balanced, that tracking a survivor should be a little more of a challenge. I'd like to hear some of your thoughts about this.

Until then, have fun fellow fog travelers.

Post edited by Mercury on


  • FixCampDotExe
    FixCampDotExe Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2018

    I pretty much agree with you, this game need more sneaky actions during a chase. It's sad that most chases can't end otherwise than the killer switching target. It also could make chase perks more viable.
    On the other hand, I think it's too late for pallet reworks regarding the constant nerfs these months, mainly the last one who makes it so easy to hit a survivor while he's dropping the pallet.

    I don't think your ideas are enough to make chases more dynamic because most people right now are fed with the tunneling mechanic who garanties more chances to kill (depending the map and player) but it's a beginning.