Pay to win,

This game is terribly unbalanced and pay to win 100% honestly even if you started with all unlocked character and skills it would still be unbalanced killer and survivors should be the same speed with a limited sprint or moving ability for the killer (survivors should be able to sprint too obivously)

Pick up movement speed by about 25% for all characters and youd be good to go.


  • Tylerja1
    Tylerja1 Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2019

    Now im not even saying its a bad game im finding it fun but basically unplayable half the time because killers are op and started with a crappy lvl 1 kill vs rank 6-14 max level survivors is unfair as hell

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708

    Well, this shows you are a new player to the game and have no experience.

    Majority of players who played this game for a while will know that game is nowhere near being "Killer OP". Game is survivor sided, as long as survivors know what they are doing, killer has literally zero chances to win (in game's terms at least; which is pip to gain a rank).

    This of course requires good survivors to be on the same team, not necessary in a SWF (Survive with Friends; premade), but if they are in SWF, it boosts their survivability through the roof.

    Game isn't p2w either, the most of the strongest killers are free to play and you can get rest out of the best for the playtime. Perks are also unlockable through the shrine, which is accessible just through the playtime (or just unlocking a killer/survivor).

    About the speed of characters. Once again, if a survivor is decent, they will run killer for most of the match, if said killer player doesn't either switch targets when needed to or have a decent plan for the end game (i.e. 3 generators nearby to defend).

    Dead by daylight, even though I agree, that balance is out of whack and needs readjustments, the problems you said aren't any issues at all. This game is one of the least ones, where after few hundred hours of playtime you stop being considered a newbie, that time is around 400-500 hours, after which you can be called a "decent" player, not a newbie without grasp of game knowledge.

    Back in 2016, that time was considered to be ~300 hours, if you had less, people straight out called you a newbie for not knowing a game and telling you about lack of knowledge due to your limited playtime and lack of game experience.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The speeds can be hard to get used to, and do feel unfair at first. If you're finding it difficult to get away from the killer, don't run in a straight line - try using obstacles like windows and pallets to your advantage to put distance between the killer and yourself.

    You can also check out my guide for new players right here on the forum:

    There's an entire section in there devoted to running away from the killer. You'll also find a lot of other helpful community-made guides in that section of the forum, if things like video guides are more your speed.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I agree that the game is pay to win. Many of the greatest killer perks are gated by licenced dlc killers, but there are still many perks that are meta and essentially free once you grind for enough shards.

    As for your movement speed complaint... giving killers and survivors a universal movment speed would throw a wrench into the "delicate" balance that is this game's chase mechanics. Loops like the Wretched Shop, the Cow Loop, and every jungle gym would become unwinnable. The survivor could hold W and essentially never be touched and often never have to use the pallet.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    This game is far from Pay2Win, actually most of the strongest killers in the game are free. Nurse, Huntress and Billy. Spirit is the only exception. If you're talking about perks than you can earn them through the Shrine when they pop up or grind shards enough to buy the killer you want (except licensed for obv reasons).

  • DeathEscape
    DeathEscape Member Posts: 313

    What fun is there if the killer has the same speed us you? There will be No challenge

    If you are new then learn how to play better

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    All the best characters and (most) perks are free from the getgo and others you can unlock with shards either through the store (9k shards per non-licensed dlc character) or the shrine (2k shards per teachable perk).

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    First time here? Well get used to it but if the game was like u said it be complete trash and most people wouldn't play it saying that survs and killers are supposed to be the same speed?? Did u even read wat u just typed?? The killers are supposed to be faster than the survs that's how it is supposed to be and always will, also shows that if ur typing this here means u just suck at the game and I suggest u either practice or leave cuz there are why more toxic things than "killers being faster"

    Also I believe ur new to a 1v4 type of game so let me give u advice this community as alot of toxic people amd ur highly likely gonna be hurt by them since u think killers are op, if you played as much as half of us here the survs has a huge advantage especially in a swf

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    This game is not P2W and its surprisingly balanced

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I can tell you're new and that is okay. The game for new players feels like killers are op when this isn't the case. I also don't think the game is p2w as some of the best killers are free

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    While some good perks are hidden behind paywalls, especially with licensed characters (DS, BBQ, STBFL, Franklin's, the list could go on) they can all be earned in due time, which is much better than a lot of games.

    The grind is long, but if you put the time in you will get better and do well. Sure, killer is faster than survivor, but survivors have pallets and windows to gain distance. As well as exhaustion perks to give even more distance. It's all about how you play. Survivor has a decent skill ceiling to it... you just have to play a little bit to gain experience first.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Why are you here if you think the game is trash? I would like a legitimate answer.

    Most people aren't toxic here. There are way worse communities out there. There are people who will be toxic, but those who are, are few and far between. Don't fill the new player's head with lies. We want to welcome new people to the community.

  • Tylerja1
    Tylerja1 Member Posts: 38

    Dude 1st off if they had the same speed both survivors and Killers would have to out maneuver one another and its seriously easier to do that as a killer.

    How often do you think survivors win compared to killers? Cause basically everything ive seen has been ppl saying killers are op which they are. Ecspecially when they know what they're doing or even depending on the map can basically insure killer Victory.

  • Tylerja1
    Tylerja1 Member Posts: 38

    And then on top of that some killers are waaay faster then others ecspecially the bought ones, freddie is a very good example although quick he can also put his enemies to sleep? I mean not saying its not cool but yeah it's hella op