Can trapper be able to carry 2 traps by default?

Trapper will eventually get an update or maybe a rework. But that will take awhile.
In the mean time, can trapper be able to carry 2 traps by default?
I'm not asking for him to start with 2 traps, just to be able to carry them.
This should be a simple change in the code (I assume it's changing a 1 to a 2 somewhere) and would make it so trapper doesn't need to always use a bag addon. Because he feels naked without one. And would allow more variety in his addons without having to carry 1 trap at a time.
The addons won't need to change either, they can stay exactly how they are.
This is a small buff to trapper, but it would really help him a lot.
Is it possible we could just slap this change into the 3.5.0 update? @Peanits @not_Queen ?
There are so many simple number changes that could be made to drastically increase quality of life for a lot of Killers, this being one of them. I don't understand how this hasn't been implemented yet. It's probably the most common suggestion I see for Trapper.
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No. He has addons to increase the amount of traps.
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He would not be overbuffed when carrying two Traps, or even three traps, or five Traps. If he would start with all of his Traps, it also has the side effect that Survivors dont know instantly that the Killer is Trapper, when spawning next to a Trap lying on the ground.
And well, it would be nice if the first Add On you would use for Trapper is not a Bag. Because that is how he works currently - Bag + another Add On. He has quite a variety of nice Add Ons, but a combination without a Bag can really hurt you.
So there is nothing wrong with having more Traps/the ability to carry more than one Trap.
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If they increase the amount of carried traps, they should add a dead area around pallets.
I'm tired of all those "smart" trappers, trapping every pallet.
Would make it even easier if they start with more than one by default.
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Its obviously to much impossible to change some slight numbers on certains killers.
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No, they shouldn't.
Do you actually fall for those? Whenever I do that it gets disarmed unless I herd someone there fast.
Not what I'm asking for.
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He should be able to carry 3 as baseline. His start up is too slow and with the ruin change it will be worse.
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I don't think he should get an increased number that he can carry. He should start with all his traps though.
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Until you spend like 40 seconds setting up traps, you're playing a M1 killer.
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That would be amazing, but I don't see the devs getting around to that very soon because Trapper isn't unfun to play against.
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Well... the 3.5.0 part was a long shot, it's pretty much right here already. 😅
Thanks for the reply. 👍
I hope the rest of the dev team agrees aswell😁
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That more of a "let's take time and really look into trapper" kind of change. His addons would require looking into, and possibily even change the way he goes about setting traps.
I'm proposing a more "gentle" approach.
Same as above. That would require the devs to really look into trapper, his addons and whatnot. And they have a busy squedule.
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Yes. The Trapster needs a well-deserved buff.
Simply give him two traps as default and update his bag add-ons accordingly.