Freddy is unfun to play against

Stay awake, rush gens. The game is so heavily in your favor with gen times I have zero sympathy.
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Their is 0 % chance of you being awake in a chase. Just like their is 0% chance of knowing if the pallet you are running too is fake if you haven’t been to that area. Just like their is 0% chance of stopping Freddy from spamming all of his pools at every loop.
Hence Freddy is unfun and his power does not rely on skill. It relies on spam and luck
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Lol no wonder the gamd is going downhill so fast. I escape freddy all the time and don't have to put much thought into it
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Try working on gens that are spread out, when they're done he can't warp to that part of the map anymore and you can cut his power off
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Even after his nerf, still probably one of the most overpowered characters in the game. Someone like Demogorgon has to take some thought and set portals, freddy? Nah, just teleport straight onto the gens and spam snares.
I don't play him because I would probably get carpal tunnel. The best way to play him is to literally spam snares as you walk.
Even if you are hitting the clocks to try and stay awake, you are probably going to be asleep half the game because it the passive sleep effect is so frequent.
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Nevermind the fact that the clock you need to wake up is across the map while you need to do the objective
It should be you can use any clock but your only allowed to use that one once.
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There is no such thing as an overpowered killer, learn to play instead of begging for nerfs
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Lel. Yeah, killers like hag have a 75% kill rate because the players using them are so talented. It's not like you just spam down traps at every pallet and collect your free hits. Killer main BTW.
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You can have 2 gens done before the first person falls asleep
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Another thread about nerfing a killer because a survivor can't bully them. *yawn*
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It's starting to really enrage me
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I think he's great! You're doing something wrong
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I agree with the title. I don't think Freddy is fun to play against. At the same time I don't think there is anything OP about him or unfair in any way. For me the whole sleep/awake thing with alarm clocks and all that just makes matches against Freddy feel like a different game, and it's just one I don't enjoy as much.
Of course my biggest reason for not enjoying Freddy matches is I because I have always been a huge Nightmare on Elm Street fan, and that was mainly because of Freddy. The reason I loved Freddy is because he wasn't your typical horror film killer. He made jokes. He had personality. There is really no way to convey that in DBD. Portraying Freddy without being able to portray his personality does the character an injustice.
I do realize there is really no way for BHVR to put his personality in the game. I'm not saying he shouldn't be there. I just don't think a dispassionate killer is true to the character, and as a huge fan it makes him feel like an impostor in a Freddy costume.
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I'm understand bro, but I'm pass the stage of anger. It's just disappointing to me now.
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Yeah lets just turn him back into a joke, that sounds fun enough for you?
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Maybe if you built him poorly.
He was not even that bad before the rework. Pill bottle freddy was like a wraith on steroids. I almost miss the old class photo + old remember me because you could drag the endgame out for ages.
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Uh oh. A survivor finds a killer unfun. How dare a killer kill a survivor. Nerf incoming.
You know what? Having god windows abused, and being looped is unfun. Nerf survivors. Take away their legs. Running OP.
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Especially getting trolled every match for hours in red ranks and then having to see all the "omg killer's too strong" posts from people with an hour of experience
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He wasn't fun to go against then, but he's also not really fun to go against now.
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Old Freddy had only had stall and tracking for his power.
I'll take a Freddy that's actually good in chases, thanks.
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What do you define as "fun" to go against? What makes a killer "fun" to go against?
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Old freddy, with a pill bottle or the old paint brush, you had no idea where he was coming from. Pill bottle was almost like a free hit.
"I will take my free hits with mindless snare/pallet freddy" thanks. omegalul. Stay bad my dude. Crutch on overpowered characters mutch?
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Because he's actually a good killer now.
Wow so unfun, please nerf.
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LUL a free hit for greedy survivors, sure. Sorry that your loops actually requires strategy to use now.
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A 7 second head start clearly.
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Yeah, when survivors had 0 idea where you were or where you were coming from, it was really hard to land a hit. You must think spirit is a weak character as well.
Try playing some survivor sometime, and come back and complain to me about balance. Looping in the majority of cases, requires outskilling the killer.
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I think we should go back to old Freddy so I can meme, again. No Power Freddy isn't what it used to be.
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Yeah. I mean, what does Freddy really do that other killers don't do? Puts you in the dreamworld that exists for no real reason anymore other than aesthetic effect? Has dream snares that slow you down?
That's what I don't get. People will say "I love going against Wraith and Bubba, but Freddy isn't fun".
My theory is - oh, he has fake pallets and dream snares. He's harder to loop. Not fun!
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So try to outskill Freddies snares.
You're a big one, I believe you can do it. Don't let me down now.
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It's impossible. You spam them as you walk, with no cast animation.
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Look at his hand. Play for stuns. Run for distance instead for loops.
Wow look at that you just outplayed Freddy.
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Impossibru you say? Hmmm. I manage to do it just fine. I don't always survive, but I do manage to run pretty much every Freddy I go against for a couple of gens.
I think what you mean is impossible for you.
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If you try to loop freddy around the pallet when you're in dream, then you're already lose. Also, if you try to abuse god loops, you lose too
As for the dream pallet, if you can identify which pallet is fake, then what's the point of the power?
Freddy is one of the killer you can't loop normally, so normally people think that he is unfun to play against because they refuse to adapt.
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"It should be you can use any clock but your only allowed to use that one once."
I could support this idea with a few tweaks. The farthest clock is always available, but the only option when you first fall asleep and the other ones unlock after a certain amount of time. Once you used every clock your only option is the farthest one.
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It's reboot freddy, very different personality who doesn't talk as much. Still would be fun if we got classic freddy with a few lines like Ash.
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Is Freddy just Nurse Part Deux for the baddies who rely on loops instead of actually getting good and learning stealth?
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Yes because placing a portal near a gen takes soo much more thought than just teleporting. Heck with Demo if you place them near a gen but still hide it so you could sneak up on them and get a first easy hit while people would just run when they see blood coming from the gen. Not to mention the fact Demo keeps his map pressure and mobility even after that gen is done. Yeaahh Freddy’s teleporting is so much stronger am I right. The snares are a bit more annoying yeah but not overpowered. In the end it’s the same as Clown only Clown needs to reload every 5 seconds.
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Fixing Gen, get into sleep. run across the map (15sec), wake up (4sec), run back to the Gen you're working on (15sec).
I mean its roughly 30-40sec that you're always from Gen. Just to get into sleep again in 60sec. Beside that you're awake, its hard to see him, its more likely to get a hit and put to sleep. Being asleep let you able to see him and loop him. Not worth to wake up for me.
Consider the new Ruin dont let you off the Gen. You have to stay on Gen asleep.
I dont like to play as Fred or against him. I bought him only for perks. I prefer to play as Trapper.
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Do the snares even do anything? I never notice any slowdown
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So...taking something already ridiculously easy...and making it easier?
Is this really the lengths survivors are willing to go in logic to nerf a killer? Oh my goodness.
You know...all the dream world really passively does is making it harder to judge the direction Freddy is coming at you from, right? And if that's what you're having trouble with..well, the problem isn't with Freddy.
Like seriously, imagine playing against a Freddy and worrying about waking up instead of doing a generator.
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Yeah, it's nice if you have a strong map and none of the pallets have been used. But what about when you have a weak map, and you fall asleep just as the freddy is starting to chase you?
Begin the snare spam. You can mash M2 as you walk and it will be super effective.
Or alternatively, you can spam fake pallets as pallet freddy. It takes way less skill to do, but will get you some free downs just the same.
Killer is hard, you gotta hit M2 to get some downs every now and then between instantly teleporting to gens with BBQ. I remember when you had to saw over to them with billy.
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There's like 3 strong killer maps out of ALL the maps in the game. ALL of the other maps are EXTREMELY survivor sided with the way tiles spawn. Even then, the 3 maps that are strong for killers are balanced and aren't exactly weak for survivors.
You can only put down 10 snares, and they are bright red and easy to avoid. Just stop trying to loop the same pallet and go for stuns. Get distance.
If a Freddy is "spamming" fake pallets, it makes it RIDICULOUSLY easy to figure out which ones are fake. A good Freddy is strategically placing them, not spamming them.
Freddy does not instantly teleport. It takes 2-3 seconds and survivors are given visual warning to get a head start, and BBQ is easily countered.
This is just a case of you needing to adapt, and learn to loop something that isn't a god window or safe pallet.
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I don't think he's unfun to play against, I just hate playing against him. Main reason is because I don't own him so I have no idea how he plays as a Killer & also I barely see him as a Killer when I play Survivor so I have a hard time playing against him.
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You can also wakeup with a missed skillcheck, survivors are not good at those remember the ruin nerf.
I don't understand your "snare"spam freddy is behind the survivor and can not place the snare infront, freddy is great to cut off random trash tile loops placing snares left and right and going through the middle, the trick is not to keep waiting).
His powers do not affect you when you are not in the dream world. He teleports instantly? Okay for me there is kinda like blood coming from the gen and the husk is coming out of it. 5sec at least?
Fake pallets, yeah it is really hard to stay awake.
BBQ has 7 counters in the game, i think that is enough.
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Small Game detects fake pallets.
It is somewhat easy to tell if the pallet is real or fake.
Top tier Freddy's prefer Snare's.
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Oh boy, here we go, x killer is unfun nerf train coming through. CHOO CHOO
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Just don't rush gens and prioritise waking up
If you are asleep before Freddy hits you then you did something wrong
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While I know the people crying about this are ridiculous, with this dev teams' track record I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they gut Freddy at some point.
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You dont loop Freddy like you do other killers if he has puddles. Do him like the clown, drop the pallet early and if your team is decent gen speeds carry the game.
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You are looking at it from a 1v1 perspective,gens can still,and will get done