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Why don’t people actually try and put the effort into learning nurse ?

I started nurse a few weeks ago and I’ve mastered the blink muscle memory, and I can catch any survivors who are out in the open or at pallets my only weakness are LOS blockers which I’m still learning and I am making progress at being able to catch survivors through there LOS blockers. So why doesn’t anyone play nurse SHES extremely good, my only motivation to start learning her was better I was tired of loops so I just started using her , I will admin i was absolutely bullied to oblivion by survivors but not that I’m starting to get the hang of her I’m getting more fear / respect and the bullies are going away


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  • Member Posts: 597

    I play on console and shes not my playstyle. I prefer stealthy killers such as The Shape or Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 344

    I absolutely hate how she gets fatigued or whatever after a blink. It's painful to be in mid-chase and listen to a survivor get away why I wait for the stun my own power caused me to go away. That and people, at least in my experience, are jerks to those that are bad at nurse. I've never been trolled so badly on any other killer if I didn't do well. People will literally stay last second in a match to troll me. Yes, I suck at nurse but playing her literally hurts. I can feel my self-respect and desire dying every time I try.

  • Member Posts: 318

    cause i find her jarring to play and i hate her mechanics? idk, just not my killer. why dont you put effort into learning clown? or bubba?

  • Member Posts: 371

    I try on ps4 and get some juicy blinks but many of the blinks are hits that I barely miss. I will keep trying

  • Member Posts: 628

    Old Nurse- could blink around the map at will asnd when she found a survivor still use a double blink to catch them.

    New nurse, must choose between blinking for map pressure or making sure she has both blinks ready for when she finds a survivor.

    Thats kind of the crux of it, I was never a hardcore Nurse-main but that was her biggest strength.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    The cooldown kills alot of fun, by interrupting the gameflow. Other killers have a cooldown too, but atleast they are still faster than the survivors during it. Add in dedicated servers, and the multitude of gamebreaking bugs she has right now, and she can be really frustrating alot of the times, unless you already mastered her.

    She is still the strongest killer, but the massive punishment for mistakes leads away most people trying to get good with her.

  • Member Posts: 822

    The stun time is so much longer than it was before and people have lives to live, it was somewhat manageable before but now you spend so much time in cooldown learning is slow and unrewarding

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Too much effort, too little payoff. If I want fast downs I'll play Billy who is also fun, or GF for funny plays.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Because of console fps

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Honestly the first two comments sum up my opinion.

    PS4 frame rate makes it a nightmare on some maps, alongside the low "max" sensitivity.

    The constant "stun" isn't really a fun mechanic to play/experience over and over and over.

    I use to play Nurse a ton on PS4 and was actually really good at her. I would bring her into matches when I was hitting red ranks, but you can lose track of her blinks so easily if you stop playing her for a few days or jump to another game with different sensitivity. For this reason I felt the "upkeep" at staying a great Nurse player was just too much trouble and was not actually fun.

    Since the Nurses change I find she has become even more difficult to play on PS4 now because you can be punished so much easier on a slightly poor blink. Thanks to the charge system it makes it difficult to recover from such situations with controller smooth 360s and frame rates.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    The cooldown makes her annoying to play as. It's not fun. I used to like the challenge of trying to play her on PS4... I was never good as her, I just enjoyed landing precise blinks... but it's no longer rewarding.

  • Member Posts: 442

    I was barely competent with her before rework with distance add on and monitor and abuse. Now I lose chases very often because of the recharge. Killer feels miserable enough to play. Don’t need extra credit.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    Nurse is very powerful, and as someone who plays a lot of her, I can say this much - regardless of your level of skill, she's just.. so fkin' awkward to play now. Weird cooldowns break the flow of her gameplay, making her feel clunky and unsatisfying. But hey, we're in the era of "add a cooldown", so this is likely going to touch all killers in the future.

  • Member Posts: 81

    I play on PS4 and my biggest issue is sensitivity and the difference between console and pc are night and day , on pc I can do a full 360 blink so yeah

  • Member Posts: 96

    Yea they give me migraines. Wish they took away that screen darkening. Physically pains me to play them

  • Member Posts: 529

    Nurse is simply too much effort for little reward. You will learn spirit faster with similar or even better results. They certainly overnerfed her, since i have seen 4 nurses since the nerf. 3 of them got 0k as well

  • Member Posts: 86

    Personally she's too slow, but blinks aren't fun especially when she stares at the floor intensely after she blinks. Not a fun killer to play as.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    Not true. I can play games without add-ons and still do very very well. The only times I feel like I need add-ons are on large maps where I feel like I need range to maintain map pressure, or against good SWF groups where I feel I need cooldown to not get punished as hard for missing a blink.

    My favorite add-on is Spoon because it means I get Stridor without having to equip Stridor. I also really like the one that gives undetectable. Oh and the one that makes them scream is fun too.

    I agree about the hits though. Sometimes it's like "how did that miss??"

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    First she gives me a headache to play as her more than 3 games in a row.

    Second I like to play all killers and mixing up like that messes with your muscle memory from what I hwar from long time players.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    I have actually swung at a survivor, the survivor just started vaulting a pallet, and it somehow counts as the pallet

  • Member Posts: 360

    I actually played Nurse for the first time yesterday.

    The first game was god awful on Lery’s, but the second game I was really proud of. I blinked towards a generator that I heard was being worked on right at the start of the match and immediately grabbed a Claudette off of it. I started landing my blinks more compared to the first game and ended up 4king that game and getting the Adept Nurse trophy.

    I can see the fatigue being an issue with some people and probably the reason a lot of people drop her though, but I get why it’s there (or else there’d be nothing stopping her from wrecking absolutely everything).

  • Member Posts: 1,142

    She just isnt my playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 223

    She needs her base speed increased, the cool down on the blinks removed, or the stun removed.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    Yeah, this thread has had me thinking of the Nurse really NEEDS the fatigue as a balance anymore. It probably served as such when Nurse could blink at will but now the cooldown serves basically the same purpose.

  • Member Posts: 167

    Because it's not their style? I know she's good, but I don't like her gamestyle. I HATE (the most in this game with all my heart) Billy and I don't really find Oni interesting, apart from mori animation and overall visual design. I like Ghostface, Pig, Myers. I might not have as good results, but I play for fun. It's matter of preference.

  • Member Posts: 636

    I feel sick when she fatigues, Legion is an exception as he fatigues once in a while but Nurse is constant!

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    I haven't met a single Nurse main that enjoys fatigue plus a cool down.

    The devs took away a lot of Nurse's potential, which is why people aren't playing her as much anymore.

  • Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2020

    I was practicing playing the nurse before they nerfed her base kit. The real problem with nurse was 6 blinks, not to mention all of her addons but the reduced fatigue are garbage now, and it is literally impossible to catch a survivor in two blinks, I mean literally, dead hard is her biggest counter now. You HAVE to wait for both of her blinks to recharge, one is too much of a gamble and it will hurt you way more if you miss it. To add on to the fatigue time aswell, IMO a huge mistake to nerf her basekit.

    She's not S+ anymore, infact I would put her at the bottom of S nobody learns nurse because the payoff for being raped hundreds of hours to finally become good with her is not worth it anymore as she does not have the tools in her base-kit like she should. I don't play nurse seriously anymore, I don't even think shes very good anymore. The best you can do is fatgue addons, range addons take too long to wind up. However I do still get 4ks but that's just thanks to matchmaking the best killer is probably spirit. I'm not counting "those" nurse players that have played her since day 1 she came out and can end games in under 60 seconds I haven't seen one in god knows how long.

  • Member Posts: 223

    She’s like third tier now assuming you are great with her, if you are not she’s the worst killer. I would not be surprised if her kill rate is under 40%.

  • Member Posts: 814
    edited January 2020

    Nurse was strong. I agree she needed nerf, but she got 2 and this killed her.

    Removing 3 blinks? Ok

    Adding recharge mechanic? Ok

    Combine both of these? #########? Because of lack of 3 blinks you just can't even try to blink (don't even start with her 3blinks but not through wall, its pathethic), because of recharge mechanic she is no longer high mobility killer.

    Making mistake with Nurse means you loose survivor who pays attention. With other killers (maybe except Legion) its just one more loop.

    She has been hit too hard (fatigue after pallet stun again? Are you kidding devs?) and no longer is worth the effort.

    Well this also means that there are very few Nurses, so most people don't know how to deal with them and thus they have easier time... But it takes to meet one good survivor to hate her for ever.

    Edit: There are 2 things i like in this rework though: auto blink after fully charged and ability to go back. Those 2 addons are fun to play with.

  • Member Posts: 443

    People got mad they raised her skill ceiling and bought into the "nurse is awful now" bs that people kept spewing. However, she has never been a popular killer in terms of people's favorite killer to play. There was a poll not too long ago about who everyone's favorite killer was and she had the least number of votes for both favorite to play as and favorite to play vs. The reason her playrate likely went down is because of the perception that she's no longer absurdly overpowered like she was before. She's definitely still overpowered and should get reworked at some point, but she's more tolerable to play vs now. Her design isn't fun to play but people would play her because she was overpowered and her skill ceiling was really low. People had fun with easier wins, not the actual killer herself. Now that the ceiling has been raised, that aspect is gone.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Idk about others, but i don't bother to learn to play her until they get rid of her annoying breathing and gasps and all that.

    And i know that's never going away since it's part of her character, but i really greatly dislike having to listen to that every match, so it'll just never happen.

  • Member Posts: 443

    She's still stronger than spirit and in no way was it an over nerf. Of course spirit is significantly easier and the average player will perform better on spirit. But, nurse is still a stronger killer with higher potential for great nurse players.

  • Member Posts: 1,009
    edited January 2020

    i didn't even like her back in her SSS tier days. I'm not a fan of her fatigue motion. I find it more bearable on Legion even though it doesn't make sense on him. Why does Frank have many attacks after running a short distance?

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    I play video game for fun. After her nerf, she is not fun to me anymore, even if i 4k.

  • Member Posts: 223

    She is not overpowered right now what are you talking about? Like everybody else has already said here, she definitely needed a Nerf yes, but she was nursed so hard that she is now not even average. Maybe on pc, I don’t know there, but on console, she is at the bottom of the pile against any survivor who can play good.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I enjoy the stealth killers too, just more fu and feels like my favorite type of horror movies.

  • Member Posts: 443

    The only thing relevant to me is pc. Idc about console. The game is designed and balanced around mouse and keyboard. Nothing else should really be considered with regards to balancing. Console either needs it's own, separate balancing/patches or it needs to get the same changes as pc.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    I think it's because of the stigma of people thinking she's actually bad now. I will admit she probably is just because of some bugs but I'm not a Nurse player so I haven't played her at all post update, and can't say for sure. I still don't think a fully functioning Nurse current version would be bad.

  • Member Posts: 223

    I’d like to see her kill rate across the board and at red ranks. I bet it’s lower than most killers even at red rank Because like I said, any good survivor can run her foBecause like I said, any good survivor can run her for a very long time because they not only needed her base kit, they also limit her blinks to two + stun + c/d for next blink.

  • Member Posts: 404
    edited January 2020

    Your ignorance is baffling. Being a PC player myself, I find it hilarious that you fail to recognize that the issue is not "balancing" when it comes to console. The devs are ######### at optimization. And that has nothing to do with being "balanced around mouse and keyboard". The devs. Are #########. At optimization. And if they didnt want to optimize/balance things for consoles, they never would have released it for said consoles in the first place. After all this time, the way this game plays for my console brethren is laughable.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Member Posts: 96

    I stopped because the fatigue visuals gave me migraines along with how constant it is

  • Member Posts: 443
    edited January 2020

    Oh i completely understand that console is terribly optimized. Companies like behavior put the game on consoles because it will greatly increase the money they make. Then, they just ignore the consoles because they aren't interested in putting in the time or effort to do anything about it. All of my other points still stand. The game is balanced around mouse and keyboard and the original post i responded to is irrelevant to me because they are talking about balance on console. Optimization was never brought up by anyone and wasn't relevant to his point nor mine.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • Member Posts: 443

    That's a fair reason. The nurse is just a terribly designed killer in almost every aspect. She just needs to be reworked.

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