Why Survivors should protest the Bloodlust Nerf



  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    @ChraizE said:
    I think killers will get bloodlust faster but just that bloodlust 3 will be gone?

    nope, same timeline, but Tier 2 is now going to be what is 1.5 now and 3 will be the same speed as 2. So, yeah, if you see a Nurse DC, and if not, Loop all day, no need to fear, no need to even run DS anymore, you wont get caught...

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    @lyric said:
    The rate you gain bloodlust is getting a buff while the speed is making bl3 now become bl2 is the nerf but it’s kind of not a nerf if you gain the bloodlust faster , who makes it all the way to bl3 anyway?

    No, the time is the exact same, at least that is what their chart said, and who makes it to BL3? Killers who have to deal with a 4 man Flashlight Dwight SWF... Those of us who dont dodge you guys, who dont MIND the SWFs if we have a semi decent option to counter the ridiculous loops. You say that if a killer cant down a 4 man SWF looper in 30 seconds, then they are bad killers, then why is it that 86.4% of the community are Toxic loopers?!?! because the majority of killers are bad? Otherwise, these SWFs would not last as long as they do. But they do, because even WITH BL3, they can still loop the killer all day long...


    And, as I have said a few times AFTER the original post, as well as the actual original post, I am NOT in it for the easy win, I want to have fun in games. Playing Amanda is fun, Playing Nurse strictly because you are tired of getting Looped by Daylight, not so fun. Variety is more then just buying different clothes for your Nurse, I want to play other Killers too, but, if you want to protect the Bloodlust Nerf, cool, just be willing to play games against no one but the Nurse...

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    @powerbats said:
    BL ins't that big of a deal for me**. Since I'm a stealthy player not someone that runs in full view of the killer and endlessly loops them,.**

    then why are you fighting SO DAMN HARD against it?!?! If it really is such a non issue for you?!?! Seems a little more than a "non issue".

    My Logic: If you are fighting SO hard against it, it is more than a non-issue for you

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    @TheBean said:
    I don't wear pants while playing this game...

    Easy Access, Baby!!

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2018

    @lyric said:
    Dude bloodlust really does nothing against loopers though because it resets when you break a pallet it’s only useful for window infinites unless you refuse to break the pallet and run in circles for five minutes as a strategy, and bamboozle would be way more effective than waiting on bloodlust if that’s a common problem for you 

    it isnt a problem for me, since it is still in the game...

    (I dont break pallets if I am TRYING to get BL, and I dont use it against players who are actually TRYING to get away, chases dont last that long, it is only against the toxic loopers who have no intention of playing the game, Loop or DC, that is their life)

    And, Killers really only need it when they are playing any other killer than the Nurse or n00bs. If they take it away, you will still be able to loop to your hearts content, THAT will never go away, it is the only thing keeping this game alive

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @billynair said:

    @only1biggs said:
    Nurse is BS. Many of the Nurse addons make her even more BS.

    I honestly do NOT understand why people cry about Nurse with Blink Addons, it makes her so much harder to use. I cant ever get a kill with the 3+ addons. the ONLY people who could cry about this are those who are cancer and love to juke the blinks and HATE the eff out of Nurses who learned how to counter this...

    I cant use them as Nurse but can juke them as survivor pretty easy once I hear that 3rd blink (I know they cant blink as far on the 2nd and 3rd blinks, so easier to juke). Unless I am the first one hit by a camping nurse, I kind of feel less pressure and can usually get out the gates against the 3+ blink nurses

    EDIT: yes, Nurse is BS, she makes the game fair, and, since you dont want this, you need to fight the Bloodlust Nerf so that you can face more than just one damn killer, THIS is the whole purpose of this post!!)

    Hi Billy

    You have just assumed an awful lot about me and how I play this game, so let me correct you on a few things and then you can go about crying...whatever it is you are crying about...

    I'm not an ochido wannabe. I'm a killer main (if you have to put me in a box), but split my time between both sides.

    I don't cry about Nurse. She is BS because she ignores every mechanic in the game and is boring to play against.

    If you can't get kills with Nurse then you are probably garbage at the game, but who cares, it's not a competitive game, so go nuts.

    I'm not sure you understand what fair means, given your edit, so...I'm not going to bother.
    Bad plays from bad killers should not be rewarded with a speed boost. This has been my problem with Bloodlust the entire time. But, fair is fair, right? -.-

    Have fun, Billy!

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    billynair said:

    @lyric said:
    Dude bloodlust really does nothing against loopers though because it resets when you break a pallet it’s only useful for window infinites unless you refuse to break the pallet and run in circles for five minutes as a strategy, and bamboozle would be way more effective than waiting on bloodlust if that’s a common problem for you 

    it isnt a problem for me, since it is still in the game...

    (I dont break pallets if I am TRYING to get BL, and I dont use it against players who are actually TRYING to get away, chases dont last that long, it is only against the toxic loopers who have no intention of playing the game, Loop or DC, that is their life)

    And, Killers really only need it when they are playing any other killer than the Nurse or n00bs. If they take it away, you will still be able to loop to your hearts content, THAT will never go away, it is the only thing keeping this game alive

    I guess I can agree with some of what you’re saying but we all have our opinions, me personally I would never leave the pallet unbroken and keep trying to loop with the survivor but that’s just me , I never TRY to get bloodlust in a match 
  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    You shouldn't even see bloodlust 2 popping up during your matches or just very shortly. If you see and use it that much, then that nerf is aimed at you, because you are playing the tiles wrong. Its a reminder that your general gameplay is still very flawed.
    And bloostlust 3 should've never been in the game, its only used for trolling.
    The nerf is fine. Now i would really like to see infinites balanced, but we're going full circle here. 2 years later.....

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @billynair said:

    then why are you fighting SO DAMN HARD against it?!?! If it really is such a non issue for you?!?! Seems a little more than a "non issue".

    My Logic: If you are fighting SO hard against it, it is more than a non-issue for you

    Again you completely misquote my position after reading all my posts you try and Straw Man repeatedly. I could care less about the nerf since it doesn't affect me as a killer. Why because it's rare for me to ever get to BL2 and I've hit BL3 perhaps 5x.

    If I have to get to BL3 to catch someone then I'm being a bad killer end of story. If I hit BL2 and don't catch them then I'm a bad killer. If I hit BL2 and don't instantly down them that means i should've stopped chasing them and gone after someone else.

    So tell me again with your great logic and proof reading skills where I've ever once said I'm against it or fighting so hard against it?

    You can't because you know I've never done so and all your doing is making up things that you can then spam the forums and argue about.I mean even @Master who will stretch things from time to time never went this far.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    You underestimate the crybaby Survivors, OP. Once Bloodlust is nerfed, they will double down on the screams for a Nurse nerf until they get that too.

    Speak for yourself. I'd rather they bury the nurse then worry about bloodlust nerf. But you know, genius devs seem to think she's balanced.

  • Can't play nurse on Xbox One unless you love 15 FPS ;)

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Legacy_Zealot said:
    Can't play nurse on Xbox One unless you love 15 FPS ;)

    Buy a PC and COME TO THe DARK SIDE !!!!

    Besides not only do we have cookies we actually supply the milk too.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    bloodlust wouldn't even be needed if they simply stop allowing maps to spawn 15+ pallets with MOST of them being "safe" pallets.

    Make it a hard rule to spawn only 10 pallets per map but make them "safe" and you can remove bloodlust.

    EZ fix, not sure why the devs haven't tested this.

  • powerbats said:

    @Legacy_Zealot said:
    Can't play nurse on Xbox One unless you love 15 FPS ;)

    Buy a PC and COME TO THe DARK SIDE !!!!

    Besides not only do we have cookies we actually supply the milk too.

    Haha I have a PC but I got the game on Xbox because my friends have it, maybe I will get it on PC if you think its a lot better;)
  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    @powerbats said:

    @billynair said:

    then why are you fighting SO DAMN HARD against it?!?! If it really is such a non issue for you?!?! Seems a little more than a "non issue".

    My Logic: If you are fighting SO hard against it, it is more than a non-issue for you

    Again you completely misquote my position after reading all my posts you try and Straw Man repeatedly. I could care less about the nerf since it doesn't affect me as a killer. Why because it's rare for me to ever get to BL2 and I've hit BL3 perhaps 5x.

    If I have to get to BL3 to catch someone then I'm being a bad killer end of story. If I hit BL2 and don't catch them then I'm a bad killer. If I hit BL2 and don't instantly down them that means i should've stopped chasing them and gone after someone else.

    So tell me again with your great logic and proof reading skills where I've ever once said I'm against it or fighting so hard against it?

    You can't because you know I've never done so and all your doing is making up things that you can then spam the forums and argue about.I mean even @Master who will stretch things from time to time never went this far.

    cool. no need to dispute anything ive said, only say that you are teh l337 killzorz and no need to use BL, so, no need to adress this topic... I only said that Nurse will be the ONLY killer that you will see Post-Nurf, but you feel like you have some sort of input, cute, I dont care what you think you are , how l337 you are with killer, if the survivors want to play against ANY ohther killer from nurse, they willl try to tell the devs that they need to keep bloodlust... only to keep it so ANY OTHER FUXING KILLER has a chance against the pallet loop.

    If you are hellbent against the killer having a chance against pallet loops, then... you willl get 2 killers, : nurse, and killers who are not actually trying to kill

    only those 2

    1) someone not playing for real (on a Daily or messing around)

    2) someone who wants to actually play the game (aka Nurse)

    no other killer will be seen

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    It's already nerfed beyond recognition.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @billynair said:

    cool. no need to dispute anything ive said, only say that you are teh l337 killzorz and no need to use BL, so, no need to adress this topic... I only said that Nurse will be the ONLY killer that you will see Post-Nurf, but you feel like you have some sort of input, cute, I dont care what you think you are , how l337 you are with killer, if the survivors want to play against ANY ohther killer from nurse, they willl try to tell the devs that they need to keep bloodlust... only to keep it so ANY OTHER FUXING KILLER has a chance against the pallet loop.

    If you are hellbent against the killer having a chance against pallet loops, then... you willl get 2 killers, : nurse, and killers who are not actually trying to kill

    only those 2

    1) someone not playing for real (on a Daily or messing around)

    2) someone who wants to actually play the game (aka Nurse)

    no other killer will be seen

    Again with the logical fallacies, you still haven't refuted a single thing I said in my last post.You resort to the typical Ad Hominem, Straw Man and Red Herrings. If you're relying on BL3 YOU'RE A BAD KILLER. If you're constantly getting to BL 2 then you need to redo things.

  • billynair
    billynair Member Posts: 78

    I am not sure what the problem is. The only response to BL3 is "If you need it as a Killer, YOU are doing something wrong." So, basically, only the bad Killers need BL3 and 98% of all survivor main players who ever play Killer NEVER get past BL1, so there is no need for BL3. If this really is the case, then, why is there such a backlash against it? Why is there any need to remove it? (yes, BL3 is now BL2, with BL2 now at BL1.5).

    It has been weeks since I have gotten to BL3 in a serious chase (chasing to be funny doesnt count) so I know there isnt a huge need for it, but, why remove it? If the arguments posted here are truthful, then, shouldnt BL get a Buff rather than a Nerf?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @billynair said:
    I am not sure what the problem is. The only response to BL3 is "If you need it as a Killer, YOU are doing something wrong." So, basically, only the bad Killers need BL3 and 98% of all survivor main players who ever play Killer NEVER get past BL1, so there is no need for BL3. If this really is the case, then, why is there such a backlash against it? Why is there any need to remove it? (yes, BL3 is now BL2, with BL2 now at BL1.5).

    It has been weeks since I have gotten to BL3 in a serious chase (chasing to be funny doesnt count) so I know there isnt a huge need for it, but, why remove it? If the arguments posted here are truthful, then, shouldnt BL get a Buff rather than a Nerf?

    They already stated bl is getting a buff to it's base mechanics to smooth it out, that's been explained repeatedly in the thread. so I'm not sure what the point of your post is if it's already been explained multiple times why.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    powerbats said:

    @billynair said:
    I am not sure what the problem is. The only response to BL3 is "If you need it as a Killer, YOU are doing something wrong." So, basically, only the bad Killers need BL3 and 98% of all survivor main players who ever play Killer NEVER get past BL1, so there is no need for BL3. If this really is the case, then, why is there such a backlash against it? Why is there any need to remove it? (yes, BL3 is now BL2, with BL2 now at BL1.5).

    It has been weeks since I have gotten to BL3 in a serious chase (chasing to be funny doesnt count) so I know there isnt a huge need for it, but, why remove it? If the arguments posted here are truthful, then, shouldnt BL get a Buff rather than a Nerf?

    They already stated bl is getting a buff to it's base mechanics to smooth it out, that's been explained repeatedly in the thread. so I'm not sure what the point of your post is if it's already been explained multiple times why.

    That was a really long time ago, so I dont think it's guaranteed to happen.
    Regardless, BL was meant to be a bandaid fix for infinites. Now that they've nerfed the majority of them, it's only natural they'd start phasing BL out.
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    And this is y I main huntress if people wanna be dicks in a chase I can hatchet them its great for people trying to flashlight pallet