Slight change to Ruin

The ruin change to me really wasn`t that bad, it can be very strong if you keep those survivors off the gens.. My problem with ruin is the same problem i had with the old ruin, which is it being found in the first 30 seconds of the match.. So to fix it i thought of something that wouldn`t be too hard to do for the Dev team,they just set up ruin like they did with the pig`s trap...Ruin would not spawn on a totem until the first gen is popped.. then the survivors could find it a break it, that would give the ruin users time to use ruin at the beginning of the match without being popped so fast.. just a thought.. much love people
I kindly disagreee.
Ruin is not as big an annoyance as before for survivors, meaning it's not the highest priority early game. I find it really good as the previous version forced killers to all take the same skill...
If well used, that means with global pressure, the new ruin is very efficient, I mean, the gens do regress a lot and that allows the killer to not stop to break gens, therefore, increasing the pressure. If you're unlucky enough that survivors find it and do it really fast, then it maybe because you rush on it at the start. Many killers did and do, hinting survivors as to where the totem is. If not, I feel for you, losing a hex early game, always changes the game drastically. Remember you can also use haunted ground in order to protect your field a bit.
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@Airchtit i don`t feel you read what i posted to well, i did not say that the ruin changed was a bad thing.. All i said is that it still has the same problem it had when it was the old ruin,which is that it could be found in 30 seconds of the match! And that is because good survivors that have put alot of time in the game know where it spawns because they have put in the time.. And for the record i stopped using ruin way before the change even came up,i only say that because you seem to assume i use it.. But anyway i was only thinking of both sides of the game when i thought of the idea, because yeah it was hard for beginners to hit perfect skill checks but also thinking of killers also.. Much Love
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@UPLAYN2 I was more talking generally, no finger pointing here.
I don't think the new ruin needs to be changed, it does the job right. If anything, totems could have a skill check and hexed ones could have a harder one like the doctor's random position or silent skill checks.
That would make it a bit more challenging and would also prevent survivors from totem rushing in case of noed.