Make BBQ and chili a HEX



  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913


  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    Out of curiosity, what rank are you?

    Also like others have stated there are many ways to counter bbq

    1. hop into a locker

    2. hide behind a gen

    3. be near the killer when he hooks the survivor

    @Sairek I'm sure you could add on to the list

  • SanityNight
    SanityNight Member Posts: 101

    That is the worst reason ever to make BBQ a hex perk. Come up with a better reason first.

  • kreeper124
    kreeper124 Member Posts: 492

    Just stop replying to this bait. Clearly absolutely no one agrees, not even survivor mains, so let this post die off

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    It’s really only good for the extra BPs. Honestly, thrilling tremors is much better.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    They whole idea is ridiculous. You know BBQ&Chili exists, it is your fault if you get caught because of it. Survivors have aura reading perks as well, so you can know where the killer is and where he is headed. I prefer kindred, others prefer other perks. Some perks will tell you when the killer is looking in your direction. It's up to you whether or not you want to use aura perks or not, but they are there to be used, just as BBQ&C is for killers.

    Even if you don't have an aura reading ability, you could play it safe and assume that the killer has it, and MOVE. Not that hard to counter.

    Let's stop bringing up skill. It takes no skill to stay in one spot either. If you stay in one spot and wait for the killer to come to you, that is bad play on your part.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    No a hex is not fair, hex perks are supposed to be very strong in order to get rid of it, it can be cleansed. BBQ isn't strong enough with 7 available counters in the game already to it some of them even perkless.

    Why are you trolling, are you so desperate for human attention?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Why do survivors need so many second chance perks?

    BBQ is fine. Just hide in a locker. No locker? Hide behind a gen. No gen? Run one direction, count to five, run in the other. Not that hard. People act like the aura reading lasts 50 seconds, instead of 5.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    I'm sorry but the fact that you say that this game is supposed to be a "hide and go seek" kind of game kinda shows how much inexperience you have at playing as a survivor. No it's not just about being able to hide from the killer, a lot of it has to do with chases. I'll even quote Bricky (A DBD Youtuber) on this one. Even though his case files are a bit old, what he says about how killers are ranked still applies.

    The main factor that determines whether killer is 'high' or 'low' tier is this simple question:

    "Does the killer's ability help in the case?"

    If 'not', then the killer is low tier

    If the answer is 'yes', then it is high tier

    Otherwise, if it's 'maybe' or 'sort of', then it is mid tier killer.

    What does this have to do with nerfing BQ&C? It means that you should stop focusing on trying to hide from the killer so much and make up for it by improving your chase game. Because the last thing DBD needs is another nerf for the killers side.

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    Why is everyone saying this is a bait or troll post?

    I legit would like to know why EVERYONE uses the perk?

    because its overpowered and you are all just protecting it.

    Telling me to get good and all that crap is just being toxic, and you are all the reason why people aren't playing this game enough.

    You rely on aura reading abilities because the scratch marks and whining when injured and the gen silhouettes and obvious noises aren't enough to help you find people?

    Killers say to get skill but all I see is a bunch of killers that have no skill and rely on aura reading abilities to find survivors cause you aren't good at the game.

    Me asking for it to be a hex would not change anything about the perk but you would have to protect it like you did with ruin.

    Oh wait, wasn't ruin nerfed too? cause 80% of the killers were using it? (that's crazy)

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    Not everyone in this game has TIME to be the best in the game.

    Just because a twitch streamer and maybe yourself plays to be the best MOST people that aren't in this forum don't have time to even learn to loop or find ways to spin in circles around the killer.

    There is no such thing as sneaking around in this game anymore cause of these aura reading perks.

    I myself watch these videos about looping and I loop the killer but even if I do so it doesn't stop the abilities of other survivors that play for FUN and not to be the best.

    Killers win 70% of the time which in my opinion is not fair or even.

    If this game is skill based then shouldn't things be balanced and even and the skill be shown not be aura reading abilities showing where the survivors are at, at all times?

    Cause last time I checked the survivors were nerfed 4+ times in a row before the ruin nerf.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Survivors literally have several perks that ignore the stealth abilities of killers.... and yet, 'Killers have too many aura reading perks'??? Tell you what, we can put BBQ as a Hex; but let's also make things like Spine Chill, OoO, and other Survivor aura reading/detection perks unable to detect any killer using a stealth ability or mechanic -- killers like Phased Spirit, Ghostface, EW1 Myers, Freddy, Wraith, or any killer using something like Insidious.

    BBQ forces Survivors to have to stop gen-rushing and make a decision -- move within a certain range of the killer to avoid detection; find a locker to hide in; or move off their current objective for a few seconds and make their way back to it. Otherwise, stay working on your generator or inching your way to the hooked survivor while your friend gets hooked and let the killer know where you are. BBQ Is a pressure perk to force Survivors out of the comfort of caring about themselves and staying away from the killer.

    The problem is, most survivors from what I have seen, have an issue with anything that requires them to take time focusing on something that isn't a generator -- anything that interrupts their generator pushes will usually be complained about until the devs cave and nerf it in some shape or form because the general mentality is 'killers should have to play challenging games, but survivors should just be able to play for fun'.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    Why did so many killers have to use ruin? For what did they need it so bad and why have people been complaining that playing survivor is too easy now that gens get done so quick. That "80% of the players were using ruin" argument has been overused by now, and I could repeat what's been said about 10,000 times now.

    You need to learn the difference between what is a 'decent' perk and what is an 'overpowered' perk. Just because it's very good at helping the killer doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed.

    People are accusing you of baiting because you sound so much like an Entitled Survivor.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Imagine when they release new objectives and they actually have to do more than generators! Oh the agony!

    And what's with making every good perk a Hex?

    What about making survivor totems that the killer destroys to turn off their exhaustion perks or their decisive strike or ######### like that? I mean, if it's good for one side, why not make it work both ways, right?

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    If you have the audacity to complain about not wanting to be the best in the game, then don't complain about perks that you don't want to learn how to counter. I think you should stop playing DBD or any other competitive multiplayer game for that matter if you don't care to improve your skills instead of asking for the game to be easier for you.

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    I am not an entitled survivor.

    I play killer all the time and I don't use BBQ or any aura readin abilities cause I'm not bad at the game.

    Most of my games I would say 80% as the killer I win cause survivors try to gen rush and I instead of hooking survivors I drop them on the floor and focus the gens putting pressure on the survivors without knowing where they are. Me dropping the survivor will also have one of the other survivors to go help the one on the ground so I know thats 2 survivors no on gens so I go to the gen thats being focused and I ALWAYS find a survivor there cause they don't rotate to other gens. So that would be 3 survivors out not doing gens cause of one simple thing I did.

    I do agree that gens are too fast but I also think that ALL the aura reading abilities take zero skill.

  • ynos556
    ynos556 Member Posts: 7

    I also think bbq should be a hex. getting tired of playing with low elo people. Im rank 2(can never get to rank 1), and the MAIN issue I have are survivors getting caught and other survivors knowing what to do to counter it. Sure there are these "great methods" to counter some of these perks but what about to other new people who try to play the game. You have these new people coming in and not knowing what to do making it hard for others to play the game sufficiently. In my case, due to BBQ and Chili, someone always stays on gen when they get down(not hide in a locker) and we get ######### all game.

    I feel like the game should be more newb friendly toward people who are trying to join the game. Otherwise WHY PLAY??? If the margin line of players that are only meant for people currently on the game or rather people who have a invested 2k + hrs, then why play. This game is slowly becoming dead.

    Ruin is a good example becuz its been nerfed recently. Why are we working only on Killer perks? why are there no nerfs OR buffs to other perks for both killers and survivors. OoO, DS, hell even self care at this point they all need to be tweaked to match with where the game is headed. This is not happening, ace Visconti (all); like why are these people not being looked at more? can the developers not give buffs to these people to make it easy for survivors to manage there own kits while at the same time looking at killers

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    I do have skill but I'm not perfect at the game.

    You are super toxic telling me to stop playing this game. (you are the reason why people are leaving this game)

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    Why does everyone bring up other perks when the topic is about BBQ and chili?

    If you have problems with other perks maybe you should bring up a forum post about it instead of complaining to me about it.

    I think BBQ and Chili is op cause it has no limits and has extra bloodpoints, the other aura reading perks don't really do that.

    You tell me to go into a locker or walk the other way or do this and that but the thing is I DO, DO THAT.

    If I hide in a locker the killer will still come in that direction cause its near a generator.

    If I run towards the downed survivor the killer will know that either (A) the survivor is close by (B) they are in a locker. Most of the time people don't go into lockers quick enough consider how hooks too close to each other.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    So nerf good perks and skills because new players don't know every single mechanic about the game? Sorry but no. When I started playing I knew nothing about those perks and add-ons and powers, but I learned the hard way by getting caught a few times too many after a hook because the killer had barbecue, and then I started reading what the perks and add-ons they had did in the after-game, and actually played both sides to learn how the different killers' powers worked.. it's one thing to know Nurse can blink or that Billy can chainsaw real fast, but knowing the mechanics behind those powers is even more important, so you can understand the powers' strengths and weaknesses.. same with perks. Knowing what this and that perk does is a good way to counter them.. such as jumping in lockers, hiding behind generators or being closer to the killer when a hook happens.

  • ynos556
    ynos556 Member Posts: 7

    true I think that they should at least give bbq a cd on it. I think having access to aura 24/7 should be updated. were in patch 3.5 now things need to be changed

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    When I don't have BBQ to give me the extra BP, I lose all interest in hooking survivors. I know this from playing killers who didn't have BBQ unlocked on them, yet.

    What that means is, without BBQ, if I'm feeling like screwing around and farming points, survivors can go up to a hook, point at it, and I mentally shrug and walk away. I don't care if they want the points for unhooking each other. If I feel aggressive and play for kills, I slug them to death.

    I've mentioned this on the forums before, and other players have expressed similar sentiments: that without the incentive of the extra BP from BBQ, hooking survivors feels worthless.

    On a similar note, the number of times I see auras with BBQ is far, far fewer than the number of times I see no auras with BBQ. It's also fewer than the number of times I even forget to look for auras with BBQ. Not to mention, when I do see an aura, I often get over there and the survivor is already gone. Yes, I like the aura reading ability, and I'd be pissed if it were taken away, because it's useful when it shows anything, but the perk is not so OP as to need to be a hex. It's not.

    And if it were turned into a hex and survivors cleansed it, they are all getting slugged to death. Even if I was just playing for fun and was originally going to let them all escape. Slugged to death. Period.

  • thehotdogman93
    thehotdogman93 Member Posts: 81

    I'm sorry but your argument about not wanting to be the best in the game sounds like you refuse to try to improve, and this is a multiplayer game, you're trying to beat other players, its not just some AI you're playing against. The fact that you're other arguments about why it should be a hex totem just boils down to "Aura reading abilities take zero skill".There's no reason to justify why it's too strong, it's just the fact that you can see survivors through walls, so it should be a hex totem.

    With that logic, shouldn't all the aura abilities be hex abilities? How about just like the survivor abilities to see the killer's aura, let's make those hex perks as well, since they take no skill.

    Look, DBD does not emphasize stealth. There's stealth features in the game. But it is not the main driving force.

    I can assure you, me having a discussion on the forums is not the reason why people are not playing the game. If you want to play DBD to have fun, then play custom games, and set rules. Otherwise, there's only one kind of public match, treat it like ranked gameplay.

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    I have played 10 games today and literally 8 of the 10 killers had BBQ and chili.

    We could only do about 0 to 1 generators because the killer would find someone and hook them and I would either RUN TOWARDS THE HOOKED PERSON AND GET CAUGHT BECAUSE HE CAMPED THE HOOK or HE WOULD RUN DIRECTLY TO THE PERSON THAT WASN'T FAST ENOUGH TO GET INTO A LOCKER OR HIDE BEHIND A GENERATOR.

    I get about 2k to maybe 10k bloodpoints (if Im lucky) per game when the killer gets about 30k plus (BBQ and CHILI stacks) so how is the fair?

    You need to hook survivors to win and get points anyway so why do you need a 24/7 aura reading ability?

    Please answer me besides telling me to get better at the game when you killers need to clearly need to get better instead of having aura reading abilities non-stop.

    If they limit the perk it would give common players an edge at getting better but killers have zero skill cause they need to know where survivors are at 24/7 when it shouldn't be that way because you have Scratch marks, injured whining, crows, and MANY MANY more things to help you find survivors.

    You all complain about TOP TIER RANK PEOPLE GEN RUSHING but most of the time you hardly see high tier gen rushers cause most of the people that play this game are rank 20 through rank 7.

    I hardly ever see rank 1 people and if I do, its because they are abusing top tier perks cause they have ZERO SKILL.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Honestly, if you can only do 1 generator, sorry to tell you this but, the problem isn't barbecue..

    You might need to stop taking the game too seriously if you're about to have a heart attack over it..

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    you keep assuming things about myself.

    I play with 1 friend and me and him usually 95% of the time are the last two survivors cause the other survivors keep getting caught and don't know the game.

    The only time I have a problem with the game is when the killer has BBQ and Chili, nothing else.

    Telling me to stop playing the game or get good isn't going to help anyone.

    I look up looping videos and other tips and tricks about the game I know how to counter the perk but OTHER survivors don't.

    Having to change the way the game is when someone is hooked which should happen about 12 times in a match meaning the killer has 12 chances to find someone using this perk, knowing the person direction he is going, what he is doing (healing or doing a gen or cleansing a totem)

    It's sad that you all need a perk that finds people so easily but you tell me to get good at the game or even stop playing, that right there is just straight toxicity.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited January 2020

    I love when the killer has BBQ rather than one of the other aura reading / location perks. I can counter BBQ. Easily.

    Went up against a killer with Bitter Murmur today. I freakin' never see that perk, so I didn't think to try to counter it. That did me in.

    I'd much rather BBQ over Bitter Murmur. When I use tracking perks, Bitter Murmur, Nurse's Calling, Infectious Fright, Surveillance, and Discordance are way better for finding survivors.

    BBQ was created the way it is to incentivize killers to not camp the hook and to go after multiple survivors rather than tunneling. One of the biggest complaints from survivors is always about being camped and tunneled. Taking away a perk that helps get killers away from the hook would make the game worse for survivors. Much worse.

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    Sorry I haven't read all of the previous essays but i'm sure you all have points of your own.

    This title is quite frankly a joke. From my experience Hex totems are cleansed fairly early game and the spawn locations are a joke, plus survs can use detectives hunch and maps to find them easily.

    Now lets actually talk about BBQ and chilli.

    1) Can locate surv's from a long distance. (Down side is they have to be far away and not in a locker)

    2) It takes time for a killer to actually get to that distance they previously saw the surv with BBQ and chilli so they easily could of moved location.

    I actually do not see how this is a broken perk in anyway shape or form.

    If you're constantly being found then it has nothing to do with BBQ, you're just not a stealthy surv.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    So the only times you have problems with the game is 80% of the time since you said 8 out of 10 times, they had barbecue?

    And just because you get found easily, they need to nerf the other side, and not, you know, use the many counterplays the perk you want nerfed has?

    Alright then, let's nerf barbecue, and also make nurse's calling a Hex while we're at it, and oh I guess Spirit's Fury also needs to be made into a Hex, and so does Whispers, I mean it's not fair for the killer to know you're around. Oh wait, even better, let's make it a Hex that has 3/4/5 stacks, so that way after 5 times it becomes useless!

    Seriously, what's with people wanting everything the other side has nerfed..

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    Yet again another high tier person telling common people to get good.

    Most of the time I get caught is because other survivors freak out and don't know the game.

    Survivors that run towards people doing gens, survivors that run towards people healing, Survivors that don't know hiding in a locker or hiding behind a gen would help them cause they are common players instead of try hard super competitive players.

    I could completely see this perk being okay in ranked for high level survivors and killers but for most of people that player like I said before 20 to rank 7 play the game for fun and not competitive reasons but this game puts player level and ranking in the same game.

    Other games seprate ranked games with common normal games, which is another flaw with this game.

    This game could have ALOT more people playing if they took the time to understand why people stop playing (which those people aren't going to make a forum account to complain or discuss these problems.)

  • Jimbobads
    Jimbobads Member Posts: 29

    So why should high tier players be punished because lower tier don't know the mechanics of the game?

    I'm sorry but every game you learn from with experience and practice.

    When you actually get "High tier" And everything is nerfed and based around how a "Low tier" player would play the game would be EXTREMELY boring.

    And honestly right now survivor is so damn easy at red ranks it's actually boring and i've moved on to playing more killer games (Which are god damn difficult)

    Also you blame your team mates who don't know the mechanic for revealing your location to the killer... how is this even possible? If their out in the open panicking and your in a locker why are you being found?

    Run Kindred so you know which direction the killers running once they've hooked someone.

    Actually sick and tired of low rank players moaning about easy mechanics that ruin the game for high rank players. (COUGH RUIN)

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    Not everyone is high tier :)

    I'm sick of seeing every killer using it as a crutch perk.

    You only use it cause you are bad at the game and need aura reading abilities cause you can't find people.

    I do exactly as you all say to hide in lockers and to hide behind gens but that doesn't stop bad survivors getting caught non-stop and exposing the other survivors, also the rage quitters getting caught one time.

    This game has alot of problems with it and BBQ and chili is one of them, if you are defending the perk its because you have no common sense that after a generator is done that the survivor or survivors are near it.

    There is alot of ways to cause pressure and aura reading perks are just used for people that aren't good at the game.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Make freinds. Most of your comments are about other survivors perks or your team not helping.

    You joined the forums to ######### ? You got the time to practice matches in SWF

    You move between complaining about other people or how youtube doesn't help you. You have 3rd person view to help you find surroundings. You have a heartbeat and a red stain you know where the killer is at all times you have 2 heathstates and 3 hooks and adrenaline every time you get hit to gain some distance. What more second chances do you need ?

    1.5 gens is all you need each to live

    Killer is weak af

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    What emptyCups said.. play with other people. The people I play most regularly with are people I met while playing the game (killing them, ironically) and honestly it's way more fun than on your own.

    Join the Dead by Daylight discord and check out the looking for group channel if you don't know anyone or don't want to start making friends with people at the end of the game.

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    It's called a discussion, not bitching or complaining.

    If I was bitching it would be right now how you are sitting here bitching about how you have distaste for me talking about a perk I think needs to be a HEX.

    If you are going to complain about me discussing this subject then maybe you should leave cause of your toxicity.

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    You need to read all the posts before you talk, I said I play with a friend.

    ALSO how does me playing with other people change the fact about BBQ needing to be a hex?

    You think its fine the way it is but it is not.

    Lower level people suffer from it and higher level people need it.

    AKA crutch perk.

    You needing a perk to win is a crutch perk, and the fact that it is a S tier perk and that 80% of killers use it still doesn't back up what you are saying.

    Just because YOU think something is not op doesn't mean it is not.

    Most of the people that come on this forum are actively playing it and like the game, and want whats best for the game.

    The killer has many ways to find a survivor but telling me that I need to go into a locker or hide behind a gen ever hook is kinda disrupting the flow of the game.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    So when you do it, it's a discussion, but when others do it, it's bitching? Got it!

    Sarcasm aside, practice makes perfect, and playing against better people than you also helps get better, I know I enjoy playing against good survivors because it keeps me on my toes and helps me practice how to counter them, rather than killing potatoes.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I run Beast of Prey, Distressing, BBQ, and a fourth perk, on pretty much all my killers who have those perks unlocked.

    Is that a crutch build?

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    I never said to the other people posting just him.

    If you are going to cuss or swear its not a discussion.

    Peoples points in this forum are valid but the fact someone is cussing or swearing at someone just means they have alot of feelings towards something and childish so they result to cussing or trolling.

    I just think that the perk needs to be a hex, I never said anything about it being nerfed to the ground or anything.

    It does raise the skill gap knowing all the perks and doing what should be done to counter such said perk.

    I think that survivors get hooked alot and most people don't have enough time to get to a locker or hide behind a gen.

    It would encourage lower level ranks to play more if it was a hex instead of it not being one.

    The blood points part of the perk is smart yes but also with it being a aura reading perk is a bit op, getting extra points and seeing survivors and it not really having a hard counter besides the lockers and hiding behind gens disrupts the flow of the game.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Most of the time I get caught is because other survivors freak out and don't know the game.

     but all I see is a bunch of killers that have no skill

    Not everyone in this game has TIME to be the best in the game.

    There is no such thing as sneaking around in this game anymore 

    I myself watch these videos about looping and I loop the killer but even if I do so it doesn't stop the abilities of other survivor

    You tell me to go into a locker or walk the other way or do this and that but the thing is I DO, DO THAT.

    We could only do about 0 to 1 generators because the killer would find someone and hook them and I would either RUN TOWARDS THE HOOKED PERSON 

    I play with 1 friend and me and him usually 95% of the time are the last two survivors cause the other survivors keep getting caught and don't know the game

     game I know how to counter the perk but OTHER survivors don't.

    hooked which should happen about 12 times in a match meaning the killer has 12 chances to find someone using this perk,

    Some maps don't have lockers close enough.

    The killer has many ways to find a survivor but telling me that I need to go into a locker or hide behind a gen ever hook is kinda disrupting the flow of the game

    the lockers and hiding behind gens disrupts the flow of the game

    My favorite quotes from you so far

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    What does any of that have to do with you defending the perk?

    You are complaining about me discussing about the perk and why I think it should be a hex.

    Right now you are just being toxic.

    Why do you feel the perk doesn't need to be a hex?

    Ruin was disrupting the flow of the game cause 80% of the killers were using it.

    I see that most killers are using BBQ.

    If you have problems with other perks then go to another forum to discuss it.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Yea let's go for it

  • YourBoyTroy
    YourBoyTroy Member Posts: 22

    I'm not saying all the perks...

    Just this one, why is it such a problem for it being a hex perk?

    It wouldn't change anything about the perk itself just being able to get rid of it.

    If we are talking about all perks I think that ALL the aura reading perks need some limitations to them.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Because ALL of a hex perk's effects go away when cleansed. That would include the BP multiplier, so once it's cleansed the killer wouldn't be able to get any more stacks. Thrill of the Hunt does not continue to give a BP bonus after being cleansed.

    In order for it to be at all fair as a hex perk, the killer would have to be able to get stacks on it for every hook, not for hooking each different survivor once. That would get rid of the incentive not to tunnel one survivor, which is one of the main reasons the perk exists in the first place.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Your being attacked because your asking for tools to be removed from the opposing team but not yourself.

    If this was Cod you would ask to take away shotguns

    If this was battlefield you would take away tanks

    Bbq and chili is a bloodpoint bonus detection perk ment to encourage players not to camp.

    If you take that way you half personally my bloodpoints. As well as every other killers points. A hex doesnt last past first hook you might as well remove it.

    Your main discussion is complaint how other people play. Almost every post is how other people play or how other survivors hinder you.

    Your main non whinging is being aura revield despite having 12 ways to counter and at least 6other perks that do the same if not better.

    Your not asking for anything to work differently you want a nerf. That's why your an entitled survivor that most people called bait.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Why would you need to get rid of it so badly, when it already has many counters to it, as was told to you many times. Your problem is the fact that others aren't up to par with your standards of how good survivors should be. It sounds more like a you problem.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    have you conssidered literally hiding behinde the gen or inside a locker?

    It takes 10 seconds or less then 1 if you hide behind a gen

    If you can't do that maybe you want the game to work for you in every sense