Why is Nurse such a rare killer to go against now?

Honestly, I get that her nerf was a really hard one that requires people to have much more skill when playing her, but she's still like the best killer in the game right now. Do you guys not find her fun or instead, hard to learn? my last game when i went against a nurse was a week ago and she camped me the entire game cuz i ran her for 3 gens and she dced once i was unhooked right when my adren kicked in. but honestly, i found it fun going against skilled nurses and i can barely find any now. #########?? :(



  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    I agree that she is (almost) impossible to learn, but her ability to end chases in 20 seconds still works. She just cant afford to miss anymore.

    If someone really was a Nurse veteran then he would be (almost) unaffected by the nerf.

  • ChunChunMaru
    ChunChunMaru Member Posts: 52

    She is difficult to play as so new players won't really enjoy picking her up. Especially because games last 5 minutes. More importantly though, no one likes not being able to play AKA there is a cooldown for your second blink and you also suffer from blink fatigue. That's two moments where you literally can't play and it happens constantly throughout the game because of how her kit works.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    Like people are saying, she still has the potential to be the best killer in the game, and those who mastered her before can do just as well with her now probably.

    I, personally, just think she's not very fun to play as anymore. Her add-ons have pretty massive downsides, or are just memes/useless for doing well, and the double cooldown mechanic just makes her feel sluggish and unrewarding (even if, with add-ons, the effect isn't too big).

    Most of all, the last time I tried nurse on Dedicated Servers I had such an awful time with the rubber banding and the wonky blinks I haven't touched her again after that.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I think the last time I went against nurse on ps4 was about a month ago (not exaggerating)

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I have noticed the wonky blinks on dedicated servers as well. If you connection has just a tiny hickup, the game severely undercharges your blink. It appears that the developers in their infinite wisdom made blinktiming serverside, meaning you have to account for your ping at the time you charge AND release your blink. Utteraly broken design right now.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    What for endure stun simulator, Nurse, if you can play broken survivors who make no noise and win the game in 3 min?

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    I dont care about statistics, Im talking about potential of her power. Precise blink is an instant hit, do it one more time and this is the end of the chase. Nothing can stop you, loops, pallets, walls, whatever, it does not matter. You just blink and hit. If you miss then youre #########. So just git gud and dont miss.

    I agree about the bugs and lags, but these thing are not supposed to be part of gameplay, so you cant judge her power based on that.

  • LegionGhostface
    LegionGhostface Member Posts: 162

    i definitely agree that her base speed needs to increase and the blink cooldown and fatigue duration need to decrease.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    Of my friends that mained Nurse, they have all stopped playing her because I quote "We just don't want her to get nerfed after we put so much work into learning her. We will play her every now and then, but rarely"

    And I am starting to feel the same way about Freddy.

  • LegionGhostface
    LegionGhostface Member Posts: 162

    yup that’s pretty common but good survivors know not to really loop around the basement/shack area cause she can gain an easy line of sight. i personally only experience this when i’m trying to get across the map and it’s aggravating

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    The Plaid Fannel indicator has a delay now (thanks dedicated servers, you are such a blessing), which means it is not reliable anymore.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    That's even worse lol I tried that after the first basement teleportation extravaganza. Every time I'd go to blink to a survivor they'd go behind a wall and it would just cancel my blink. Like the animation would go, and I would be dazed, but I wouldn't move anywhere. I actually captured that one on video too. Nurse is all wonky these days, which is sad because I love her aesthetic

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    Here's how I think about it. Whenever I feel like playing Killer, I can choose between:

    1. Mass amount of game breaking bugs. Potential to get a map that completely ruins my gaming experience (like the new Oni map). Incredibly slow movement speed, beaten even by survivors. Having to deal with both a cooldown and a fatigue.
    2. Play literally anyone else.

    I really do not care how much """"potential"""" her power has, she's not even worth trying to learn.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    That too. Same as stairs. You can blink from stairs down, but you cannot blink up to stairs, not to mention the many rocks/statues and other things you can’t blink through. Even more reasons why she needs a bit of buff love, please.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    By "precise blink" I meant actual precision, not what game tells you its precise.

    No, Bubba does not have potential of being the strongest killer, he is loopable just like Trapper without traps, all he does is an instadown at the end of the chase. Nurse does not need to chase anyone, she just blinks and hits.

    If you blink properly, they wont even have time to do Dead Hard, especially with dedicated servers, reaction Dead Hard does not work. And even if they Dead Hard, 3rd blink is like 15 more seconds to the chase, thats still fastest or at least one of the fastest chases in the game.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I mained her since she came out. I stopped maining her once she got her rework came out. She's just unfun and boring to play. She's weak now.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Before you could slap on 3 blinks and it was basically training wheels. Now with just 2 blinks and a recharge there’s less room for error.

    She’s also the most exhausting killer to play imo. She can be really strong but I couldn’t play her every game. You really need to concentrate for them blinks.

  • LegionGhostface
    LegionGhostface Member Posts: 162

    i really feel like they should increase her base speed movement

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    The number of Nurses I have seen ingame increased lately, but not much. I get at least 1 Nurse each evening. (Most Killers I currently face are with a big gap Huntress, followed by Doc, Billy and Ghostface) I see more Nurses than Hags or Wraiths for example (yesterday I had two Hags in a Row after not having a Hag for solid 3 weeks)

    A few weeks ago, when I faced Nurses, they were either REALLY good or learning Nurse (with expected results). However, she is working better on Dedicated Servers now, which increased the number of Nurses again (AFAIK), and in general, I see more Nurses which are not terrible, but also not that scary as before.

    Personally, I was a horrible Nurse before the Nerf and I am an even worse Nurse after the Nerf, and I dont have the patience to learn her. And I guess I am not the only one, and there are alternatives - you can also use Spirit, way easier to learn and effective. Or Freddy, Billy... All those Killers dont require the same effort like learning Nurse (not even close), while still being good enough for 4K.

    Of course you cannot blink on Top of Survivors and hitting them, but most of the time, you will not need that.

    So while the reward for learning Nurse might be high, the effort is even higher.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I don't know what you are but you are making stuff up. You don't pop up on a survivor, this doesn't happen, you are announced before TR is there.

    All of what you say is only true on an empty field huge deadzone, against potatoes sure. As soon as you play against good people nurse is horrible, she is easier to predict and see, dead hard works everytime against her unlike every other killer in the game. It is okay that you do not know that, tells me you don't see nurse as survivor nor do you play her.

    Which probably is the reason why keep making stuff up and ignore all the gamebreaking bugs nurse suffers from at the moment. She was unplayable on sanctums wrath, she has many bugs and the devs do nothing.

    According to potential bubba is the strongest, you know just like the rare case that a survivor will just stand randomly in an open field, bubba is the strongest if for some unknown reason all survivors try to escape the basement stairs and he comes down...

    Also Flannel does not help with the basement bug, it has something to do with blinking near the basement while you not even aim for it and yet get sucked into it.

    Nurse has a 43% killrate and suffers from gamebreaking bugs and you tell people it is the strongest killer. Please just stop when you have no clue at all.

  • LegionGhostface
    LegionGhostface Member Posts: 162
    edited January 2020

    nurse is definitely the strongest killer when she’s played right and people are used to her blinks. her bugs are an issue but they won’t stop her from 4king and ending chases in like 5-10 seconds. her kill rate doesn’t determine whether she’s a good killer, there are unskilled nurses that will have so much trouble playing now especially with her nerf. i play her at rank 1 killer and never depipped or gotten anything other than a 3k or 4k (sometimes find hatch) in a long time. it really depends on your knowledge of her power. she had one of the highest kill rate prior to her nerf and proving my point, you need to actually be aware of her blinks.