The fact that so many killers say the game is too hard and then complain about BT/DS speaks volumes



  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    I don't even find BT, DS and DH to be worth perk slots. Adrenaline is a strong perk, but it requires all gens to be repaired, so it's hardly a crutch perk.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    MYC is so good on Wraith. You can catch the survivors so unaware and no need to worry about BT when you get the instadown on someone else.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited January 2020

    Yes, you can counter it very consistently. Sure it isn't countered the way NOED is, but it doesn't change the fact that Adrenaline can be controlled and suppressed easily by a good killer. Good killers hardly ever even deal with Adrenaline because 95% of their games don't make it past 5 gens. Hell, I personally haven't even had an Adrenaline proc against me in ages.

    Adrenaline isn't even that great of a perk either. It's very overrated and is pretty situational.

    It's a perk that needs no changing in my view.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Yup, it's pretty fantastic.

    Even better with "Windstorms".

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    Oh it's you again. I never agree with you but we might be on the same page here. Mostly.

    Borrowed Time is balanced. But I'm sure they're going to change it to be irrespective of a killer's terror radius and base it on killer distance from the hook. Seems to be the direction they're taking things. It keeps getting indirectly buffed whenever deep wounds changes but it's in a better spot than before. When it used to give endurance to both the unhooked and the rescuer.

    Decisive Strike, I'm not a fan of. Long opinionated comment incoming. It's a 60 second immunity perk. I actually preferred old DS because anyone who wasn't the obsession couldn't use the perk to it's full power. They had to wiggle first. Enduring also reduced it. I don't even know why they haven't reverted the DS stun time since its immune to Enduring now, nor why it's a damn obsession perk anymore. Since the only interaction with the obsession it has is to switch it to the survivor that struck you. Big whoop. It becomes problematic when the entire survivor team is using it but that goes for literally everything. It's like the devs forgot that survivor perks have the chance to be multiplied by a factor of four.

    Dead Hard? Who cares? From what I see it gets cucked by the dedicated servers when it's used for attack dodging and can only be used to extend a loop. Which does suck. Your best bet is to disengage at that point honestly.

    Adrenaline is fine. Since games sre shorter it sees more use, but like NOED its someone going the entire game with 3 perks for the possibility of an endgame bonus. I just don't think it should activate when the hatch is closed. NOED shouldn't either.

    Anyways. The problems with survivors isn't these perks. The problem with survivors lies with unbalanced matchmaking giving them noob killers, large maps, still too many safe loops and toolbox tomfoolery.

  • oke
    oke Member Posts: 102

    Large maps? *laughs in Hillbilly*

  • jayjay23vaz
    jayjay23vaz Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2020

    Why spend so much time complaining about perks and how unbalanced they are when skill is half the issue. Sure perks like Ds and Bt are powerful against the average killer but usually a Great killer will have strong enough mindgames/strategies to counter anything thrown there way. I feel the fact that 4 friends can join an swf lobby w/ discord, is far more of an issue because of the amount of coordination and planning used by swfs. Swf w/ discord matched with strong Loopers seems to be where perks get their bad reputation from. Ds has always been powerful but as an anti tunneling perk it should really should have a cool down of 30 seconds which isn't too long but allows the survivor to have a chance against tunneling. BT could work with tokens gained by saving other survivors. So maybe after u save 3/2/1 survivors safely u gain the ability to give them borrowed time with the usual timer. That being said if ur bad at the game on either side of the coin whether it be killer or survivor, u definitely shouldn't be complaining about overpowered perks. If a great killer struggles with something they usually adapt.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    gamerscrybecauseofme Member Posts: 366
    edited January 2020

    Breakdown of survivor perks that literally help survivors, survive and what the killer can do about it.

    BT. Borrowed Time. Don't ######### camp, it only works when you're close to the hook. If someone has immediately unhooked someone right after you hooked them, then hit the unhooker first, hit the unhooked as it's strategically sound, either he gets downed or will now have to mend before healing. Wasting more time. Then go after the unhooker.

    DS. Decisive strike. Don't ######### tunnel. Don't take the bait either. Don't pick up a recently downed survivor, don't grab them out of lockers, don't grab them at all. If as killers like to claim, every survivor in every match is ######### using it, then slug the bitches. Or, just eat it and be thankful it won't be used later.

    DH. Dead hard. Like all exhaustion perks, force the usage, as long as they're running they can't recover, their demise is soon coming.

    Adrenawin. Adrenaline. Why are your games lasting this long? How are survivors doing all 5 gens? Seriously, have you been camping, tunneling and being looped all game? Stop! Pressure gens, down quickly, injure survivors, play efficiently. If getting to end game happens often for you, run NOED. If your totems are being cleared and players are still getting to end game, you need to de-rank, you've pip'd yourself somewhere you're not ready for.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2020

    Or do it like me, slug and you do nothing wrong :D Besides you will get alot of salt but idc honestly. Especially with oni its super fun.