Fun For killers..

Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

I want to do something fun for a minute. This is for everyone, rank 1-20, devs, players, everyone who plays killer. What's a dirty build you've had recently. In the past couple of days, what build and killer combo did you use that did the survivors so dirty that you had to go and take a shower immediately after. I'll go first:


Perks: Coulrophobia, overcharge, unnerving presence, distressing.

Addons: Purple tonic that expands gas and makes it last longer. Green tonic that causes the hindered effect. And then slapped on an Ebony... Because dirty right? Lol


Perks: same as clown except instead of overcharge I ran monitor and abuse, and instead of distressing I ran sloppy butcher

Addons: red ear that makes terror radius affect the whole map. And then the green knife that affects mend time.

With a game map offering.

I stopped playing due to that legion map. One guy even decided to afk after killing the first 2 survivors :'D



  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Ghostface: add ons that increase night shroud recovery rate.

    Perks: Ruin + surveillance + nurse's + sloppy

    Map offerings: The Game, Lery's or Hawkins.

    Wraith; add ons: any clapper + windstorm

    Perks: Ruin + surveillance + nurse's + stbfl

    Map offerings: Same.

    Jumpscare Myers perks: Ruin + sloppy + whispers + thana

    Map offerings: Same.

    Have fun!

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Wraith: play with your food, nurses calling, overcharge, pop goes.

    Addons: silent uncloak, considerable/tremendously faster uncloak

    Rake in the pwyf stacks and zoom anywhere you like downing surves with impunity.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318


    Generic basement builds (Agitation, Iron Grasp, Insidious, + free slot)

    Get someone in the basement and camp em. Not effective but it sure does bring in the salt.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    Here's another one:

    Unlimited Evil Within 3 Myers.

    Perks: Corrupt Intervention + nemesis + pwyf + infectious.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    The Pig:

    Addons: Tampered Timer, Crate of Gears... or video tape and combat straps

    Perks: Ruin, Hunters Lullaby, Whispers and BBQ&Chilli

    I've had games of 0 gens done to 2 gens done... with a couple games that 3 gens were done but no games had all gens done... survivors either die or got hatch oh and more RBT kills then hatch escapes... and a match where I had 2 RBT kills along side DC's


  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I'd like to try this because it does sound like a lot of fun. It seems like you'd have a lot of ways to mess with survivors too, Which is always fun lol

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632
    edited January 2020

    "Nerf Clown"

    The Clown w/ Tattoo's Middle Finger, Garish Make-up Kit - Ebony Memento Mori

    Hex: No One Escapes Death, Blood Warden, Infectious Fright, Insidious

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    "dirtiest" I've tried so far was with trapper, I am terrible with him but needed to complete challenges so I couldn't play nice :)

    I have used old ruin and thanatophobia to slow down, add on that made traps less visible and one that allowed me to carry more.

    Then NOED combined with blood warden.

    Maybe I was just lucky but worked wonders

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223

    New doctor with distressing+pgtw +unnerving+choulphobia

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I'm gonna have fun regardless lol

    But please don't nerf my killers more o.o

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I even 4k'd on Red Forest maps...

    But now I'm tinkering with that build since Ruin got changed... I'll need to look at using something else

  • LaurieMainz
    LaurieMainz Member Posts: 34

    Defintely this for Bubba.

    Primer Bulb

    Carburetor Tuning guide


    Iron Grasp

    Save the best for last


    Have fun with all 4 in the basement!

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    Endgame build for killers who have cool mori animations:

    Noed + bloodwarden/remember me + nemesis + rancor.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    Kust put noed remember me andblood warden, right now i feel like they gen rush and the match is over BUT they keep gates 99 and ######### around to tease me so i slug open the gate wait till noed is broken, still slugging and when i cant hold them crawling out i blood warden the ######### out of them. The only way i get more than 1 kill per game with popoo killers.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Doctor on Hawkins.

    Distressing, Overwhelming, Thrilling Tremors, Spies

    Purple and Yellow 'Calm' Add-Ons

    Static Blast was the only thing I needed to find those pesky survivors. A little too easy to find survivors, but a heck of a lot of points, and a lot of fun... For me anyways 😄

  • Iron_Mike
    Iron_Mike Member Posts: 23

    I've been mining a lot of salt recently using Myers with:

    Bowtie/Dead Rabbit

    Monitor & Abuse


    Brutal Strength


    I use Whispers + M&A and Dead Rabbit to find survivors (I think my TR in EW2 is 4, very dirty), Brutal to clear pallets and PGTW for gen control. The Bowtie I find is right on the sweet spot in terms of length. Not so long that you can only pop it once but long enough to do some serious damage if I 99 it.

    Not the dirtiest Myers build but I'm usually walking around with a 4 meter terror radius and EW3 99'd...

  • Freddy: thanatophobia, dying light, sloppy butcher, and remember me.

    Add ons: jump rope and outdoor rope

    (Its to slow the game down just a lot bit)

    Plauge: im all ears, bbq and chilli, bitter murmur, infectious fright.

    Add ons: black incense and the purple effectivity one.

    (All seeing plag)

  • Infinity_Bored
    Infinity_Bored Member Posts: 445

    Just slug, tunnel and camp like 90% of the killers out there.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Peanits, what about your RM and Iridescent stone build for Trapper? 😕

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    This is for creative fun builds lol not boring gameplay

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Doctor infinite notifications builds

    Perks: thrill of the hunt, iron maiden, Tinkerer, overcharge/devour hope/infectious fright

    Addons: iridescent king/king

    Offering: any small map

    Objective of this build is to have constant notifications at all times going off. Anytime they're doing anything you get a notification lol

  • hexytotemgrl
    hexytotemgrl Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2020

    i like that first pig build. i’ve been saving 3 or 4 RBT’s for EGC and opening the gate myself to watch them scramble. crouching and growling, but never attacking. its a fun mind game. i figure if they’re able to get the trap off and make it back to the gate before the timer ends, they can have the W.

    it receives mixed reviews. idk why.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Spirit with mother-daughter ring and father's glasses for add-ons. Bbq, nurses, sloppy, and stridor for perks. U could trade nurses for make your choice if you wanted to be really mean.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Or maybe they're just looking for new build ideas? ^.^ lol

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Really? You had to make yet another one of these type of posts here? Like why lol?

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    I had played versus this same SWF team a couple games beforehand and when I saw them again, I was ready for revenge after the torrents of teabags I received.

    Used Plague - Black incense, Ashen apple and Ebony.

    Thana, M&A, Infectious and Blood Warden.

    Got to the EGC, popped Blood Warden, took my fountain and destroyed + mori'd all of them. True satisfaction right there.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    Old School Legion:

    Bloodhound, Enduing, Bamboozle, BBQ & Chilli.

    Stab Wounds Study, Frank's Mixtape.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940
    edited January 2020

    A dirty build doesn't give me fun though, nor does it survivors.

    Played a Huntress with her one shot hatches who then red Mori'd us. Nobody including the killer had 'fun' but it was a dirty build to do an archive task of killing X players no matter what... think killer lost a pip as they only hooked us all once.

    To have fun as killer you need powerful perks with synergy and when they work either everyone adapts after others start to play them or they get nerfed. Killers have fun indeed lol

  • AStupidDavid
    AStupidDavid Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    Somebody suggested that same build to tru3ta1ent in one of his streams the other day and it didn't work🤣it's a terrible build for any killer, not dirty at all honestly.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    Which one? Because they both worked for me against red rank survivors lol in fact it's one of my most favorite/most used builds rn. Minus the mori, I rarely use a mori.

  • AStupidDavid
    AStupidDavid Member Posts: 156
    edited January 2020

    The second one, the one with monitor and abuse. I mean why would you bring monitor and abuse and distressing lol the first one reduces your terror radius and the second one completely negates the first one because it increases your terror radius, coulrophobia is overall a bad perk mainly because survivors in the red ranks no longer use self-care, most of them just run inner strength or resilience and dead hard. Unnerving presence and overcharge is a good combo and a dirty one though lmfao I'll give you that.

  • PfoxandtheHound
    PfoxandtheHound Member Posts: 49

    Spooky Spirit with mother daughter ring and Prayer beads. Perks: thrill of the hunt, devour hope, haunted grounds, and STBFL. If they don't coordinate well enough and cleanse devour hope fast enough than it's over. You have to protect those totems with your life though.

    Trapper with iridescent stone and the purple pliers. Perks: agitation, iron grasp, infectious fright and make your choice. Welcome to my humble basement, and good luck leaving.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    This is an "ideas for more nerfs" trap, especially since Peanits jumped in right away

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    You didn't read lol I took off distressing Because I was running iridescent button. I'd never run distressing and m&a, that's pointless. I ran sloppy butcher, clourophobia, unnerving presence, and m&a. M&A is great on legion cause I can get closer after I've applied deep wounds and I'm out of frenzy. Iridescent button makes clourophobia and unnerving presence and sloppy amazing!

    You pretty much go into frenzy, hit everyone you can. Then with the green knife add on by the time they're done mending my frenzy is up again. I can frenzy any time they're trying to heal to gain the most from my perks as when I'm in frenzy they're all affected by my perks. Then once I find someone I use m&a to sneak up close and down them.

    It slows the game down a lot and gives them a choice. Spend forever healing, and not doing gens, or risk being downed immediately when I find you.

  • egocentred
    egocentred Member Posts: 25

    Not really a dirty build, but I've been having fun all day running essentially any sparkly hex + a location perk. In my case Devour and Whispers. You are now playing tower defense, because even if it is a useless hex survivors do not want to let shinies stay up. They will flock to you in groups like flies, and batting them off and shaking your head "no" is the funniest thing ever. They will refuse to let it go and start doing really silly strategies to get it down. This only works if you have a really obvious totem spawn though that's out in the open. You would think it is life or death for the to take it down even if there are 0 stacks LOL.

    Worst case scenario? Play with your covert ops super well hidden totem as normal and clear house.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353
    edited January 2020

    I literally just did this but with Distressing, Spies, Overwhelming and lullaby. Lol

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I also had a build in mind but don't have all the perks yet to run it. So if you can let me know how it goes? Lol

    Legion: if you haven't noticed I enjoy him lol


    Iridescent button- just for breaking pallets

    Julies mix tape- reduce cooldown i.e. stun coming out of frenzy.


    Play with your food


    Make your choice

    And either spirit fury, monitor and abuse, or enduring.

    Whole idea is to reduce chases quickly, be super quick, and instant down with M1 on survivors after they get the unhook. Pretty much only using frenzy initially to find everyone the first time and help with your first down. Then only using it to break pallets instantly.

    Pls someone test it out and let me know ^_^

  • ErgoPr0xy
    ErgoPr0xy Member Posts: 31

    Trapper here, something i do for fun when i get slogged by SWF for too long.

    Hex 3rd seal, knock out, Franklins Demize, NOED. Addon's green bag, Setting tools.

    No hooks just sluggs. I loop Bleed it out by Linkin Park. So many survivor D/c's

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited January 2020

    Camp as Huntress with Iri Hatchets.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Perkless addonless Nurse.

    Because I am a beast.

  • Mrjuice
    Mrjuice Member Posts: 94

    The only dirty build I have ever used was the old prayer bead/ hex spirit build and bubba basement build

  • HookCampingBubba
    HookCampingBubba Member Posts: 35

    Just basement camping as Bubba and will continue to until Hex Ruin is restored or survivors are suitably nerfed into oblivion.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I finished that challenge with an Ebony on Hag using teleport distance Phantasm duration add-ons and for perks running Corrupt, unrelenting, bbq, and sloppy. Less obnoxious than one shot huntress but with the right trap placement I finished the match in under 4 minutes with only 1 gen done on The Game

  • fleshbox
    fleshbox Member Posts: 494

    We are not allowed to have fun, dont you know that?

    They want us sweating our rear ends off even for two kills.

  • Blackhouse
    Blackhouse Member Posts: 15

    Not so much a dirty build, but rather a way to make your own fun.

    Tag Hag: Whispers, Spies from the Shadows, Nurse's Calling, Iron Maiden - Willow Wreath and Rusty Shackles.

    Sometimes a bog witch needs to let her dreads down and have a little fun! Engage in a spirited game of tag with the survivors, but don't hook anyone until EVERYONE is lying on the ground at the same time (undoubtedly laughing and exhausted from all the fun they're having).

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    One of my favourite builds:

    Haggu: BBQ, MYC, Corrupt, Your choice

    Addons: Mint Rag, Rusty shackles

    MYC will make the game amazing, wait for all the toxic complaining plebs against a mid tier killer