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Why is Nurse such a rare killer to go against now?



  • Member Posts: 2,318

    The only skill required now to play her than before is patience.

    They didn't add anything in anyway that would let her do ANYTHING new or change her gameplay AT ALL. It is strictly limiting on what you can do.

    You can do LESS than you could BEFORE, full stop. Literally no new tools or options, purely LESS.

    All that amounts to is a lot of frustration and the skill to not break your monitor or controller.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Yeah, generally a nerf should mean you are less capable. She was way too strong.

    Bhvr isn't responsible for your anger problems. The best Nurses are still deadly with her. People that depended on how OP she was aren't. Seems fair to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    Her addons are all horrible except for the ones that decrease fatigue and the cooldown. They made a mess of them now, they are all so weird and most of them have more negative effects than positive.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    What was OP before? There was counterplay, you just had to employ it.

    They removed what was considered her OP addons, that's not an excuse anymore.


  • Member Posts: 2,318

    When you can make cohesive points that aren't just "she's op and now she's not" we can actually have a conversation.

    I've listed numerous reasons and stated all of my points over and over. You just keep parroting the same thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,318
  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Bro I do not want to have a conversation with you. Move on.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    For someone who doesn't want a conversation you certainly reply a lot.

    List your position and defend it. I'm trying to be constructive here, but I can't really do anything when your entire argument to date has been "She's op"

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    You too fam. Maybe another day you'll actually post an in-depth response with a position and statements that can be backed up by literally anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    I honestly don't know what that is supposed to mean.

    Irrational anger like a pregnant woman? No clue tbh. If that is what you meant... yikes dude. Victorian era called.

  • Member Posts: 162

    yes nurse is definitely annoying to play because of her bugs and nerf that created just more problems for her. but my point is that it won’t stop an actual skilled nurse who has great muscle memory with her dominating any swf.

  • Member Posts: 241

    I honestly want to pick her up again but I'm having a really hard time learning her again against red ranks since I sit rank 6-7 as killer and I'm trying to prestige other characters. Maybe next reset I'll dedicate time to her again

  • Member Posts: 763

    She takes skill and practice before and after her rework. Simple explanation is most killer players don’t want to invest time to get good. You see them crying on here about crutch nerfs because they are used to easy 4K games. Any killer or mechanic that requires time to become good, they tend to avoid.

  • Member Posts: 162

    yeah i get that, she was such a common killer to go against before and now its so rare to see her lmao but that makes sense

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    That is such a load of horse ######### though. We put plenty of time and energy into learning Nurse, but they went and sacked what made her enjoyable. This isn't about investing time, that's a cheap cop-out of an excuse. It's about taking the fun aspect of playing the role of killer away patch by patch while things like SWF remain untouched and still dominate in every single elo they're in.

  • Member Posts: 223

    She was way too strong, now she is way too weak for her skill cap. I keep hearing the same 3-4 players post that "she is still top tier" or "She is still deadly you just need to put in the time" but everyone else agrees she is too weak. Yes she can be viable, barely,  once you have the right addons (fatigue and reduced cooldown), AND  once you have invested 500+ hrs on her, not to mention even then she still has all places she cant blink trough, slower than survivor speed AND 2 cooldowns. 

  • Member Posts: 223

    There's a reason she is one of the least played killers and has one of the lowest kill rates. We are not asking for her to be as good as she was before, we are asking to make her fun and viable again. No one wants to be stunned/fatigued half the match.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I mean I've commented on Nurse probably once in the past two months so I hope you're not including me in that 3-4 people, lol. I disagree completely that "most people" agree she is too weak. In no way is Nurse weak. A killer that can ignore pallets, loops and windows cannot ever be weak.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Well since everyone uses jank logic here, is she worthless.... No but others do what she does but better. (Billy or Spirit)

  • Member Posts: 529

    Im not saying she’s a bad killer, But her nerf made her so unfun to play AS. She in my opinion is not worth getting better at. Because everything you do is severly punished.

    roam across the map. slowest movement speed in the game.

    use your power. Get Fatigued and then use your slowest movement speed while you wait out the cooldown.

    she could have an insta down on her basic attack and i still wouldn’t put me trough the unfun gameplay that is nurse now.

  • Member Posts: 2,529
    edited January 2020

    Nurse does not ignore pallets. With dedicated servers she can be stunned midblink now.

  • Member Posts: 223

    Yes she can ignore pallets, the problem are the dowuble cooldowns on her 2 blinks+fatigue+slower movement speed. Almost any other killer can get downs easier and faster than she can, without having to put in 500+ hrs into a single killer.

  • Member Posts: 162

    some killers can easily be looped if you’re going against a good survivor that knows how to play. with nurse, you can’t really do anything if that person is really skilled with her.

  • Member Posts: 162

    she can ignore pallets lmao, i don’t know what you mean.

  • Member Posts: 209

    For me at least shes just not very fun I see why shes so strong but her fatigue animation makes me nauseous and she has too much of a skill curve now, though tbh the people who were already good with her seem to have seen her change as almost a buff in some ways, so they basically just made her less beginner friendly without changing anything that made her broken to begin with. Same with the spirit changes, except hers was more of an actual nerf that just didnt really accomplish anything.

  • Member Posts: 3,271
    edited January 2020

    Love that pallet etc argumentation. For discussions sake, let's ignore her lack of actual stun immunity.

    Btw a killer that ignores pallets etc can actually be useless if too weak in other points. For example being slower than survivors. Or cooldowns to said ability. Or both.

    " Nurse is borderline unable to catch up with survivors running in a straight line"

    Such meme/rumor/opinion/fact/complaint (choose one lol) can only exist if many people experience it.

  • Member Posts: 516

    So i've been hopping back on nurse lately just to have some sort of fun while matchmaking isnt getting fixed. Have had 4 games in a row where a player dc's during loading because there new and in a swf group. Been a real waste of 25 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 162

    nurse can definitely catch up to survivors quickly, maybe it'll take 3-4 blinks if the survivor is on the other side of the map but if you have a direct line of sight and you located the survivor around a certain area, you can easily get to them and go for a hit if you really meet the skill cap and have good muscle memory with her blinks

  • Member Posts: 951

    Heres the thing. Nurse is super strong BUT. BUT SHE HAS NO MISTAKE ROOM! In a game where killers cant waste 20-25 seconds on chasing, she is a killer that if she misses a blink attack is completely out of commission for several seconds. The big reason you dont see nurse anymore is because unless you are a master with her and never miss, you WILL lose. With toxicity as it is in this game id never touch nurse.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    *Coff Coff*

    The new Yamoaka map is so bugged that you minus well say you're an 3.68m/s killer.

    I remember how terrible it felt to have my blinks do nothing. 😕

  • Member Posts: 3,047
    edited January 2020

    She's been confirmed weaker then Legion mate by a actual Dev. Ya she can blink through walls and some people can still do well with her, but take the fact she takes significantly more time then the average killer to master increased by the difficulty and the fact u can catch a glimpse of her as she blinks to you. The colddown on her blinks as well. Topped with how slow she actually is. If you miss a hit a Survivor can run straight and never be caught. Not loop not pathing legitimately STRAIGHT.

    Ya shes still good in a very select few peoples hands though so she dont at all need to be looked at. Not to mention she's no longer fun to play or play against.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    She can be stunned during blink with a pallet, she doesn't ignore those anymore.

    She actually has now the lowest killrate of all killers, after the stats have been released, almo made a comment in some thread i think 1-2 months later on (it was about legion nerfs) and he stated legion did better with the changes and lowest killrate is nurse. 43%

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    I'm willing to bet money every new map will have egregious deadzones for Nurse and devs will just continue to ignore it because she's "where they want her" now.

    Right in the fun garbage can.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Have you played her on that map after the recent patch and hotfix? I do not dare to play that offering as nurse 😅

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Because new players don't understand her mechanics and there's no way to learn them without losing a few. It took me so long to find out that looking up during the blink covered more distance.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Yeah, but uh, she can blink through them. You know, without breaking them?

  • Member Posts: 223

    I agree w legion on this one. Pallets and vaults while in chase are the places where you can actually get hits with her.

  • Member Posts: 162

    i never have any problems with getting stunned by pallets. i’ll sometimes wait for them to force down the pallet down if they’re just near there only if my blinks are recovering, then just blink through the pallet and hit them.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    It's not so much looking up, at a flat 180 with the floor you have maximum blink distance. It helps to ensure you get the full distance but as long as you aren't looking lower than 180 you'll always get that distance... unless you're under another floor in which case you'll go up and lose horizontal distance since you're now travelling the hypotenuse instead of the leg.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Yes that is after it is down isn't it? So when she blinks at you at the pallet, drop it on her head, stun her and go run to the next LoS, change direction whatever just keep an eye on her.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    i rarely played her before her rework and i actually never used addons on her either.

    I'm currently trying to learn her now, and without at least brown/yellow addons to reduce the fatigue she feels so weak to learn. For me Nurse have the same potential as Huntress but definitly is harder to learn.

    She isn't a bike, not playing her for weeks and you already forgot how to blink.

    She has nothing for herself now and i have an easier time playing Clown for example.

    But at least she is the only killer i derank with, which i don't care about and i'm still learning her coz it's good to be able to play all killers :3

  • Member Posts: 126

    I'm seeing a pattern with the people who complain about nurse nerf. I really think all of the people who are complaining were the people she got nerfed for. You guys ran her with ruin, sloppy, noed, busted addons etc. You weren't good with her to begin with, you were average at best, she was too easy to play for the payoff that she gave. I've played nurse since the day she came out, and I can still consistently 4k with her to this day. I never played her with addons or any crutch perks like ruin, and others listed above, and i basically got really good at her. I'm not gonna lie, its definitely harder because of the new base kit changes. Now I personally run the blink recharge speeds addons to get her as close as she was before because I basically played base nurse. I personally think the addons the devs reworked are mostly useless, and the base kit changes are unfortunate because i did enjoy not having to wait for a fatigue and then wait extra time until i can blink again, but i think it may have been needed. With that said, I do see how she is kind of a dead killer because only the top 1% can play her comfortably. Also, I understand how frustrating it is because, yes, its very very hard to learn her from scratch now, but i think its totally possible.

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