"Hex Ruin totem gets destroyed too early" idea for helping the killers and balance perception

What if New Ruin could "restart" and change totem once cleansed?
Like: "Whenever the Hex Totem gets cleansed it respawns after 30, 25, 20 seconds. The respawn can only be activated once per game"
Maybe that could help you, Ruin users?
Killer perks are much more stronger than survivor perks.
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And still it is perceived that the "power role" inclines towards them.
I'm not saying this as a Killer main, I'm a rank 1 killer AND survivor who plays the same amount of games on both sides, I just want the "revenge behaviour" to be over, I never run Ruin and as survivor I wouldn't mind cleansing another totem with my SWF if that helps the perception of balance
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Sure. It doesn't make it too strong it just makes it a little more resilient.
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Or just better totem spots, but the idea isn't too bad nor great.
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I get the point about the spots, but they're still going down cause of my Small Game, heehhe
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The new Lery's puts them inside of objects. Had a game where the entire team ran around looking, so I'm pretty sure it bugged out and spawned inside of a wall, since we found all 4 dulls.
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I don't mean to sound like I'm strongly against it or anything, but I do thing this sorta' undermines the point of a hex perk. The idea behind a hex is that you get a strong effect, but risk it being taken away.
On a more technical level, this would probably cause some issues when you have multiple hex perks, since you'd quickly run out of dull totems for your hex to respawn on.
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Dam, that sucks
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But, do you really believe the new ruin is a "strong perk"? It's pretty useless by it's own in my experience
And yes, no dull totems would mean no respawn, so, that's on the killer
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I think deactivating a totem being more interactive instead of just holding m1 would go a long way in helping the totem issue. Same for generators tbh.
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Well the perk only works if you apply pressure, base 115 speed M1 killers don't have that, and have to try a lot harder than high mobility Killers like Hillbilly.
I keep thinking your name is Carly, that's how I register it from now on.
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Yea but the new hex perk isn’t strong it’s to weak to be a hex perk
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And where were your teammates?! Was that solo or you didn't communicate? I mean, when I 90% a gen and the killer with Ruin goes after me I just say out loud to my SWF "I left a 90% gen by shack, go finish it before Ruin get's it broken"
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Damn... It's actually cause my wife plays every now and then too and we didn't want to create a new account for her so, it's spanish for Carlos and Lu
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When will new stats be released? I am really into them, thanks for everything so far btw. I have to say I made this post trying to help Ruin users, I do not and have never used Ruin nor NOED, but the ammount of people taking "revenge" since Ruin's nerf is kind of annoying some times.
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When will you release stats? Since the ruin nerf
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probably would not change too much as most survivors cleanse dull totems now to counter noed but it would not be a bad idea for a new killer perk maybe it would work like this:
hex: jinx
when a hex totem other than this totem is cleansed hex: jinx will copy the effects of the cleansed totem for 80/100/120 seconds
now imagine combining this effect with haunted grounds XD
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"Ummm, Big Bird... 3 is number." -Krimit the Frog
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You were gone for 160 seconds? If I'm not wrong, and I probably am, gens regress normally at a quarter of what Survivors repair at. Therefore, Ruin makes them regress at half the speed that Survivors repair. A gen takes 80 seconds, so for it to regress fully it would need to be about 160 seconds, or two minutes and forty seconds.
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said it once, ill say it again, why not make Hex Totems NOT lit up
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That sounds like a failure of your team, not the strength of the perk. Since the new ruin completely stops when someone is working on a gen, survivors can turn it off just by having two people work on each gen, have one stick with the chase, and the second continue working on the gen. Sure, the killer can drop the chase, but a decent survivor will be able to recognize that and then start making their way back to the gen. If the killer returned to the gen to chase the remaining survivor off it, then the one that was originally chased can hop back on. If the killer went somewhere else, then the gen is once against free for both of them.
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Instead of it being a hex, would it be better to just make it a token perk. Like 4 tokens regression is 200%. 3 is 150% 2 is 100% and 1 is 50%. Lose a token every time a person is killed.
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I wish I had your Survivors that would not touch a gen for over two minutes.
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I think it being debatable by itself should be telling why it shouldn't be a hex or why it should be buffed.
What I am getting at is this: Hex perks by their very design have to be extremely powerful without question because of their frailty so:
If a hex perk is debatable that is useful at all by itself let alone powerful even with supporting perks then it probably shouldn't be a hex to begin with.
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2 gens popping by the time you get your first hook and even start a chase sometimes. Very promising indeed.
Matches are gearing towards the early guessing of finding a survivor.
Did you guess it right? Cool, you get 1-2 gens popping , if your finish your chase quick ofc.
Did you guess it wrong, and everyone is on the other side of the map?
That'll be 2-3 gens.
And you guys even had the audacity of asking if the game is scary like a proper horror game on the survey.
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(Not an argument read in a calm voice please)
Killer perks need to be stronger baseline than survivor perks because its a 1v4 game.
The killers 4 perks should in theory be balanced against the 16 survivor perks.
All hex perks can be destroyed right off the bat at the start of a match thus removing it from the game entirely. The issue is these perks have so much fluctuation that they are far to unreliable to be considered strong.
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Would be better, that you have to cleanse 4 totems and the last one becomes the hex one.
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This has a high chance of not happening. To quote the dev stream from 1/23/2020:
- will hex totems get a respawn mechanic?: very unlikely. if this were to happen the perks would have to be made weaker. If killers were to reset it, it would have to take alot of time due to the amount of power hexes and have.
- have you considered making ruin non hex?: considered it and didnt seem right. if it wasnt a hex perk they would have to make it weaker.
- have you thought about keeping the no great skill check progress part of ruin?: if ruin doesnt do the job they expect it to, this is an option they might consider doing.
- will you remove the notification survivors get when ruin is active?: hex system as a whole notifies survivors when they are affected by a hex, if they remove it itll become inconsistent with all other hexes.
notes on the forums from the stream can be found here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/123658/live-q-a-recap-january-23rd-2020
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Haunted ground would last 2 minutes.
Because haunted grounds and jinx bith start at the same time 🤷♂️
Which I think would be fair. 2 perk slots for 2 minutes of exposed you can't control.
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The thing with hex perks is that they have more risk for killer to run them than survivor to disable them. This is why it is strange that a hex perk like Hex:Ruin was a meta perk because logically, why would a killer run a perk they could lose over more consistent perk choices? The answer is that the hardest teams to win as killer are teams that both optimize objective and chase time to extreme levels. Since most of the killers struggle to beat such teams under normal conditions, Killers were willing to take the gamble of Ruin as they had nothing to lose if their chances of winning better survivor teams were already very minimal outside of top-end killers. Sometimes the chance to win is better than no chance at all. Killers run perks that they believe will help them against good teams, there's no point in running perks that work against bad players because if your confident in your skills, you should be able to win against lower skilled players without any perks or add-on's.
If that perk was invented, If you have more hex perks, it means that effect would deactivate faster because people would rush to disable all totems until you run out of totems in the map. I mean if you run 4 totem perks right now, say you run Hex:devour hope, third seal, ruin and haunted grounds, than players would go totem hunting to disable your perks because it benefits them to disable the effects as it would increase their odds of winning the match. In doing so, it would indirectly slow their progress on generators because they would need spend time searching for totems. Totem perks are like decisive strike. You don't run decisive strike because it will activate every game, you run the perk because if the chance that it does activate, it can swing the game in your favor. Because killers don't want to lose the game from taking decisive strikes, a killer seeing an obsession in a game assumes everyone has the perk. Sometimes the fear of getting decisive strike is greater than the effect itself.
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I honestly think one issue with new ruin is that it's nearly impossible to see it's effect, unlike old ruin that was reminding you of it existence every skillcheck, and you could feel how you were punished at each fail. Now you don't see yourself the regression, since you are usually running away from the gen, and have no way of knowing of much a random gen has regressed since last person worked on it. I'm confident that despite the feeling it gives, it has a good effect. Would be great to have stats to be sure though..
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Wheres the strong effect of ruin?
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So you were gone from it for almost 2 and a half minutes? With hook times that means the killer either already lost the game because he was chasing you to get that hook for a LONG time or you were left on that hook for well more than one stage and took quite a while to head back to that gen. That seems to be a highly abnormal scenario from most games.