You can keep NOED...

But at least give survivors a notification for when they have the debuff, especially if it’s the exposed status effect.



  • GurkLion
    GurkLion Member Posts: 13

    True, however if you have been inflicted with a debuff it only makes sense that the game tells you what it is let alone notifies you.

  • GurkLion
    GurkLion Member Posts: 13

    You shouldn’t have to expect a perk to be used despite how often it is used. Everyone has the exposed status effect before the first person is struck, being notified after ######### hits the fan isn’t a good way to have this perk setup. You get notified when the killer has ruin (even though its obvious when you work on a gen/get off a gen now), you get notified when Myers hits tier 3 that you have exposed, why does NOED get a pass? It’s an inconsistent feature of this perk that gives it a bigger buff than necessary. Giving survivors this notification will balance it out, killers get to have their one-hit freebie perk and survivors know to go hunting for NOED.

  • GurkLion
    GurkLion Member Posts: 13

    While this is good advice (that I already follow), I was simply pointing out a consistency issue that should at least be addressed by the game devs. I don’t think forcing either killers or survivors to accommodate in skill what the game lacks in consistency isn’t a good solution to the problem.

  • GurkLion
    GurkLion Member Posts: 13

    True, but I like devour hope because it encourages killers to not facecamp survivors. It requires a lot from the killer and rewards the killer accordingly which I can appreciate. NOED doesn’t require anything other than reaching the 5-gen count / close hatch. But aside from that, I still think a debuff as grand as being one-shottable should announce itself as such to the player on the receiving end.

  • GurkLion
    GurkLion Member Posts: 13

    Also props to you for not simply bashing a survivor main and attempting to prove a point.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    There should be an indicator somewhere on the screen that let's survivors know how many totems remain on the map. The biggest issue I have especially as solo survivor is you don't know how many totems have been cleansed. Noed is suppose to punish survivors for not doing the second objective but how are survivors suppose to know if the objective has already been done? I'm not going to search around the entire map looking for a totem that might not even be there.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    killers don’t need another nerf. Period.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,772

    I'll call a BS mechanic out when I see it, which is why I was one of the people who called out old prayerbeads due to all the gengrabs out of nowhere it caused. Mechanics like that shouldnt have to require a perk to stand a chance against. In the case of NOED however, theres already ingame counters. I try to identify as much about a killer as possible so I can deduct what they DONT have. As a killer main who's very aware of all the killer perks and addons, might be abit easier for me though. I suspect survivor mains are often times less aware of all that. If I can count your 4 perks, I know not to worry about spirit fury for example, or nemesis.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    If they’re a bad player just expect NOED. If they camp/tunnel expect NOED.

    Basically unless they play like they dont need NOED, then expect NOED

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,772

    Feel like an audio cue should play when a totem gets destroyed. That would allow observant survivors to keep track of how many remain.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    A few perks work this way.

    For instance only one obsession is in the game but everyone could be running DS or just one person and the obsession themselves may not have it.

    No indicator for borrowed time for the killer.

    These perks are designed to be expected so certain things don't happen like tunnelling or camping or they do like in the case of NOED the totems to take away from powering through the gens.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    You dont need more help. The devs have given you enough. What will it take to realize that? When there are no more killers left and you cant find a match?

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Pretty much this. Every camper killer I've encountered has NOED for fear the final survivor will leave via Hatch or exit gate.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    I find myself bringing maps with add ons to help finding and cleansing totems. Pair that with inner strength and it's a pretty solid combo

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    As a killer I always expect survivors are running DS, Borrowed, Dead Hard, Self Care, or Adrenaline. Those are meta Survivor perks that show up in every match. I personally don't run NOED cause if I do end up "needing" it I've already completely lost.

  • amarakay95
    amarakay95 Member Posts: 24

    So killers should also know if survivors have DS, unbreakable, BT ect?

  • Stridor
    Stridor Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2020

    It's not inconsistent at all. All totems don't inform you of their presence until they have in some way impacted the survivor gameplay. Devour Hope doesn't tell you you're exposed until someone has been downed. Huntress's Lullaby isn't shown until you have a skill check that it affects. Ruin isnt shown until you step off a gen. Third seal isn't shown until you've been hit. Thrill of the Hunt isn't shown until you touch a totem. That's literally all of them. Exposed status caused by killer abilities are shown because it would be unfair for them to go around marking and stalking and one hit downing you without you knowing when that could be for the entirety of the game.

    Also, its a perk you should expect if you've been unable to identify all the other perks used by the killer. I honestly just assume the killer has everything bad until proven otherwise. When I go into a locker I hope they don't have iron maiden, when I go for a vault in a loop I know in the back of my mind they could have I'm all ears or bamboozle. When someone is hooked I keep in mind BBQ is a perk. I also know the possibility that a killer could be using a nurse's calling when healing. You just have to see how the killer responds to everything you're doing. A big part of the game is knowing the available perks, identifying what is in this specific kit and how they're using it. If you're doing gens so fast that you don't have a chance to get that read on your opponent, just expect no Ed or bloodwarden or even StBfL until there is confirmation that they don't have it.

    Post edited by Stridor on
  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747

    Part of what makes NOED NOED is its element of surprise. Bring a map, do totems and stop complaining.

  • GurkLion
    GurkLion Member Posts: 13

    You, like many others, have failed to address the actual problem being discussed in this thread. This isn’t a problem that survivors should adjust to, rather it’s an inconsistent feature of the game’s perk system. No survivors shouldn’t have to bring an item for totems, and no they shouldn’t be put into a position where they have to expect a particular perk to be used by a killer. Case dismissed.

  • Coder
    Coder Member Posts: 747
    edited February 2020

    Wrong. The killer is not shown that the survivor has Dead Hard, or Balanced Landing, or DS (except for the obsession, but anyone can have it) or even if he's chasing the Adrenaline guy on the last generator. That's how all the perks work, they show up when they start acting, like thanatophobia or sloppy butcher, or Devour Hope. Devour Hope is not shown until the survivor is hit (not when the 3rd unhook happens). And NOED works the same way.

    So, there is no inconsistency and there is no "Case". But if there was a "Case", sorry buddy, you lost.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030
    edited February 2020

    you could always run detectives hunch or small game , or learn the spawn points for totems . they usually spawn in separate areas and those areas have totem spawn points that you can memories to make checking for totems easier.

    Also a killer shoudnt have to expect a survivor to use DS or adrenaline or even Dead hard .

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529
    edited February 2020

    Small game isn't viable for that. If you run small game there is a chance you will run up against a trapper, hag, or Freddy. In which case small game will be going off constantly due to the belongings they leave behind in which case it will be pretty useless in determining if there are totems still in the game. And maps are not a common item, you cant use maps in every game unless you've been collecting them for a very long time.

    And detectives hunch can only be unlocked through a premium character or the shrine of secrets on the rare occasions its available. I'm not spending five bucks to get a survivor perk solely to counter one crutch killer perk.

    And why is it when somebody mentions a problem in the game some body always brings up a perk to counter it. We only have 4 perk slots. It's impossible to counter everything. If I want to counter camping gotta use bt, if I want to counter tunneling gotta use ds, if i want to counter an overpowered spirit gotta use iron will, if i want to counter slugging gotta bring unbreakable...

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    I want a notification whether a survivors DS is active.

  • Shaai1
    Shaai1 Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2020

    I am fine for NOED to give you notification once it activates as long as other perks do the same.

    Including DS, borrowed time, dead hard, mettle of man etc.

    Same will apply to devour hope, huntress lullaby etc.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    I'm pretty sure one of the devs on the Q&A stream said that all hexes notifies the Survivors as soon as they are affected by it. If affected by is getting downed by exposed then is consistent, if is getting the exposed status effect then is inconsistent.

    Having the example of Devour Hope which only notifies after the down and it needs to be like that, the consistent way is to inform the Survivors only after the down.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    You could just break all totems

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286
    edited February 2020

    And as a bunch of people already told you, if you want to be notified when you are exposed you should notify the killer when you're with: Endurance (Borrowed Time), Exhausted, Hasted, DS, Action Speed buff (Leader, Spine Chill, Resilience, No One Left Behind, etc.). I wouldn't mind having to expect ONE perk in exchange for not giving information to the Killer.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    NOED is complete ######### that can give killer free win, but breaking consistency of how Hex perks work is not a good way to nerf it.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    That would completely kill them. Unbreakable would become No Mither level, Devour would be complete trash, MoM would get nerfed again, all detection perks like Nurses or BBQ would get nerfed too, not to mention Distortion becoming ######### tier because of that.

    All of that to slightly nerf NOED? No thank you

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    small game only works for opened traps I've tested it so it would still be useful

    detectives was in the shrine 2 weeks ago meaning you had the means to get it and if you didnt then it's your fault.

    it's funny how you're okay with survivors not having to use perks to counter killers but killers have to use perks like ruin,pop or corrupt to slow down the game .

    as a survivor you literally dont need perks , sure it helps but you can escape without them.

    you also didnt mention the fact that you could use a map or learn how totems spawn. (which these two things can be done with any survivor and do not cost $5)

    In the end you getting hit by noed is your fault, if it can glow it needs to go.

  • Shaai1
    Shaai1 Member Posts: 87

    Then, to keep it fair, don´t touch any of them, including NOED.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Decisive Strike is also from a licensed DLC, and yet a lot of people got Laurie solely for that perk.. And a lot of people got Leatherface only for barbecue, and other characters only for that one other perk.. So the argument not to get the Saw DLC just for one perk is a bit ridiculous when people do it all the time.

    So just because you don't want to spend money on the paid stuff they should nerf everything in the game because it's unfair to the people who don't want to spend $5? Doesn't seems very fair to the people who did pay.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Always expect a hex, and cleanse every totem you see. Sure it takes times away from doing gens, but if your team knows what they're doing you can get it all done..

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    If they can't take the 15 (or is it 20?) seconds it takes to cleanse, they deserve what's coming to them.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59

    We're talking about a perk not killer. Doing nothing the whole match and having a totem that gives you 1 hit on survivors is broken. Anyone can use it and the skillcap is low.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59

    Never thought of this. Why is this not a thing. As someone who plays a lot of survivor and killer this idea sounds golden to me. Although even with this Decisive still needs to be reworked.