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If you had to remove ONE perk? killer and surv.



  • Member Posts: 987

    Dead Hard and Insidious

  • Member Posts: 558

    Because they're bad perks, Monstrous Shrine and No Mither.

    Because they're bad for the game, Insidious and Decisive Strike

  • Member Posts: 919

    Self-Care and Self-Care.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Object of obsession and insidious

  • Member Posts: 1,620
    edited February 2020

    Why would you want remove a perk? Change it instead.

    Perks that are most annoying?

    1. NOED, because it rewards the Killer for playing bad. I can uderstand using it to secure a pip or counter high rank last survivior camping hatch, but these issues should be fixed by devs, not a trash and unfair second chance perk.
    2. DS, because it punishes the killer for playing well and rewards survivior for being cocky-toxic (not bold, just straight up toxic) by giving him 60 seconds of unconditional immunity, even more so while using Unbreakable. So I disagree Unbreakable is the worst perk, its DS thats the worst, because it can break the flow of the game even more. And no, DS does not only counter tunneling, killer can hook 3 people and you can get caught in a Bear Trap, but as long as its less than 60 seconds, DS still works. If it was fixed and it disabled when you are not being tunneled, DS timer could even be like 20 minutes without skillcheck and I wouldnt care

  • Member Posts: 980

    Adrenaline. Most game-changing Survivor Perk in the game right now. If 3 or 4 Survivors are running it, you cannot put enough pressure on the last gen because they won't heal and keep pushing to finish it. The speed boost is just a final slap in the face when you're chasing someone and it pops. Absolutely needs reworked or taken out.

    Rancor. Hate this Perk. You can do gens, help your team, and basically be an all-star during a game, and then out of nowhere you get OHKO'd and Mori'd. Really not a fair Perk imo. Had enough matches where the Killer got 1k, me, only because of this Perk. NOED is outplayable (all Hex perks are), but there is no counterplay to Rancor other than "Hide and pray the Killer can't find you until the exit gates are open and hopefully you picked the right one to use".

  • Member Posts: 9


    I would have to say NOED. I find it so annoying how all survivors work hard to get the gens done and all the hard work goes away by NOED and I always die to it because I can't leave someone behind


    I don't know maybe sprint burst because it gives you good distance between you and the killer especially if you know how to use it just like i do I can use it like dead hard use it at the right time and you can make you killer miss

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Self-Care : pretty much a killer sided perk, as you waste time instead of doing gen or get heal, and reveal your position to a killer with Nurse's.

    Insidious : only have one use, to camp survivor. Basically a toxic perk for killer.

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2020

    For killer Insidious. Its a garbage perk and the only purpose for it is camping

    For survivor I guess urban evasion

  • Member Posts: 131

    Noed and No mither

  • Member Posts: 8

    Self care: team mates waste too much time

    NOED: Rewards killers for playing poorly

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    For being annoying:

    Killer: NOED

    Survivor: DS

    For being crap:

    Killer: Monstrous Shrine

    Survivor: No Mither

  • Member Posts: 124

    For Killer, NOED. I'm a killer main and I think it's the worst thing in existence. For survivor, DS probably but I don't have a real problem with DS, just don't tunnel lol

  • Member Posts: 353

    All these survs be complaining about NOED.. Adrenaline & BT what do you think these are????

    Killer: Rancor, you get slayed in the end and it sucks

    Survivor: Borrowed time, It is a horrible second chance perk that people use along with a flashlight and DS to be toxic. Where as DS just needs a rework so it de-activates once you start doing something else like a gen or totem or healing someone

  • Member Posts: 266

    DS and BBQ. A true game of hide and seek

  • Member Posts: 280

    I would definitely remove Decisive strike as it is so powerful for survivor (giving them yet another chance). For killer, I would remove sloppy butcher - there are add ons that can give mangled, therefore restrict it to those. It is very powerful on some killers.

  • Member Posts: 270

    The problem is most people that get farmed aren't SWF and in the end, the people that save you Infront of the killer and don't take a hit when they are full health are the sort of people who crouch around the map and get the hatch so getting you to the next stage, whether that be death, is probably better for them because we all know they aren't gonna do gens. When I play killer (albeit rarely now) if someone saves a survivor Infront of me I often hit them down but allow the team to heal them, if the saving survivor didn't even try taking a hit that's probably the only scenario when I'll start tunneling xD

  • Member Posts: 129

    Survivor - object of obsession

    Killer - bitter murmur

  • Member Posts: 3

    Sprint Burst and NoEd.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Dead Hard, and Deerstalker.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Killer: Noed

    Survivor: No Mither

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    I'd say NOED and Adrenaline

  • Member Posts: 154

    NOED & DS

    They're both training wheel perks that reward poor performance.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Deerstalker does not promote slugging, Knock Out does.

    I used to run Deerstalker when I was a n00b, it was really helpful if another survivor was around to hit him, and then come back to pick up the survivor. Also, slugging has its risks, they can pick up the survivor and you lost the progress on your chase.

  • Member Posts: 119

    My mistake, I had the descriptions for the perks mixed up, I meant Knock Out!

  • Member Posts: 142

    My vote goes for DS and NOED, too.

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