Either Remove Looping Potential; or buff Bloodlust

Seriously. There should NEVER be a situation where I am looped endlessly because it takes SO ######### LONG for Bloodlust to trigger. NEVER. I am so ######### pissed off right now from a damn match of flashlight-stunning; blinding after a pallet drop; endlessly ######### looping at EVERY loop point EVER... for the ENTIRE ######### MATCH, because Bloodlust would not trigger because every little ######### thing interrupted line of sight to stop it.

And before any of you dumb ######### survivor mains come in and be like "just abandon the chase if you're getting looped". No. That should never ######### be the answer. If you are ######### stupid enough to get into a chase; you should either have to LEGITIMATELY get away from me by running/pallet dropping/crouching/walking around the environment to end the chase; or my Bloodlust should have me on top of you and not take ######### 30-45 seconds per tier and be ######### broken by immediate line of sight breaks.

"You can't remove looping; it is natural for maps with objects". Again, no. You ######### can. You shorten loop 'paths' so that there is never a situation where one player gets to the entrance/exit while the other gets to the other entrance/exit at the same time.

Shorten Bloodlust accumulation. Make it ONLY break if line of sight is broken for longer than a few seconds and not immediately like it is now. Better yet, if I am on your Scratch Marks - my bloodlust should not be broken. Your ######### catering to these Survivors and giving them 97 second chance mechanics is getting obscenely out of hand. Your blatant fear of pissing off that side of your playerbase is clear.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    Maybe you dont want to open a Thread like this after you just lost a game.

    Bloodlust is a dumb mechanic, which is somewhat needed, but also used at places where it is not needed at all. And this is basically what you are proposing here. Certain Tiles can be mindgamed, just following the Survivor will not get you into short chases.

    Same thing with Bloodlust Breaking... According to your post you will not lose Bloodlust until you down the Survivor. This is horrible design. Breaking a Pallet should also break Bloodlust, because otherwise, the Killer will end up in Bloodlust 3 the whole time, until he downs a Survivor. You cannot simply do something like that without balancing, and the Balance would be, to have way more Pallets to ensure that the Survivor is actually getting some distance out of them. This is how the game is currently designed, looping, trying to be efficient with it and then throwing the Pallet to break Bloodlust.

    Last but not least, abandoning Chases - you have to. Sure, some Loops should not be in the game (Ironworks Window, Loops on the Asylum Map for example), but it is not the Survivors fault that they are there. And if I have a Killer who follows me through the Ironworks Window, I will loop it 3 times. And it is smart to abandon a chase at such a BS Window instead of just commiting to it.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    You would lose Bloodlust when the Survivor actually managed to break the damn chase instead of looping you endlessly because of endless Bloodlust-LineOfSight-Breaking. It would force Survs to have to learn how to break chases by using the environment to actually ESCAPE instead of just soaking up killer patrol time; Force them to play smarter and less "come chase me a bit so I can get some BP". The entire game needs to be refocused from ######### with the Killer to avoid the damn Killer by this point.

    Bloodlust is needed when Survivors get a damn speed buff from being hit on top of Killers having such a LONG ASS delay between doing just about any action; they have 400 vault/pallet/holes in upper floors locations; and the ability to lose the chase by actually mind gaming and breaking their sprints by walking or crouching around objects when they manage to put some distance between them and the killer; as well as the Devs sitting there swaddling their little bottoms so they don't have to play matches with hardly any strategy other than run around like crazy across the map, run in circles, rush the gens and everyone gets to live happily ever after.

    Killers should not have to abandon a chase; Survivors should have to escape that chase. I'm sick of this game making killers as frightening as a cloud on a sunny day, because "fear isn't fun"; "stealth isn't fun"; and Survs want to run around ######### with the killer and get away just as easily. This isn't F13 - go play that damn game if you want a game about bullying and 'fighting back' against the killer. This game should have been designed with the attitude that survivors should NEVER want to be around the killer and the killers should have been terrifying even when you are level 1 with them.

    Instead, we get this steaming pile of ######### that only keeps getting shittier because of the reliance on Survivor players 'enjoyment' and Survivor mains know this -- hence why they continue to do the same thing they always do because they know the Devs will never crackdown on them too hard or they just cry - threaten to quit - and the Devs backtrack on that idea.

    As for 'not making this thread when I lose a game'.. As if the Devs actually give a damn about 95% of the threads posted here. If it doesn't directly pertain to something on their mind; or they're not swooping in to shut down a thread; they're about as useful as any other 'suggestion' threads -- a place for players to vent but never get anything ever really looked at in the long run if it goes against 'Dev vision'.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    To me Bloodlust is a band aid fix on a wound that is long gone. It used to be a decent mechanic to counteract the incredible amount of pallets on the maps, now it's just a cheap mechanic to ignore pallets stuns and getting faster and faster until looping is utterly countered.

    The only legit use it has nowadays is to balance out god windows ... Just Entity Block them after one vault and the problem would be solved.