Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why does it seem like people dont want this game balanced

Lordtobirama666 Member Posts: 14
edited August 2018 in General Discussions
All you hear is killers crying all the time how there super underpowered and the survivor's are overpowered which is absolutely incorrect every dedicated killer just wants to turn the game into them winning every single match with no effort at all instead of just getting better at the game why does no one seem to want this game balanced at all ?
Post edited by Lordtobirama666 on


  • Lordtobirama666
    Lordtobirama666 Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2018
    See I don't want the game unbalanced I feel the killers should have a little more of a advantage because hell there killers but some people just go overboard on how they want the killers to be pretty much unbeatable where the survivor's never live 
  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    Here is my question for you....How do you balance something that is unbalanced to begin with?

    The game is Asymmetrical 4 v 1. Should the killer be "balanced" to a team of 4 survivors? So 100% power of all 4 survivors is the 100% value of the killer? That would mean the killer is going against 75/50/25% of the team's ability once 1/2/3 survivors are killed. That would mean the killer is well OP and should have somewhere near a 90-100% kill rate.

    What if it was balanced towards the Survivors that would mean that a 1 v 1 the survivor should win 100% of the time. Now that is 400% in favor of the survivors and 100% to the killer's abilities. Just as unbalanced.

    There has to be a fine line to walk. The key issue is that players want to win. Survivor or killer both sides want to win. For killers, survivors give them crap unless they get a 4K (the still get taunted and shamed even then too). For survivors, many feel that unless all 4 escape they don't win (or PIP).

    So I think a few things need to be changed:

    1. Describe what win conditions are? 2:2 = Tie. 3-1/4-0, either way, is a win for the team with the 3/4.

    2. Make pips more difficult and actually make the ranks and player levels matter. No matter who is the Lobby host for SWF it takes an average of the player's ranks and puts them with an even matched killer or better killer.

    3. Keep the game balance 2:2. This is the only fair way to attempt to balance this game.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    For some people....Winning is a perspective. (And as for that..."fun" too.)

    Before you can even define "balance" in this game.....what does winning mean exactly? It's different for several people. Some like to play competitively.....others more relaxed.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I play as survivors 80% of the time and any time I play as the killer I kill all 4 every time with ease to me it I just don't understand where every one gets that the killers are underpowered 
    Yeah, try rank 1 unless you are a god nurse. No offense.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Ihatelife said:
    Please, play against the amazing SWF with their 4 DS,SC,SB and adrenaline at rank 1 :)

    Yes because every game is a full 4 man swf group and ever single one they all run DS, SC, SB and AD at rank 1. It's almost as if you pulled numbers out of thin air again as usual to back up your claims. Well that's just one pic that blows your histrionics out of the water.

  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333

    @powerbats said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    Please, play against the amazing SWF with their 4 DS,SC,SB and adrenaline at rank 1 :)

    Yes because every game is a full 4 man swf group and ever single one they all run DS, SC, SB and AD at rank 1. It's almost as if you pulled numbers out of thin air again as usual to back up your claims. Well that's just one pic that blows your histrionics out of the water.

    I don't know why did you cover the chat :). Anyway, it is not told that you can't get 4k on rank 1, because it is possible, even playing against SWF. The majority of players on that rank are usually SWF or people that can cooperate with the best perks and that are repairing the generators really quickly.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Brawler said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Ihatelife said:
    Please, play against the amazing SWF with their 4 DS,SC,SB and adrenaline at rank 1 :)

    Yes because every game is a full 4 man swf group and ever single one they all run DS, SC, SB and AD at rank 1. It's almost as if you pulled numbers out of thin air again as usual to back up your claims. Well that's just one pic that blows your histrionics out of the water.

    I don't know why did you cover the chat :). Anyway, it is not told that you can't get 4k on rank 1, because it is possible, even playing against SWF. The majority of players on that rank are usually SWF or people that can cooperate with the best perks and that are repairing the generators really quickly.

    I covered chat because name and shame rules still apply and I only posted it because the person I responded to was posting complete nonsense again. At that rank it's not mostly swf but people that know what they're doing on both sides.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    I think the issue with balance in general is the difficulty to balance the game in terms of skills cap. There is a pretty big difference between low rank vs high rank players and balancing for one tends to screw the other. If you balance for the young survivor the elder exploits the system. IF you make the game balanced toward more experienced survives young survives get wiped out with out a chance to learn. Further the power of the killer should = 4 survives, but the gap between solo players vs SWF is huge enough that balancing for one again unbalances the other. DBD suffers from the fact it does not want new game modes, it can't balance ranking to be meaningful, and the very one dimension of the game with so many variables leaves a logistic nightmare to correctly implement a true balance... because again... so many gaps between groups.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @fcc2014 said:
    They have stated the average survival rate is 2 dead and 2 killed.

    And multiple killers have been over a 50% well before any survivor nerfs.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Lordtobirama666 said:
    All you hear is killers crying all the time how there super underpowered and the survivor's are overpowered which is absolutely incorrect every dedicated killer just wants to turn the game into them winning every single match with no effort at all instead of just getting better at the game why does no one seem to want this game balanced at all ?

    Yet another "non-argument topic"
    "You just want to win every rounds" isn't an argument. It's a statement, and it's a false one.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Runiver said:

    @Lordtobirama666 said:
    All you hear is killers crying all the time how there super underpowered and the survivor's are overpowered which is absolutely incorrect every dedicated killer just wants to turn the game into them winning every single match with no effort at all instead of just getting better at the game why does no one seem to want this game balanced at all ?

    Yet another "non-argument topic"
    "You just want to win every rounds" isn't an argument. It's a statement, and it's a false one.

    True and sadly both sides extremists do this to insult the other side. Most people want a fun game that also can give them a good scare. Well occasionally a good scare since having a Myers sneakily stalk you and never be noticed is enough in 1 game.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @powerbats said:

    @Runiver said:

    @Lordtobirama666 said:
    All you hear is killers crying all the time how there super underpowered and the survivor's are overpowered which is absolutely incorrect every dedicated killer just wants to turn the game into them winning every single match with no effort at all instead of just getting better at the game why does no one seem to want this game balanced at all ?

    Yet another "non-argument topic"
    "You just want to win every rounds" isn't an argument. It's a statement, and it's a false one.

    True and sadly both sides extremists do this to insult the other side. Most people want a fun game that also can give them a good scare. Well occasionally a good scare since having a Myers sneakily stalk you and never be noticed is enough in 1 game.

    Pretty much.
    Most people just want a "balanced game for their level of play", which is very usually a casual mode, while the game should be balanced around a competitive mode in the first place. Which is why this game will never get balanced at this point : it's made to please casual players, and throw cheesy stuff at them they can use.

    At least, devs are heading (slowly) in the right direction by tweaking a few stuff.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    It's the Survivors who just want to bully the Killer and have their wins handed to them. When BHVR actually tries to balance the game, they whine and moan. Instead of trying to help them get better by giving tips or just ignoring their complaints, BHVR gives in them and buffs Survivors to shut them up. They don't really care about Killers that much. All they care about is their Survivors and money. They're so scared of their Survivors quitting and making them lose money that they will mess up the balance even more just to get them to stay. I honestly think that it'll take the game losing the majority of players for them to change and start caring about Killers. Unless they can do what Ubisoft did and bring back a nearly dead game (R6 Siege was going to fail if Ubisoft hadn't continued supporting it like they did), then it might end up being too late for them to get their 20k+ players back and the game would forever have a small playerbase.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    I think people do want balance but they want it balanced THEIR own way but this isn’t THEIR game it’s BHVR and we have to remember that! So no matter how much one side screams and shouts to be heard BHVR will do their own thing
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    It’s because people “think” the game is balanced right now because they play bad and die but think it’s the killer or they see killers at rank 1 performing well. Killers can perform well at rank 1 because survivors play bad or they are bad and only got to high ranks because of crutch perks/bad game design in favor of easy survivor gameplay so they shouldn’t even be there. It basically boils down to people not recognizing the reason they lost was because they or their team played bad and not actually because of the games balance. If survivors and killers are playing at the actual same skill level the survivors will win every time. The killer only wins if the survivors let them.
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Dudddd said:
    People lose one game and  immediately run to the forums thinking they’re entitled because of their hours  in game.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    See I don't want the game unbalanced I feel the killers should have a little more of a advantage because hell there killers but some people just go overboard on how they want the killers to be pretty much unbeatable where the survivor's never live 
    The spelling, grammar and complete lack of punctuationin this one gave me a stroke to read. But no  most killers just want their skill to actually matter. As it is now, a perfect killer will ALWAYS lose against perfect survivors. 100% of the time, no exceptions. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Vietfox said:
    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:
    1 - need to get better
    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.
    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.
    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.
    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @TheHourMan said:
    Lordtobirama666 said:

    See I don't want the game unbalanced I feel the killers should have a little more of a advantage because hell there killers but some people just go overboard on how they want the killers to be pretty much unbeatable where the survivor's never live 

    The spelling, grammar and complete lack of punctuationin this one gave me a stroke to read. But no  most killers just want their skill to actually matter. As it is now, a perfect killer will ALWAYS lose against perfect survivors. 100% of the time, no exceptions. 

    See this is where ppl get the insult whiny entitled killer mains from, I mean here you start off by insulting the posters grammar and punctuation. Then you go onto throw out the usual perfect survivors win 100% of the time nonsense.

    This is why I talk about extremists and insulters on both sides of the issue, they can't let their own personal bias stop for one second in their posts. They also can't resist throwing out completely made up facts just to make their point either.

    I've been in games at rank 1-2 where no one made any mistakes at all, the killer just flat out played better. But to you that doesn't happen because the facts don't fit your narrative. Do you actually have hard data to prove your data point argument? Where did you get the data and where are the sources proving your claims?

    The person you're quoting made valid points in their post and what was the 1st thing you did in response? You insulted them. You then went on to offer you opinion of what most killers want, but then threw out the usual made up stuff.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global @SnakeSound222 It's funny you both say survivors just want to bully the killer, so I'll ask you both the same thing. Where do you get your information from, where's the data backing up your claims? Have you both talked to every single survivor and or swf player out there to back up your claims?

    I know for a fact that when I play swf I'm doing so to have fun with my friends, to laugh at our mistakes and the killers. To try and out mind game the killer by juking one way then another and then cringing when we run into a dead end. When the game is over if the killer wasn't a total jerk we say gg and congratulate them.

    The simple fact is most players on both sides just want to have fun, there'll always be toxic jerks in any community and on both sides. Most are just casual players trying to have fun and no at ranks 1-5 it isn't a toxic fest at least on pc.

    In fact most of my games have been really cool and I've had way more toxic solo q players at those ranks than swf. I've been griefed and or sandbagged more times by a solo q player who wanted that the Hex totem. Someone who didn't want anyone else on that gen, or didn't want to get downed so led the killer to someone else.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Tsulan said:
    Vietfox said:
    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:
    1 - need to get better
    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.
    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.
    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.
    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.
    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.
    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.
    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited August 2018
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:

    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:
    1 - need to get better
    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.
    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.
    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.
    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.
    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.

    I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:
    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better

    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.

    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.

    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.

    I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death

    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited August 2018

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:
    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better

    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.

    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.

    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.

    I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death

    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

    If every killer gets to be extremely challenging/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Vietfox said:
    If every killer gets to be extremely challange/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Every Killer should be certain death 1v1, because that's how asymmetrical games work. It shouldn't be even remotely challenging for the power role when it comes to 1v1 the other side. The fact that it's more efficient to have one person looping the Killer while everyone else works separately on generators means there's a big balance problem.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Vietfox said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said: There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better
    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.
    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.
    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.
    I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death

    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

    If every killer gets to be extremely challenging/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Not to be killer biased but a single survivor should not be able to stall the killer . They should have to use mind games and wits to outplay the killer or be downed because the killer played better than them.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:
    If every killer gets to be extremely challange/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Every Killer should be certain death 1v1, because that's how asymmetrical games work. It shouldn't be even remotely challenging for the power role when it comes to 1v1 the other side. The fact that it's more efficient to have one person looping the Killer while everyone else works separately on generators means there's a big balance problem.

    As i said once: if the survivor is skilled enough should be able to deserve better than a certain death, asymmetrical or not.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said: There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better
    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.
    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.
    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.
    I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death

    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

    If every killer gets to be extremely challenging/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Not to be killer biased but a single survivor should not be able to stall the killer . They should have to use mind games and wits to outplay the killer or be downed because the killer played better than them.

    When it comes to survival everything can be used.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Vietfox said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said: Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better 2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens. I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way. A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match. I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death
    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

    If every killer gets to be extremely challenging/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Not to be killer biased but a single survivor should not be able to stall the killer . They should have to use mind games and wits to outplay the killer or be downed because the killer played better than them.

    When it comes to survival everything can be used.

    Yes . Just have a ready counter for the opponent that does not rely on being a nurse ,huntress or the survivor being bad and i'd be happy.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Vietfox said:
    Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:

    If every killer gets to be extremely challange/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Every Killer should be certain death 1v1, because that's how asymmetrical games work. It shouldn't be even remotely challenging for the power role when it comes to 1v1 the other side. The fact that it's more efficient to have one person looping the Killer while everyone else works separately on generators means there's a big balance problem.

    As i said once: if the survivor is skilled enough should be able to deserve better than a certain death, asymmetrical or not.

    The problem is that when the killer is as skilled as the character allows them to be they are powerless if the survivors are better unless nurse and huntress (billy still gets looped but has his saw which mitigates it to an extent)

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:
    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Vietfox said:

    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said: There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better
    2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens.
    I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way.
    A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match.
    I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death

    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

    If every killer gets to be extremely challenging/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    This is supposed to be a horror game. Not Mortal Kombat. Where everyone can 1v1.
    Killers should be OP. Survivors should be scared. But somehow the survivors convinced the devs that it should be the other way around.

    Doesnt matter how powerful the killers are, this wont be a horror game because many other factors, like the light.
    Killers got the upper hand already because they can kill while survivors can only run and escape, and maybe some occasional blinds.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said:

    pauloandrade22 said:

    @Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:

    @Vietfox said: Tsulan said:

    Vietfox said:    There are many killers who manage to stay at rank 1 till the end of the season, it can't be that unbalanced if that happens. People who usually complain too much about balance are usually people who:

    1 - need to get better 2 - hate when they get destroyed, doesnt matter if rarely happens. I'm not saying that game doesnt need some tweaks, but some suggestions or accusations towards survivors are simply ridiculous, especially when some people think all survivors are the same.

    It's not about staying at rank 1. It's about how stressful it is and how much effort each side has to bring in to "enjoy" the game.

    A rank 1 non nurse/billy player has to try harder than the average survivor.

    Rank 1 is suposed to be challenging.

    Other killers have to try "harder" because nurse is too op. Some people got used to her due to the amazing results and feel like other killers should perform the same way. A good nurse with a slug build can get 4 K in less than 2 or 3 gens in almost every match. I agree that rank 1 should be challenging. But it should be challenging for everyone. Not just killers.

    It is, and when survivors have to face that nurse i was talking about it's extremely challenging/a certain death
    Exactly what every killer should be . Unfortunately its not.

    If every killer gets to be extremely challenging/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    This is supposed to be a horror game. Not Mortal Kombat. Where everyone can 1v1.

    Killers should be OP. Survivors should be scared. But somehow the survivors convinced the devs that it should be the other way around.

    Doesnt matter how powerful the killers are, this wont be a horror game because many other factors, like the light.
    Killers got the upper hand already because they can kill while survivors can only run and escape, and maybe some occasional blinds.

    And hide and be stealthy or juke( Lose LOS and break the chase) . The whole point about survivor skill is to first not be found at all, then you have the map knowledge and similar stuff.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    @Vietfox said:
    Orion said:

    @Vietfox said:

    If every killer gets to be extremely challange/a certain death... Dont you think that would mean it's unbalanced for the other side? Needs to be challenging for both.

    Every Killer should be certain death 1v1, because that's how asymmetrical games work. It shouldn't be even remotely challenging for the power role when it comes to 1v1 the other side. The fact that it's more efficient to have one person looping the Killer while everyone else works separately on generators means there's a big balance problem.

    As i said once: if the survivor is skilled enough should be able to deserve better than a certain death, asymmetrical or not.

    The problem is that when the killer is as skilled as the character allows them to be they are powerless if the survivors are better unless nurse and huntress (billy still gets looped but has his saw which mitigates it to an extent)

    You can reach rank 1 and be succesful with any killer. Yes, the difficulty might be different, but it's real and has been proven.