Survivor main, why do you NOT run the meta?



  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    In two words....its boring.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I haven't been running DS lately because I want to use fun builds even at the cost of the killer being a complete jerk. I'd much rather not have at least two slots tied up in case of something like that so I just run whatever I like and if the killer tunnels someone else before me, they only get one hook. If they camp, they only get one hook. Makes me much less annoyed when I just don't care what the killer is doing and annoy them more than they're gonna try to annoy me.

  • Stornt
    Stornt Member Posts: 145

    I don't main survivor, but when I play my Jeff, I run Autodidact, WGLF, Any Means Necessary, and some other perk like Lightweight or Resilience. It's vastly more fun to not have a crutch and play the game casually (plus Autodidact and Any Means Necessary feel so damn good when they work).

  • SolAkira
    SolAkira Member Posts: 71

    It's just not fun. I like to run what makes the game fun for me. I already suck at the game anyway so why not change It up and have fun? I play differently than everyone else so why would I use the same perks? Only meta perk i use is adrenaline but barely even that. I get left on the hook so long I quit bringing BT. I kinda just worry about myself in games now and if we all get out we get out.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Autodidact is so good when you actually get skillchecks.. Best is when the first skillchecks appears right as you start healing, and you manage to get 4 skillchecks in a full heal, next heals are insta-heals (or you get screwed and don't get any more skillchecks for 2 heals)

  • RussianSpyPigeon
    RussianSpyPigeon Member Posts: 83

    Whenever I play survivor I always run Plunderers Instinct, Ace in the hole, Diversion and Stake Out. Ace and Plunderers you may wonder is because I'm usually the last one to get sacrificed, and I can find a key with those two perks. Stake out is for completing generators quicker, and diversion because I just enjoy throwing rocks at the killer when I'm at the exit gate.

  • Stornt
    Stornt Member Posts: 145
    edited February 2020
  • Hamburger
    Hamburger Member Posts: 28

    I personally run BT and Adrenaline, so I could counter campers. I play swf and its obvious how you can counter Campers with BT. As for adrenaline, If someone is hooked and they are being camped. I'll have one of my teammates 99 the last ten. And when I unhook the last person and take a hit, the other guy finishes the gen and I go up one health state. So in the end its for killers that like to camp.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    When I play survivor I solo queue so I usually run with Kindred for info, Urban Evasion for immersion, Alert for more info to go with immersion, and some kind of exhaustion perk, usually Lithe or Sprint Burst. I like to play immersed and focus on totems and gens but need some way to get distance towards the start of chases. The current tome also got me using Head On every now and then as well but for me that one is really situational

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I don't because it gets boring running the same perks all the time. Survivor is so easy that it's nice to switch it up and do different builds.

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    Because I like to make my own decisions and try what works for me. I don't take people's opinions/anecdotal experiences as absolute fact. What I find fun and useful, others may not and vice versa. It's good to have different advantages you can utilize properly. I think it's fun to try different things and learn how to use them, kind of a challenge. If it's not for you, then now you know from experience and can try something else. And given the fact that this game changes things/nerfs things consistently, it's probably not a good idea to become totally reliant on a certain perk. Then you'll be one of those people crying and threatening to leave the game because your crutch got changed or nerfed. Switch things up every now and then and acquire new skills, is what I say

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Because im a contrarian. For all the people here that dont already know me for being a "stupid ######### knowit nothing survicor main who just wants to make killers lives hell" i run whatever feels aestetic and pleasing. I play bill since survivor skins are just aestetic and using his perks unbreakable and BT feels right. I ran these back before unbreakable was considered a meta perk. Back when adrenaline ds and balanced were much stronger. Aside from that i run leader and bond. Bond is always been considered good. I mostly run whatever feels like fun cause alot of killers just kinda ######### about every survivor just logs in to troll and make the killers life hell and every decision a survivor makes is only to target and harass killers with trolling. And i think that joldong that perspective is ignorant and kinda fücking #########. So basically i just run perks that domt give killers a reason to cry because i swear that is really all they do. Although im sure if given enough time theyll eventually just start unironically demanding that survivors just not be allowed to bring items or perks or even queue up even u less they are bad so.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    I like to try other builds and perks together. It can get boring using the same perks and builds over and over.

  • plaguesquid
    plaguesquid Member Posts: 11

    Bbbbeeecause it's a game where people can play how they want o_o

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    Competitively, the meta builds are great but they’re not always fun- pretty sure it has been stated this game isn’t competitive in its nature, it can’t be with the way ranks work anyway, complete calamity. Either way, Head On builds, Houdini builds, MoM and Second Wind, I find them so fun and satisfying when they work right! No amount of Adrenalines and Decisives are going to get me that same satisfaction. Gotta love me some Mettle of Man!

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    personally I just really like trying out different perks to see how well they synergize. one that I'm really interested in right now is running OoO with spine chill. that way I know I can look around and locate the killer without giving away my location without a significant head start on buggering off 😋

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Because empathy, flashlight is where the skill ceiling rises.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    I love messing with non meta perks and making them useful. I think I get more excited when new killers and survivors come out for their new perks and what new combinations can be made, even if they're not strong, but fun instead.

    I like variety, but my current meta is Iron will, Quick and Quiet, Head On and Calm spirit.

    With so many people using doctor/infectious fright/Spies from the shadows now, calm spirit sees a lot more use.

    Iron will and Q&Q are not only good for losing chase. They're good for confusing a killer during a chase, especially those who use sound to determine whether you've vaulted something out of line of sight during a chase.

    Head on is super gimmicky, but at least for me it sees a lot of use. People are sleeping on it. Especially with the help of Q&Q, it can really help get you out of an otherwise deadly situation. Like if you get trapped in the basement. Or to knock your teammate off their shoulder when they least expect it. Iron maiden is probably it's hardest counter, but typically by the time they're no longer stunned, you've made enough distance to not be M1'd.

    Other than that I switch up perks constantly. Dance with Me would also be decent with a Head On build.

    I never used DS before it got nerfed, now I only use it if there's a lot of camping and no slugging because if they're going to slug anyway, DS won't get used. Adrenaline is really good, but only once all the gens are done. It's too situational for me because I never go into a game thinking we'll get that far. Especially not at R1 in solo.

    I used to love dead hard, but it was always a 50/50 of working. I don't get people saying it's OP when half the time you'd use it, you'd get hit, and get your exhaustion back like.. that's a slap in the face. It's mostly used to gain distance in chase as opposed to dodging a hit anymore. I didn't think it could get worse and then dedicated servers dropped.. I don't know what I prefer, people's awful ping or dedicated's god awful hitboxes.

    I never use BT unless someone asks me to or I need to save people for a challenge. Typically you shouldn't be saving people if the killers terror radius is still on the hook. The only exception would be a face camping killer and I don't like to assume every killer is going to be this lame. Not to mention the counters to BT that make it useless. If you're asleep with Freddy, insidious, if you're affected by the undetectable status, or any stealth killers it's a waste of a perk slot in most of these cases.

    Unbreakable is just situational, but definitely a clutch perk when it sees use. Some people like to argue that you recover faster so even after you use it to get up its still useful, but that's only good if anyone is willing to help pick you up or you're no mither and no smart killer will leave a no mither on the ground.

  • findmeready88
    findmeready88 Member Posts: 7

    I mix it up. The only perk i use consistently is calm spirit. (I really don't like the doctor)

    Other then that I switch them out. When i first started i used self care and urban evasion but i got better so those aren't needed anymore. I don't use the aura reading perks much any more either.

    This is not happening, lithe, cs, and streetwise is one build i like. Or take out this is not happening and use resilience or the chest finding perk. Can't recall its name. Lol

    I have gotten much better since i started switching them up.

  • I don't run meta perks on either survivor or killer. I run whatever I feel like running, depending on which killer I using and how I want to play. As survivor, it depends entirely on who I am playing with, what perks I have available for that character, how many and who is in the chat group, how I feel like playing that night. It helps keep the game interesting for me. Sometimes I will just use 4 random perks see how it goes 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • underworld20
    underworld20 Member Posts: 6

    Because I like to prove to people that I can win and run killers without meta perks

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Because it's boring. It's easy enough playing survivor so I run what ever I want because it literally doesn't matter.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I really don't like meta perks in general. When I do play survivor, I don't run Adrenaline, DS, etc, etc. I want to have fun and goof off. I don't plan on living because I'm plagued with toxic teammates and killers. So, I run joke builds.

    As killer, I run a build with a purpose. I don't use too many "meta" perks. I was not a big ruin user before the change. I preferred my perks all serve a purpose for my build.

  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Let's see. For DS, I only see a situation to us it maybe one in five games. Most times if I get tunneled like that, I get slugged for a minute anyway. Wasted perk slot most of the time

    BT, useful against a camper, but rushing a hook that's being camped is not my style. I only run this if I have a challenge to "unhook safely" in order to ensure I can get it.

    DH is horribly unreliable on dedicated servers. I run Sprint Burst now so that I can control when I need the speed. I tend to play more stealthy.

    Adrenaline is ridiculously niche, only useful if you're injured and in a chase or if you've been slugged. Also relies on gens being completed and in the majority of my games, the other survivors are potatoes so that's unlikely.

    Unbreakable is once per game and requires you to be slugged and abandoned for it to be useful even then. Pointless.

    My typical build is self-care, sprint burst, iron will, and calm spirit. Lots of things to avoid detection and to help slip a killer in a chase as well as to keep myself healthy in the event I need to run past a killer for an exit, etc.

  • Lowercase_Symbols
    Lowercase_Symbols Member Posts: 18

    I run Adrenaline on everyone and Bt is only on like 3-4 survivors I play. I like running bt because if i need to get a quick save if tbe killer is tunneling or camping someone. I also run it so I don’t go negative in the benevolent category if the guy I saved got killed within 10 seconds. All the other perks that are typical I don’t run. I don’t like ds because I never get a chance to use it and I don’t run dead hard because it’s busted and I much rather 360 or pallet loop instead. I breakable is a good perk but it’s too situational I would only run it for the fast recovery time.

    I feel like a lot of people sleep on perks like kindred, we’ll make it, spinechill, resilience, dance with me, lythe, quick and quiet, and mabe empathy and pharmacy. Can make some dope builds for almost any situation.

  • BarneyRooster18
    BarneyRooster18 Member Posts: 20

    That's one reason why I "like" playing killer. There aren't many meta perks but many good ones. And you can address different builds to all your killers, So it's not always a toxic surv with OP full altruistic builds that makes killers give up their game. However I can't deny the fact that Ruin used to be essential for newer or less experienced killers to give them hope of winning.

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260
    edited February 2020

    I dont use meta perks often (mainly DS) cause they just anger the killer and you become tunneled. And depending on what survivor I am, the build changes

    Feng Min V1: Quick N Quiet, Lithe, Dance with Me, Fixated (or Iron Will rarely)

    Feng Min V2: Technician, Spinechill, Sprint Burst, Better Together. (GEN BUILD)

    Nancy: Calm Spirit, Iron Will, Spinechill, Resilience.

    Claudette: Empathy, Botany, Self Care, Balanced Landing

    David: We're Gonna Live Forever, Borrowed Time, Breakout, Sprint Burst

    My main is Nea but i recently prestiged her and want to find a new build for her.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I often don't live long enough to get the benefit of Adrenaline. DH is a bit dodgy, not always working when I want it to, DS just screams "tunnel me!", as does BT.

    Also, one of the reasons I find DBD fun to play is because of all the different combinations of perks to try out. So even if I run a meta perk (never more than one at a time), I get bored of it quickly and try something else.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited February 2020

    I'm currently using Resilience, DH, Prove Thyself and Bond. I like to switch things up, so I don't get bored.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489


    With how easy the game is for survivors, its actually sad to see people run those perks, but i get it, some players need help.

    The fact that you can stack them is the problem of META, on their own, its not a problem.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    Not a fan of DH myself, but sub in BL or lithe. The rest is pretty spot on for my build. I don't honestly care for the build though but it has become more necessary as more and more killers are gravitating to tunneling, slugging, camping. Without these perks, your chances of survival go way down.

    I'd rather run SC, Botany, Streetwise, Empathy.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    I like to run bond, iron will, dead hard, and usually borrowed time. I will sub BT our for unbreakable or DS. Usually unbreakable. DS almost never works because killers play around it and using it as a minute of immunity is gross.

  • AddictedNoob244
    AddictedNoob244 Member Posts: 20

    I run Adrenaline and BT, I only really use BT against a face camper so I just feel it’s a fair perk. I’m usually the one finishing the last gen anyway so Adrenaline never comes is super clutch. My other two switch out all the time. I’m in red ranks btw, in case you need reference.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    well after so long of playing the game iv learned enough not to rely on perks, i just use whatever there is and still been outplaying everyone. it also makes it more fun to mix it up each game, but i do play less and less due to these messed up ranks... like i dont wanna be mean but alot of these people shouldnt be red rank

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I like botany, We'll Make It, Medkits and Kindred, because I like support roles in games.

  • Xetoil
    Xetoil Member Posts: 94
    edited February 2020

    To address: DS, BT, Adrenaline, DH

    It's because these perks don't define a "playstyle" (except Dead Hard, I quite like that one), they just make normal actions better.

    I take a lot of joy in creating builds, and thinking about perk synergies, so just slapping on "the best" feels kind of hollow.

  • neekocheeko
    neekocheeko Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2020

    I don't run these perks cause they are super boring. Then I end up getting tunneled/camped/slugged and wish I did bring them.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I think using them occasionally is fine, I don't usually run decisive, but having one in your build isn't bad. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's nice to have something that forgives making a mistake. Or using it to counter hardcore campers. But I'll never run all four of those at the same time. I feel like people who do run that build, do so to make up for them being bad. You shouldn't need 4 get out of jail free cards. I've seen survivors run Adrenaline, DS, DH, and either unbreakable or BT because they were bad at looping. And I feel that builds like those encourage camping.

    I'd much rather have a forgiving perk like DH or DS, with spine chill or another information perk, an exhausting perk like balanced landing, and then something like prove thyself for gen speeds.

  • Coolwhy
    Coolwhy Member Posts: 12

    I like running synergy builds. My main build is decisive with unbreakable and resilience with dead hard, good synergy with each other and the amount of times dead hard and resilience saves me is insane. Decisive and unbreakable can give me two free health states, absolutely op, unless there is a mori.

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    I just like to run different builds. Although when it starts feeling like I'm going against the same killer over and over again and they're being jerks, I will swap over to a meta build.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    I think the main reason for me is that I feel bad for using them. Some aren't even that awful, but can maybe ruin someone's game. I haven't seen so many killers in a row that are jerks that make me wanna play the meta either.

    Another reason is that I like unique builds you could make. They're so fun and it's like a new side mission in the game for you. I love seeing values stack in this game, too.

  • Doudou
    Doudou Member Posts: 36

    i play better when I run perks that don't give me any extra escapes.

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    I never run any of those, because I want to get better at chases and the game without relying on those. Maybe someday, I might if I feel that I'm getting good at it. I've been playing since June. I like to run deja vu to find the 3 closest gens. I also really like iron will, so my survivor won't be so loud. I've been running calm spirit lately because of all the doctors. My last perk is either windows of opportunity or kindred.

    Maybe I'll try a meta perk build one day and see what happens.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    I prefeer fun perks than good ones, I use DH and DS, cuz its fun: hate """"""tunneling""'""""(60 seconds of pure tunneling, totally fair) so I use it and I like Dead harding for distance, just fun

  • Simply_Ghostface
    Simply_Ghostface Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2020

    I run Meta because I cant trust me team to save me. Especially now that it take 10min+ to find a game sometimes, I'd rather not risk losing BP or pip at all.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    edited February 2020

    I prefer perks that can be used the entire match (mostly anyway) and aren't one use or have too many conditions that need to be met to use. And I like unique builds that are fun and synergize well.

    Also it completely negates the trash talk like "Wow you need DS, Adrenaline and Unbreakable to win."

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    In that selection of perks I only run DS when I solo Q. I just get farmed and it can be really annoying to be tunneled.

    I still run Balanced Landing and DH or Head on together because I find myself in need for one or the other mid chase a lot.

    BT and Adrenaline are Eh. BT is easier to counter than DS, and Adrenaline is such a hit or miss perk I rather bring useful consistent perks instead. Same way with DS though. I either get slugged when I have DS and picked up immediately when I don't

  • Bamallamadingdong
    Bamallamadingdong Member Posts: 34

    I have over 1k hours in the game, playing with different perks is the only way to have any variety playing survivor so I don't get bored.

    Also there are more fun perks to use. It might not be better, but head on is more fun to use than dead hard.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I don't learn anything when I run perks that reward me for messing up. I play the game to get better. If my wins are handed to me and I'm being rewarded for my mistakes I'm not having fun.