Survivor main, why do you NOT run the meta?

ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

Why dont all survivors just run DS, BT, DH and Adren/Unbreak ?

Excluding not owning the DLC's obviously.

Personally im not try hard enough to do it, I know how powerful it is but in my years of gaming I have found many many MANY players do gravitate towards that which just gives them the biggest advantage.

So yeah, why dont you run that build all the time?



  • danielbird11
    danielbird11 Member Posts: 150

    Cause I like to use different builds to keep survivor gameplay as fresh as possible. I main Feng but always play others because variety. I have been having a lot of fun with head on and quick and quiet lately. But I also love the vault speed build. So much that it's part of my main build now. Which is resilience, sb, iron will and spine chill.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Im not a survivor main, but i don't run the meta builds on survivor for two reasons.

    1. It's to easy to rely on perks that fix your mistakes for you.

    2. I like using imaginative and creative builds. Recently I've taken an interest in Stake out and Detectives hunch.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    because it's boring and you don't always even need those perks. usually i only have one meta perk in my builds, sometimes none. i like to run loot builds, vault speed build, disappear builds, locker builds and something random

    but my normal build is iron will, spine chill, DS or BT and sprint burst

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    My current survivor build is Open Handed, Bond, Kindred, and Left Behind.

    Aura reading for allied survivors out to 44 meters means three things. Information on when the killer is in a chase when one starts to move erratically, effective healing without self-care and the best deterrent I've ever found to getting a killer off my back; running to another survivor and ditching them.

    Kindred gives the potatoes the best possible odds of rescuing me, or me getting points off them and knowing if it's safe or if the killer is proxy camping up to 24 meters away.

    Finally if all the lemmings die I find the hatch in a 40 meter radius. I tend to escape in 9/10 games even if all of my allies every game are straight potatoes. I normally don't play with buddies, so getting all the information I can as much as I can is paramount.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Because the meta is not my gameplay style. Also the meta is boring in general.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    VarietI for me too, I feel like running the meta I know how most games will play out against most killers, barring the exception good or bad.

    I don’t “play to win,” I’m at red ranks anyways and I’ve proven to myself I can stay at rank 1-2 for extended periods in the current system.

    I play to have fun and help my team. I like to see what most perks can actually do in action, although a few are so bad I can’t even bring myself to try them.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    It's too easy to rank up if i use them. In my experience, regardless what i do, i don't depip. Unless the killer camps or tunnels me to death

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Not a survivor main but I found out that running lithe+dance with me+urban evasion+iron will is more op then any of thoose perks combined

    (unless you playing on a corn map)

  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136

    I usually change the perks I am playing with after a while.

    Right now I'm using Kindred, Alert, Iron Will and one perk I change every game by mood.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    For me its 3 fold. I dont like adrenaline, don't like unbreakable, and never use borrowedtime

    I have never used adrenaline, since i wouldnt choose when it would go off, its effect is (to me) far to minor, plus ive never unlocked it

    Then i dont like unbreakable, its powerful yes but i never really get the opportunity to make use of it.

    And as for borrow time, great perk, but i just can't justify the perk for myself. If the killers nearby i just wont go for the unhook

    Now decisive i always use, less to protect me from killers but more from my teammates who would unhook infront of the killer. Great perk, incredibly powerful, worth its slot.

    And dead hard, also great perk, usually my go to exhaustion, as its a low risk all reward thing, almost always guarenteeing an extra loop (just use it for distance, trying to actually dodge an attack never works)

    My typical go to builds is DH, DS, Spine Chill (because i have legit never played a survivor match without it) and Kindred (cuz if you got kindred you dont need borrowed time)

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I don't run DS like that anymore. I never get tunneled most of my matches.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Not a survivor main but I play enough survivor and yeah, this. Same on killers really. My huntress runs spies from the shadows and hangman's trick. Why? Because why not? Spies is great, but chain sacrificing survivors on the same hook is even more satisfying. My record is 3, still haven't managed 4.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Only meta perk I run on survivor is Borrowed Time, and that is simply because killers tend to camp far too much. So it gets use just about every game, and is also very useful in the end game when the killer is actually forced to camp because they can't really do anything else.

    Dead Hard - Dedicated Servers destroyed any chance for me to like or use this perk.

    Decisive Strike - I feel like I get slugged and left on the ground anyways, even with out it. And very rarely do I feel like I actually need it...well maybe 1 in 5 games. Also when a killer uses an ebony mori, it's a dead perk.

    Adrenaline - I don't like that it only works in the end game. I know it can be really strong, but half the time I'm not in a chase at end game or I'm already at full health so it's just a sprint burst at this point. I rarely get the full effects of it...also lots of killers are running NOED.

    Unbreakable. - I have a love hate relationship with this perk. It's usually completely useless every time I put it on, but the time I don't have it on I need it. .-.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    It's not fun.

    Running just the Pebble is fun.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I use the perks, together or not, but for me it's just about variety. I can't exclusively or even nearly exclusively play one killer for the same reason, even if it's "the best" in one way or another I just get really bored if I do the same thing over and over again.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I run basically the meta except instead of BT I run OOO, or whichever of the last choice I didn't take because I like running the killer and they're all perks that cuck the killer.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    If I am being slugged alot I will run tenacity along with unbreakable.

    Seeing a lot of campers I will put on BT just in case.

    Normally it's a mix of Inner Strength, WGLF, Detectives Hunch, Q&Q, Bond, or Iron will.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2020

    I don't own all the DLCs,but have most of these whether it's from Shrine or leveling etc. Was trying to focus more on the characters I have now before getting more. I main Feng/Claudette both just prestige 1 (I took a long break) so I've never ran a single one of these perks even on the ones they come default with.

    I stay around low green to 15 rank...mainly because of mistakes or crashes/DC's. I can win a pretty decent percentage of the time at that rank...maybe like 80% ish,so there's just no reason. Sorta feels mean,idk. I just kinda figured I'm either going to win or get outplayed on my own merits and builds.

    I've considered it a lot of times when the killer is camping as Trapper (and others,but that aggravates me the most)...and I hate the killers that can instantly down you so bad,but it's just not for me I guess. It might be smart at higher ranks and certain situations,but I'm not the type who needs to win every match.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Cause I typically don't need it. The only meta perk I use often is Dead Hard.

    Typical build:

    Dead Hard


    Fixated/Inner Strength

    Detective's Hunch/Botany Knowledge/Any Means Necessary

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    I'm going perkless nowadays so I can demonstrate my skill instead of being carried by crutches for survivor

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Literally started doing the same, I have a killer account and started playing survivor on it which will be rank 20. Want to see how far I can get by myself with no perks. Or a useless perk nobody really ever runs like lightweight lol

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    I hate running the meta in any game. It just isn’t fun to use the same build over and over again.

    I don’t want to bend over for the meta gods.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    i dont use meta perks on survs, and i dont use slowdown perks on killers i have over 2k hours so i can play without training wheels + tryharding is boring you dont have to win every game xd

    BT - i dont run with killer to hook to farm survs (ofc sometimes someone is camped but lately 90% of times when i see someone using BT is surv running with killer to me, and not because killer camped)

    DS - if i was farmed off the hook next to killer, and surv didnt had BT im like well surv doesnt want me in game, killer too, let me die on 2nd hook <shrug>

    adrenaline - are you suggesting randoms will do enough gens to use it?

    unbreakable - its like curse, you have it you wont be slugged

    DH - on dedi servers it doesnt work half of the time xd (killers still call it op KEK) + too many 1shot killers + exhaustion add ons, if i can choose between perk that works every 2nd game and head on, i will choose head on every single time

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    My attitude is you should put off being spotted as long as you can and then, when you are spotted, evade and escape the chase if at all possible. If you are unable to do the above, then run the killer as long as you can. The notion that a survivor needs to run the killer right away loses a lot of matches. It will eventually happen. No need to force it.

    My build supports what I've said. I frequently survive and do well with gold or better in my emblems.

    Build: Empathy, Urban Evasion, Lithe, Iron Will.

    Empathy shows me where things are happening on the map and helps me find others to heal or be healed. If someone runs No Mither, I see them all match and can tell if they are contributing.

    Urban Evasion means that I can peace out before any killer with a TR reaches me. I can also use it to lose them in chases.

    Lithe allows me a speed boost to escape if spotted or to accelerate to exit if needed. It sucks on the top floor of the Game map but on other maps it is quite good. I also like that I can run the rest of the time unlike with Sprint Burst.

    Iron Will is particularly useful for evading the Spirit but I've often lost other killers who are expecting to hear me crying and can't.

    I don't like the meta perks for myself and how I like to play. I encourage you to try my build.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    I don't care what others think is best. For me, the best build is: BT, Spine Chill, Kindred and Adrenaline but since I got to p3 with a few characters, I'm just trying to farm items so I'm using for a few months now BT, Plunder's, Ace in the hole and WGLF.

    Even with my best build, with the amount of grinding this game needs, I can't abdicate from WGLF.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I like spine chill and kindred too, so much info. The other slot is usually one exhaustion perk and then Detective hunch/pharmacy or something else fun

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Full crutch meta is boring and makes the game too easy.

    I don't want easy mode, thanks.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I prefer stealth play. I can’t loop very well, so I just do objectives, unhook and heal.

    My build is Urban Evasion, Spinechill, Self Care and Botany.

    Not powerful, but I like it.

  • Skelemania
    Skelemania Member Posts: 227

    I don't run Decisive Strike because good killers just slug you for a minute anyway.

    I don't run Dead Hard because good killers will just wait to swing to play around it anyway.

    I don't run Adrenaline because a lot of games, your team doesn't complete five generators so it's like only playing with three perks.

    I do run Borrowed Time but only because I also run We're Gonna Live Forever & want the stacks.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    Right, that info is a huge advantage plus, those two perks are usefull every match. The borrowed time, to be honest, is mostly because if I want to raise wglf fast, i just get a hit near the hooked guy, unhook him and get another it immediatly, giving me 3 WGLF levels. In some games, I almost have to do it so I can get my wglf filled and it is better than escaping because 3 levels almost doubles the bloodpoints.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The meta build is boring. Very boring. Much more fun to run other stuff. I like Any Means Necessary because it's pretty cool and funny when it actually works. Almost never but I have managed to flip back up a few strong pallets when the killer just leaves them and hooks somebody, then they go back to the pallet only to find it stood back up. I've made a few killers VERY salty because of it lmao

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    I personally just dont enjoy using them. Occasionally I'll run BT but normally I run Iron Will,Calm Spirit,Urban Evasion, and any other miscellaneous perk if feel like running. Haven't settled on a final perk

  • TheRealNoodle
    TheRealNoodle Member Posts: 2

    Those are mostly very situational perks, i prefer perks that ill know ill use

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because I don't like them. I couldn't care less about DS or DH. Unbreakable is too situational for my taste. BT and Adrenaline I'll run on occasion. But both are pretty rare for me. I basically only use them if multiple games in a row I needed them.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I run Spine Chill and Lithe as my choices for non meta perks. I only run Adrenaline and DS because it fits my aggressive playstyle.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    As survivor, I don't like running perks outside of my control like UB or DS. Adrenaline is also a no-no because I usually sacrifice myself before all the gens get done anyways lol.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I should fit in WGLF because I do enjoy the BPs. Maybe take out the exhaustion perk for it and see.

    DS is great when you get that tunneling killer too, I feel like when I have it they “play fair,” and when I don’t they tunnel even if someone on my team is an obsession.

    BT is similar, I make safe saves so I don’t need it... but I do wish I had it at times for end game camper saves.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    Out of that meta list I only use BT. Its a great perk and can be used multiple times.

    I don't like exhaustion perks generally. Sprint burst means I need to slow walk all the time. Dead hard is overrated as hell. Once the killer knows you have it they just bait it out. DS is nice for tunneling but I rarely get tunneled. Unbreakable for slugging but I rarely get slugged. Adrenaline relies on endgame which doesn't always happen.

    I like to use perks that I know I will get frequent use of every match and will help the team. I run BT, Prove Thyself, We'll make it, and Bond. These all synergize well together for my playstyle. Team Dweet.

  • wait4him2leave
    wait4him2leave Member Posts: 118

    DS and DH are for good runners not me **blush**. Rarely need adrenaline and unbreakable. BT: If they camp I do gens, and if it's end game 99% have NOED.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    I want to cater to my play style, not the genuine consensus’s. I have more fun that way, and I experiment with other builds than just sitting with the meta. Ive played meta before just to try it, but it just felt... dull. It felt uninspired. It played well, but I didn’t feel nearly as satisfied as I did when I ran MY build. I like having a unique set of perks to really spice up my gameplay, and I change them all the time. I don’t think meta is completely worth my time personally since it’s just so... boring to me, and when I play killer, I want to face something distinct and unique, so I be that change I wanna see.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2020

    Sometimes I like to mess around.

    I'll run an autodidact build and act as the team healer.

    I'll bring my farming build of WGLF, BT, We'll Make it if I need bloodpoints.

    I'll bring a farming build like ace in the hole, pharmacy and plunderers instinct if I need medkits.

    If I want to be sneaky i'll bring spinechill, UE, IW and technician to try to avoid being found. Keep in mind I still do gens even though Im being sneaky.

    If I wan't a build where I try to loose the killer once found i'll bring q&q+lithe to try to break LoS after a fast vault and lose him in a chase.

    Then there's the time when I feel like bringing q&q+head on+bond. I'll try to find a locker where my friends are being chased and smack the killer to get them to change targets.

    It's only after I've been defeated but a try hard killer do I revert to the norm.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Chaubin
    Chaubin Member Posts: 16

    Essentially, I dont like being told what to do. I'll experiment myself, and try to find synergy that works for me.

    Unless I'm doing a tome or daily that requires something like safe unhooks or something of that sort.

  • RottingAlien
    RottingAlien Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2020

    I find DH extremely easy to counter when I play killer. I never really thought it was more useful than other exhaustion perks.

    About DS, I try to have a mind set of not using perks that require me to go down. I always try to not go down in the first place even if I fail, it's a mind set i try to go for. Also I don't really think a one time use in the entire game is a good thing in a perk.

    Unbreakable falls in the same mindset as DS

    BT I don't either like it or dislike it, I just prefer to use the slot on something else

    BUT.. I do love adrenaline, wich is also a one time thing but it saved me during chases way to many times to ignore.

    I usually change my builds a lot, but now that I notice, it's funny that those perks considered "meta" are the ones I never use. Except adrenaline. I love it too much xD

  • TatiTurtle
    TatiTurtle Member Posts: 4

    For me, it's really boring if I have to rely on those perks all the time. I like the creativity put into creating a build or trying new things. I do run DS cause there's many situations that I play to where I end up getting farmed off the hook and then tunneled. Other than that my build is Prove Thyself, Urban Evasion, DS, & Balanced Landing. (I play ps4 & switch.)

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    It gets boring after awhile , dont get me wrong I still run borrowed time and adrenalin but I hate having a crutch for when I mess up. also I've noticed that having DS makes me play extra bold which I dont like.