Survivor main, why do you NOT run the meta?



  • PuckGOA
    PuckGOA Member Posts: 27

    I don't just play one set of perks. I have a different set on each character. That way I can just change character to keep it fresh.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I run DS and BT every game because they are mandatory perks. They punish the killer for playing in bad playstyles.

    Then I take Inner Strength for the heals.

    That leaves me with one perk slot. i often change this. I stopped taking exhaustion perks to try other perks and you know what? I’m happy. They help extend a chase but its fun to try other perks.

    As for adrenaline I hate it and NOED. Doesn’t do much for the survivor during the game but I know how crap it feels as killer to have everyone get a health boost at the end. I play solo a lot though so I dont actually expect all 5 gens to get done and even if they do the killer most likely has NOED anyway.

  • MegaManInk
    MegaManInk Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2020

    I don't run the meta because I've been playing this game for a long time, and I prefer to challenge myself.

    I'm a Laurie main who hasn't used DS, DH, BT, or BL in over a year, lol. I forgot how Urban Evasion works, it's been so long.

    Don't need stealth, and don't want meta.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I run it when i'm being sweaty, but otherwise I try to make builds that will let me survive, but also be fun playing. Like my DS, BT, Head On, and Diversion.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Because it's boring. As survivor I have to run different builds and set a goal to to make something happen with my perks in order to keep myself entertained. E.g. Activate mettle of man, distract the killer with a pebble, lose the killer with tenacity and so on

  • WiredGamerOni
    WiredGamerOni Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2020

    My Class Is For Getting Up

    Tenacity/No Mither/Unbreakable/Flip-Flop

    This Class Sucks For Most Matches But Is 100% Fine With Me Because I Never Expect To Win, I Just Want To have Some Fun.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I don't run meta perks because you don't need them on either side to win :) plain and simple.

    But also, I love Lithe, I run plunderers to farm items, I love having we'll make it to heal people, and my 4th is usually inner strength for healing. I don't like playing injured.

  • WanderVoid
    WanderVoid Member Posts: 1

    While I'm not really a survivor main, most of the time they don't really suit my style when I do play survivor. Currently I'm running Spine Chill, Self-Care, Bond and Botany Knowledge.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I only put Borrowed time on when I've gone to consecutive games of campy/tunneling ass killers (i know, iTs a StRatEgy but it's still low skill/high reward so I'll hate you regardless) and get tired of them getting easy lazy kills.

    And like once a month, I'll throw on Unbreakable when I get tired of getting slugged. Might use it more often now with the DC penalty. I'm sure killers are gonna slug even more for their precious 4th kill...

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    It's for beginners. Two DS is enough most of the time, borrow is becoming more and more useless 1 is enough, 1 unbreakable or 2 is enough, 1 adrenaline is enough, dead hard seem like the best exhaustion perk but it's not. It's the best exhaustion perk in an injured situation. Other perks avoid the dangerous situation you can't avoid with DH but have to dodge.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    I don't run meta perks as often anymore. I used them religiously at one time, and realized that I was getting dependent on them. Spine chill, and urban evasion for example on survivor. ( early detection, quick getaway ). I was getting reliant on spine chill to activate, instead of watching my surroundings. bbq and chili, nurses calling on killer. ( aura-reading for easier tracking ), thus taking away some of the thrill and challenge of using eyes and ears to find survivors. It's my belief that running different builds is a good way to truly challenge yourself, and test your skills..

  • Bunx
    Bunx Member Posts: 4

    I play for fun, I like running stupid things because it's funny. My personal favorite is just running all aura perks. Most of the map's will be survivor sided anyway, so its not necessary that I run the best builds.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I need information, and none of the big meta Perks give it. Kindred is my goto, SWF gets this for free so obviously it won't be in any of their builds.

    Meta I do run is Iron Will. Love this Perk as I don't loop, so hiding is made much easier with this one.

    I've been playing with Calm Spirit lately, and am finding it pretty awesome for how I play. Not just for the scream stopping, but stopping crows from flying away when I'm walking and also when I'm trying to juke and hide.

    I also run We'll Make It, because after numerous hours as a Survivor, I find that fast healing to be addictive. It's not meta, but it's damn powerful if you get in there and get the save. You have to work with your team mates though, and some solo queue'ers just don't do that.

    All the meta Perks support looping for days, and I find 0 fun in doing that. If I can juke, break LoS, and hide, that's what I'm going to do. Otherwise, well I'll just have to hope that my headless chicken running throws off the Killer enough to let me escape. You'd be surprised how often that actually happens because they are looking for me to loop instead.

    I occasionally use BT if I am running a full-on Altruistic build and going for every save, but that's pretty rare. DS/DH/SB/BL/Adrenaline have no place in any of my builds.

  • I like to mess around with other perks. I dont want to be one that relies on certain perks to survive every match. Plus the same build gets boring after awhile. I do throw on meta perks here and there (i.e. unbreakable, dead hard, iron will), but I don't usually run them all together. Never ran DS though.

  • Spectre13
    Spectre13 Member Posts: 179

    Because I go against the grain and play my own way. My perks are Urban Evasion, Spine Chill, Resilience and We're Gonna Live Forever. It's kind of an all around decent build for what I like to do and have plan-B s. Sure DS looks like fun but I'm not the strongest in chases or looping and BT doesn't suit my vampire hook needs lol.

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    I consistently run only DS which is a mandatory perk.

    All other ones I variate.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Using perks that aren't meta has an inherent advantage in that it isn't what's expected. On top of that, I like to keep things fresh and that's part of what keeps me playing. Plus some of those perks, as other people said, are either too situational for me to want to use them (mostly Unbreakable) or they're one time use/end game, and I like perks that benefit me over time like Resilience or Autodidact or whatever.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I don't want to rely on perks so I mix it up

  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 410
    edited February 2020

    I don't like to use the META perks, it's unfun and boring

    I enjoy using perks which adds few more things, like "Wake Up", "Solidarity" "Tenacity" "Technician" (yep all of them are green perks... the funniest)

    But I do love to use adrenaline, it's my reward for the surviving the "gen repair" part of the trial

    I think we should be able to save our builds

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    I am a survivor main. I do use DS all the time because I hate getting down suddenly. I never take it off. But adrenalin/noed/unbreakable is usually more situational. I may never use them if neccessary conditions do not exist. I do not like playing try-hard I mean which perks I will use changes depending on how I will play. I love trying diffrent builds depending on their usage and goal. Also I try to improve myself especially without really good perks like Iron Will. I run OoO, No Mither, DS and DH. :))

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited February 2020

    Because I play solo and solo you need to stay away from the killer or use what makes you harder to catch, not perks that make it easier to save you or save others, Solo queue is every survivor for himself.

    Sounds greedy but those multi saves where everyone uses BT and DS with the door at 99% or that Adrenaline that pops right when the killer hits you are very hard to pull in a completely disorganised team like solo teams are.

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    I like doing really focused gimmick builds. Like, I couldn't imagine running just Plunderer's Instinct- it needs to at least have Ace in the Hole, and possibly Pharmacy for faster searching. Borrowed Time is a meta perk... but if we're doing an unhook perk, might as well slap on Babysitter, We'll Make It, and We're Gonna Live Forever. Or the opposite, perks for when I get hooked- Kindred, Breakdown, Aftercare, Camaraderie.

    That's probably been my favorite thing about Archives Challenges- I get a challenge, and then come up with a build where every single perk is relevant to that objective.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    If I run the meta I'm afraid BHVR will nerf them like old ruin

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,452
    edited February 2020

    Because I don’t like Dead Hard & I only run BT when playing with friends. Unbreakable isn’t really a perk I run often because it’s situational and I’ve never really cared to run Adrenaline. DS in the only perk I run 90% of the time because of Tunnelers. Usually will run SB as my exhaustion perk and Self Care because I can’t rely on randoms to heal me. My 4th perk varies but I like to use Urban Evasion/Iron Will to fill that spot.

    Currently my favorite build is Blendette with Lucky Break, Iron Will, Urban Evasion, and DS. You can never go wrong when playing stealthy, even at Red Ranks.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    I use the same build but with spine chill instead of left behind. Sometimes I'll use detective's hunch instead and bring a crystal bead rainbow map.

    Open handed gang rise up!

  • rhodamia
    rhodamia Member Posts: 275

    I'm with you. Though I never run BT because everyone else does. And I don't want to be one of the vultures for hook saves. I do safe unhooks. If it's unsafe I just leave it up to someone with BT.

    So I run DH, DS, Adren, and Unbreakable.

    I also tend to take killer attention in chases often so I like to have as many second chance options as I can to give me the best shot of getting out in case my mates are potatoes and do gens slow.

  • Larikal
    Larikal Member Posts: 54

    You know whats the problem with every meta in any game? It was invented by one people to suit HIS playstyle. He might own game with it... and people try to copy it, often not being able to use that build even in 1/10 of what it was capable of.

    Thats the point - every build is for specific player and for specific playstyle. I for example prefer build called by me "stealthy hero". Fixation, inner strenght, lucky break, breakout. I dont need any DH, or DS or BT. BT is awesome perk in my opinion but have one flaw - it require someone to get hooked. With breakout i can save someone even before he get hooked, so he get more than 3 saves. Fixation is such an understimated perk - it saves my life not once, and not twice, especially together with lucky break. Run straight in corn field... then walk on side, and toward killer, 99% chance to escape him. Especially when i dont need to run with that fixation, as it gives me nearly running speed :D.

    Not to mention its also a lot more fun to outplay killer without infinite looping :P

  • Awsomedude6655
    Awsomedude6655 Member Posts: 8

    Those perks aren't really my style, I work better with others, I use wglf, ds, head on, and slippery meat. For the weird situations I can find myself in, those help me a good bit

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Not a survivor main, but I think the survivor meta is braindead and unhealthy for the game. It's not a knock on the players. It's a knock on the design. I don't think stacked second chances on multiple survivors are balanced when survivors are even halfway decent. I'm more a Sprint Burst/Iron Will/Kindred/(utility perk) survivor

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Because the meta is so bloody boring

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Because all those perks suppose ill be seen or catch by the killer. I rather a stealth gameplay and trust in my (improving) skills in a chase.

    My META are SC, Spine Chill and Distortion. The fourth may be one of those OP said, depending on a specific tatic (challenges, daily rituals, SWF, etc) or my day's mood. But can be a lot of another ones, not only those.

    DH is not a META, imo. As killer, i just wait for it. Yeah, so the survivor got 2 seconds more of chase. Not a real gain. When they are capable to use it to get to a pallet, use to be a survivor good already without the perk.

    DS, as killer, if i wanna, I just go after the survivor and them they go down. But i use to let the survivor go, cause i dont like to tunnel, and usually i dont remeber whom i downed one minute ago. So its as effective as i let unhooked survivors go. Not a META.

    BT, the same thing. I dont chase the unhooked if he doesnt come up to me. So, useless against me. But i recognize its a META perk for a team work focused in rescuing at all costs.

    Adren/Umbr are not METAs. One activates only once and in the end game. Most matches, it doesnt matter to me as survivor. Umbr can surpass slugging, but as killer i dont slug (so its a useless perk to the survivors) and as survivors I dont use to be slugged enough to make this a META.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    Its not fun to always use meta/the strongest perks, on both sides killer and survivor

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Because I don't like abusing overpowered second chance perks.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    The only meta perks I use are Dead Hard and sometimes Borrowed Time. I almost never use DS, SB or Adrenaline. I think those perks are too strong and I would be a hypocrite if I would complain about them as killer and still use them when playing survivor.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If you haven't already I'd suggest trying Spine Chill. It would probably help alot with you being hard of hearing.

  • Vidal_Signz
    Vidal_Signz Member Posts: 14

    Bc different players have different playstyles.... Others just like to challenge themselves. Personally I alter my loadout before each match to try and create a build best suited for whatever Daily Ritual and/or Rift Challenge I am doing.

    For example, if I have a challenge "unhook X amount of Survivors", I am going to use any and all perks that would expedite the unhooking of teammates... The only time I ever go meta is when I'm in danger of losing my last pip and deranking. Otherwise I go for maximum efficiency at specific tasks, not survival. (I rely less on perks for that, and more on skill and strategy)

  • Dythos
    Dythos Member Posts: 46
    edited February 2020

    The only meta perk I run pretty often is Borrowed Time. I like how it encourages interacting with the killer and promotes riskier play. I also feel like it's an actual answer to tunneling off of the hook.

    The rest of the meta perks I dislike for couple reasons. Since most of them are second chance perks, they negate one's mistakes and artificially inflate one's skill level. When Balanced Landing was meta, I personally ran it all the time. When it was nerfed, I realized that I had grown dependent on it, it had become a crutch perk for me. My looping game had suffered from my reliance on it. I want to be rewarded for skillful play, not carried by the strength of perks.

    There's also a pretty nice variety of perks to play with to come up with different playstyles. Want to be a Totem Smasher? Got Detective's Hunch/Small Game and Inner Strength for that. Field Medic? Empathy, We'll Make it, Botany Knowledge, maybe some Autodidact. Want to do some mind games while looping? Got some Quick and Quiet, Dance With Me, even new Balanced Landing. Hell, if you want to live the slug life, you've got your No Mither, Tenacity, and Flip Flop.

    There's tons of ways to play the game outside the meta.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Wglf because im a bp #########

  • Nakedwildman
    Nakedwildman Member Posts: 198

    Here we do see the 0,000001% of Players in here commenting that they dont use Dh/BT/DS/Adreanline/Unbreakable for different reasons...

    But in fact this doenst say anything about the rest of the Players.

    I wish i had just 1 single Match, without a full group of such Meta Perks.

    Just 1. Even if it would be against Bots. 1 time not have to sweat because of that BS as Killer.

    Thank you

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Honestly I rather have 4 survivors with the meta build. It's way easier. I very rarely trigger DS, borrow 0 times it's actually helpful for the killer, unbreakable I never slug more than 2 and it's always quick. Adrenaline can be a risk but til now it's fine.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    Just... why the HECK is this called META perks at all??? Just cause a massive number of players use that? So, lets eat crap, cause billions of flies do that!!!

    Really, stop calling this specific strategy perk build as META. Its META only for whom fits to its gamestyle. And a ton of players dont.

    This topic should be un-pinned...

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Maybe because they are the best perks for the meta playstyle of eliminating the killer's pressure? I mostly agree with you though, there are other good perks for other good playstyles.

  • Shirokuro
    Shirokuro Member Posts: 182

    Meta perks are just boring and I know how annoying they're to play against.

    If I'm not after some specific challenge I just use perk roulette. It's fun to get a random set of perks and adapting your playstyle to make the best use of them.

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    Because it doesn't ######### matter lol. That's why people bring no perks. Im not like that tho because I like the idea of perks you know, like ill die if I can use head on or whatever perk I brought in because its fun. idk more fun then just hoping from gen to gen and looping the killer. The survivor side is honestly lowkey boring people just like it because its easy. That's why I play it instead of killer lately

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    I have my staple DH DS and BT on dvery survivor

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    doesnt suit my playstyle. Also its boring. Gimmicky builds are fun

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,062

    1) Because its boring

    2) Because I'm not so trash at the game that I actually "need" to run broken meta perks