Survivor main, why do you NOT run the meta?



  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    Adrenaline=NOED I think they are the same. There may be counter for NOED but the only usage of adrenaline is when you complete all the gens so... DS is not a problem if a killer does not tunnel but since killers are tend to tunnel and love it, DS works. BT is again not a problem if you do not tunnel or you can choose hitting the unhooker instead the unhooked survivor. Meta build is not that much strong as people thought. But DS, SB and Iron Will are really good perks in my opinion. They have lots of potential usually

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Idk instead of DS I run premonition in swf. With bond combined, I basically track everyone and know everything. Because of premonition I avoid getting in a chase and would have need DS 1 time/20 games. Which is not worth it at all. Then I use bond to help if a player is getting tunneled or for healing.

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    I 90% use DS :D But on the other hand, bond distance is limited. I do not use it just because of this. That would be better I think

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Run bond for a month. If it's not enough 2 (Add premonition helps) and your movement will change. Because you're less afraid of running anywhere with premonition, your running movement will become more like a circle. In fact, bond is 36 meters x4. (36 meters front, behind and sides) Basically every map is like a circle and by using in-game infos (Where gens were, survivors, empty areas) You already can limit the areas you will need to bond around while you're searching. In a small map, 6secs max to find the killer or someone. In a big map, 20secs max. Mostly 10. Chases, gens, it's mostly in the middle line of the map. ^^

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    It makes sense right now :D It depends on you are playing in SWF team or alone actually. If you play in SWF then you do not need it. But otherwise, for sure it may be usefull as well :))

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Yes it's a great way to resume it. With bond I can become the 4th of a random 3 players swf easily. I'm currently trying bond + object it's 10x stronger than premonition+ bond.

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81
  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Yes I do but no meme same perks all I do is turn on try hard mode x) When I'll be good enough I'll try object+ no mither. What about you, do you have some cool interesting builds?

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    i used to play the meta for a while, but i started realizing how much i crutched on my perks so i stopped using them to get better.

    current build is either: quick and quiet, head on, lucky break & iron will OR iron will, spine chill, resilience, and quick & quiet/sprint burst (depends on my mood for that last perk)

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81
    edited February 2020

    I choose OoO, No Mither, DS and DH(sometimes SB). Actually being able to know where the killer is not bad. I know he knows where you are but also you know it too. At least you can be sure where he comes from so depending on this. You can loop him. I love this build and I usually play try-hard with this build like you :)))

    -Head On, Quick & Quiet, DS, Iron Will(Sometimes Inner Strength)

    -Deliverence, DS, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst

    If I play with SWF to escape

    -DH, Iron Will, DS, BT(Resilence,Self-Care,Adrenalin may be as alternative).

    I can make the killer lost me and Self-Care works for me. I use it to take a hit for my teammates after I heal myself.

  • Okoru
    Okoru Member Posts: 144

    Why is everyone on this post saying they don't get tunneled and they don't get slugged so they don't use DS or UB?? I see survivor mains complaining every day on this forum and reddit about tunneling and slugging and now they have too much pride to even own up to using meta perks?? LMFAO

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174
    edited February 2020
  • urthos
    urthos Member Posts: 3

    1. I'm bad at dead hard.

    2. I love hoarding items so I'm always tempted by plunderer's.

    3. I LOVE urban evasion.

    4. Build diversity is one of the most fun things about this game.

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 735

    Because I like to give my characters a personality. For me they aren't just skins. That's why I play Buils around themes or character.

    That is why I run on Dwight Sprint Burst, Kindred, Better Together and Distortion.

    Or on Steve Lithe, Any Means Necessary, Windows Of Opportunity and Alert.

    Or on Jake Breakdown, Saboteur, Cameraderie and Dead Hard etc.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    I used to think using OoO was a risky idea but I was wrong. You're 100% right the information you get from seeing him is too strong. A non experienced killer has no chance, good killers often test chase me at the beginning then I'm free the whole game. Ds feels necessary tho for the endgame. 'Too' strong because the killer only knows where you are when you want him to in my opinion it's kinda unfair. I disagree about using self care tho. In a 2v1 situation it's good but 3v1 or 4v1 self-care is the worst choice cauz too slow

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    My standard build is Calm Spirit, Iron Will, Spine Chill, Balanced Landing.

    Calm Spirit is low key a great perk. Since you don't disturb crows, that means any time a crow goes off nearby it's either another survivor or the killer. Against stealth killers this is very useful information. Crows also give away your position to good killers, so it's good for stealthing a lot of the time. Also it hard counters Doc and I forking HATE Doc.

    Iron Will helps you stealth better, and you can play an entire game injured with far less risk. Against killers like Spirit and Nurse this is IMMENSELY helpful. Against every other killer it lets you mind game certain tiles more effectively.

    Spine Chill is anti-stealth killer, and very useful for determining what the killer is focused on. If you are healing and it lights up, they have Nurse's Calling. If you vault a window and they are looking at you through the wall, I'm All Ears. If you are working on a gen, they are probably coming to kick it. If you go for a save they could very well be camping. It gives you a lot of information that can be very useful.

    Balanced I've come back around to. I used it before the nerf and didn't like the changes they made, but started using it again and I like it. I still wish they did something with the maps instead, but it's still a good perk for certain tiles. The added silent falls is very nice too, for extra stealthing options.

    I don't like using meta perks because 1) it's too easy and 2) I can't do certain tricks I can with these perks. I like to mind game as survivor (and killer) and there is little to no mind game when you use meta perks. I also find most good killers know how to play around them, so using off-meta perks gives me a bit of an edge there.

  • rikaa
    rikaa Member Posts: 81

    Exactly same :D OoO is OK but sometimes when all pallets are dropped and there is not good place to loop OoO may be risky especially If you are 2v1 and the hatch is spawned, it may be hard to search for hatch because you should not look at the killer. DS is not overpowered only in endgame but you know there are killers tunneling hardcore, I never take it off. Also some killer perks may be really strong in the end game

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    I live and die by Spine Chill/Resilience. Spine Chill to get a head start on getting to a loop or when hiding is the only choice. Let's me know if the killer actually looked at me and is just playing dumb. Resilience faster progress faster gen rush. I 99% my heals so I can keep it and get straight back full health at a moments notice. Sucks when teammates one tap me when I'm clearly trying to avoid them though. Make myself juciy bait. Also these two perks make vaulting just a little bit better and while not the most consistent it has saved my life many times.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Hybrid main.

    But I don't run meta because it's just boring. I don't have fun by just winning all the time, I have fun by trying my best to help my teammates with the limited resources I have. Even if that means me losing half my games.