You have to 4k to 2 pip as killer

If the average game for killer should be where there are two kills and two escapes why is it that I cannot (or barely) even pip if I do get a 2k.
This is directed to highrank play btw not rank 10
Killers dont win at 2k that's why the match doesnt close until u get all 4.
If they pull the scorecard up at the end of the second sac and end the match I'll believe it
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You can escape with 25k as a Survivor and not pip. You can escape and depip.
I've done it a few times today. Rank 1.
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Because you shouldn‘t pip every game. 2k being the average means 2k is a draw. Why should you pip with a draw as if you won that match?
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There's a very simple answer to that; because an average typically means a draw. You shouldn't rank up or down in a draw, that's usually a good indicator that you're at the right rank.
The whole point of pips and ranks are to match you with people around your skill level. If you're having even matches already, you shouldn't be pipping unnecessarily.
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He's stating this due to what the devs said in regard 2 Escape and 2 die.
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God this so simple that I feel dumb for not seeing it already.
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Double pip is not a "win condition".
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Lol. Ok, then why im playing only with red ranks survivors, while im on purple?
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As we've mentioned multiple times, that is not intended. We have a new ranking an matchmaking system on the way that'll address that:
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Ive read it a long time ago, but still there is no understanding for me. Am I playing like on red rank, thats why mm gathering lobby with only reds, or what? Not intended, yes, but still the trouble exists
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Peanits, I love you, but do you actually think matchmaking and ranks are working right now?
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you usually get brutal at a 2k which is meant to say you are at the level you should be if you get more than 2 you get a pip or 2 which means you need to move up to a higher rank and challenge of player
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Mm working in pretty interesting way-I just fokin never see any survivor with any other rank but red. There is always 1 or 2 rank keyholders swf. I ve got no idea, mb there is a dull totem with "hex : swf" at my house
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Played Killer last night, first time since reset. Matchmaking was actually damn near spot on. I'm assuming a lot of Red/Purple players moved to the PTB for testing. Almost every match was properly ranked. I'm at 13 now, but started at 15, and I was facing everyone from 16 -> 9. That felt pretty fair to me. There were a couple reds, but I'm pretty sure they were SWF.
So the solution is simply to leave the PTB active at all times with new content on there.
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But here's your core problem, in a 2K, at least two of your survivors are going to pip, and the other two are likely going to black pip. In a true draw, no one should pip. So two survivors that probably didn't earn it rank up into red ranks, while killer stays where he is.
This gets you diluted red ranks for survivors, and barely any red rank killers. So all of your red rank killers get used up on a mixed bag of survivors, and matchmaking starts moving down the list until you get red rank survivors playing green rank killers.
Now again, it's a mixed bag, so those green rank killers might get potato red ranks, or they might get the TRUE red ranks and get absolutely walked on, which is as miserable an experience in gaming as I've ever seen.
So the killer PIP system is fine, but it needs to be significantly harder to rank up as survivor. Pretty sure I know the reason why you made it so easy to get to red ranks as survivor. That little badge is an ego boost, makes you feel like a real bad ass, gives you that gaming high that you're looking for, which in turn makes you more likely to buy new cosmetics to set yourself apart from the noobs.
Same reason why matchmaking wont change even with mmr, and you add stuff like this new sabo. Survivors don't want a challenge, they want a bully simulator, so all the better for them to play killers that they shouldn't. Also makes them feel like a big shot, and gives them the gaming high they're looking for.
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Why not just fix that problem in the meantime until that whole overhaul comes later?
Why do people have to suffer through this for months and months, can't it be fixed now?
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While there is a telltale difference between, lets say purple and yellow in both sides, for killers the difference is huge.
The requirements to gain rank in surv is far easier so you will still see red ranks that previously would have been yellow. I am one of them but because gaining rank is so easy it was not stressful at all to get to purple. If you have a little skill in all areas you should nto have a problem getting to red. Especially if you can run the killer. The gens will come with time. Totems are given to you. As are saves once you stop being timid.
I know that for the majority of games red rank means serious business. But there are different sets of red ranks. Red ranks that got their cos they just manage to get the objectives done but cant think straight and make simple mistakes. Red ranks cos they get carried consistently by their team mates. I get carried a lot if all i have to do is gens, find a totem or two and do a save. I am a gen jockey with pretty good skillcheck skill now but cant make a chase last long enough for 5 gens for sure.
So i know where my strength is. Hitting skillchecks. Almost never missing them. And hitting greats with more and more consistency. But should being able to gens alone get me to purple? I dont know.
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I wish we could get the 4k = achievement back.
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in a 2k 2 Survivors won and 2 lost.
Survivors do not win and lose together.
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Though your logic is correct, the reality can sometimes be messier. For instance, a while back there was an issue getting survivors to pip. The pip was harder to get. Red rank killer que times were insane because there were not enough red rank survivors.
You need 4x the red rank survivors than killers in order to balance the ratio. They chose to ease up on survivor pips in order to get more re ranked survivors, thus lowering the bar.
In short, due to a 4 to 1 ratio needed,there will always be a lower pip bar for survivor when compared to killer. That also feeds the red rank killer pool because there are enough potatoes to feast on. Messy, but it worked in lowering those que times some.
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You can also die and double pip as survivor. Literally did it last night against a Clown.
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But they didn't. 2 survivors won, and 2 survivors had a draw. How the ranking system should have worked for survivors is there are no depips or double pips, but only two pips are available for the collective. So the two survivors that performed the best will move up in rank, while the other two stay put.
This would put you in competition with not only the killer, but your fellow survivors as well. This would ensure that only the best players of your group will pip. If you all played well, then the best of the best would wind up in red ranks. Rank reset would send you back a few to start all over.
This is why my collective pip idea would work best. There would always be two survivors moving up, keeping red ranks stocked and strong, while also keeping the weaker purple and green ranks stocked.
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Not sure what your idea is, but judging by the matches I've been seeing from both sides, it is a crap show of dominance one way or the other. 4 Man SWF destroying a killer, or killer obliterating 4 solo players with 4 gens left. Nobody pips in one match, everyone pops in the other.
Not sure that is balance, so hopefully your idea is better than that.
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To be honest you'll be lucky if you 2K without Pop Goes the Weasel or a very strong anti-heal/injury build. Even then it's a tossup as a gen will pop every chase or every other chase against skilled survivors.
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All survivors are guaranteed a black pip, but there are only two rank up pips that will be given to the two best survivors. The emblem system would still be there to determine who the two best survivors are.
So if you choose to do nothing but gens, and a couple of saves, but your teammate did an equal mix of gens, saves, heals, running the killer, and doing totems, he would get the pip and not you.
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To get to rank 1 you have to overperform.
To stay at rank 1 you have to overperform.
To overperform is to hold ones favorite killer's head to the guillotine.
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no. 2 Survivors won. 2 Lost. And then the pip system assigned pips using a bunch of separate metrics.
Winning != pipping.
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There's a big problem with this game in the fact that there's no win condition. You and I have different definitions, mine is the correct one, but that's beside the point. Total domination is a double pip, a win is a pip, a draw is a black pip, and a loss is a depip. Kills and escapes are not the win condition, because I've escaped and depipped, and I've 4K depipped.
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I love getting no pips or losing a pip after getting 4k just because I didn't play the way the devs want. It's awesome.
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My first killer game I ever played was a trapper versus 2 red rank hockey masked megs and 2 others. They bullied me relentlessly for like 20 minutes. I attached a brown add on to slightly improve matchmaking. I’m not sure it’s working.
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The entire pip system has changed since that was written. The whole lore of the game is being locked in perpetual torture for the amusement of the entity, and the entity grades your performance with the emblem system, which is the pip system.
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You know what HASN'T been changed since it was written? The how to win text.
Also while the details have changed, the fundamental pip system itself was there at the time of the post.
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He just said ranks. Ranks work perfectly fine, and that's how they are designed to work. Matchmaking is what is not working, both due to game design and some players quitting. Pips and ranks still work how they were designed, doesn't change even if you are against the wrong ranks.
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There anything in the works for adjusting the chaser emblem on certain killers so we dont have situations like this...
This was a 4k with 4 gens remaining. About 8 hooks total
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I can't wait. Consistent matches against green, and purple rank survivors as a rank 16 killer is getting a little frustrating. I'm ready for matches that are fun, and challenging for both sides..
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Where’s xboxes Sydney servers
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Where is it buddy
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This is correct. Your job is to entertain the entity. If you slug all 4 survivors within the first couple of minutes, that is not an entertaining match.
The Entity wants pain and he wants suffering. Giving survivors a quick death is a loss for everyone. The survivors get few points, you get few points and the Entity has to look elsewhere for his dinner.
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Right, why would you want to play the game how it was ment to be played
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"Match you with people around your skill level"
Thats why i get put with red ranks when im in purple.
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I play the game how I want to, if I get 4k when I do - I should be rewarded - as the point of the killer is to kill all 4 people before they escape. Not to have to stick to the constraints of what tasks the devs think makes for a "fun" game for the survivors. Do you understand now little guy?
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Idk I don't mind playing against red ranks if I'm purple rank. At yellow or green ranks, yes that's bad. But if I'm at purple ranks and want to rank up, I SHOULD play against people in the ranks that I'm trying to get to. Not every single game, but at least once I start getting on that cusp of ranking up. Like if I'm rank 9, Yeah put me in with rank 8's and 7's. How else am I going to grow my skill if I'm not playing against better players than myself? If I'm just playing against people I can wipe the floor with, I'm never going to get better.
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But then why can all survivors pip still even if none of them escape? Surely that means they're pipping even if they lose?
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Ebony moris should never award pips. If you're slugging then maybe. I'm just assuming "not playing the way the devs want" is using a Mori to kill on first hook. Which makes sense since you're not getting the hook points.
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What's sad is the meta does not allow for variety in builds that can focus on a killer's primary objective: killing survs. You HAVE to devote at least one or two slots to address gen rush because the devs won't do it themselves. And this toolbox thing does nothing to address early game when a gen can pop before you get to the other side of the map and up to 2 more if you're not Spirit/Billy/Freddy/ Windstorm Wraith getting a hook or two.
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So you play poorly and whine you don't get rewarded, seems like somebody has some issues, how sad for you
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I never said anything about using moris buddy..
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I just said I get 4k's, do you know what that means little buddy?