That's it. I quit killer. Uninstalled

I'm tired I really am of being bullied and taunted by these toxic survivors who have infinate magic power over killers.
Facing people 15 ranks away from me. 3 minute gens are done I only have one hook... screw this. I watch this guy on the hook and they dead hard and tank hits for saves and even if I outplay them and pull the next guy off its Decisive strike again ! Its sprint burst and adrenaline again. Heals heals heals mindless scooby doo loops around a hay bale and I cant run stab puke or hatchet anyone because like a superhuman they dodge every wind up. They tbag past every throw
I sweat and I sweat and follow every youtube I win chases faster I use ultra rare add ons i slug I tunnel i camp i play dirty oh so ######### dirty. I practice shots in kyf
2 healthstates with 4 perks and a tool each that instantly heal someone who already has 3 hookk lives and I'm suppose to kill people who can literally waste an entire minute circling an haybail.
i tape my tv for hatchet sights
Theres no end to these second chance perks and saves.
I set timers for hooks. I poor over every inch of these forums and the wiki and memorized perks.
There is no horror anymore.
There is no balance.
Loops are frustrating, gens fly.
I've got 2k-3k hours since launch longtime player longtime payer and I'm out.
Your survivors ques just got alittle bit longer
In before "Okay, bye" and "See you next week" comments.
You are certainly not the only one and the frustration of playing killer will get far worse if the sabo buff goes live. The lack of action taken to improve the killer experience is difficult to comprehend.
103 -
Calm down, homie. Changes are coming.
3 -
okay then
5 -
I feel your pain. Playing survivor is a cake walk compared to killer. Hopefully it will change before all killers just quit and move on to other games where you actually have fun and it's not a toxic sweat fest. You practically have to play a perfect game, because if you make one mistake, it costs you the game, while survivors can make several and still escape... 🤦♂️
47 -
Yeah in the next couple of years.
Just keep playing it'll get better! /s
45 -
You'll get the usual 'Ok bye then'/''see you next week'/go play CIV' comedians...
But I'm one of the people who understand.
This game is utterly screwed up in just about every respect.
Whether it be match-making, balancing, queue times, bugs, exploits, connection, the's all overly abhorrent.
The bottom line:
The game is not fun.
50 -
Killer is not that hard... Honestly you are getting very unlucky being paired with swfs or you are bad(which i doubt considering you supposedly have over 1k hours).
11 -
The survivors are not the ones to blame, It's the ranking system. Patience is what you need most at this point, the devs are trying to fix this issue.
5 -
I feel you man, i've been considering just becoming a survivor main or leaving the game. If you can't beat them join them I guess.
7 -
What do you want to hear? GitGud? Or just Bye? Noone cares for unreasonable rants.
15 -
Why did you play at rank 16 after 2-3 k hours in the game? It doesn't add up
24 -
Sounds like the survivors had fun.
That's whats important in the end.
9 -
There's only a couple reasons for that. Bad at the game or purposefully deranking.
8 -
Rank reset + Not playing regularly?
29 -
Honestly thats why i dont play killer but here... Git gud
1 -
Or he took a break, came back and realised the game has gone to #########.
26 -
4 -
Yeah, or they mained survivor. Even with that in mind it still doesn't add up. I'm surprised to hear someone with 2-3k hours in the game complain about playing against higher ranks or hay bale loops
7 -
Speak for yourself, I actually care for these rants on either sides because it opens the eyes to another. Exchange of ideas are important in literally all facets of life.
30 -
If he has 2-3k hours he should have no problem getting at least to rank 8 or 9. There's no excuse for being at rank 16 except being bad.
7 -
Again, he probably took a break.
Look at how ######### the matchmaking is. When I swf we get rank 13 killers even though we're all red.
6 -
just try to have fun. if I work hard and play for 30k I end up in a game for about 20 30 mins. if I play for 7k it only takes me about 5 mins. you do the math. you're not gaining anymore than you are if you play fun short games. use those points to rank up survivors. I'm a survivor but I play killer to contribute and to gain points it's such east points. have fun. let survivors have fun too. dont take it too seriously or you'll end up nor having fun.
6 -
As soon as you understand every perk, you'll not struggle
2 -
You people do realize not everyone plays this game everyday and rank resets exists, right? That said, if you're using a new killer to you and haven't been playing for a while, this is practically the norm for any killer not top tier. When you have to fight through a team of second chance perks with skin overlays with survs saying ApPlY mOrE pReSsUrE while all gens pop in less time it takes to wait in the lobby as a surv, it gets real old real fast. Kudos to OP for having as many hours as he does because this game is an exercise in masochism for many.
7 -
Sounds like someone needs to get better. See ya in the fog homie
8 -
I 100% sympathize with you my dude.
They have turned the killer role into a frustrating awful nightmare of an experience. It's just a constant feeling of being helpless and bullied, with most of your matches being over before they even begin. The matchmaker is hardest on killers and is brutally unfair.
18 -
Ok I guess I'll just be a troll and tell him to ######### off then.
1 -
"I use ultra rare add ons i slug I tunnel i camp i play dirty oh so [BAD WORD] dirty."
Maybe it's for the best you take an extended break or quit if you want. It sounds like you must have reached a breaking point. If the game is getting to you this badly, it might not be the right one for you.
7 -
Don't need to. He can come to that conclusion from the devs themselves.
4 -
RIP Emptycups...
1 -
This upcoming patch is buffing killers (not much, but its something nonetheless) and pushing the game into a healthier direction. Things take time, so I've got the devs backs.
3 -
Glad someone thought of Scooby Doo as well. Because that's exactly what it feels like sometimes.
7 -
Too much time.
That's the problem.
Half the stuff that's being fixed now should have started months after the games launched. Now ALL the issues are piling on at once, overwhelming the devs.
This is what happens when you focus on marketing for newer players than try to maintain your current ones.
5 -
Listen, mate. I may have sounded like a troll in my first comment but I wasn't trying to. Take a break and come back when you want, if you want. I understand your pain. I hope you decide to come back one day and enjoy killing survivors.
4 -
They probably took it with a grain of salt. I mean the game was new and there was ######### that they didn't know couod be abused. Now some of them know and I'm happy to see them get to work on it. I figured alot of people would be happy to see good changes start happening.
Better late than never.
Although I still scratch my head when I think about 1.9.2
1 -
SWF is not the main culprit. The matchmaking is #########. There is little reason for rank 1s and 2s survivors to play against rank 10 killers. In a normal game that should be considered a fluke or an anomaly. It is the status quo here. Is it even fun for red rank survivors?
SWF just adds an accelerant to the dumpster fire.
6 -
"Your survivors ques just got alittle bit longer"
Lol yep. The game will also be dying because you left.
1 -
A break is not going to fix anything. If anything it will be worse when he gets back. Out of practice and totally new game to face. With each patch the game changes.
Sabo swf, seal team 6 squads using cheating comms will rule the roost soon. If this is the case i am done as well. I am just waiting it out to see how bad it gets. If sabo becomes meta. I am out.
Killer ques.....any time of the day. INSTANT que....surv que? Be prepared to wait. A long time the higher you go.
I seriously hope they are working on getting bots for you. Cos that is the way this game is headed.
7 -
I play killer as well, so no bots needed. It is fine to be frustrated with the game, I have been on both sides. You should absolutely let the devs know when you want to see change, but the OP sounds like they are frazzled 'nervous breakdown' frazzled, and that isn't healthy. I'm not trying to be snobby or sarcastic when I say this game might not be right for them.
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0 -
Or the other people that have bought this game and no longer play, 5 million copies sold btw, are the sane ones and we are the masochists.
Playing killer...i dont even know where to start. Not going to.
The thing is that far too many people only play this game with the intention of actually bullying the human that plays killer. They have no fear.
They get paired up increasingly with noob killers who have no chance just to ease lobby wait times. The longer this goes on the worse the killer playerbase will become. The survs are already waiting a long time. And to ease the survs suffering so BVHR's bottom line does not get hurt they just shove any old killer in the lobby regardless of skill level.
This has to stop. Really. They are kiling their own game. Quick.
MMR, yeah ok. Prove it. And dont keep rank a secret then.
6 -
Understandable. I left for the same reasons. Only reason I came back is the false hope that with toolboxes being nerfed that it's a step towards better gen speeds.
though I do love the line of "tired of these scooby doo loops"
4 -
yeah the car loops are the most stupid ones like, how can a ######### killer that is faster than a survivor follows them 3 loops IN A CAR, then they drop the pallet and go to another car, AZAROVS is stupid. Tall killers are not tall enough too, survivors can completely see them in loops you CANT EVEN MINDGAME like there are some boxes that huntress hatchtets cant go throught so you have to 110 speed after the survivors without trying to mind game cause they see you, so 3 loops around a box for a pallet or a lucky first hit, repeat it until you get gen rushed for a hook.
6 -
These are the kind of posts I hate, from both sides! This community is absolutely the worst. People cry and cry no matter what the devs do. I play both sides equally and don't care whether I "win" or "lose". The only thing I care about is if I had fun. If you're not having fun you're either A. Taking the game WAY too seriously or B. Just not as good as you think you are. Stop thinking you always NEED a 4k. The only time I'm truly upset as a killer is when I don't get 20k+ BP. If you're still playing killer for kills and not BP I don't know what to tell you chief.
At the end of the day crying like this on the forums is ridiculous. If you've been playing as long as you claim, then you would also recognize the good changes the devs have done. I've been playing since there were only 4 killers and I can assure you the game maybe a little wonky now, but the devs always come through. Do you not remember vacuum pallets? Did you forget about sprint burst twice in a chase? Or even worse insta-flashlight?
Give credit where credit is due and stop acting like the devs don't hear us. It may take time but they are also an indie studio. We always seem to forget that. Now if this was EA or Activision handling this game I would be just as sour. But ######### guys... Let's all take a Xanax and chill a bit. It's not that serious or that bad.
5 -
I don't know how you can say people cry no matter what the devs do, because the devs never buff killer. Or if they do, they take away or add a game changing perk, and give something insignificant back. Lets add a completely broken version of sabo that will be abused, and let trapper reset his traps on the ground to compensate, AND add breakable walls for one map.
4 -
I feel ya dude. Its unforgiving. I have a lot of fun with this game sometimes, even if i get my ass handed to me by a team as long as theyre nice i still have fun because this game on a certain level is fantastic. However you run into some people that just ruin it for you. They exist on both sides and they all suck. I try to let them not get to me but that doesn't seem to ever work. Ive had to delete so much hate off of my profile and i have turned off the game and cried multiple times because of these people. The game is broken and it is plain to see which side it favors. I don't know why i always come back but for some reason i do.
If this is truly your last time playing i wish you the best and hope you find another game you love. I know the devs are sometimes so far away from their own game but i know they're trying on this. If you want to try a similar game i hear that "Last Year" is kinda fun and cheap. I hope you come back though because this truthfully could be such a unique game if they only balanced it better. Keep your head up man.
Sorry for the essay right there. Just some stuff i wanted to say. Also for anybody who wants to watch people play this game but with no toxicity go watch "Not Otzdarva" and "Scott Jund" on youtube. They are amazing at this game and amazing people. They always seem to make me feel better after o do poorly in this game. I hope everybody who reads this has a good day!
6 -
Then why are you crying about others crying? If others aren't having fun, maybe it could also be because broken things are still broken, chief and not your flawed, binary reasons. Where is this ######### about always wanting a 4K? The emblem system should reflect this 2K average the devs speak on but have yet to implement. The devs survs. When they listen to killers it's because they want to throw them a bone and gloss over the same longstanding issues. Do they act on killer suggestions? Sometimes. But because the game is less broken than it was in the past does not mean that you ignore issues that still plague it today. An indie studio should be more responsive to both sides equally, not less. Unless they want bots. If you don't like posts like this I don't know what to tell you because as long as there's issues, people will speak their minds.
4 -
Because I've seen survivor mains cry about things AND I've seen killer mains cry about things. It definitely goes both ways.
Either way, the devs do listen believe it or not. Like I said before, I've been playing a long time and I've seen the change. Just be patient instead of getting all bent out of shape.
2 -
Which killer do you main? If you can't play Billy, Nurse, Spirit, Hag then you honestly shouldn't play killer. The Devs made it very clear they prefer survivors.
8 -
It's really not that serious. Like I said if you're playing to get your emblems when it's clearly messed up then you're doing it wrong. Stop trying to rank up when the devs themselves said it means nothing. Play the game to have fun and not "win". Because if you're trying to "win" on either side I can almost assure you you're blood pressure will go through the roof. Because on the survivor side you can get hamburgers with eyes as teammates or get tunneled or get camped on hook etc. It goes both ways man. Just play the game for fun and not "wins" and your life will be a lot less stressful.
Post edited by Rizzo on4