Change Mad Grit

So, I just got done playing a game with a Wraith who downed me, then was attempting to hit another survivor extremely fast (like a machine gun) and he wasn't getting any cool-downs. On top of that, I couldn't wiggle at all for a few seconds. Honest to god, thought he was hacking the game. Turns out, he had a lovely little perk called "Mad Grit". Basically, the killer suffers no cool-down with his hits while carrying a survivor and IF he hits another survivor while carrying, the wiggle meter stops for 4 seconds.
Am I the only one that sees an issue with this? I understand this perk is supposed to prevent "blocking", kind of similar to how DS is to prevent "tunneling", but they A) need to change how fast his M1 is OR B) Remove the wiggle meter penalty, entirely.
I don't see a lot of people running this, luckily. However, if this starts becoming more frequent, this can become an issue..
The perk is already a meme.
Are you seriously bitching about it?
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If stating my opinion is classified as "bitching", then so be it. I'm simply stating that this perk is OP. If the killer suffers no cool-down on hitting a survivor, what sense does it make for the wiggle meter progression to stop? Depending on the location of the survivors, the killer could easily get several hits and potentially down someone before I could even get half-way through wiggling.
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You realize that the Killer is at 90% speed when carrying a survivor, right? The only way to go above that is with Agitation. Even then, he isn't fast enough to run loops.
He would need TWO perk slots to utilize Mad Grit for the four seconds it pauses the timer, and to be -slightly- faster than a survivor.
A person would literally have to stand directly in front of the killer for him to use the perk which affects about 10% of Killer gameplay and makes up what, thirty seconds of total Killer matches? Not to mention its using a perk slot that could be stronger perks.
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I'm simply stating that this perk is OP
I can't tell if you are trolling. Mad Grit is a bad perk. There's a reason few people run it.
Also, Mad Grit doesn't remove the cooldown for hitting a Survivor. It removes the cooldown for missing.
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Is... is this a serious post? The perk is already terrible and very situational, needs Agitation and maybe Iron Grasp to make it work (wasting perk slots), ect. It's a meme build.
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I got the most OP build here:
Mad Grit
Iron Grasp
Furtive Chase
No way the survivors escape from this unless they're hacking.
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I'm going to report you for your very OP and obviously exploitative build. It's almost as bad as infinite mending Legion!
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Unless it gets gutted when changed for the live release, I would use Hangman's Trick in place of Furtive Chase.
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I'm 100% joking.
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I know, but I am being serious. I tested Hangman's Trick with the other three perks once in PTB, and it was hilarious.
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Going with this not being a joke...the only small issue with Mad Grit is the distance covered. Because when you swing, you swing at 115% speed. So, you gain more distance. It'd be the equivalent of a survivor tbagging and suddenly moving at 107%.
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The devs fixed that at the same time as the first Legion nerf. Killers no longer gain any additional speed when swinging with Mad Grit.
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This is not correct.
The cd only happens when you miss. The stopping of the timer happens during the seccesfull hit cd.
And most of the time you'll get it working once a match.
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I came here expecting a headache, but the responses have me piss laughing.
Could you imagine of all the things to have an issue with in the game, and Mad Grit is at the top of your list?