Otz's new video shows what's wrong with the game



  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    No the thing I see are people complaining that the game gets balanced for low ranked survivors who are too dumb to play cause the consequence of this is a heavy unbalance in highrank.

    You know the part where both sides should be skilled. This ofc requires both sides to have a skill floor but this is what the survivor side is completely missing right now. Nobody has a problem with skilled survivors. You wanna talked about skill? This ash got hit twice with the same chainsaw charge by bubba, a bubba who carries ######### distressing.

    The problem is that when you balance for low ranks, doesn't matter on which side you do it, you will have completely unfair matches in the high ranks.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    This is a stupid example. You would have a great point if he used idk Billy with meta perks and his strongest addon, eventually mori aswell. Then the video would look different. But here he used freaking Bubba!! With speedlimiter! With basically 0 perks! And STILL 4ked at the end! Imo he shouldn't even get 4 kills with this ######### build. This video is actually backfiring killers, it shows that even with a garbage killer and garbage loadout u can still destroy survivors with meta perks.

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Sadly again, just no.

    Otz still got a 4k for one.

    Two, he himself mentioned in the video he made ~Several mistakes~ and made it clear to his chat, though it was clear he was frustrated that game.

    Three, his build is a meme build, yet he managed to 4k with the lowest tier killer, again showing that he truly belongs at the rank he is because... Well he's a good killer main lol

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Sorry but if you run addons that intentionally make your killer weaker, and perks that have 0 synergy at red ranks then you should struggle, Otz knows, we all know there are perks infinitely better suited, and addons better suited for that rank. Do you think they'd have done nearly as well if he'd had a good build? Unlikely, but here we are, everyone saying "IT's not that he 4Kd, it's that they got to reset". But missing the entire part where he intentionally made everything as hard as possible for himself and still 4Kd despite the "survivors have 64978236984 second chance perks".

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Result is the only thing that matters because that's what get put into the stats and we know how they love their stats :)

    Thank you Otz for de facto proving the opposite of the point you were trying to make, time to put Speed Limiter base kit in the next Chainsaw Killers rework :)

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Seriously? You still cryng about ruin?

    Tell me at least other 5 changes that were implemented just to please "le baby survivors" that isnt your precious crutch perk, i will be waiting.

  • Rexis
    Rexis Member Posts: 190

    the only major issue buddy is the camping and tunneling and slugging, allowing no other players to farm points

    a player start the game and what he gets? slugged off the hook to avoid DS if he have it, left there bleeding while he was in the game to be chased, fix gens, unhook others

    nah but the killer can slug everyone at 4 gens up and thats okay, can you stop whining?

    how dare they survivors loop killers or god forbid they have 1 perk that can be used 1 time to balance the game instead of the game finishing at 4 gens up with each of them farming 4k points barely while the killer easily got 20k

    yeah lets fix the game, start the trial with all survivors injured, what a punch of crying whining players who want to "WIN" the game when its all about points at the end

    when Otz decided to slug off everyone he stopped survivors from playing the game and doing their objective of unhooking, chasing and fixing gens

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Wow, they indeed nerfed speed limiter when Scott Jund made a 4k 50 games in a row using it.

    Great logic you got there mate.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    I don't think anyone was expecting him to have an "easy" time with the build he was running. His entire stream was of him running the same "worst perks" in the game on all killers. Many of the same frustrations were experienced playing this "bad build" as are experienced when he runs normal "meta" builds.

  • Liisjak
    Liisjak Member Posts: 40

    The point is they were super bad and still managed to almost pull it off thanks to 2nd chance perks despite all their mistakes. The game should have ended in 4 mins.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    The devs don’t care

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Most recent would be sabo changes so it doesn't require any preparation on survivor side. Enduring/DS buff comes to mind, remember when DS was buffed cause it was lowered by Enduring yet the buff was left as is even when it was changed so it no longer affects stun time from DS. BT a perk being buffed over and over again which encourages bad survivor play. Fire Up, nerf comes to mind. Old Freddy.

    Yes ruin was a bandaid for lots of issues. Removing the bandaid without fixes to those issues was a dumb move.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    No, the problem is not him having a hard time that was the expected result of the build. Yet you ignore the part where the survivors throw the game completely because all they do is make mistake after mistake but have no trouble to recover from it.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Why should survivors have no chance to recover from mistakes especially when it's 4 of them obviously resulting in more overall mistakes compared to killer gameplay?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951
    edited February 2020

    And again, just like the other killers have said, ignores every comment and just goes "4k with bubba no problem here" thats why stats are so skewed. We arent asking it for survivors to be trash, we are asking that equal skill for equal result. One of the best killers in your game has to fight over and over and over again because the survivors get so many mistakes fixed for them by perks, but he makes one misplay and it nearly cost him the match.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited February 2020

    The problem is that if you have a team of 4 players, 1 mistake can be even outed by the others. Mistakes in a team are way less consistent and can be helped out while if you play alone you have nothing that can make your mistakes less impactfull. Since dbd is the only game that brings up a semi balanced unsymetrical gameplay you can see the clear difference of solo play vs teamplay. It is just natural and it was always like that. Thats why most esport games preffer teamplay than solo because mistakes are not that present in teamfights.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Nancy walked directly past him while he wasn't paying attention, which is why the game didn't end in three minutes.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited February 2020

    I'm not sure what this is video is meant to prove or disprove.

    The survivors were bad, but they didn't come back solely because of meta perks. They came back because meta perks, because he was literally running the antimeta^3 and he made one MAJOR, almost rookie, mistake. Does it even come as a surprise that they managed to reset when he literally stacked the deck against himself and in their favor?

    Now, imagine if he was running anything meta instead. This game would have lasted 3 minutes, even if he made the same errors.

    That greed for the slug is always a huge gamble, especially if you can't instadown. Slugging is good for pressure. Overslugging is good to give a chance to come back. It reminds me of that Nurse video by Ardetha that was posted here recently. Same issue, both killers were too thirsty for the slug. The faster way to kill survivors is by hooking. Giving 4 minutes on the ground plus 2 on hook is the slower method.

    One-hooking comes at your own risk. If you have thousands of hours in the game, you should know that very well.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    It would have been over fast because he has to resort to slugging to counteract the gen speed. That's what happens for players who don't have old Ruin as an option.

    The team rebounded because it's now more common for people to carry Unbreakabill.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I don't think most killer mains don't want to have to play so sweaty - all the time -that Otz had to in order to come back from a likely 0k. The game then becomes a chore.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    Your way of looking at things is why I stopped playing DBD and don't spend more money on it. It's not fun to play sweaty to make up for a little mistake early in the game as killer.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    So what? Otz (a killer that is good but by far not one of the best) wins with a comparable bad killer, super bad addons and with a perk build that is questionable to say the least. He gets the 4K by playing trash! And you guys come here and complain about a second chance perk which did nothing to the outcome of the game.

    What happend with this community..?

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    So basically you are admitting that the game is not balanced lmao.

    What the hell is "bad killer", "worst addons" and "worst perks"?!? I thought that all perks, except Monstrous Shrine and Cruel Limits, are equal?!? And that all killers are also equal, the difference is only in preffered playstyle. Not to mention that purple addon should be one of the strongest addons available, and even brown addons should help you at least slightly.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Who wants long matches?

    I thought we wanted CLOSE matches.

    And CLOSE matches are always long.

    And thats because both teams are EQUAL SKILL, so the game is not decided untill the last second.

    If we go by your logic, then the best solution would be to make killers and surviviors not being able to move for the forst 10 minutes of the match lol

  • FKreuger1
    FKreuger1 Member Posts: 43

    Is the result honestly all you guys are focusing on? I could go on a massive rant about all the second chance perks survivors have but it's been said tons already.

    What does bother me is you watched someone play a game that was stressful rather than enjoyable and focused on nothing but the result. I loved playing killer before but now the gameplay is not enjoyable whether I get 4 or 0 kills.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Please tell me where I even remotely claimed that the game was perfectly balanced. It's an asymmetrical game with every killer has a unique power that changes how the game is played. That alone means you will always have weaker and stronger killers. So yes you can have "weak" and "strong" killers.

    Once again, I never said all perks are equal, in fact once again, there are strong and weak perks. It would be statistically impossible to make each and every perk carry the same "value". One because of how much the perks powers very, what math would you use to compare BBQ to Pop.

    Even if you did figure out how to mathematically compare those perks you would than have to make the perks balance them based off the killers power. For example, Pop is much less useful on Huntress than it is Freddy. Because huntress is a slow killer who has to slow down more to get hatchets. So also stopping to kick a gen is just more wasted time. However, Pop has great value on Freddy because he can just teleport across the map and kick a gen. He loses almost all time.

    However in all of the nonsense you just spoke you did make a one single valid point, "rarity" means basically nothing.

  • zzee19
    zzee19 Member Posts: 48

    Few words: borrowed time+die hard + ######### bug with surv between hook and hooked surv. Also if these are not enough, u have ds if hooked again. If a rescuer is hooked, just repeat previous and don't forget to tbag in the exit gate and say "ez game, killer is a baby/tunneller/camper" (choose one or EVERY)


  • zzee19
    zzee19 Member Posts: 48

    Point is that killers who play every day for 8h+ (like Otz) and killers who play 2-3 games a day after one received the same survs level in the MM.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    This totally disproves what you are trying to prove. Your point is that survivors have many second chances that help them win and then you show a video where they don't. All you've proved here is that those second chances aren't as strong as some killers would like you to believe.

  • FishTacoDeluxe
    FishTacoDeluxe Member Posts: 54

    No, you're definitely right. Any sane killer that wants to pip needs a match to last longer than four minutes. Then again maybe I'm insane for wanting to pip.