Otz's new video shows what's wrong with the game

Give it a watch. In short, he goes in as Bubba with Speed Limiter and Award Winning Chili, possibly the worst killer in the game with an addon that takes away his one positive of instadowns. Surprisingly, he nearly wins before 2 gens can get done. Survivors have made a bunch of mistakes, and naturally he is profiting off of them like a killer should.
But then Otz makes one tiny mistake, not assuming the Nancy had Unbreakable. This tiny little mistake nearly cost him the game. How can survivors go from being curb stomped after making dozens of mistakes, to bouncing back completely? Same for killer, how can he be in the winning position, but one tiny mistake can nearly cost him the game.?
Survivors have so many second chances it's insane, and by comparison, killers have next to none. Making tons of mistakes as survivor apparently doesn't matter, when you can bounce completely back when the killer makes one tiny mistake.
Watch any DBD video to see what's wrong with the game.
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Those situations can go both ways. You can spend the whole game avoiding the killer dodging then at ETC get downed and camped, or your first hook the killer decides to hang near you till you die waiting for new people or your teammates are epic potatoes and don't even bother to go for a save. The issue with this game is their are too many variables that are affected by how each side plays.
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aaaaand he still ends with a 4K, I wonder how differently this match would have been had he not used a meme addon.
edit: Not to mention his perks are very weird, seems likely this may have been a chat requested build so obviously something he's not familiar with, right?
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sigh once again, no.
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Also, had she not had unbreakable this match would have been over in less than 4 minutes, but.... that's not what we want, killer mains... right? We don't want 4 minute matches... riiiight??
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Thank you for pointing this out.
I get so tired of people that point out their side and come to a conclusion of how “things are”.
As yourself why people bring the same perks, because even when ruin was in its previous state killers were playing with their dirty tactics. So survivors have to go in expecting the worst.
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Sadly there are two arguments to this, yours which I agree w but also he did get the 4k in the end of the match and double pipped.
To counter the other argument you could also say they could've actually did some gens at the start instead of thirsting for unhook and try to bully the killer. Even though they did all of that and screwed up SUPER bad they still managed to pop all the gens, no matter how well he played and how bad they are at the game
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Man I really hate when people post things like this. Like don't get me wrong, there are numerous problems with the game, but you've linked a video of Otz playing one of the worst killers in the game with addons that make him even worse, intentionally with the worst perks in the game, and he still 4ks.
These examples are always so terrible. He used literally the weakest ######### you can possibly use and still killed everyone. ######### else do you want?
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The only example I see here is Otz is OP. Unbreakable is fine. Dont slug them to long. If you want to talk about a survivor perk that actually does need a re work. DS!
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I agree that the game is survivor-sided but this isn't the best video to showcase this.
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He used speed limiter so that was his mistake. You don't run that and expect the game to go perfectly.
Yes Nancy had unbreakable but he made the mistake of not seeing her vault the window in front of him before she got the unhook. The DS was extremely late but I unfortunately that happens. If he run a better build, with better add-ons he wouldn't have slugged as much and probably would have hooked the Nancy.
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4k double pip using Bubba with his worst addons and worst perk build in the world = survivors op pls nerf
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Can we talk about how often he complains how bad Bubba is and that he is using bad addons and still got a 4k. Yes against survivors who made less mistakes he would have most likely loss, but he could also play a better killer, with better perks, with better addons.
You're basically saying, hey this survivors are running meta perks and are getting carried by them, even though the killer still 4k'ed with a bad killer, with bad perks, with bad addons.
Technically this video just proves survivor perks really don't matter, its the skill level of those survivors. To me all this video showed is that Bubba needs a re-work.
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I like Otz but you have to remember that he is not your average killer. He is a well known streamer and killer in DBD. So most of the time, the people in his lobby are going to be sweaty and put on the best perks. Also, he gets 4Ks in most of his matches and even with a bad killer plus perks.
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So, lets get the facts:
Playing Bubba, one of the weakest Killers in the game.
Playing two Add Ons, one which removes the one ability Bubba has, the other one giving a big downside for almost no benefit.
Using 4 Perks which are outright bad - one Perk that makes Tracking even harder, one Perk which is the Meme of this game since it was released, one perk which is pointless since everyone will stop healing when in Terror Radius and one Perk which makes the Terror Radius huge, resulting in a lot of Distance for Survivors.
So overall, a really bad build on a weak Killer.
Next fact:
He almost wins this game with 2 Gens done. Gets troube because of Unbreakable (I would not call this a mistake on his side).
4K, 31700 BPs, Double PIp.
Yeah, seems like Survivors are OP here. Proven once again, Killers cannot do anything. Like, everything under 8K is not acceptable.
Oh, and btw, just a fun fact: Killers say that they will slug more. And Survivors should adapt. They use Unbreakable and adapt. A shocker!
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If he hooked the Nancy right after downing her, this game would have been over in 4 minutes. Feng ran off and there was absolutely no way she would both make it back to Dwight/Ash in time to start healing, let alone heal them up in time with Coulro active.
He got greedy for a 4k and paid for it. This is why slugging is not always optimal, because Unbreakable exists. If you slug 3, just take the hook on the third ASAP to keep some pressure in case someone has Unbreakable. He left her, she got up, and that reset his entire snowball. He didn't even catch her again until the gates were powered.
Also, he ate Dwight's DS when it was CLEARLY not 60 seconds then acted surprised. It was about 50 seconds if you check the timestamps. That also really hurt him and was 100% his own fault. If he just waited a bit longer he wouldn't have been DS'd there.
Sorry Otz is a good killer but he made some MAJOR mistakes here and paid for it. He was greedy plain and simple.
Not to mention, he STILL GETS THE 4K. As speed limiter Bubba. Like how much more biased can you get than that. "Oh dear lordy, survivors did 'em gens. So overpowad" C'mon dude. He still won.
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He made a major mistake in the fact that Nancy was literally right in his view at 3:33 in the video, but he was paying attention to chat. She came right through that window and he could have easily downed her with an M1. Killer is something that requires all of your focus, or you will make mistakes.
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I understand where OP is coming form but this is the worst example OP could've posted. This just goes to show that you can 4k with the worst killer/perks/addons, unintentionally insinuating killer is op and second chance perks do jack in the long run.
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I guess we all will ignore how terrible those survivors were but okay.
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I think the point is that had it not been Otz, who is generally considered one of the better players, any other player would have lost.
Obviously, that doesn't mean Leatherface is OP or that Killers are OP, it just means that Otz is a good player and managed to end up with a 4K. Honestly, not sure why it was posted.
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Nobody talks about the problem OP adressed XD. Its not about the win, its about survivors buncing back from a terrible performance by their side with help of crutch meta Perks.
You guys also complain about bad teammates in Red ranks, THIS are the people you complain about! ANd they are only in Red ranks because its so freaking easy to get there.
I NEVER played survivor, with the Archives added i started doing these challenges and it is unbeliavable how easy survivor is.
Finished all Survivor Archive Challenges within 3 weeks and pipped my way to rank 1 in light speed.
You dont even know how to loop a killer, you can drop 4 pallets before he is in range and 3 gens pop.
And even if you die first you will safety pip because he coulnt facecamp you bc everyone runs BT and he couldnt tunnel you bc of DS.
Even if you are focussed down the whole match you wont lose a Pip if you are not terrible at survivor if you run the right Perks.
As a Killer you lose the game because of a missed hit.
Im no survivor main, but i played it. Its a piece of cake. Killers are no Threat, MM is broken. I got a rank 20 Trapper with no perks or add ons, A first game killer player... and i was Rank 3... and it was today. If you want a screenshot i can add it.
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Now, I think it's a good video to show a problem. The only issue here is that survivors were reall bad in general so they all died by the end. BUT here you can see how gens went even after that whole situation. They fixed all of them despite not being able to juke properly around the map, they only managed to be decent at some mindgames.
Overall it shows how much power survivors second chance perks hold. Now imagine if survivors were actually good, these perks would be used on a whole new level of agony. But what am I talking about, if survivors were good, they wouldn't even need to use them because generators would pop in a few minutes. Because even BAD survivors after making BAD plays and being BAD in general manage to fix all of them.
I love seeing all of these survivor mains who will point out every tiny misplay a killer made just to prove that a killer was't flowless. And then they will just ignore everything else. Like, c'mon, stop saying that he got 4 kills still, you know that happened because survivors messed up and couldn't make till the end because they could memorize which pallets they had dropped earlier.
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One thing I think is absurd about this game is the amount of "Meta" information (Information which persists between trials and not within the trial itself) the killer has to juggle/keep in mind, which only increases per significant patch.
To a new player, the first time they see Borrowed time, they must think "Why did he glow white then not go down". From that game onwards they have to play around the potential existence of Borrowed Time.
Same for Decisive Strike and Unbreakable, which have the added bonus of having to remember which survivor used which so far.
In contrast, when I play survivor, the only killer perk which comes to mind which I have to alter my playstyle to potentially counter during every game is Barbecue and Chili.
The thing about these above four perks is that they have zero telegraph to allow you to play around them, you just have to assume they are in play every game, as when they come into play they put you at a major and immediate disadvantage. In contrast, another line of strong perks, exhaustion perks, come into play many times in a game, and are often telegraphed quite early on, and are, to an extent, mutually exclusive in the sense that if someone has already used sprint burst, you can count on them not using dead hard in the same chase at the very least. As well as this, after their initial use, opportunity to play around them during future encounters presents itself.
Perks like the above four instead demand that players always play in a certain way due to the potential existence of these perks, (I know that BBQ has counter play, but you are actually playing against the potential that BBQ is in play, rather than playing against the perk itself).
This means two things, that the knowledge that a new player needs to have in order to play in a viable way increases as more of these perks are released. And that the (seemingly) most viable tactics during common in-game situations are often based inordinately on information gathered outside of the trial/match, (namely, the possibility of certain perks being in play) instead of from information gathered within the match.
I just think its bad game design, but then again, a system wherein the most effective tactic is to remove a player from the game as soon as possible, and then continue to play the bulk of that match without said player, is also bad game design.
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the survivors were bad. This is the highlight of the video. Otz should have got his 4k within the first few minutes of the game, he dominated this round. Saying 'oh well he still got his 4k' just shows how one dimensional a person's thought process is. It's the fact that he had to try to win the game when these survivors were absolute trash and they could have been 4k'd within a minute
This game allows a barely cognizant survivor the ability to last many times longer than they should against the best players in this game that play this game religiously for 6-8 hours or more a day. Otz getting a 4k is actually irrelevant to the conversation and the point. The game gave these survivors many chances to turn the game around. The game only gave Otz one chance to make a mistake.
A team of bad survivors should get stomped by a top tier killer player, and not in 10 minutes, in 1 minute. If these survivors were on Otz' level, he would not have been able to kill one of them.
It's a question of fairness. This game just shows that you don't really have to even think to be a survivor, just load up a bunch of second chance perks and you can just blast through games barely thinking and actually come out on top enough to face the top killers in the game.
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He still won by the 2k 2 survive metric
He won by the pips.
And he got a good and decent 31700.
But i understand if it wasnt him it may have not been all that good a result. But this video just says the opposite of what your trying to say
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And? Aren't killers always complaining about how the devs only balance around "low ranked survivors", why don't more players get on Otz level?
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No thx. Not everyone is an Otz.
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This definitely proves it! Killers are OP!!! Plz nerf!!!
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Damn, DEVS cmon listen to the god and fix your game with all the fixes he wants!
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I renember myself DS'ing a killer without ME even renember when I was last hooked
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That's like saying to a hockey player, why don't you just play like Wayne Gretzky. Good idea, bad execution. Otz is way above average.
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Not at all, you have to be physically capable of playing Hockey, sitting at your computer desk and learning the game is way more possible for everyone than become a superstar hockey player.
Lets remember, killers want the game based around high rank, as long as it's high ranked survivors that is, killer skill in their eyes is irrelevant, as these posts always prove.
"Wow, this killer is x person, they're good at the game, that can't be me, survivors op" etc etc.
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He got the 4k because obviously those survivors were not red rank survivors. Obviously they got anywhere's in the ranking system because the perks carried them alone. Averagly survivors don't make this many mistakes in red ranks, and most pro players in Dead By Daylight all say the same thing, you can't profit off the survivors mistakes because they have too many second chance perks that just nulify every mistake they make. If this was a team of red ranks, with a fully outfitted sets of meta perks, Otz wouldn't have even gotten one hook, let alone any downs.
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Lol I figured people would be as simple minded as to just go "He got his 4k though". That's not what the whole video is about, the whole video is about that it took them dozens of mistakes to all die, and he made only 2 mistakes the whole match and nearly lost the game because of it.
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and? The game would have been over in less than 4 minutes without that unbreakable, I thought killers wanted longer matches, ahhh yes, you only want longer matches as long as it's benefitting killers, I see i see.
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and? Those players shouldn't be facing him in the first place. If that was a team of red rank survivors all with full meta loadouts - like you see regularly then Otz wouldn't have a chance, like in most of his other games. There is nothing fun of watching survivors perform 6-8 mistakes right infront of you back to back, and you are compeltely powerless to punish them for it.
So what you're saying is while the game is entirely balanced for potato's like this to face top players. Killer's all have to become the same level as Scorpion, Tru3, Otz, and FunGoose?
Also let's not ignore the only reason he even had a chance to win was being forced to slug, which by the majority of the community all agree's is no fun or anyone. That is clear by the lack of fun he was having for the entirity of the video.
Then on top of all that the survivors all acted like ######### in the end game chat, further ######### that the killer is forced to deal with, because of the ridiculous amount of entitlement the poor balancing has grown.
Please don't come back to me with stupid answers.
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and? Those players shouldn't be facing him in the first place. If that was a team of red rank survivors all with full meta loadouts - like you see regularly then Otz wouldn't have a chance, like in most of his other games. There is nothing fun of watching survivors perform 6-8 mistakes right infront of you back to back, and you are compeltely powerless to punish them for it.
Yea, and maybe he shouldn't have stood a chance running perks with no synergy & addons that make the killer he's using ability weaker, what's your point here, that he should 4K against good players while he's running the worst stuff? This seems like entitlement to me "It doesn't matter he's running the worst things, a good team would have beat him" yea, and they should, what's your point again?
So what you're saying is while the game is entirely balanced for potato's like this to face top players. Killer's all have to become the same level as Scorpion, Tru3, Otz, and FunGoose?
They are top killer players, if killers want to keep saying "Balance around high ranks" it has to go both ways, that seems fair, no?
Also let's not ignore the only reason he even had a chance to win was being forced to slug, which by the majority of the community all agree's is no fun or anyone. That is clear by the lack of fun he was having for the entirity of the video.
"Forced To slug" how was he forced to slug? There was like 2 gens done when everything was happening, there was no forcing involved, had he picked nancy up, or downed her earlier like he could have if he DIDNT USE ADDONS TO MAKE HIS KILLER WEAKER they would have been rinsed.
Then on top of all that the survivors all acted like ######### in the end game chat, further [BAD WORD] that the killer is forced to deal with, because of the ridiculous amount of entitlement the poor balancing has grown.
Boo hoo, hide the chat, get a thicker skin. He knows he played well, some pleb telling him to get good means nothing, if it's seriously offensive, report it and get them banned, or just hide the chat too, it's not hard.
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This is NOTHING. They had 3 DS and 3 unbreakable. And they were terrible.
I face Depip squads with 4DS, 4 BT, 4 DH/Spint burts, on comms, gen rushing as ######### and if you camp the last guy you'll be insulted by everyone.
I WISH I could face these guys every match.
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He had 4 hooks in two minutes against terrible survivors and they still end up genrushing. What OP is trying to prove is that his momentum did not matter.
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I watched the video earlier. I can't remember it exactly but I do remember the Survivors hook humping and playing really weirdly altuistic.
Otz played one of the most weak combination of killer add-ons and perks but he faced a poor team of Survivors who successfully used the second chance perks but played really poorly for most of the match. Otz had to play serious for moments in the match because of the fact the mistakes made by the Survivors were not mechanically punished.
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If you go against a really good survivor you usually see them running one second chance perk at max. Because they just don't need more. You can watch Aaron and Ussylis for reference.
In my opinion, every perk that gives the survivor the ability to perform an action, that normally would at least take one more survivor, is classed as a second chance perk. BHVR should remove every synergy between them, like they plan for slowdown perks.
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Okay everyone, we arent asking you to destroy survivors. And Yes, Bubba is one of the worst killers on the game if not the worst. No ones arguing this. The problem that is being addressed is that he made ONE mistake and nearly lost the game. It is true he didnt lose, he got a 4k and thats awesome from one of our best killers in the game. The problem being asked here is the survivors (who were not equal skill) nearly got out fine because they have so many options for second chances
. When killers ask about a second chance perk they are almost CRUCIFIED for it, (Mainly NOED
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No, it means these survivors were terrible and if they played better they would've escaped, its not Otz being good (he is good don't get me wrong), its them being bad which is why they lost.
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You're literally trying to put words in my mouth to justify how unbalanced this game is. It's stupid that 4 people get infinite second chances, when the other side loses the game because of one. There is literally nothing you can say that will convince anyone otherwise - no matter the toxic mind game you try to play.
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What words did I put in your mouth exactly?
Also "infinite second chances" lmfao Okkkkkkk buddy.
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Eh, it's always risky to overextend and go for more than 2 slugs. That's just how the survivor meta is now. I complain about second chances as much as anyone, but blowouts are hard as a killer against survivors who run good perks. You have to get lucky with opponent loadout and keep track of who has been hooked and slugged. I try to be more conservative and methodical lately rather than trying to have a "win now" approach and it has worked for the most part. Just keep racking up hook states and slam the door late.
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lmao 4k speed limiter bubba, survivors are definetely OPey
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What a dumb question is this? Not everybody has the time to waste 6-8hrs a day in dbd to play killer. But thank god the game on survivor side is balanced around people who are not able to hit a skillcheck.
See this is the dumb entitlement right here, as killer get on the level of Otz, somebody who earns his money via playing the game and meanwhile survivor should be so dumb easy that a braindead monkey can defeat that player.
You are the reason why dbd gets boring af and there is hardly any challenge in the game as survivor.
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The only wrong I seen in this game was someone slugging off all survivors at 4 gens up allowing no one to make points but himself
so they get a fighting chance for 1 perk that can be used 1 time, and you make a big noise and cry me a river all over about it
Downed someone, hook them buddy, he would have finished the game off if he hook the 3 who were down and eventually he would have found the 4th trying to unhook someone
nah, but instead he doesnt want to pick up a survivor cause of the DS just because the guy was litteraly just unhooked not allowing him to participate in game play or make some points of his own, HOW DARE THEM SURVIVORS GETS UNHOOKED AND BE ALLOWED TO PLAY! and his only fault was to get caught by a killer that is designed no matter how good survivor are to be caught, and ballets will eventually run out of the map
end of the game, he had the kills he deserve as he is a good killer
bottom line, the only wrong in this game is slugging at 4 gens up and come back crying to the devs that you didnt win the game
wow, some players man
how about we start trial as survivors with all players injured? happy? play the game buddy