Red rank survivor perks - my statistics

Just for fun, I did some small statistics and wrote down the perks of 100 red rank survivors I got matched with. I know some of you are interested in these statistics, so I thought I'd share the Top 10 with you.
46% DS
46% Self Care
31% Dead Hard
26% Iron Will
26% Sprintburst
23% Adrenaline
22% Borrowed Time
15% Unbreakable
14% Spine Chill
14% WGLF
Since it's only 100 survivors, it's not representative, of course, but I feel like it's not too far off from the real numbers. Maybe the devs could share the current numbers with us, it would be so interesting! PS4 EU btw.
How many used inner strenght?
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We lack men of culture.
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So if we apply the devs reason for destroying ruin. Since it's over 40%, DS and SC need to be "reworked" to oblivion correct? :P
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I thought I had been seeing Borrowed Time a loss less frequently as of late. I guess with new genrushing ease, having all 4 survivors alive at the end of the game is easier so BT isn't needed for that egc save.
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Yikes they obviously don’t deserve to be in red ranks of over 40% are using self care what a potato play
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Um, it was 80% at red ranks... 40% at all ranks...
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I like self care in combination wih a med kit. Its faster + if the med kit is used inefficently you can heal the last tiny bit without it.
But i Agree, 32 seconds in a corner is a potato play
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Probability hates me I guess. Cause even after taking a break and deranking back to 18, I'm still get red/purple survivors and on average I see DS on at least 3 people every match. Sure doesn't feel like 46% to me.
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There is also 4 survivors and 1 killer so that 80% is one dude vs the 46 percent of 4 survivors so DS is far more prevalent
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That's some interesting data. Do you know how many people use Head On? Just out of curiosity :P
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This content has been removed.
Ruin was 80% at red rank.
BBQ&C in red rank is 80% at least?
Self-care is a potato-perk in major of the cases.
After the absolute nosense nerf of BL (like nosense nerf of ruin imho), DH is the most value exhaustion perks, so is normal see in this statistics.
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Seing 46% use self care hurts ... Such a bad perk lol
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People are still running self care?
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How many used Kindred?
Is one of the strongest perk for solo survivor, i run it in like every game (i like play solo)
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The OP is also in the PS4 EU servers. It probably varies from region to region. Also from platform to platform.
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Thank you for posting that. It is really interesting and the great thing is we don't need to question your findings like we do with certain other stats out there.
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Ya do you wonder why 80% used ruin ?
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I guess it's a good thing that numbers trump feelings.
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Why would it vary from region or platform? What bearing do those things have on perk use?
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Is there any particular reason you blindly believe one person's stats and not another's? Not saying op is lying but your logic doesn't check out
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Nice stats sir.
Now if only r20 team mates would stop running SC that would be great.
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Still shocked Self Care is used so much. Thought Adrenaline and Iron will would be higher percentages.
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It’s kinda shocking that Kindred and Bond aren’t used more. I use Kindred all the time in Red Ranks. The info is too useful
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80 Percent because you refuse to do anything about Gen times. At least survivor is more fun right?
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I use Kindred all the time since the Buff. The info let's me know where is the killer going, did they set traps, are they camping, Are teammates on gens, breaking totems, attempting to make the save, if i need a heal or we need to push for that last gen someone is one.
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I know you may not have gotten this information, but if you did just out of curiosity how many ran Object?
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Because these things usually shift at least a little based on region and platform. Not saying there would be a massive shift. But there's probably at least some differences.
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91% of this community has failed me
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Why make excuses? Why not address the mans actual point and give us the real numbers for DS use?
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I wrote all used perks down. No red rank surv used OoO. I think I came across two OoO users while I was doing the statistics, but these were purple so I didn't count them.
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Wow, that's honestly really surprising, I thought it would be more. Thanks for taking the time to make these stats.
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46% self care in red ranks?? It must not be the same in NA.
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Well those "4man OoO abusers" never truly exist anyways. So that's not so surprising.
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4 people running it I've never seen, but a SWF on comms that protects 1 player using OoO I play against at least once a week.
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Also worth mentioning: I'm a survivor main, most of these numbers came from my games as solo surv, just a few from me playing killer.
A killer main would have faced more 4-men-SWF groups, that would most likely change the numbers a bit.
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With 4 survivors per match, that is almost 2 DS per match. That is still double the number possible for Good Ruin.
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So ignoring you don't understand how usage stats work, you would actually be even more wrong using your method. If you are counting how many times DS would be effective per game, which in your example is 2... Old Ruin Effect all four survivors...
So DS = 2 and Old Ruin = 4
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Honestly, as long as you are not in a 4 man SWF, Object is not incredible useful. The lower the number of players playing together is, the less useful Object becomes (even tho, it is still useful as Solo).
I can only guess, but I would say that people find this Perk scummy. At least this is the reason why I would not use it.
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Because they were afraid of leaving their comfort zone, and didn't realize the perk was progressively getting worse at red ranks.
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don't understand usage stats,I assume that means equipped for the trial. Old Ruin effects all four survivors for a portion of the match, not the whole match unless its an atypical match.I don't think that asking for a DS nerf is unwarranted. It shouldn't buy the unhooked survivor 1 minute of generator immunity.
Edit: The OP is a player keeping track so usage is perks equipped for the trial. So ignoring that you are trying to invent a reality...
Post edited by korean_zombie on0 -
Yep, all my go-to survivor perks are there except Kindred.
Surprised that perk isn't being used more.
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Old ruin could effect four survivors from anywhere between 15 seconds to 15 minutes. At most if all four survivors ran and had the chance to use DS it would be a total of 4 minutes.
Usage stats, is how many people use a perk over every match, just one match.
It doesn't give them immunity, you have multiple choices
- Slug them for 60 seconds
- Eat the DS
- Chase someone else.
Even if you choose to slug them, that is 3 people generally not doing gens. The one slugged, The one you should be chasing, and the one picking up the DS user you slugged. The hardest thing people seem to misunderstand about the common complained about survivor perks is, they are so easy to never see. DS, slug and chase someone else, Borrowed time never proc's if you chase and down the rescuer instead of the hooked person, Unbreakabill, if they are not just off hook, instead of slugging them, just pick them up.
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DS has a paywall, Ruin didnt. Make DS a free perk and then its comparable. 46% for a perk you have to pay real money for is unreal.
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Second chances, second chances and more second chances