Favorite "Underrated" Combos?

I know the "underrated perk" stuff has gone around a lot but
What's your favorite underrated combo? Mine is probably adrenaline + wake up. The amount of times this has saved me and my team is ridiculous. If the hatch is closed on me I actually have a chance of getting out.
No Mither + Resilience
Monitor & Abuse + A Nurseβs Calling
Flip-Flop + Tenacity
Pop Goes the Weasel + Surge (this one can be really funny when you make the generator pop with Surge and then the survivor touches it again and you go back and kick it with Pop. Annoying to go against, but fun to use)
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Pizza flavor
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Open Handed + Kindred
Seeing the killer at a range of 24 meters from the hook is amazing. Even if they're not camping, you know exactly which way they're going.
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To add to this. Open Handed + Bond is pretty great too.
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Yeah, it's just a good perk in general. I run it with Kindred and Bond every game. In my opinion, having that much information as a solo survivor is better than any exhaustion perk. Not to mention it buffs your entire team's aura ranges, allowing them to play more effectively.
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I will second both of these, especially if you can convince some other people to run Open Handed as well. Kindred in particular is really nice. As long as someone's hooked even remotely close to you, the killer cannot mindgame you in a chase. Definitely a sleeper combo.
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I completely agree. I rarely run exhaustion perks. I much prefer having perks that I can use every match and not just in certain situations. Youβll often find me running things like Bond, Kindred and Quick & Quiet. I just find them more helpful.
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Quick and Quiet, Lithe and Head On. Keep them guessing and apply directly to the forehead if they get to close.
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What about Open Handed + OoO ? I haven't tried that yet, but I think that will be a bit crazy lol.
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I don't use Object, but I think the range is already huge so 8 extra meters might not be so significant.
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Surveillance + PGTW. This combo has really put in work for me.
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No Mither Resilience Deadhard and Kindred.
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Totem trapper
Devour hope + Ruin and the other two perks are your choice, but I prefer bbq and Stbfl
Protect the totems, trap them into oblivion. If they try to cleanse them, they will spend the whole game contesting it with you. If they try to ignore them, boom, they are all one shot and mori-able.
SO underrated. I would argue its easily his strongest build.
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SprintBurst or BL or Lithe + Fixated, any of the three mentioned perks + fixated is stealth scapes guarranteed
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Maybe you are right. Nobody will use that combo.
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It all depends on the map. There's a few where your Hex can just spawn out in the open. Killers should have some way to pick which totem their Hex is on.
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Spine Chill + Resilience + Self-Heal + Botany Knowledge/Poised/HeadOn
I did it once by accident because I screwed up swapping my perks (I was still learning portraits) but holy hell that combo is nuts.
What I love most about it is I can just 99 heal and once the killer shows up to check the completed gen I just pop self care, and zoom off with poised and they can't track me.
Or I finish a gen, hop into a locker, head on the killer, start getting chased, heal when I'm about to take a hit/heal at palette, then extend the chase.
Or with Botany knowledge I can just have extended chases.
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Rancor + Nemesis
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Unbreakable and Tenacity is my favorite underrated combo. Doesn't always work of course, but when it does it's hilarious and can even be a Deus Ex Machina at the right moment.
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Spine chill + Bond
No one around and the perk activates, coming for you
SC activates but someone is running around, killer is busy, dont worry
Teammate wants to heal after unhook? If sc is on I run away and find them later with bond
So many information, its like playing swf but you have to actually think
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Ace in the Hole and Plunderer's Instinct. Getting something like a Commodius Toolbox with Instructions and Socket Swivels, or a medkit with a Styptic mid game right when you need it is crazy.
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tenacity, boil over, flip-flop and unbreakable lul
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I like deja vu. I always run deja vu to be able to find the 3 closest gens and Iron will, to keep myself quiet while injured. The other two perks, I swap around and try different stuff.
I never see anyone else running deja vu and my son makes fun of me for using it. :) I don't care, because I feel naked in a game without it, so I always run it.
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On that note, please don't actually loop the killer near the hooked person. π€£π
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Quick and Quiet + Head On
Seriously people master this combo and you'll make killers fear the stun it's unbelievably funny XD
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Dance With Me + Lithe. (if you want to be really spicy add Iron Will and Q&Q for some easy escapes)
I love this combo, also Dance With Me works with Head On. >:)
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I'm All Ears+Iron Maiden for pesky locker jukes
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sloppy butcher blood echo ive denied a few dead hards this way really fun to see a survivor panic at the disco
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Monitor and Abuse with Infectious Fright. Both provide great value on their own, and getting the extra range on detection is a huge plus.
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Inner Strength + Detective's Hunch and Borrowed Time + We're Gonna Live Forever are my two favorite "combos" right now.
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I really like using We'll make it + (I forgot the name but that healing perk on Steve) + DS. Once you're off that hook you are basically completely protected
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Make Your Choice + Hex: Devour Hope.
Using MYC to quickly build up Tokens to get a stronger version of MYC.
And if it gets cleansed, you'll still have the more-than-okay MYC.