Nerf mori and noed

Unfair, no fun and toxic gameplay
Nerf keys and Decisive strike
Unfair, no fun and toxic gameplay
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Nerf SWF, Gen speed and toxic survivors.
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If Nerf no one escapes death you already are losing Killers if you want to lose more go right ahead Nerf it the only reason why they use that perk it's cuz that's all that's left your game right now
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wah wahhhh wah I cant do bones
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Seriously, people need to understand how unfair the game is for killer. Survivors are overpowered because they have a combined total of 16 perks while killer only has a combined total of 4 perks. How is a 4:1 ratio fair?
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+ for keys, - for ds it should be base for all the survs and it should be for both your hooks JUST if you get tunnelled, nerfed the time to be used to 30 seconds
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always said that, they should aim on nerfing SWF first and gen speed.
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the only reason they use it its bc they cant win without it :) Strong killers doesn't need for noed to 4k, i dont need in any case :P
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Wah wah wah i cant say something smart so i flame waah waaah
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that's not a reason to play noed or mori, it's just an excuse.
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Mori yes,Keys yes, Noed no, You can already disable it before it's in play.
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nobody disable it B4 it comes in play in soloQ, i do always, but the rest doesn't
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moris I agree
Keys also
Do Bones. NOED punishes survivors as a team (what they should be acting as) for not completing secondary objectives, and even then its still a hex, so if your team couldn't do bones, just cleanse the one glowy one and poof its gone. if noed gets nerfed because its a crutch, than nerf DS too because that sure is a crutch. what's that, you got unhooked? have 60 seconds of the killer being unable to touch you, even if 2 others got hooked (true story, sorry I tunneled 3 people at once), without punishment. go work on a gen in their face, cleanse those bones, or heal. it doesn't matter, its a free 60 seconds of near immunity.
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Or better yet let people use any perk they want to use how about that?
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I think ebony mori should work like this:
"After all four survivors have been hooked once, and a 5th survivor is hooked and saved a second time, you are able to mori."
It would work kinda like Devour Hope but without need for distance from the hook.
"You can kill a survivor who has been hooked twice."
But I feel like this one would encourage tunneling...
NoEd is fine. It's the ONE second chance perk killers have, while survivors have many second chance perks like: Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Deliverance, For the People, etc.
It's true, survivors dont need to win every match, and neither do killers, but the fact still remains that most matches end in less than 5 minutes if the survivors are working on gens and know how to loop and, in some cases, abuse the killer speeds (huntress, deathslinger, which btw, cant catch up to you on certain loops unless they're in bloodlust 2 and THAT activates after a long time).
It's crazy having to wait 10 minutes as survivor to get a match, to then finish that match in 3 minutes cuz the killer couldn't get a down quick enough.
You can keep saying the game isn't survivor sided, but the fact that the game has so few killers should be enough proof that it is in fact survivor sided. And a lot of survivor mains REFUSE to see that, because they lost to that ONE killer with that ONE perk in that ONE match.
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You guys feeding this survivor main troll?
this is a weak bait
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Killers should have 16 perks then
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Some killers are practically guaranteed 0k-1k without noed unless you're a god at mindgaming. Moris show up too often in bloodweb though.
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Just saying
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Unfair ? No as there is counterplay.
=> Mori are counterable by the gamecore
=> Noed can easily be counter by different way : stealth, loop , break totem.
No fun : if we should remove all things that are unfun , you can remove :
=> Gens
=> Loop
=> Hardcore stealth player
=> Camping,
=> Tunnel
=> Use a killer
=> Use an item
=> Use an addons
Toxic ? Since when use a perk or an offering mean you are toxic ? I mean it is like saying that because you use claudette you are toxic.
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Nerf Keys, DS, and Exhaustion perks first. Then we can talk about this.
JK, I don't care about Exhaustion perks. But seriously, DS and keys are broken. That and some structures are unfun to chase in but chill for survivors. (Ironworks, That window on Coal Tower, Grim Pantry, and the House of Pain are good examples.)
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i play both sides :) and i prefer playing killer, this doesn't mean i can't be analitical and see bad things in "my side"
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5 perks, 3 addons minimum
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this is why survivors should be nerfed and killers buffed, this doesn't mean that moris and noeds are fair
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How do you counter mori? i'm being sarcastic, there is no counter play to mori. Once you have been hooked the first time, you are gonna automatically be killer by killer when downed, no counterplay to that. It is clear that you don't play survivor side, because when you have a killer with mori is gonna 100% tunnel vision you and camp if necessary to insta mori you.
Noed is unfair because it takes away one chance per survivor in chases without any "skill needed". You just M1 them and that's all. I'm not trying to defend survivors, i'm saying that noed is for noobs who have no skill :)
Unfun things are parents to unfair things, always remember that when you wanna look for balances
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quote key and ds, but exhaustion perks are ok tbh since there are so many addons or perks killer can bring to exhaust ppl.
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Lets see, there are very few addons that cause exhaustion: Huntress and Clown. And only two highly gimmicky killer perks that affects them. While I still think exhaustion perks are fine, I will still say they are strong.
You chose a weird time to resurrect this thread.
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Moris and Noed are really just part of the game. The argument can be made about keys and maps and new parts etc. As someone who plays survivor mostly I don't think they should nerf either. I like Moris tbh. I rather die to a mori then die on a hook. Moris look cooler.
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You want to counter play a mori easy loop and dont be scare to drop pallet your team will take care of the rest and dont get chase a second time how about playing stealthy for a change
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Nerf keys too.
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When they are not destroying the gameplay by making a killer tunnel one player and subtracting one hook state and unabling them to ds in their defense and have another chase and try to play the game some more. As i previously said, mori should be a premium you receive when you have hooked a survivor at least 2 times and chased him for a little or something and gens have been done and stuff like that, nothing more then this. Like automatically unlocked for people downed in the endgame collapes so you don't have to hook trade anymore and stuff like that
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a thousand% agreed with you
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i rather get chased instead of playing stealthy. Playing stealthy is the weakest way to play survivor, i only play stealthy when the game is going crazyngly bad and the killer is owning team so i try to buy some time by not being chased and leaving tracks everywhere to get his time and attention on me, but not as a way to go gameplay. in terms of mories defense, you cannot really believe that you are forced to drop pallets instantly not to go down and be a burden for your team by vacuum cleaning all the pallets in the map JUST to avoid being moried... You are killing the gameplay of this game AND destroying the fun of a player JUST because you don't wanna fix something that nowadays is only used by frustrated killers to be toxic
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Sadly for you not getting caught is the best way to play around a mori if you want to get chase the loop well because the second you are down a second time the killer will kill you. If you refuse to adapt you play style against diferent kond of killer and strat they use its not the game that need fixing but your approach
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sure mate, better be abusing mori and adapt to the fact that killer is gonna tunnel you and be toxic instead of fixing mories and arrange something for not make people get tunnel and camped. Same as let burn the forest and find another way to live instead of breathing oxygen...