Excessive slugging - quality of life for the player stuck on the ground unable to play the game

In the current game, for me slugging is absolutely necessary for any killer in a high level game, regardless, it's incredibly frequent and boring.

I wouldn't want to change this mechanic to benefit survivors because of the necessity, but more prevent the unfun matches where you spend 4 minutes on the ground incapacitated and unable to play. I think survivors should be allowed a button which makes them bleed out faster (maybe 2x? 3x?) - this means they aren't really given the option to screw over their team like a hook suicide would, but limits the amount of time they're stuck on the ground bleeding out unable to dc with the killer refusing to pick them up


  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    I agree with the bleed out button, even if a survivor is on hook, they're given a way out, but on the floor, you can only sit and wait, which survivors do a lot already (doing gens).

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589
    edited March 2020

    Imagine if you had ability to instantly ######### on the ground? You know what people would do? Die to give another survivor hatch, or die right before killer picks them up. Denying points, rank, bbq stacks.

    I like the idea of just increasing bleeding speed.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think a button to instantly die on the ground would be fine as long as the Survivor doesn't have access to it until they've been slugged for a decent amount of time.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    +1 for the bleed out button. Just increase the bleeding out speed while they press the button. Easy quality of life change.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    People would abuse this and treat it as a watered down DC-Hatch tech. Unbreakable negates slugging entirely, so I'm sure if slugging is frequent then Unbreakable would be worthy of a perk slot.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    The thing is survivors don't want slugging. Killers do it because they believe they deserve 4 kills or bust. 3 kills to a killer is a loss to them, and the game unfortunately reflects that in the results page. Meanwhile the devs say that 2 kills 2 survive is a win, but don't promote that in the core of the game.

    A few things need to be changed, some of it text, some of it pushing on the community to accept that 2 kills is a fantastic game, and anything else is exceptional and beyond. This wouldn't prevent sweaty killers from drowning, but it would certainly promote the idea that you don't need to slug all game to "win."

    And then you could make unbreakable a passive ability, which forces killers to put the survivors they down on the hook if they don't pick them up in time. It gives excellent players a window in which they have to get back to the downed survivor if they wish to play the slug game. And it gives survivors a chance to get back in the game, instead of sitting there for 3 minutes shooting themselves in the head for being forced to crawl because the killer doesn't want to end the game yet.

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    It is frequent, and Unbreakable is worthy of a perk slot. Unbreakable does not negate slugging entirely. It negates it once. This is usually enough, but sometimes when you get a really mean and competent Billy (for instance) it's not enough. Just let me ######### move on to another game so I can play the game, rather than spectate in the worst way possible. I'm not interested in being down the whole match while you look for the other survivor so you can make sure no one has a chance of getting hatch and you "win."

    Alternatively, make Buckle Up give 5-10 seconds of Endurance to both survivors. I'd take that alternative and actually use that perk to counter aggressive "no game for you" playstyles.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Only to encourage people dying instead of recovering?

    Isn't this the kind of plays we should actively be trying to avoid as they often ruin games and lead to what is essentially an unpunishable DC?

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175

    Forced bleed out or waiting for ages until the killer gets all 4 down is not fun.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Neither is having quitters who think their matches is all about their individual idea of "fun" and throw games.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    If you're spending 4 mins on the ground, that's either your fault for not crawling to a safe area or your teammates fault for not picking you up.

  • YourFather
    YourFather Member Posts: 89
    edited March 2020

    I mean i always give you survivors a chance to sacrifice yourself on the first hook before i 4k your entire team.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Well here's an alternative thought, the only way to bleed out faster is to max out the recovery meter. That way you have to be pretty much fully recovered anyways. And then at that point you can critically think, is the killer just slugging everyone? Do I want to stay for that? Are my teammates running around? Am I second to last? Do I want to give my teammate hatch?

    Then you can't say the player bleeding out faster isn't doing their part when you're rushing to pick them up.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2020

    I did give a suggestion for speeded up bleed out on command for slugged survivors back when slugging wasnt even a name for it yet, people called me a "noob" for not knowing how to pick up and hook them. That was during the times of the sabo meta and perma saboed hooks.

    I advocated for faster bleed out perk for killer or an option for survivors to speed it up at the cost of giving away your slugged position to the killer.

    Thus what I suggest nowadays is for survivors for having an option to speed up the bleeding but at the "cost" of giving the killer audible indication through the generic noise bubbles or screaming aura, so he knows you are suiciding and he either needs to pick you up and hook or change his tactic in case of slug to prevent hatch.

  • kaylawake
    kaylawake Member Posts: 15

    If you move around you bleed out faster. I think every game needs to allow a survivor to get up once on their own, maybe unless the last gen is done/gates are opened (to make it equally fair to the killer). It’s crappy having to bleed out because I have potato randoms in my game that are too scared to get me or think they’re going to get out with only 1 gen done if they don’t even try to go for their teammates.