So, uh, why was Ruin nerfed?

Ever since the news came out that Ruin was legit gonna get nerfed (into the ground in my opinion), I was super confused. Ruin was the perk that basically balanced the one thing in this game that can ruin some poor killer's day, which is insane gen speeds. Sure, people complained about it. It was constantly memed about on the subreddit. But the only people that seriously called for it to be nerfed were the low level survivors that probably had less than 100 hours in the game. Are those the only people whose opinions matter in the eyes of the developers? I think at some point I heard the reason it was nerfed was that it was used in too high of a percentage of games. So why didn't they nerf decisive strike, dead hard, adrenaline, borrowed time, prove thyself, sprint burst, or any other meta survivor perks that appear in every single game? Post ruin nerf, playing killer is like a masochists wet dream. There is just so much stress in the average game that wasn't there before the ruin nerf. The feeling of dread I get in the pit of my stomach when two or three generators are already done by the time I've downed a single survivor is unmatched by anything I've ever experienced in my entire life. And playing survivor isn't fun either. One person gets chased, they loop the killer for the entire game, meanwhile me and the two others who aren't being chased are just rushing through gens unintentionally because there's nothing to stop us. What I'm saying is that the ruin nerf ruined (haha) this game. It made both sides considerably less fun to actually play. So maybe the developers could admit that they made a mistake and just restore ruin to its former glory. That's my suggestion. Bring back old ruin. Please. I want to have fun playing this game but it's so hard when every game generators get completed in less than a minute. The toolbox nerf did nothing.



  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    It was nerfed due to it having an 80% use rate in high ranks, while no survivor perks get near that standard.

    Also personally I like the new ruin. Its not as good as pre-nerf ruin, but it works well.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 421

    You best read the blog post about the change. Otherwise you'll get mostly incomplete answers. There were three reasons listed, and the fact that it was used in 80% of high rank games was not one of them (that was given as information in the post, but was not a reason for the change). In short: punishment of new players, passive nature (potentially high reward for little effort on behalf of the killer), and the inconsistency due to the RNG nature of the perk.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    Also one of the reasons listed was that they believed people were using ruin solely to secure the gatekeeper emblem

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The fact that Ruin was used to secure Gatekeeper emblems was a reason given for the Gatekeeper change, not the Ruin one.

  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2020

    Nevertheless the issue, that Ruin "used to fix", still stands. Current pace of the game is way too fast, being closer to a NFS race rather than hunt&survive. Make it last longer!

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited April 2020


  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    As if anyone besides the devs themselves ever even gave a damn about that pitiful excuse for a ranking system.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Ruin was not nerfed, it was reworked. The new Ruin can actually be far more punishing as long as you can keep the survivors off the gens. Of course just like before, heavily depends on the totem spawn.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It was reworked essentially because Old Ruin punished newer players, was completely passive and required no work on the killer's part, and could safely be ignored by players who could regularly hit great skill checks. It was also fairly highly dependent on RNG since skill checks wouldn't always appear.

    The new Ruin is pretty good. At least if it can stay up. But that was a problem with old Ruin too. You're probably more likely to have gotten use out of old ruin by the time it was cleansed, but if New Ruin stays up it can be a big difference maker. Especially with the synergy it has with Surveillance, which it didn't have before.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    Here s true reason why it was nerfed:

    rank 20 players couldnt hit greats and even players with over 1000 hours cant hit greats as well all the time.

    It was bad for business to having new players come and being not able to deal with the main survivors objective.

    Break ruin? New people cant even find gens not to mention hex totems.

    Tap gen? If unintented mechanic is the only way to counter ruin there s clearly something wrong with the game.

    So mostly because it would push new players away. There were too many complaints to remove OLD ruin.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    And I don't get this reasoning.

    • With 80% pure red rank ruin usage and 45% overall, it will be below 35% usage on not-red-rank killers, assuming equally distributed numbers of killer ranks. And most likely, ranks 15-20 has a decently lower pick rate, as newer killer players probably don't have the perk at all, because they first need to buy Hag, level Hag to unlock it in the bloodweb and then level their killers to have a quite low chance on getting the perk. So my guess would be 10% max, that new survivors really have to face ruin.
    • I don't get the passive thing. There are so many perks that are passive to take an effect, like every aura reading perk, BT, Distortion, Fixated/Urban Evasion, Iron Will... and I would count all exhaustion perks as well, because dropping or vaulting is not really such a huge effort to benefit from it. Same goes for killer perks, like Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, NOED, Infectious Fright, Monitor ...
    • When RNG nature of a perk is a reason to change it, why did they reintroduce it with Gearhead?
  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    ripped off the bandage without actually treating the wound it was covering, basically.

  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    The problem with new Ruin is that it only helps killers with serious map presence - i.e, those who don't need it. Old Ruin was used as a way to bridge the gap between weak killers and strong killers, and while it didn't do that very well, it was better than nothing. New Ruin is a stall perk that only affects survivors if they aren't doing the objective, and the only killers that can stop survivors doing the objective are already top tier. Perhaps the only exception to this is Wraith, but as a Wraith main, there are plenty of other perks I would rather use than this.

    Ruinveillance is perhaps this perk's one saving grace. Other than that, it's either useless or a win-more perk.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    don't forget it actively prevents other perks like Pop Goes The Weasel from even being accessible while its up. Truly the synergy that killer's have been clamoring for.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    The fact that any of the developers, -ANY- of them think that people legitimately give a ######### about a ranking system with no benefit is just... wowee/10.