Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

A simple change that can reduce a bit the genrush

Member Posts: 2,551
edited April 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

So if we take a look into gens, we think that the only problem is the repair speed, but there is something before that, we have to FIND THE GEN, which is the only problem that doesn't matter, because you can see them from the other side of the map.

Let's take a look into this picture I found in google:

I know this is an old screenshot, but it shows what I want to explain.

Here we can see a survivor placed next to a generator, which after finished, we can see no problem to find the next one. Without even moving from the original position, this survivor knows where two more gens are, so if the gen wasn't even repaired, and 3 gens are left, this survivor, and other two in swf called to be positioned in the other two gens, can finish all the gens while the 4th survivor is gettin chased in other parts of the map, he has available in this map three more infinites, the shack, the garage with basement and the 2 floors house.

This is one of the reasons why the meat plant, lery's and hawkings are the maps with most kill rates, because you have walls blocking the view of the gen lights of the top.

There are just 2 ways this match can end like:

-The 4th guy can perfectly get tunneled while in around 100 seconds the other survivors finish the last gens and 99 both doors for him. Two people waiting in the exit gates, and another one helping for a bodyblock if needed. The survivors waiting in the gates can help for another bodyblock.

-The killer can change the target and chase another survivor repairing, but the other two survivors will still repair, and because self care is bad and the first chased survivor wont use it, he will easily find a third generator. Changing targets just saved a few seconds for the killer. The match will end like in the first case.


As I told you in the screenshot, it's perfectly easy to find the last gens while repairing one, and it's not hard to see why:

Exactly. That stick with light on the top, that are even shining a little biit even if the gen is not repaired. That's how you find the generatos without problem. Here's my suggestion to fix it:

My model ideas:

-Non repaired generator (0%-99%):

-Fully repaired generator (the stick starts an animation to elevate only just after it's fully repaired and passed 100%):

So this was my idea to collaborate with the devs work to reduce genrush by not making a big impact to the survivor gameplay or gen gen speed.

Tell me what do you think about this idea, if you agree or not and why. Also it's great if devs end reading this, and you have the chance to leave a comment with your idea.

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  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I don't think making generators more difficult to spot is the answer. The real problem isn't how easy they are to find, but rather the amount of safety survivors have at the beginning of the match. Killers have to find them first, and if they go in the wrong direction this can give survivors a LOT of time to work on generators. I find that as killer, when I guess the spawn correctly my matches go much better than when I guess wrong. A survivor can easily have a minute or more to safely work on generators without worrying about the killer finding them.

  • Member Posts: 1,946
    edited April 2020

    I always said we should just get a can of gazoline to fuel a gen before or after repairing it

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I saw it that way myself. You could just set up shop in the middle of those four gennys and have a good shot at keeping them off em.

  • Member Posts: 678

    I'd argue those are some of the hardest gens in the game for a killer to defend, assuming the survivors know what they are doing. Most don't though, and will toss the school pallets like they are nothing.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    You just need a bit of strategy then everything will go out for you.

    @Peanits, good point. Most killers issue is lack of strategy.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    The problem with that becomes an issue for the killer in terms of finding survivors. Look at how a lot of games with corrupt intervention goes. Survivors hide, rather than trying to find gens. I think survivors need to be in danger from the get go, to push them off generators early. Either by having a set spawn point (such as the basement) or having the killer see their auras at the start of the match.

  • Member Posts: 16

    yes people remember gens however most of the gen rush issue comes from a lack of other objectives totems are the closest thing and even then thats not always necessary lets assume you play a killer that requires set up like trapper or hag thats already precious time lost when in some scenarios all 4 survivors are working on a gen not even considering prove thyself the kiler makes its way over and sees a man the chance commences but uhoh during the chase 2 or 3 gens go off by the time the chase is over because not only did the survivor use good loop but its a gen rush squad who has nothing else to do besides gens totems arent always needed and a lot of the time you get them done on the way to the next gen the survivors dont need items because they have them stockpilled and so what else is there to do besides gens the if its acompetent squad the 3 gen dosent happen so meanwhile the survivors end up bored holding down a button while the killer ends up upset over getting looped by someone running second chance perks and provethyself its the main reason why the meta is genr ush and slug the killer has toslow the game and eliminate survivor chances and the survivors genrush to end the game as soon as possible the game needs other objectives beyond gens or a reason not to immedatly to do them

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    This would not have the impact you think it would.

    1. If gens are close enough to see 4 while standing next to one, that is a huge boon for the killer. That means you have 4 gens nearby each other. No need to patrol the whole map. Hold that area and keep them off the gens. Catch them out of position and down them. EZ game vs 90% of the groups out there.
    2. Most survivors past rank 14 know where to look for gens. Does not matter how small the light pole on them is.
    3. Perks like Detectives Hunch are quite popular lately. I see almost one person in each match running it. Personally, when I play survivor you can almost bet that DH is in my build. I like seeing the totem layout and gen layout to plan my next move. A map can fulfill the same purpose.

    This would have little to no impact on the game. Pallet numbers, placement, infinite loops, etc are much more important factors.

  • Member Posts: 550

    This is the main reason why indoor maps are killer sided. No one can find any gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Theres no need for such a change. It wont affect any high rank player, but just screws up new players. Exactly why old ruin got changed.

  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    Seems like you and all just cant accept the truth from someone who is nor survivor or killer sided. You need to stop being one sided craving for 4 kills everygame . Just use some strategy and you will be good. Current balance is fine.

  • Member Posts: 16

    I dont think that theres anything you can do except change gen speeds and even then people will still find a way to complain, I've seen many arguments that survivors tend to spawn near generator but I've had many games where the kill spawned about 10 meters from me theres many games where it doesnt even matter that I gen rush because some survivors will leave the last 2 generators in close proximity I feel like at this point its really up to I guess updating maps similar to how they updated the hospital where they balanced the map and it's just up to the killers skill because I've played many matches where we attempt to gen rush and the killer is just too good for us

  • Member Posts: 16

    Explain? I play both sides man a 4k isint standard I know but you decided to call me out without actually saying anything to back up your claim you're sounding like a basic entitled survivor

  • Member Posts: 16

    Also current balance is fine? Have you even played a high rank game lately? its ridiculous if survivors do the very fun activity of holding a button down while a killer chases one a lot of the time it creates literally unwinnable games

  • Member Posts: 127

    Or, and this is a hot take here, the killer can learn how to run people off the gens in a way that makes survivors want to get healed which takes time that they aren't spending repairing gens. *Gasp* I know right! Expecting a player to actually try to get better at a video game instead of just changing things so one player doesn't have to learn how to adapt? That's unconscionable! (Yet asking for changes to help one player not have to learn to get better means that those on the opposing side have to then learn to adapt to the change and get better!) <-- This applies whether the change is to help killers or survivors as anything that helps one side hinders the other and whichever side is hindered is expected to learn to deal with it. Changes to the game should not be based on making things easier or harder for one side or the other, they should be based on making the game more enjoyable for both sides simultaneously.

  • Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2020

    This exactly. I couldn't get out of purple ranks because my looping left something to be desired (it was terrible) so, I got better and made it to red ranks. But, I was worried that I still didn't deserve red rank till I played solo and was able to double pip a few times. Now, my looping still isn't the greatest, never be the quality of Fun Goose (looping God), but I got better, I adapted. Same with when new Doc came out. I still think he got a serious buff and I had to adapt my playstyle to his new ability. I did, still hate playing against him, but not so much anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    I win solo queues 99 % of times. Only when i go against swf i can expect some kind of a challenge.

    P.S.This community has proved that they dont care about balance they care only about their vision of how things should be

    so i wont waste my time trying to give you valid points.

  • Member Posts: 42

    As interesting as that idea seems it wouldn't work, most survivors just remember where ######### spawns

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