Limiting vision on hook to help counter comms

What do people think about a hooked survivor having their view blocked in someway so players on comms would be weakened. Let them see auras like usual once hooked but that's it block their view of map in some way.
This would weaken comms a little by they couldn't tell other players which way the killer went. This wouldn't really hurt solo players for they aren't talking with anyone. This could be a small nerf to comms without hurting solo players.
Maybe give it a time limit or something so a survivor won't be screwed if they are unhooked and killer near and not on comms to know where killer at.
Idk something could be worked out with blocking view when initially hooked at least that way comms can't say "hey killer going straight for you or they went to left side of map." It could be a small improvement. Opinions/Thought?
That sounds like a good idea.
If the survivor can do into FIRST Person view when hooked.
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it would be nerf for solo players , they wouldn't be able to see if anny survivors is going to save them
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yes and? what does that matter for their situation...they are on the hook.
@OP I think this is a good idea, like BigBrain said, first person view, or the entire image obfuscated by fog or something
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It wouldn't be a nerf to solo. The player would still be able to see the yellow auras of their teammates there fore would know some one is coming to save them unless they were hit by hex third seal or some aura blocker. Plus it could have a time limit.
The point is to give a little time for killer to leave hook without their direction being given away by comms.
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Why would they inconvinience the side that pays their bills?
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I would go with fog idea over first person unless they obstruct view some how. If not they could still give killer direction over comms. Even if fog blocked view for 10 or 15 seconds then goes away, it would help killer out.
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That’s assuming the killer leaves the hook completely.
A killer leaving yes they could say which way they went so maybe a small time frame of having a blocked view could work in theory but in reality what is to stop someone else in the swf being close enough to then tell the others where the killer went?
If it’s permanent then it would certainly nerf solo or even a 2 man more than the rest as they wouldn’t know the best way to run once unhooked if the killer is returning or have info to plan a direction where a pallet may be while those in a larger swf could tell them that info.
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Because eventually they are going to need killers. I'm on ps4 and survivor wait time is to long but hey low rank killer is instant!
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That's why a time frame was suggested. I wouldn't want insidious camping to be mainstream. The time frame would also prevent the hooked survivor from being screwed without being about to plan a route.
If a team is near by then they will communicate. The fix was more for the hooked survivor from communicating. If a second wants to camp to watch killer then that's just two people not doing gens. The second couldn't state with as much accuracy as the hooked survivor can as to where killer went say with bbq or thrilling tremors.
Also a decent killer usually has some idea if another survivor is close to the hook or not either through perks or environmental awareness.
I still feel something could be worked out around this.
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That’s what I meant by theory v reality.
Swf do tend to be close enough to go for the save especially in a 4 man. It’s very easy to hide from any killer if you are smart and don’t want to bait the killer as some do. Yes they can check close by but you don’t need to be in the immediate area to relay the info you just need to be able to see them. A Killer checking the area around the hook also leaves the other two to do gens freely in a 4 man.
If you look at this on paper it doesn’t affect those on comms really as this shows they will work around it with how they already tend to play.
It also only takes One person in an swf using kindred for that info to be known by all.
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I see your points. I don't really see on red rank ps4, kindred being ran and i doubt they will give up a meta perk for kindred. Also, per the Devs, there aren't suppose to be that many 4 man swf.
The map also effects this to. Not all hooks are completely in view or out in open so there could still be some benefit.
And again, even if its a 2 or 3 man swf, still feel it would help out more than hurt.
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I play SWF a lot and I could see this as being a good feature.
Nah, just add a focal point blur effect to everything beyond a certain distance, maybe 20m. That way they can still call out if the killer is camping or staying close, but won't be able to give much detail beyond that. Also I would say have auras unaffected by this blur, because otherwise it would be really lame for solo survivors.
While this may be true, the fact someone is nearby means the save will be made almost instantly so whether the effect is there or not is irrelevant. The idea here is to prevent the guy on the hook from providing too much information to the others.
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Really? I've been seeing it an awful lot in my survivor games. I even run it myself because it's so damn useful. Not disputing your claim at all, but your experience is very different than my own. Not counting my own kindred, 3 out of every 5 games i'm in seems to have it.
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Which makes solo even more frustrating in that scenario. An swf member can easily tell them which way to run or will most likely take a hit while a solo player doesn’t know as they can’t see where to go to react to it.
That itself makes the effect more relevant in that scenario.
it also means nothing with instant saves in swf as like I said they know what the one rescuing will do and what perks they have which may help with the likes of BT and if the one on the hook has DS.
There is a lot more to what info swf have than simply where the killer is after a hooking.
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It matters because if I can tell NOBODY is coming for me, I'm not wasting my time waiting. I'm dying on hook and moving on or trying to Kobe.
It would literally make the SWF vs solo gap wider . SWF couldnt "see" everything, but since when did Hex:The Third Seal or Knockout stop SWF from performing optimally? Callouts before you go down or get hooked, even if just a general location, is helpful.
Not being able to know if I'm wasting my own time or being used as escape bait is a horrid idea.
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Solos usually run kindred.
SWF people usually think its trash because, well, why would they need it?
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Correct. Solo players rely on the ability to look around for decision making on whether or not to attempt to unhook themselves. The fact that Kindred allows the hooked survivor to see the other survivors is testament to the fact that people do look around for this reason. Hence, removing the ability to look around constitutes a nerf for those solo players who need to be able to quickly asses whether or not to attempt an unhook.
Kindred usually gives the Killer's walking direction away, that and knowledge of the Killer's perks (BBQ / Nurse's) helps players understand which way the Killer is likely to go... I don't think voice comms plays as big a part as you might think.
But I do know the yellow auras are only useful if you can see them. If you're forced into first person or otherwise not able to look around, you won't see people coming to rescue you from behind.
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yeah because thats what we want, you just ending it and not helping the team by being a constant point of interest for the killer while you are still on that hook....I mean you get struggle points anyway.
It would be fine for solo games, and good at bringing SWF and Solo together.
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TBH: Struggle is one of those things that I'd love to see removed from the game and replaced with something that keeps hooked survivors busy, in a way that doesn't present a means to throw the game whilst escaping a disconnect penalty.
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The idea was if it fogged for say 10 to 15 seconds, it would allow the killer to leave without direction being voiced out. You could still see the yellow auras like usual so you could tell if some one was coming for you.
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A blur at 20 m i feel would be ineffective. The point is give the killer like atleast a 10 to 15 second chance to leave the hook without direction being given away then the fog could vanish and then hooked at usual.
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I will run it when i solo survive because it is a benefit. When i play at red rank killer on ps4 i hardly ever see kindred. Maybe it is mostly swf at red ranks on ps4 idk. I just know i couldn't name the last time i saw kindred used. Not disputing you claims just stating my experience.
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I like this idea, I've thought there should be something like this anyways, I've also wanted them to lock the camera when you're on the struggle phase, but i don't think ppl would like that.
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I didn't say it should be first person. Liked a 10 or 15 second fog better. You could still see auras no matter what and look the same radius to see other auras. Aura reading would be exactly as it is now. You don't need kindred for the hooked survivor to see the others survivor auras.
Unless you were hooked farmed, i don't see how a let say 10 sec fog set you back any.
Also if I'm playing with my friend on comms I'm not bringing kindred. If the killer heads straight their direction I'm going say the killer is heading straight towards you. I do feel comms plays a role especially swf. I don't see swf using kindred when they can just use comms.
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Totally agree. I'm over tapping X these days. Then you get that one click after 100 taps the sticks or doesn't press right and the entity just had me for desert.
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I think the struggle phase needs changed some how. I wouldn't say lock the camera though. When i solo survive, i would like to be able to see the p3 claudette's aura to know if she is going to save me or if I'm annoyingly tapping x for no reason because she is crouching in a bush or behind a tree waiting for me to die. Dang claudettes lol.
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Yes lol teammates can be the worst.
But personally, I never find it pointless to struggle. I base my wins off of points, so imma milk the hell out of every entity arm i have too,
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Oh, I'm going to struggle to. Get my points and hopefully buy the killer some time to go find that last p3 claudette whose crouching and urban evasionning around waiting for me to die.
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Fog is an asset that would have to load and I don't think it's possible to do that in Unreal. It'd be more practical to have a blur effect. Same result, but nothing needs to be pre-loaded or rendered, if that makes sense.
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I don't know anything about the program so will take your word for it.