Alternate Game Modes

Every other weekend, there should be an alternate game mode made available. Once the game mode has been released, it should be permanently available in custom games. There are virtually an infinite number of options available (and I'd love to hear everyone's ideas) but here are a few I've come up with:
Specific Killer VS Specific Survivor using only their perks at rank 3. For example, The Shape vs Laurie, The Clown vs Kate, or The Pig vs Detective Tapp.
Super Speed: Both killer and survivor have 30% increased runspeed.
Darkest Night:The map is pitch black. Survivors all have flashlights that are permanently in the "on" position. The killer has night vision up to 15 feet.
2 killers vs 6 suvivors
Random 12: Both killer and survivors all have 12 random rank 3 perks.
Back to Basics: No perks, items, or add ons.
Casual Mode: All perks are reduced to rank 1. Items and add ons are restricted to common or uncommon. Offerings are restricted to ones that can increase bloodpoint gain.
Fog of War: Massively reduced information available to both killers and survivors. Killers do not have a terror radius. Survivors do not make scratch marks. All auras are disabled. Killer can't see unfinished generator auras or active hex totem auras or hooked survivors. Survivors can't see slugged or hooked survivors. All perks for both killer and survivor that enable auras have the aura reading components disabled.
Entity's Eyes: Strange wards appear throughout the map. Anyone (killer or survivor) that passes within 10 meters of a ward will have their aura revealed to everyone on the map. The wards periodically change location.
Treasure Hunt: No generators on the map. Lots of locked chests are around the map which the killer can see as auras. Survivors must pick the lock requiring skill checks before opening. Most of the chests give survivors a bloodpoint bonus for opening. One chest per map will have a 25,000 bloodpoint bonus. Exit gates are powered after 10 minute timer and chests can't be unlocked after that timer.
Shopping Spree: Survivors are restricted from bringing items into the match and there are no chests to loot. However, there are 2 zombie vendors that spawn in the match. As survivors and killers perform actions that earn bloodpoints, they also earn another form of currency. They can go to the zombie vendors to purchase items and add ons of their choice. Killers can purchase temporary bonus buffs such as 60 seconds 5% movement increase, 40 seconds survivors have exposed status, etc.
Totally Random: All Perks, Items, Add Ons, and Offerings are randomly chosen. Perks are chosen from all possible perks and are at rank 3 (regardless whether the player has unlocked the perk or what rank the player's perks are currently at). Items, Add Ons, and Offerings are chosen from all possible options minus event specific offerings. These Items, Add Ons, and Offerings do not consume the player's resources. They are provided by the entity.
Infection:8 players join a lobby. When the match starts, one is randomly selected to be a random killer with no perks or add ons. The remaining 7 are survivors with no perks or items. There are no hooks on the map, but the killer can Mori survivors in the dying state. Once a survivor is killed they will respawn as a random killer with no perks or add ons. Killers that successfully Mori a survivor earn 1,000 BP. The longer a survivor lives, the larger the bloodpoint bonus at the end.
First Survivor Killed earns 2500 BP
Second Survivor Killed earns 3000 BP
Third Survivor Killed earns 5000 BP
Fourth Survivor Killed earns 7000 BP
Fifth Survivor Killed earns 10,000 BP
Sixth Survivor Killed earns 15,000 BP
Last Survivor Killed earns 20,000 BP
Randomly Selected Killer earns 10,000 BP
Survivors can work on generators, but it takes completion of all 7 generators to power the exit gate. Any survivors that actually escape via the exit gate earn the standard 5,000 BP. Survivors aren't realistically going to escape, nor is it really the goal. The real goal is to be the last survivor alive.
3 Life Survivors: Survivors have 3 "lives". When the killer catches and puts them on a hook the survivor loses 1 life and is put in a ghost world for 45 seconds after losing the first life and 30 seconds after losing the second life. While the survivor is in the ghost world they can not interact with any objects other than ones that can be vaulted. The world appears black and white and the survivor can not see or touch the other players. They can, however, move at 85% normal move speed to explore the map to find the locations of generators, chests, and totems (though ghost players can not tell the difference between active and inactive totems). The survivor will also earn some bloodpoints for distance traveled in the ghost world.
After the timer is up the survivor will appear on a random hook at least 32 meters away from the killers current location. The survivor on the hook will see the shroud indication from Insidious around them. This indicates that the killer can not see them on the hook. In fact, the hook that the survivor is on will appear broken to the killer. Other survivors can see the aura of the hooked survivor and unhook them normally at which point they are back in the game. While a survivor is hooked there is no progress meter and there is no struggle phase. Survivors can attempt to free themselves from the hook, but the baseline success chance is 0% for the first attempt and increases by 1% for each attempt after. Attempts for the survivor to free themselves will take 4 seconds. If all the survivors are either dead, in ghost world time out, or hooked then the killer wins. Survivors hooked in the basement are sent to the ghost world for an additional 30 seconds. Perk Slippery Meat is locked in this game mode (since it wouldn't really do anything).
This sounds quite interesting, and I would like to see more modes added into the game.
Oh, and definitely a story mode...that would be awesome.
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Having diffrent gamemodes alongside the normal ranked mode is something that would actually make the game more fun and enjoyable, especially to newer/veteran players who don't care for ranked games5
I love that lock picking chest instead of generator repair idea. Rewards could be good items or open the chest and get like 10,000bp or somthing.3
Releasing gamemodes that quickly will result in many problems. The first problem is that it takes time to come up with the idea, and mechanics for a gamemode. It takes more time to make the code for it, make the maps, and bug testing. Maybe if the new gamemode was released every other chapter it would be easier on the devs, and would make the new gamemode more welcomed. Instead of "Oh, a new gamemode, cool, we totally won't get another one after next week."
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I love these ideas!
I think a free for all mode would be cool too.
Also one where there's two Killers on the map I think might be a nice challenge. The killers would compete for kills. And instead of repairing gens, the survivors have X amount of lives, and they have to carry multiple batteries to different locations on the map. Once all the batteries are in place, it opens a hatch that only one survivor can exit through. Leaving the others to repeat the process to escape.
The last survivor standing gets a slight boost to speed perodically and can take an additional hit before being downed.
This mode there's no hooks, just good ole fashion slaughter (killers can mori as long as the survivor is in dying state). Survivors get additional points for having X amount of lives left post match and killers get additional points for hits and kills.
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@BigBadPiggy said:
Releasing gamemodes that quickly will result in many problems. The first problem is that it takes time to come up with the idea, and mechanics for a gamemode. It takes more time to make the code for it, make the maps, and bug testing. Maybe if the new gamemode was released every other chapter it would be easier on the devs, and would make the new gamemode more welcomed. Instead of "Oh, a new gamemode, cool, we totally won't get another one after next week."These are all unacceptable excuses. I've played plenty of games where this is made a reality. If other game developers can do it so can the team that makes DBD. Like seriously, many of these ideas shouldn't take more than 30 minutes of one programmers time. One alternate game mode every other weekend is an easy pace to keep up with too.
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I just came up with another one:
Entity's Eyes: Strange wards appear throughout the map. Anyone (killer or survivor) that passes within 10 meters of a ward will have their aura revealed to everyone on the map. The wards periodically change location.
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@Dreamnomad said:
@BigBadPiggy said:
Releasing gamemodes that quickly will result in many problems. The first problem is that it takes time to come up with the idea, and mechanics for a gamemode. It takes more time to make the code for it, make the maps, and bug testing. Maybe if the new gamemode was released every other chapter it would be easier on the devs, and would make the new gamemode more welcomed. Instead of "Oh, a new gamemode, cool, we totally won't get another one after next week."These are all unacceptable excuses. I've played plenty of games where this is made a reality. If other game developers can do it so can the team that makes DBD. Like seriously, many of these ideas shouldn't take more than 30 minutes of one programmers time. One alternate game mode every other weekend is an easy pace to keep up with too.
I do like the gusto....but I also want to be gentle with the programmers. 1 new gamemode every 3-6 months would be fine for me. Once they have a large enough selection....released already, or hidden in the background.....then we can rotate them out if someone wanted too.
Although, I wouldn't mind having them all available.
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I'll never understand why players have the impulse to reject something that they would like and would benefit them, but for some reason feel they can't have. If you aren't a game developer that produces DBD, don't say it's impossible. The question you should be asking yourself isn't whether or not this is possible, rather why don't we have it already? Many games produces alternate game modes that rotate. Garden Warfare 2, Killing Floor 2, and League of Legends just to name a few off the top of my head. Quit making excuses for the game developers and start demanding more from them. Frankly, alternate game modes are low hanging fruit. Easy to implement, low upfront cost, but high long term reward.
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@Dreamnomad said:
@BigBadPiggy said:
Releasing gamemodes that quickly will result in many problems. The first problem is that it takes time to come up with the idea, and mechanics for a gamemode. It takes more time to make the code for it, make the maps, and bug testing. Maybe if the new gamemode was released every other chapter it would be easier on the devs, and would make the new gamemode more welcomed. Instead of "Oh, a new gamemode, cool, we totally won't get another one after next week."These are all unacceptable excuses. I've played plenty of games where this is made a reality. If other game developers can do it so can the team that makes DBD. Like seriously, many of these ideas shouldn't take more than 30 minutes of one programmers time. One alternate game mode every other weekend is an easy pace to keep up with too.
The devs have stated multiple times that it takes a lot of time just to come up with the killer, their story, their power, and their look. sometimes even throwing a survivor in there to go with the killer. They also need to make map, the perks for the killer/survivor and the killers addons. If it takes this much time to make to make 1-2 new characters, imagine how long it would take for a new gamemode. I don't think you fully know how game development works, this type of stuff takes time (A lot more time than a week). If the devs worked on new gamemodes in their free time and stockpiled all these different types of gamemodes maybe then they could release a new one every other week.
Plus mentioning Garden Warfare 2, Killing Floor 2, and League of Legends does NOT really help your argument due to them being out far longer than DBD. I'm not making excuses the for the devs, I'm thinking logically, I've attempted to make my own game in the past and It takes far more time than I think you realize.
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@Dreamnomad What other games are you referring to when you say: ", These are all unacceptable excuses. I've played plenty of games where this is made a reality. If other game developers can do it so can the team that makes DBD. Like seriously, many of these ideas shouldn't take more than 30 minutes of one programmers time. One alternate game mode every other weekend is an easy pace to keep up with too." (Dreamnomad)
Unless you're willing to help the developers code, BHVR's lack of manpower in the Dead by Daylight group isn't currently capable of handling new chapters alongside new game modes. Just to be clear, I definitely would like to see new game modes introduced into Dead by Daylight. I just fail to see how the developers can accomplish this feat right now.
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@BigBadPiggy said:
The devs have stated multiple times that it takes a lot of time just to come up with the killer, their story, their power, and their look. sometimes even throwing a survivor in there to go with the killer. They also need to make map, the perks for the killer/survivor and the killers addons. If it takes this much time to make to make 1-2 new characters, imagine how long it would take for a new gamemode. I don't think you fully know how game development works, this type of stuff takes time (A lot more time than a week). If the devs worked on new gamemodes in their free time and stockpiled all these different types of gamemodes maybe then they could release a new one every other week.
Couple of things. 1.) I never said anything about making new maps or killers as part of alternate game modes. 2.) most of the suggestions I made are simple changes to global data. For example, Super Speed game mode. All it would take is to add a button to the title screen to access the alternate game mode then for them to go into the settings and change killers run and vault speed to current value + 30% then change survivors run and vault speed to current value + 30%. If that takes more than 30 minutes of one programmers time then they should be fired. Quit expecting so little from the game developers and quit making excuses for them.
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@Dreamnomad said:
@BigBadPiggy said:
The devs have stated multiple times that it takes a lot of time just to come up with the killer, their story, their power, and their look. sometimes even throwing a survivor in there to go with the killer. They also need to make map, the perks for the killer/survivor and the killers addons. If it takes this much time to make to make 1-2 new characters, imagine how long it would take for a new gamemode. I don't think you fully know how game development works, this type of stuff takes time (A lot more time than a week). If the devs worked on new gamemodes in their free time and stockpiled all these different types of gamemodes maybe then they could release a new one every other week.
Couple of things. 1.) I never said anything about making new maps or killers as part of alternate game modes. 2.) most of the suggestions I made are simple changes to global data. For example, Super Speed game mode. All it would take is to add a button to the title screen to access the alternate game mode then for them to go into the settings and change killers run and vault speed to current value + 30% then change survivors run and vault speed to current value + 30%. If that takes more than 30 minutes of one programmers time then they should be fired. Quit expecting so little from the game developers and quit making excuses for them.
I never said they need to make new killers, I was comparing the time it would take to make new characters to making a new gamemode. Also you can't just make the base game speeds faster and call it a new gamemode, It don't work that way. A new game mode needs to be different than what we already have. The speed increase would be fun in KYF, but in an actual game with randoms, it would be irritating. You also clearly don't know the time it takes to add changes to a game. It requires time, coding, testing, etc. I've already made a post about a new gamemode and it would be more possible to make 1 good gamemode in a few months that people will enjoy, rather than 2-3 sub par gamemodes a month that aren't very enjoyable. You want something to last and be fun, not be played and then forgotten in a week or 2.
Plus i'm not making excuses for the devs, I don't work for them. I'm simply stating facts. You very clearly have no clue how this works, so i'll give you a suggestion. Get software that allows you to make a game (Coding and map making), get software that lets you create the assets, then make the game. Then when you're done with that, try adding new gamemodes every other week that people will enjoy. I'm guessing you won't be able to do any of that.
But since you seem to think you know exactly what is required and how much time is needed, why don't you go work for the devs. I think they'll be glad to have a new intern make their coffee.
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You know what? I'm done talking with you Piggy. You've made your opinions known. I think you are wrong and I'm right. You think I'm wrong and you are right. Let's end it with that. I'm more interested in hearing other people's ideas for potential alternate game modes.
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The Shape vs Lauries with her 3 perks.
Prepare for a decisive festival haha1 -
@Nick said:
The Shape vs Lauries with her 3 perks.
Prepare for a decisive festival hahaThe way I would handle this is to make all 4 of the Lauries an obsession, but one a special obsession. So play with your food would rank up quickly and if any of them die it would trigger dying light. But only one obsession would be related to save the best for last. I think it would be fun.
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@Dreamnomad said:
You know what? I'm done talking with you Piggy. You've made your opinions known. I think you are wrong and I'm right. You think I'm wrong and you are right. Let's end it with that. I'm more interested in hearing other people's ideas for potential alternate game modes.Fair enough.
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I thought of another alternate game mode that might be fun.
Exploding Generators: Survivors only have to complete 3 generators to power the exit gates. However, 3 of the generators are rigged to explode when completed. Any survivor within 5 meters of an exploding generator is put into a dying state. Exploding generators do not count toward powering the exit gate and can never be repaired once exploded.
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I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.
I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
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@Mister_Holdout said:
I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
Freddy and Micheal the best duo, Billy and Leatherface the chainsaw bros, Hag and Trapper the trapping siblings, Amanda and huntress the two animals, Doctor and clown the ones that make people scream(Yeah I couldn't come up with a better name sorry), Nurse and doctor the ER crew, The spirit and Wraith the bandaged buddies!!! I could really go on but I'm not going to
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@PhantomMask20763 said:
@Mister_Holdout said:
I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
Freddy and Micheal the best duo, Billy and Leatherface the chainsaw bros, Hag and Trapper the trapping siblings, Amanda and huntress the two animals, Doctor and clown the ones that make people scream(Yeah I couldn't come up with a better name sorry), Nurse and doctor the ER crew, The spirit and Wraith the bandaged buddies!!! I could really go on but I'm not going to
Nurse and Leatherface is the funniest combo tho.
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@Mister_Holdout said:
@PhantomMask20763 said:
@Mister_Holdout said:
I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
Freddy and Micheal the best duo, Billy and Leatherface the chainsaw bros, Hag and Trapper the trapping siblings, Amanda and huntress the two animals, Doctor and clown the ones that make people scream(Yeah I couldn't come up with a better name sorry), Nurse and doctor the ER crew, The spirit and Wraith the bandaged buddies!!! I could really go on but I'm not going to
Nurse and Leatherface is the funniest combo tho.
True but what if nurse downs someone while leatherface is camping does she slug or does she hook and leatherface patrols both of them
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Mister_Holdout said:
I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.
I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
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@PhantomMask20763 said:
@Mister_Holdout said:
I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
Freddy and Micheal the best duo, Billy and Leatherface the chainsaw bros, Hag and Trapper the trapping siblings, Amanda and huntress the two animals, Doctor and clown the ones that make people scream(Yeah I couldn't come up with a better name sorry), Nurse and doctor the ER crew, The spirit and Wraith the bandaged buddies!!! I could really go on but I'm not going to
Nurse and Leatherface is the funniest combo tho. > @PhantomMask20763 said:
@Mister_Holdout said:
@PhantomMask20763 said:
@Mister_Holdout said:
I'm telling you all right now, a two killer mode would be a smashing hit.I can see it now, the Nurse and Leatherface duo. Nurse gets the downs and Leatherface camps the hooks.
Freddy and Micheal the best duo, Billy and Leatherface the chainsaw bros, Hag and Trapper the trapping siblings, Amanda and huntress the two animals, Doctor and clown the ones that make people scream(Yeah I couldn't come up with a better name sorry), Nurse and doctor the ER crew, The spirit and Wraith the bandaged buddies!!! I could really go on but I'm not going to
Nurse and Leatherface is the funniest combo tho.
True but what if nurse downs someone while leatherface is camping does she slug or does she hook and leatherface patrols both of them
Nurse just hooks them in that case. Not a huge concern if that person is rescued as well.
As long as one person is being camped, that's all that matters.
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I think it would be pretty funny to have double trappers. If they shared traps and their add ons worked for all the traps on the map, you could so some pretty hilarious stuff. Like both trappers could have a stitched bag with a different ultra rare...
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I agree, this could ve very fun. Ive been wanting to kill with a partner for a long time!2
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@Dreamnomad said:
Darkest Night: The map is pitch black. Survivors all have flashlights that are permanently in the "on" position. The killer has night vision up to 15 feet.This would actually be broken, because the flashlights would reveal their locations at all times, if anything they should just have infinite available energy.
I like your idea, unfortunately it would take a lot of time end effort to do, and I don't think they will be able to do it, simply because currently they can only squeeze out a new killer, a new survivor and map every chapter, and they're focusing on fixing more important issues, like bugs, glitches, making it hax free, etc.
Furthermore, similar ideas have already been suggested, including by me, and I believe they addressed them in general on a devstream that they would love to do something like those, but had more pressing matters - which is basically what I wrote above. However with that being said, I see no harm in putting as many of these ideas out there, so in case they want to adopt the idea and run with it, they have as much inspiration as possible to make them interested and have something to work with.
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So I've seen this idea floated around on DBD forums for as long as I've been playing about a killer that can disguise itself as a survivor. This is a terrible idea for a killer in the normal version of the game for numerous reasons. However, I've been brainstorming a way that this would work quite well as an alternate game mode. Please bear with the wall of text as I flesh out the concept.
The Chameleon: Both the survivor and killer votes for a survivor during the lobby once all players are present. All players and the killer will appear as an identical survivor. The killer has 0 terror radius and can attack using The Spirit's weapon. If the killer hits a survivor that is stationary or was performing an action within the last 2 seconds the attack will put the survivor in the dying state. The killer runs at the same speed as the nurse, but vaults the same speed as a survivor. The killer's view is 3rd person. The killer can perform all actions that a normal survivor can, up to and including unhooking a survivor (more on this later).
The killer runs the following perks:
Booby Trap Chest: You can booby trap one chest at a time. When a survivor opens a booby trapped chest, you can see that survivors aura for 60 seconds.
Generator Saboteur: After successfully completing 3 skill checks while working a generator, the next skill check you fail will damage the generator by 50%.
Lack of Empathy: Unlocks potential in one's Aura reading ability. Dying or injured survivor's Auras are revealed to you when within 16 meters.
False Save: You begin the game with 3 tokens. You lose a token by unhooking a survivor. You lose the ability to attack and move at normal survivor run speed for 30 seconds after unhooking a survivor.
The killer also has the following innate traits. When the killer fails a skill check while healing a survivor, it will put the survivor in the dying state. If the killer is standing still and performs a lunge attack, the killer will injure itself. The killer can put itself in the dying state this way, but won't die if the bleedout timer runs out. The killer can heal itself at normal speed.
This game mode can only be played by solo queue. In the game lobby and during the game, player's names are not displayed. The user interface will display 5 survivor icons instead of 4. These icons are randomized every 30 seconds.
Survivors do not get to pick their perks. They have the following perks automatically. Empathy rank 1 (if the killer is injured, survivors will see the killer's aura, but it will appear like a normal survivor's aura), Prove Thyself rank 3 (if the killer is in range, it will trigger the effect), We're Gonna Live Forever rank 3, and No One Left Behind rank 3.
The survivor perks are all picked to encourage cooperative play, but the killer's abilities are all designed to create distrust.
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A double killer mode would be so fun! Obviously add more survivors but it would be a lot of fun!
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I just had another idea for an alternate game mode.
Garage Sale: Items are scattered all over the map. Generators require toolboxes to repair. Healing requires a medkit (even to heal other survivors).
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chemical_reject said:I love that lock picking chest instead of generator repair idea. Rewards could be good items or open the chest and get like 10,000bp or somthing.0
@Nickenzie said:
chemical_reject said:I love that lock picking chest instead of generator repair idea. Rewards could be good items or open the chest and get like 10,000bp or somthing.
Ooo, I could use my Plunderer's and Ace in The Hole combo if you get items!
Sure! That would work.
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What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayal0
@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayalThat is a fascinating idea. I think it needs fleshed out more though. Does the killer know who the co-conspirator is? Can the killer see the co-conspirator's aura? Can the co-conspirator unhook survivors (seems broken)? The game balance needs addressed too. It is balanced around the concept of 4 vs 1 not 3 vs 2. What do the 3 "real" survivors get in the way of compensation for being sandbagged by a team mate?
I almost feel like in order for this to work it needs 2 things. 5 survivors instead of 4 and some way for the real survivors to punish the fake survivor. It would be pretty awesome if 2 survivors could capture the fake one and put him/her on a hook =p
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Dreamnomad said:
@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayalThat is a fascinating idea. I think it needs fleshed out more though. Does the killer know who the co-conspirator is? Can the killer see the co-conspirator's aura? Can the co-conspirator unhook survivors (seems broken)? The game balance needs addressed too. It is balanced around the concept of 4 vs 1 not 3 vs 2. What do the 3 "real" survivors get in the way of compensation for being sandbagged by a team mate?
I almost feel like in order for this to work it needs 2 things. 5 survivors instead of 4 and some way for the real survivors to punish the fake survivor. It would be pretty awesome if 2 survivors could capture the fake one and put him/her on a hook =p
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@Bravo0413 said:
Dreamnomad said:@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayal
That is a fascinating idea. I think it needs fleshed out more though. Does the killer know who the co-conspirator is? Can the killer see the co-conspirator's aura? Can the co-conspirator unhook survivors (seems broken)? The game balance needs addressed too. It is balanced around the concept of 4 vs 1 not 3 vs 2. What do the 3 "real" survivors get in the way of compensation for being sandbagged by a team mate?
I almost feel like in order for this to work it needs 2 things. 5 survivors instead of 4 and some way for the real survivors to punish the fake survivor. It would be pretty awesome if 2 survivors could capture the fake one and put him/her on a hook =p
Yeah like 2 reg survs are able to tie the sabo but the killer can save em and interrupt the 2 reg... the killer doesnt know and can kill the sabo survivor at the start of the match and will need the sabo survivor to build a bond with the killer
I think there needs to be some kind of forced cooperation between the killer and his co-conspirator. If the killer doesn't know who the conspirator is, the killer will definitely kill him/her. I think the co-conspirator should have some unique perks to help accomplish this. Something like:
Feign Death: Playing dead is a great way to bait other survivors into a trap. You can't die due to bleeding out. Grants the ability to fully recover from the dying state. Increases dying recovery by 30 %.
But I'm Your Ally: Sometimes an ally just needs to be reminded they are an ally. Wiggle free from the killer's grasp 100% faster than normal. The killer is unable to hook you and does not gain bloodpoints from harming you.
Killer's Aid: The killer only does superficial damage to help you blend in with survivors. Unlocks the ability to heal yourself from injuries caused by the killer without a Med-Kit at 150 % the normal healing speed.
Survivor Saboteur: Failed skill checks on generators regress the generator by 15%. Unlocks the ability to repair the killer's hooks without a toolbox.
This would allow the co-conspirator immunity from being killed by the killer and dissuades the killer from even trying due to gaining no bloodpoints. But if the co-conspirator betrays the killer and attempts to body block for survivors, the killer has the ability to at least get him out of his hair for a while. To help motivate the co-conspirator to help the killer, the co-conspirator gains 50% of bloodpoints earned by the killer. The co-conspirator also earns bonus bloodpoints for regressing generators, repairing broken hooks, pointing out survivors locations, and body blocking survivors being chased.
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@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayalInteresting idea indeed, but this will likely never happen because of players using voice communication, and telling each other who the betrayer is ... unless you make it as a KYF mode, where everyone's got to be invited ; or for solo survivors only.
The following idea might not be the sexiest one, but I feel it is needed and probably simple to make it happen. What about limiting SWF teams to 2 players, so that there isn't much a difference with solo players ? And then creating a game mode where groups of 3 or 4 will face the killer just by themselves. In the case of a group of 3 the game would be played just like when someone disconnect during the map loading time. In a case of a group of 4 the killer will have a significant boost, or there might be more generators to repair.
Anyway, the point of it is to separate large groups of SWF and solo players, so they can be separately balanced with the killer they're about to face. And the better part of it, would be that the waiting queue will be just the same. There will not be a different game mode for killers ; just open a lobby and see if you gonna play against 1 big team, or smaller groups ; either way, killers will have the proper tool to give everyone a fair and interesting game.
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@Utna said:
@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayalInteresting idea indeed, but this will likely never happen because of players using voice communication, and telling each other who the betrayer is ... unless you make it as a KYF mode, where everyone's got to be invited ; or for solo survivors only.
Alternate game modes can play by alternate rules. Such as restricting SWF from playing.
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@Dreamnomad said:
@Utna said:
@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayalInteresting idea indeed, but this will likely never happen because of players using voice communication, and telling each other who the betrayer is ... unless you make it as a KYF mode, where everyone's got to be invited ; or for solo survivors only.
Alternate game modes can play by alternate rules. Such as restricting SWF from playing.
I bet the devs are designing game modes where group of friends can play ... There are so many SWF players right now ; I bet that's how people want to play the game.
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@Utna said:
@Dreamnomad said:
@Utna said:
@dbd900bach said:
What about betrayal a game mode where one survivor has to sabotage his teammates to help the killer. Such as messing with gens the exit gates or leaving trails for the killer to follow. Something along the lines of betrayalInteresting idea indeed, but this will likely never happen because of players using voice communication, and telling each other who the betrayer is ... unless you make it as a KYF mode, where everyone's got to be invited ; or for solo survivors only.
Alternate game modes can play by alternate rules. Such as restricting SWF from playing.
I bet the devs are designing game modes where group of friends can play ... There are so many SWF players right now ; I bet that's how people want to play the game.
And there is nothing wrong with that. But there are certain fun and creative alternate game ideas that might require restricting SWF.
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Someone suggested something like this in General Discussions and I tried to think of a good way to make it work. I think I've got it.
Infection - 8 players join a lobby. When the match starts, one is randomly selected to be a random killer with no perks or add ons. The remaining 7 are survivors with no perks or items. There are no hooks on the map, but the killer can Mori survivors in the dying state. Once a survivor is killed they will respawn as a random killer with no perks or add ons. Killers that successfully Mori a survivor earn 1,000 BP. The longer a survivor lives, the larger the bloodpoint bonus at the end.
- First Survivor Killed earns 2500 BP
- Second Survivor Killed earns 3000 BP
- Third Survivor Killed earns 5000 BP
- Fourth Survivor Killed earns 7000 BP
- Fifth Survivor Killed earns 10,000 BP
- Sixth Survivor Killed earns 15,000 BP
- Last Survivor Killed earns 20,000 BP
- Randomly Selected Killer earns 10,000 BP
Survivors can work on generators, but it takes completion of all 7 generators to power the exit gate. Any survivors that actually escape via the exit gate earn the standard 5,000 BP. Survivors aren't realistically going to escape, nor is it really the goal. The real goal is to be the last survivor alive.
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It sounds more like modifiers, but not gamemodes. So it can be just random thing that happens every day/weekend. Like mutations mode in DotA0
@izTerria said:
It sounds more like modifiers, but not gamemodes. So it can be just random thing that happens every day/weekend. Like mutations mode in DotASome of them are modifiers, sure. Some have completely alternate objectives though.
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New Game Mode:
Shopping Spree- Survivors are restricted from bringing items into the match and there are no chests to loot. However, there are 2 zombie vendors that spawn in the match. As survivors perform actions that earn bloodpoints, they also earn another form of currency. They can go to the zombie vendors to purchase items and add ons of their choice. Killers are restricted from bringing Mori's to the match, but can also purchase Ivory Mori's from the zombie vendors.
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New Game Mode:
3 Life Survivors- Survivors have 3 "lives". When the killer catches and puts them on a hook the survivor loses 1 life and is put in a ghost world for 45 seconds after losing the first life and 30 seconds after losing the second life. While the survivor is in the ghost world they can not interact with any objects other than ones that can be vaulted. The world appears black and white and the survivor can not see or touch the other players. They can, however, move at 85% normal move speed to explore the map to find the locations of generators, chests, and totems (though ghost players can not tell the difference between active and inactive totems). The survivor will also earn some bloodpoints for distance traveled in the ghost world.
After the timer is up the survivor will appear on a random hook at least 32 meters away from the killers current location. The survivor on the hook will see the shroud indication from Insidious around them. This indicates that the killer can not see them on the hook. In fact, the hook that the survivor is on will appear broken to the killer. Other survivors can see the aura of the hooked survivor and unhook them normally at which point they are back in the game. While a survivor is hooked there is no progress meter and there is no struggle phase. Survivors can attempt to free themselves from the hook, but the baseline success chance is 0% for the first attempt and increases by 1% for each attempt after. Attempts for the survivor to free themselves will take 4 seconds. If all the survivors are either dead, in ghost world time out, or hooked then the killer wins. Survivors hooked in the basement are sent to the ghost world for an additional 30 seconds. Perk Slippery Meat is locked in this game mode (since it wouldn't really do anything).
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This game has been out for almost 3 years and honestly I’d love to see different game modes! But there probably has to be lots of coding to be done and I can’t even imagine how laggy it would be right now.
Hopefully devs will make one new game mode soon enough.0 -
New Game Mode:
Casual Mode: All perks are reduced to rank 1. Items and add ons are restricted to common or uncommon. Offerings are restricted to ones that can increase bloodpoint gain.
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Totally Random: All Perks, Items, Add Ons, and Offerings are randomly chosen. Perks are chosen from all possible perks and are at rank 3 (regardless whether the player has unlocked the perk or what rank the player's perks are currently at). Items, Add Ons, and Offerings are chosen from all possible options minus event specific offerings. These Items, Add Ons, and Offerings do not consume the player's resources. They are provided by the entity.
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Thought of another one "Fog of War"
Fog of War: Massively reduced information available to both killers and survivors. Killers do not have a terror radius. Survivors do not make scratch marks. All auras are disabled. Killer can't see unfinished generator auras or active hex totem auras or hooked survivors. Survivors can't see slugged or hooked survivors. All perks for both killer and survivor that enable auras have the aura reading components disabled.