How to put this in a friendly way...

I am on the PTB right now, and all i can say is: Is this a little late april fools joke?? It has to be, right?
First game i play: Gas Heaven
There is 1 (ONE) single pallet on the whole middle of the map! One!
The rest of it is a deadzone with absolutly nothing but here and there some trash!
1 Pallet in the garage
1 more pallet between killershack and deadzone
4 Jungle Gyms with 1 pallet each
And the Killer shack pallet.
8 pallets on the whole map. Are we good? I mean, ARE WE GOOD? I honestly have to ask without sarkasm. Have you forgot to add the pallets in those silly big deadzones and the silly big middle of the map (2 gens by the way... 1 pallet... )
This is even worse then i have expected, and i thought it will be aweful.
2Nd Game: Gas Heaven again
This time i count 7 pallets! And most of them are even weaker then before.
3rd Game: Thompson House
I am already really frustrated, so i stopped counting pallets but it looks like more or less the same ammount. All i can say at this point is that the map looks really really aweful, even worse then the old thompson house. It feels squeezed, not well designed at all.
I might try out a few more games after a break, but if this goes on like Thompson and Gas Heaven.. ahhm well... good luck with your next game devs. At least you know how you killed it.
This is actually atrocious. RIP Solo queue.
If you're going to give less loops and shorten maps, more pallets is kind of an obvious choice, no?
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The point of the update was to weaken these maps..a pallet reduction is to be expected..the point is to force conservation of resources instead of mindless psllet throws..and honestly I imagine theres a tad bit of exaggeration here
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You can't make maps smaller, limit the loops, and limit the pallets at the same time WHILE KEEPING BLOODLUST IN THE GAME lmao
This is going to be extremely dumb if it makes it over to live in its current state. Especially for solo queue.
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There is no exaggeration. Go on the PTB and try it out yourself. I scanned the whole maps like 3 times, recorded everything and checked really carefully.
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But if you... have ... deadzones... then you need... something... to... work with.
Lets not forget that not every survivor is ressourceful with Pallets and can screw over the other 3, who actually are.
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Exactly..the fact these players thrive is indeed a problem this is aiming to fix
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You won't need a pallet if you have good juke-game, which you dont considering you need a pallet to do the trick.
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So now sprint burst becomes mandatory because pretty much the entire map is a deadzone and high mobility killers are even stronger. Cool. Balanced.
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I've heard plenty of positive feedback saying gameplay has felt pretty good..hence why I dont just take your word for it in this case
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Lol only mandatory of you wait till last second
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Where do you run to if there's no pallets and you're in a dead zone exactly?
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Go on the ######### ptb and check it out on yourself. If my adobe would not have expired, i would have uploaded a video for you. Trust me, i am not kidding. But if you dont believe, go on the ptb.
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These entitled survivor mains. You are NOT entitled to survive. Killers however ARE entitled to kill.
Just adapt and git gud. Bring Yuis perk so you can pick pallets back up. I don’t see a problem here.
Now watch out for my instasaw hillbilly with spirit fury ending and noed. Better rush those gens and totems boy.
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I won't even feel good about running Hillbilly anymore if these changes go through lmao
He'll be as brain dead as Freddy at that point. Oh god Freddy with this change. Oh no.
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This was sarcasm, right?
The rank 25 killer brigade here on this form makes me doubt sometimes, so i have to ask this (hopefully) really stupid question.
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Theres always a pallet or vault could say the same with killer hooks yet there are those who would want them miles apart despite it being the killers obj
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If it's not going to work then let everyone play the ptb as much as possible so the devs can get some data and see what needs changing.
Moaning about these changes 24 hours into the ptb isn't going to change the devs position as there is no proof.
As for a few of the 'there should be more pallets not less' comments. For the game to survive, nobody should be able to run killers for minutes at a time. The games health will deplete and people will stop playing the game. They have to balance for both sides to be fun, not just survivors feeling good about chasing a killer for 4 gens.
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Now, I was THE ONE survivor in solo Q Team who was really careful with pallets. I threw down average 2 pallets per game. Why? Because I HAD TO be very efficient with them. My mates are usually straight up trash and burn down 5 pallets in under 1 minute, otherwise they die instantly.
Now, with only 7 pallets per map... Yeah gg devs, rip solo Q. Game is dead for me. I was already burned out. But I'm not even considering to come back anymore after these PTB reports of the community. U messed up.
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The point of this post is THERE IS NO PALLET ANYWHERE NOW.
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My post was sarcasm but I’m sure you’ll read these comments for real very soon.
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I doubt that but I will have to see
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Those changes must be truly unblieveable, if i even get accused of lying (in front of the devs and hundreds of players btw)
Also for you: Go on the PTB, ckeck it out, come back later.
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I don't know why you're trying to say what I've seen on the PTB is untrue while not checking it out yourself.
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Bloodlust is gonna stay till all maps are balanced, so theres still more to do!
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That's fine, but give us pallets on the maps that have been absolutely destroyed until then.
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Hooks are really rare in this game.
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Actually they didn't touch this map... Unless they just forgot to mention it.
Are you sure you didn't make a mistake counting or something?
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I can’t wait for the new Blendette with purple mist, Urban Evasion and Sprint Burst meta. Playing 20 minute matches of hide and seek against immersed survivors who avoid chases because there are no pallets left will be fun for everyone.
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Bubba gonna get more than one kill now without camping
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Remember kids, we dont care as long as it does not affect killer experience, because remember, killers are oppressed!
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When nobody cant believe it, you know that those changes are really aweful.
Here, maybe some more screens might help you
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Guess you'll have to learn to loop windows instead of pallet camping. Learn how to mind game and actually get better at the game overall. Killer's had to adapt with no Ruin and did fine. Now it's your turn with limited resources.
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I guess when you're bad at the game you'll take any victory you can get, no matter how cheap lmao.
I don't understand how games could be fulfilling to a killer when it would be that easy, then again people play Freddy.
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For all we know this could be a bug just like mothers dwelling do you really think they intended to have All 4 Windows open at all times no gas heaven has always been mostly filler pallets with not many maze tiles if it's a bug then give them data in game sending screenshots and complaining isnt gonna fix anything but in game numbers likely will
I play both sides fairly equally and so far most of the map changes seem either pretty okay or dont seem to change much at all like badham and lampkin lane feel just as strong as ever
The map I felt changed the most is grim pantry and I think it was a great change
Tldr:might be a bug but keep playing give them data and things will probably not stay as they are when we go to live
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Why would you insult people calling them entitled and then turn around and say killers are entitled to kills?
I dont get the point you are arguing.
I'm not talking about the changes, but why you feel I side is entitled and to the other it's and insult.
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The logical answer would be that you just got extremely unlucky with RNG and got a terrible variation of the map because the map didn't have that many pallets to begin with. I doubt they would reduce the amount of pallets because of this, but Idk though.
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Don't forget about how killers are also the sole authority on whether a hit connects, so good luck using those pallets to their full potential as you get hit from 10 meters away.
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No offense but there are only 3 options
Some changes were done
There is a bug you are not aware off
8 Pallets on Gas Heaven was always standard
Which one is it?
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Probably the last one.
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I know this map really well, and this was then the by far worst variation i have ever had. 2 times in a row. I dont think so (even i REALLY hope you are right)
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You have a bug on your hands then.
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As someone who works in production support there are a few more steps between "this is broken" and determining its a bug. Protip: it's usually not actually a bug.
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Okay. "Something is wrong, please fix it." There :)
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I've seen that happen on live servers, you just got horrible RNG.
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Gas Heaven is one of the least constant maps in the game. I've played a game with a whopping total of 5 pallets, and I've played another where almost every possible spawn for them was filled. It's either blatantly survivor sided, or blatantly killer sided, rarely is it actually balanced.
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Dope. Did you submit a bug report? Include as much information as possible, including any evidence you have that it was different before and and/or on live servers. It's possible this bug was caused previously on live or is environmental to the ptb and more documentation can help. Ideally test normal and kyf because kyf can be buggy.
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I have not had a layout that was even close to be as aweful as one of those and i get them 2 times in a row. I highly doubt that.
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Some tile layouts are also ######### because of the changes to generation. Mothers Dwelling is an example, all 4 windows could spawn. It's always possible that this is just a glitched out variant with very few pallets but it's still not rare to see only 8 pallets on live.