Now You See Me

The title is the name of a perk idea given through another discussion that i wanted to shed more light on. I lost the comment so i hope i do this person's idea justice.

Now You See Me is designed to be an anti-camping perk. After a killer is within 30 meters of the hooked survivor for 20 seconds the aura of a hook will illuminate across the map in which the hung survivor will teleport to. This hook is shown to all survivors 5 seconds before teleportation occurs.

The numbers can be adjusted of course, this is a rough scetch with a bad memory, ha. But this provides a chance for the fellow survivors to get be altruistic without playing into a campers game. It helps that first survivor to not wait 10+ minutes for a lobby just to get face camped on first hook and depip. It forces the killer to also progress in his hunting category. It encourages BP on both sides.

In my opinion i would consider this being an all around game mechanic instead of a perk to encourage categories I have already mentioned, but killers that surprisingly enjoy camping would throw a fit. So as a perk a killer would have to go into a match wondering if he cab camp or not. It gives a both side possibility.

Finally, i apologize to he/she that originally came up with this that i cannot give you credit. But i too am a fan of the idea.
