Nice Buff to Solo Survivors

Make a 21m Bond effect part of the base kit. SWFs don't get this benefit.
Bond, the perk, would be slightly reworked to this:
Unlocks potential in one's aura-reading ability.
While playing solo, the range you can detect allies' auras is boosted by 5/10/15 metres.
While playing with friends, allies are revealed to you when they are within a range of 20/28/36 metres.
Nah. The perk was designed with solo players in mind. There's no need for it to be buffed, and SWF groups don't usually even bother with aura reading perks, since they can just tell each other what's going on.
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I'm not buffing the perk. I'm buffing the aura reading that Survivors have in the base kit
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I think certain killers are just too difficult to play against for solo play that people do their builds around solo play leaving out much needed team efficiency perks. but they don’t need to nerf Swf. I envy those people. Killers in high ranks just ransack smaller maps and those that are medium size still prove difficult due to high mobility killers. Gens just don’t get done in solo tbh. And it’s starting to get frustrating. Nerf survivor this, nerf survivor that... eh. I think it’s time to move on to another game. You hand ez downs to killers and their ebony Mori’s just further depress people trying to enjoy playing survivor. I didn’t realize I paid money and keep paying money for a game where killer just gets to have his way with his opponent. However, there are certain killers that I think need help. Clown, plague are two of them.
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You realize that's worse, right? The game was designed so there was no communication between players, and they had to rely on perks. SWF teams can skip the perks, but your plan would give them the perk (base kit) bonus to SWF teams as well. Plus, it's the killers that are negatively impacted by the SWF teams, not the solo players. This would just make things even worse for killers.
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How about we don't buff survivors
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Aura reading is the strongest information type in this game, as its visually in your face so to speak.
Swf is no seperate gamemode, it just puts 4 people into the same lobby. There arent any conditions checking wether people are swf or not. You buff survivor, you also buff swf.
Also, the misconception is that swf/comms advantage is RECEIVING info. But in reality it is that you can GIVE others the info YOU YOURSELF first gather.
The game simply spoonfeeding all info will only flat buff ALL survivors, not close the gap
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I really dont know what game you play. In my games, gens get done. Yes, there are gens where the only gens being done are the gens i do, but those are the games i get out alone. But mostly 3-5 gens get done, and when all gens are done, its not uncommon for all 4 survivors to leave, altough often one gets caugth and camped. Depending on how altruistic the other survivors are, or if they are in an swf, the killer gets some more kills, or just the one.
How about we buff them if buffs are needed? That being said, i would wait for the changes to go online and gather data about it, and then see the state of killers and survivors based on that data, not on the forum feedback.
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There hasn't been a point in this games history where survivors needed a buff
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Is with people are going to play with you. I'm only have a perk for me, the other ones are for avoid camp and tunnel and help mates
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I don't really understand why people keep saying this would buff SWF when the OP clearly said the basekit addition would not apply to people grouped together. 🤔
I like the idea, but I am still of the opinion they should just introduce in-game comms. It seems complicated and dangerous to start trying to develop the game so that they can nerf SWF specifically while benefiting solo survivors and keeping killers balanced somewhere in between. IMO it seems easier to continue down the path they have already traveled pretty far down - balancing SWF / Killer - and bring solo survivors into the fold by leveling the communication playing field. It wouldn't make SWF vs. solo teams apples to apples, but it would go a tremendously long way to bridge the gap. The instead of tuning the game to the SWF / Killer dynamic, you're simply balancing survivors vs. killers. Will SWF always have an edge over solo teams, of can't account for familiarity and like play styles.
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I think people should have the choice. I, for one, play the game solo because i like the tension you get from not knowing all whats going on. But that is impossible to balance together with swfs with coms.
Surprisingly, there is a vocal group that thinks how they play the game is the only way to do it, and they are against those choices for the players, because "it would split the player base".
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solo survivors dont need a buff,swf needs a nerf.