Fast Vaulting Prompt 10 feet from window?

Is this a bug? Doing some tests I noticed that I was receiving the "Running Vault" prompt well before I was even close to a window. If you press Space and let go of your keyboard, your character will continue to run on its own and vault the window.
I can’t even comment, none of this shocks me anymore
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Wasn't this always a thing?
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any news on the anti aliasing thing ?or maybe a hotfix patch for bugs?
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Pretty sure this has always been a thing.
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i undestand but tome is coming today and i can't play :(
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I guess the part I question is; since it prompted so much earlier am I actually closer to the window than I appear? and should we be hitting the vault button the second it procs to avoid latency hits?
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Was it? I never had it prompt that early before; usually it wouldnt appear until I was right up next to the window.
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Pretty sure on atleast SOME windows it could appear that early.
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This isn't true. Survivors do not get any free distance after vaulting a window. They will land at the same place they've always landed, they just don't get pulled back to the window and lose all of their momentum. That was a bug and it was previously not like that. Any hits you would have gotten due to the survivor getting pulled back to the window were due to a bug and should not have happened in the first place.
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Killers have been having a hard time hitting over a vault? I don't know where you got that from, I've either had them using the vault build or hit them from 10 miles away (same on survivor side, hit from 10 miles away). Interesting take.
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The only issue I have with this was that a survivor was hooked right beside a window, and it made me home to the vault 3 times as I was in a rush to pick them up. This is an issue as if a killer is close by, you lose that valuable time for that save :/
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thank you for making that major change which will greatly improve my chases and how safe i feel when vaulting windows. Before I was just hoping it wasn't gonna pull me back lmao
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Thank you.
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I haven't noticed a change at all in vaulting. I play ps4 and i wish I wouldn't get hit while I'm already running the other side of the window. Or when killer hits you after the pallet is already dropped. Or yesterday I dropped pallet and it sent me to the killers side and sent killer to my side. We completely switched. positions! But, of course, I got hit in the motion. Ill upload proof. Happened just last night
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Pressing it later does give you an advantage, in that you don't get sucked into a nearby locker instead of vaulting the window, which is a common occurrence if the vault is right next to a locker.
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You can expect AA option in a year or so , if they will even care enough to work on it xD
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Why does this not work for everything?
Like, why do I get sucked into a locker when I want to vault a window? I had a match vs Dowsey where I got sucked into the locker from like 3 meters away.
Also, when I have a Medkit, why does my character try to Self Care in front of the Hook instead of unhooking a teammate?
Or, when I have a Toolbox, why instead of starting to heal does the game suck me to the Hook to sabotage it?
I had it in all occasions that I was looking at the respective option and the game did the other option.
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Strange thing was, I was running towards the window straight forward while I looked to my side where the hooked survivor was and although I went towards the survivor it still locked to the window. Maybe it's a one off. I'll see about approaching from a different angle to see.
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this has been in the game for a while now