Just the Facts: NOED Needs a Change, Here's Why
It's not really the intention of this thread to start a flame war or add to the echo chamber, so I would appreciate it if you wonderful people would keep your comments slightly constructive. That's all I ask.
On to the topic..."Waffle, wth? Why does NOED need a change, it's the only perk to counter genrushing!" NOED needs a change mostly because of two MAJOR reasons. I'm sure you've heard them a million times, so you'll stand hearing them a couple times more.
NOED Punishes Solo Queue Survivors
Swf know how many totems their teammates have cleansed, and rough estimations of totem locations can be called out as well. Without this information, cleansing dull totems is an unreliable strategy unless you use up some perk slots. Not only can you not keep track of where totems have already been cleansed to save time, but you also don't know whether or not your teammates will cleanse the totems they find. Removing such a key counterplay is definitely an unnecessary punishment.
NOED Rewards Camping
NOED is in the survivors' hands if the killer doesn't apply enough pressure. Camping is easy effective pressure, and is therefore easy NOED value. It is very easy to put the survivors in a position where they can't possibly do gens fast enough and do totems, meaning mileage from NOED is basically confirmed with this strategy.
Why This Needs a Change
The gap between swf and solos makes it extremely hard to balance the game. Will this patch make swf crush killers? Will this patch make killers crush solos? Reducing this gap through any possible means could go a long way for the health of the game. Camping is an unpleasant strategy and the non-interactive nature of it makes the game extremely boring for all of the players. Reducing the effectiveness of this strategy would be in the developer's best interests in order to not discourage players.
Feel free to bash me in the comments and call me lazy, I won't stop you nor am I sure that I can. If you agree NOED needs a change, I would love to hear your suggestions and perhaps the developers will find inspiration from the community towards making a change that would improve the experience of many players.
do bones. noed is fine
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Would you like to address my points? These types of comments are getting to be spam at this point.
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Did bones. Got done by the perk. No it isn't.
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Noed is fine just add a totem counter to small game Bam problem solved.
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Only survivors who were hooked get exposed. Killer can now Mori survivors who they down while NoED is active.
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- Detective's Hunch already shows you how many totems are left
- It would still cost a perk slot for solos to have swf information
- This wouldn't solve the camping issue
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I think that could be fair. Kind of like a Hex: Global Rancor or Hex: Rancor Nemesis but Useful lol
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1 camping isn't a issue as per devs who own the game and set the rules
2 so you use a perk slot the killer has to use a perk slot to get it so why not also maps are a thing
3 small game is a free perk were dh is a payed for perk
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Nah, its fine. You know, they watched a mediocre DBD Parody, so they are entitled to write this under every post about NOED.
But yeah, 100% agreed. In fact, cleansing Dull Totems is more harmful than good. Because if you cleanse the Totems you find (aka those who are not so well hidden), the one that wont be found will be NOED. And it is probably the most hidden one.
It can still be strong, but should not reward Campers, because vs Campers, you can only rush Gens to not give more than 1 Kill. And it should also not result in senseless Totem cleansing for a Perk the Killer might not even have or will still be able to use, because there might be that one Totem somewhere.
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Not a fan of the Mori part, but I can certainly agree with the previously hooked clause.
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- I don't think the devs want camping to be a meta strategy, like I said it's not very fun
- Item slots and perk slots are resources, an imbalance of resources is imbalance at its finest
- True, but what if neither were mandatory just because you chose a certain game mode
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These type of discussions are getting to be spam at this point.
"NOED Punishes Solo Queue Survivors"
use small game or detectives hunch.
"NOED Rewards Camping"
camping is a legit strat, and just use one of the many, many second chance perks survivors have e.g. deliverance and d-strike combo
"Why This Needs a Change"
yes, the gap is very big between swf and solo. so perks like this that have counterplay are good, you can't just nerf it into the ground because its bad for solo, cause then killer would get even more ######### with it when facing swf. its in a healthy medium.
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Great idea. Give solos the info whilst making it require some skill and also compensating killers. Thanks for the suggestion!
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1 I'll agree it isn't fun however till they say it's not ok it's ok
2 it's not a imbalance it's a choice do you care about totems or not if you do you take small game if you don't you run w/e you want
3 nothing's mandatory just like doing totems and saving people correctly isn't mandatory
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2. So you suggest that you "take swf" if you care about totems?
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Would be a good solution and it would require people to pay attention.
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Just pressure the bones, bro!
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No it's take small game if you do silly
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I have suggested this a few times myself, although I’m not in favor of the mori part.
Gotta love the “do bones” trolls who have nothing to say about about how you can’t do bones against campers. Obvious the type of killers they are. I’m sure these same people complain endlessly about getting hit with DS thoughwhen ”they weren’t tunneling”, yet NOED is fine in scenarios where the survivors have no choice but to rush gens. Don’t complain about DS then...just take the stun.
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I run small game and I don't see the problem. You all act like a totem counter will make people do them shocker it won't those that do do and others won't cause they don't care
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I would like to say that not everyone who plays killer thinks camping is a legit strategy
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I play killer and I would say it definitely depends on the situation. Camping is purposefully ruining fun at early game but is a strategic play near end game.
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Try to play as a killer and try to become in red rank killer and u understand why the most of killers take noed. To get a rank 1 as survivor it's to easy however to get rank 1 as killer is a true challenge.
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people still complaining about noed?
do bones and stop gen rushing
that easy
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Some killers aren't skilled enough to deserve rank 1
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Another person not reading the post I see.
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I make a point as to not camp because even against swf it's unfair, and if I hate it as a survivor I shouldn't do it when I play killer. But that is probably just me lol.
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- A totem counter is all we need for Solo Q, no idea why BHVR refuses to add it
- Camping applies zero pressure if the survivors have a higher combined IQ than warm porridge. If the Killer is staying at the hook, they aren't patrolling gens, which equals zero map pressure, so survivors can fix the generators with impunity
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fine, since you are eager for me to discuss
NOED Punishes Solo Queue Survivors
Well yea… you can scout the map and count the ammount of totems you find...can't find the 5th? pray that you can escape before the killer hits you
NOED Rewards Camping
How? I can apply preassure and not camp and still use noed? noed punishes survivors that don't do totems
Why This Needs a Change
Nerfing noed won't be the change to close the gap, closing the gap is either making kindred base for all solo survivors
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And by the time the 5th gen pops 2 survivors have died (thats how long it takes) then he gets the 3rd with noed because you "didnt do bones" yet you cant to counter camping...see how that works now? Good.
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Scouting the map to count totems takes time,
Yes you can apply pressure but camping is easier and often yields greater reward
Every step towards closing the gap is necessary, it needs to cease to exist
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Doesnt change the fact to counter camping you have to genrush not giving you time to Do totems aka making noed a easy activation. So to counter camping you have to genrush which means you cant do bones yet you get punished for not doing bones. Aka the killer literally has a scenario where its a guaranteed 2k and easily a 3k. I swear some people dont get how this works...
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Bless you.
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Dude i did that cause its not posting my comments lol
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rework Small Game to no longer affect traps and instead give you the soundclue only when there is a totem. this would allow it to turn into an anti totem perk completely and allows us to add some nice boni like a totem counter and faster cleansing speed to it.
that would eliminate both of your points in a balanced way without reworking NOED.
cause NOED is the only thing that punishes Survivors for not doing bones. its the only thing that really gives Dull Totems a meaning, if we're being honest. they are supposed to be a secondary objective after all!
if you want to rework NOED, thats also fine - as long as the Dull Totem requirement is a thing and NOED is enough of a threat to push survivors into cleansing them.
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Anyway I was saying that I try to not camp because even against even against swf because it's unfair and I hate it as a survivor so I shouldn't do it when I play killer. But maybe that's just me. Lol
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I completely agree NOED to way too strong even for a tier 1 perk. All these killer mains saying it's fine are trash, no debate at all. For a tier 1 NOED should be able to down 1 survivor, tier 2 allows you to down 2 survivors, tier 3 all survivors. There is no good reason as to why a tier 1 NOED should be able to down EVERYONE simple.
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Hmm that comment was already posted for me
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Oh. Then I apologize for the spam
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I remember watching Otz's stream pretty well where he basically realised camping isn't really punished enough and pretty consistently it would be the case that if he did get outplayed, it was a 'haha gotcha' moment because one hit down and extra movement speed (:
Honestly, just do away with the expose and make it 10% speed or something and it'll basically be the killer's Hope, but better.
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Personally though I think people complain a lot about it and I'm just tired of it showing on my feed
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lol yeah
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thats the point….
When will survivor mains get this?
Survivors have the skills to make a safe unhook by either blocking or faking a unhook, but I agree camping is a problem sometimes
The gap will allways exist like it or not
only way to destroy the gap is removing swf but I doubt it will ever happen
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How does NOED reward camping. If the killer is camping, doesn't that mean 'o hey! We can do bones and negate NOED!' It takes two minutes for a survivor to die on hook. It takes 15 seconds to do bones. That's a minute and 15 seconds. More than enough time to split that, make a BT save.
Honestly, isn't NOED complaining a meme at this point? Maybe if you dropped one of your meta perks, and threw in Small Game or Detectives Hunch, you'd have a better time.
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I have a "solution" to the NOED haters.
Make the killers server the host. Then allow a feature similar to the skulls in Halo. Essentially a map feature that automatically (randomly) assigns up to 4 chosen Hexes to totems, which function like they do now. Add a setting/button to opt out of these maps and problem solved.
Added bonus for killers that opens up perk slots.
Of course if survivor mains who hate NOED think load in times are long now just imagine the wait to play with a killer that won't use this function...
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JUST THE FACTS (says opinion). On a serious note though. Just use small game or detectives hunch bro. So what if you need to use a perk slot for swf info. Killers use 3 perks the entire match.
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15 seconds to do one...theres 5 in a match. And thats if all them are found and that adds up if you do multiple... especially with again someone being camped to death your down to 3 people...