Decisive strike

If DS is suppose to be an anti tunneling perk, then multiple decisive strikes should not be active at the same time
It isn't an anti tunnelling perk though. It has been labelled as that but it isn't JUST that. It is a perk that is active for 1 minute after being unhooked.
Someone has spent an entire perk slot on it, why should it get deactivated just because a couple of people got unhooked in quick succession? That could result in one person getting 2 seconds of use out of a perk. It also means a killer with 2 survivors on a hook would always try and tunnel the first one off the hook and wait for the second to be unhooked, anticipating that both would have had DS equipped and he is now free to pick the first one up seconds after they game off the hook.
7 -
Prove that you have multiple Decisive Strikes active at once.
It rarely happens. And I doubt you're getting lobbies with 2+ people running it because I run SWF through the DBD Discord and not many people even consider using it and/or not many people have it.
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It's in the majority of games i play at the very least. 1 person almost always has it.
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1 person isn't
You're changing your story now.
And what's wrong with DS if 1 person has it? How is this ONE person ruining your gameplay?
How are you allowing this ONE person to use their DS against you?
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I have done multiple red rank solo games today where there has been no obsession. It has been like this a lot recently. There seems to be a lot of people who have stopped using it.
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What are you on about? Changing my story? It's a very common perk and at least one person in every game has it. That's because it's a common perk. So that would also mean that there are a lot of games where multiple people have it.
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My issue, is that there is a current and obvious witch hunt against Decisive Strike. Not everyone runs it, not everyone uses it. But the second someone doesn't allow a killer to tunnel they get whiny and come to the forums and complain on how they lost a kill because of 1 person running it.
Is it that difficult to keep tabs on 1 person that has it? Just slug them, it's ONE person.
Can you count to 60? Can you move on to the next survivor instead of the one trying to get your attention by jumping in and out of a locker to try to bait the DS? See, it's the survivors job to waste your time, if you choose to down them AND pick them up, that's your fault.
Their doing their part.
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He said prove you have games where multiple people have it active at the same time and you came back saying 1 person has it in nearly every game which is not your original gripe of multiple people having it active.
I would say you don't have it in nearly every game either, you just think you do because you're so fixated on it ruining your game. My experience recently of having a lot of games with no obsession is why I call bullshit on this. The downside of no DS in the room is that killers tunnel the ######### out of people knowing they have nothing to stop them.
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You honestly took the words right out of my mouth.
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It isn't a free escape though. They have paid for it with a full perk slot that until that point of the game has gone unused.
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You're attempting to preach to a killer main who doesn't see an issue with DS.
I don't get baited, I know who I keep tabs on.
When a DS does rarely hit me, I move on because that was MY mess up.
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The second you picked up that Kate instead of going for the uninjured Meg already told me you played that VERY wrong.
Accept your losses, you could have ended with a 2k but you decided to pick Kate up knowing very well she was just unhooked.
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Game i literally just played. 2nd got out because a gate was opened and she got unhooked. Had to down her because she was body blocking for the other survivors. Lets see how you spin this
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Idk what games you are playing but it is very and I mean VERY rare for me to not have 3-4 DSs every game. Every once in a blue moon I'll get 1-2 but almost never 0.
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NOED does go unused all game yes and if it activates everyone is a one hit down which is quite strong in itself so I have no idea why you have tacked a mori on to it in your example? It does what the perk is designed to do. As does Devour Hope. As does Pop Goes The Weasel. As does Decisive Strike. The time it happens at is irrelevant. If they still have DS at that point of the game then yes, they are gone, so what? It is a game and they had a perk that enabled them to escape, a perk they banked on activating in order to ensure their survival.
You're now also moaning about Borrowed Time but if they get unhooked with BT that will probably get them out anyway, so DS doesn't even come in to it in that example. These perks exist because so many killers camp and tunnel. These perks wouldn't need to exist if there wasn't so many ######### players out there. Your desperation to camp and tunnel is what resulted in those perks you despise being created.
So where is the proof both of these DS were active at the same time? Which is what your initial moaning was regarding.
I'm not sure what you mean by what I should try and spin? I don't need to spin anything, if they have DS and they used it to escape then the perk did its job. I don't know what you want from me? To say hard luck they should remove a perk from being used because you lost a kill due to it? Just let it go. DS happens. As I said to the guy above in this post, these perks exist due to killers using ######### plays.
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The point i was making was if DS is suppose to be an anti tunnel perk, which you say it is when you said "Your desperation to camp and TUNNEL is what resulted in those perks you despise being created" then there shouldn't be two Ds active at the same time. Then i get told that multiple DS in the same game doesn't happen. So i post a game i just played that has two DS and explain a different situation on how DS can just be a free escape for people. So then you move the goal posts to "Prove they were both active". My god, if i did that you would probably say "Prove you didn't tunnel them". Your entire argument is a perk does what it's description says so it's fine.
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Sorry, but DS's passive ability doesn't make the "power" roll helpless.
You have either the option to slug, or leave them alone and go for someone else.
That's all fine and dandy, but how many times have you died at endgame when you're the last one alive?
In MY experience, I've died many, MANY times before reaching the 5 gen end game. Typically gates spawn too close to each other, thus the killer getting his 4k. I highly doubt, DOUBT your situation is normal. I run DS myself and VERY VERY rarely I get to use it during end game.
I have DS in every single build I have. I don't like being tunneled, I don't appreciate being single targetted by the killer who just wants "an easy kill."
And it's laughable, you don't have ANYTHING to show me from your experience? Nothing at all? If this did happen to most killers, some, mostly ALL would have some sort of proof that DS ruins their games.
This is my Console Profile.
3 Had DS, 1 escaped.
But these are the more typical matches.
NO ONE had DS.
The second the survivors uses their DS on a killer they flock to the forums and cry how OP it is, how unfair that they couldn't get their easy kill. They fabricate stories on how it was "during the end game collapse and the gates were open" or how "the survivor went into the locker, what other option did I have after I chased them when they got unhooked."
Please, I've heard every single excuse. And here I am, some matches are easy, some are difficult, but never, NEVER will I say DS is unfair.
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That's exactly my point.
Whenever it happens to a killer they cry on how EVERY survivor, and every match that day they've been getting with DS in the attempt to get it nerfed even further without taking some blame unto themselves.
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"Fabricate stories of locker ds tech and people getting free escape after gate is open. Fabricate." Everything that has ever happend in Dbd is fabricated.
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Hit me up with your expert analysis on what he did wrong here.
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The Locker DS tech wouldn't exist if killers like yourself wouldn't be so easily baited into opening them.
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The Claudette was just unhooked.....
The Kate was just unhooked and you're asking me what he did wrong here?
There was 1 gen left, no gates opened and you don't know what he did wrong here?
He was too impatient and went for 2 pick ups when they were just unhooked. Who TF does that knowing there's an obsession?
That's lol
That's some Rank 20 plays right there.
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Ah damn you're right. He tunneled both of them instead of chasing across the map to a gen that was gonna get finished even before he would've made it there. Thus giving them a lot of space to run away as they both had adrenaline. I don't think your a killer main.
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I never said tunneled.
I said picked up. Don't warp my words.
Slugging 2 is as effective as having 2 on a hook. 1 person or 2 will have to eventually come and pick them up.
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Too bad that wouldn't work because they both had adrenaline
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And how the "Adrenaline is unfair" talk.
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Camping and tunnelling is what created these perks. I don't call DS an anti-tunnelling perk, you do. I say that in my first post it is a perk that activates for 1 minute after being unhooked. It is mostly used for anti-tunnelling. You're fully aware it lasts for 1 minute, you're generally aware who has been unhooked recently and you're given a visual indication from the moment the game starts that there is a good chance someone has DS.
I am rarely hit by DS in a game. It is usually if there are multiple people injured who are also dressed the same that I get hit by it. If it happens I don't rush on here crying for nerfs though, I just shrug it off and finish the game without any tears.
I have definitely had an increase in games with no obsession the last week or two. I would prefer they just add an obsession to every game to stop killers mindlessly tunnelling when they see they don't have an obsession.
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"don't warp my words".
Didn't say anything about adrenaline except how the fact they had adrenaline makes your proposal of just slugging both invalid.
So i will ask you again, what should he have done there
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Except it isn't an anti-tunneling perk. That is just one of it's core uses. So it functions exactly as it is supposed to.
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I already stated, slug them.
The gates weren't powered, 1 gen left and he made a noob play by assuming they wouldn't have DS.
If they had Adrenaline, that's on him as well. He didn't play the game well, they got their 5 gens done AND they were playing with 2 perks the entire game. He allowed them to use Their 3rd, and 4th.
Just take the L. Stop crying. Next game, it doesn't happen often.
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I'm not entirely sure why you insist on saying the "power role" in posts. I don't see how that is relevant? You should be able to tunnel off the hook irrelevant of someone spending an entire perk slot on a perk because you're the killer and you want your easy kill? Well.... with that justification what can I say?
If a survivor has DS at endgame then yes chances are they will escape but.... why should you be given that kill just because it is endgame? Why should survivor perks be deactivated in endgame to favour your plays as a killer? Endgame is a time when more killers get desperate for camping and tunnelling, so why shouldn't there be perks available in endgame to combat that? Why should it be game over for a survivor who is potentially on their first hook in endgame? Because you say so?
I'm not going too hard on the mori aspect, you added an extra level to a perk that is already a solid perk for killers and implied only that put it close to being anything comparable to DS, same with the Devour Hope example. Your issue is that a survivor can escape in endgame because they chose a perk that you got hit by. You don't like that because you wanted your kill so it is easier to come here to ######### and moan about a perk in the hope you'll have kills handed to you by the devs if you cry loud enough. It is the behaviour of a spoilt child.
Also, you did moan about BT, you dragged that in for no reason to one of your whiny examples. Your sad little threat about how it "will end poorly for you" because I highlighted your whining about BT only further highlights your childish nature.
It is a game, it isn't an excuse, it is just a fact. You are playing a game, lighten up, it is just a perk.
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So your argument is that it's perfectly okay for someone to have 1 minute of complete invulnerability? And that it's even better if MORE than 1 person is completely invulnerable?
The effect of DS is borderline overpowered. 5 seconds of stun time? That's HUGE. The only reason the Devs allow it to exist is because they label it an 'anti-tunnel' perk and SUPPOSEDLY punishes an undesirable playstyle. And if it was just for anti-tunnel purposes, fine. That is literally supposed to be the risk of DS: you may simply not get to use it because the killer is playing nice. Too bad, should have brought a different perk. Hindsight is a #########.
But you want Killers to get punished for snowballing HOOKS? What the actual hell is wrong with you? The only way the killer can get multiple hooks in quick succession is if the survivors are massively, massively screwing up. But you are right, as it is now survivors have a free escape that they abuse consistantly.
Also "someone has spent an entire perk slot on it". Holy shite, the entitlement. That is the downside of 1-use perks: you might not GET TO USE THEM! That's the point! If the killer hooks you, you get unhooked, they hook someone else, YOU ARE NOT GETTING TUNELLED AND SHOULDNT GET CAUGHT, YOU HAD AT LEAST 10-20 SECONDS TO RUN AWAY AND HIDE. YES, EVEN FROM BBQ AND CHILLI. I know, because I do it all the damn time against actually good killers that still steamroll my arse because they were quite simply better than me and I didn't equip my 4 second-chance perks.
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You contradicted yourself.
Are you against or for the usage and effects of DS? Please be more clear in your post. First half seems like you're against its effect, and the second half sounds like you're for it because it's a 1 time use perk.
In response to your first half: DS is not overpowered, it only gets to be used if you let it be used.
And you're complaining that a perk halts the snowballing of killers? What's the problem if the stops the snowballing of killers and give survivors some breathing room? It seems like the killer is doing VERY well on his own enough to even take a few seconds off his snowballing.
You're complaining about a killer that's snowballing not getting to snowball harder, when he's doing perfectly fine already. Seems like the killer is doing JUST FINE and a few seconds wouldn't hinder him.
In response to your second half:
It's a one time use perk, and it never guarantees an escape, you have to hit the skillcheck. Yes, it's a rather large skill check but that still doesn't guarantee your free escape.
You went off the road with the last 3 sentences, I don't understand them.
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No, that isn't what I am saying at all. They aren't invincible for a minute in any way. You can hit them, it doesn't stop you from hitting them, it stops them from going back on a hook for 1 minute after being unhooked. That's it. Which seems prettyreasknable to me since it is a really ######### experience getting tunnelled off a hook.
As for multiple people having it active at the same time, if you're doing so well on your hooks and you're close enough to be able to down and get stunned by both of these people within their respective minute. I am pretty certain you have been close enough to that hook to have seen at least one person doing the unhooking that hasn't just come off a hook, BUT you don't want those healthy survivors, you want to try for the one hit down and get them back on the hook as soon as possible, but then it backfires and it is off to the forum for a rant.
Yes it is single use and yet still killers moan endlessly about that single use perk. I'm not entitled in any way, you're saying that the downside to a single use perk is that you may not get to use but at the same time you are on a thread about DS supporting the person who is annoyed when people DO get to use it, there is the entitlement. I want a kill no matter what, a perk shouldn't stop me doing that. A single 5 second stun allegedly ruins their entire game and you get BS excuses like "Everyone got out but only because that Kate had DS" how would that impact EVERYONE escaping?
I don't even use DS so accuse me of being "entitled" as much as much as you like but I'm not the one crying at the devs to give me free kills because I can't play properly.
So in your world:
1. Survivor A goes on a hook.
2. Survivor B goes for the save but gets intercepted by the killer and hit.
3. Survivor C sees Survivor B has been hit and goes to get survivor A off the hook.
4. Survivor B goes down and is being carried to a hook near survivor A's hook.
5. Survivor C unhooks Survivor A
6. Two seconds later Survivor B goes on the hook.
7. Killer has direct line of sight on Survivor A who has been unhooked proceeds to chase them.
8. Survivor A goes down and because survivor B was hooked 2 seconds AFTER survivor A was unhooked.
9. Survivor A's DS has been deactivated and the killer can put them straight back on the hook.
That isn't going to create really obvious plays of killers waiting for survivors to be unhooked before hooking another survivor to purposefully deactivate any potential DS allowing them to go right for the tunnel is it?
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I'm not against DS if it's not abused. But it is, a lot. And honestly, don't use the skill check argument. It's lame. If you miss your DS, ease let me.know so I can run Overcharge against you when I see you in my lobbies.
Snowballing hooks - and I specifically mean hooks, not slugging - never happens because the killer is doing well, only when the survivors are sucking hard. If your team sucks, why do you deserve a second chance? Please, explain.
And I never contradicted myself. You just assume a black-and-white argument. Nothing about DS is cut and dried. If it worked like it should and only gets activated when a killer is tunelling, who cares. Run it. When I ran it, I would deliberately miss the skill check if I didn't actually get tunneled. I only stabbed the killer once in every 6-7 matches.
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You're fine. We're on the same page.
It was just confusing, but I get you now. See, it's not that survivors deserve the second chance when the killer is snowballing, it's that you can't just....NOT hit your DS. Hit your DS, continue the chase, if the killer is doing that well, then catching you wouldn't be an issue. But it at least gives a fairer chance for survivors to do something other than just hang on a hook for 2 minutes.
And you're talking about Unnerving Presence. Smaller Skillchecks.
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Can you please reread your own scenario and tell me the basic counterplay to this strategy that doesn't require perks in any way? I would love that, thanks. It's pretty obvious, and is the exact same year that people that dont run DS use. If you cannot think of it, let me know and I will tell you.
And no, just because you got hooked twice in a minute doesn't mean you got tunelled. If you get farmed, that's in your teammate. If the killer goes back to the hook and find no-one but you, that's on your teammate. Or you, if you Kobe'd. And if you are actually getting hard tunelled? Yeah, DS should be a thing. One of the best suggestions so far is having it last 20 seconds that doesn't go down in a chase or while slugged, and the perk deactivates when you perform an action that isnt healing or vaulting. Unhook someone? DS is gone. Touch a gen? DS is gone. If you could perform these actions, you weren't getting tunelled. Clearly.
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Seems to me you just want a "GOTCHA" moment.
But it's not happening.
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But it isn't just for tunnelling. Where on the decisive strike description does it state it is only to be used when being tunnelled? Where does it even mention tunnelling? It doesn't. It is wording used by people who play the game even though it is quite clear in the description it is active for 1 minute, everyone is aware it is 1minute and yet killers can't seem to stop themselves going for those survivors who have it activated.
Survivor C should just leave A on the hook until B goes on it? What if the killer just drops B under a hook and waits? What if A is about to go to struggling? I gave you a really simple scenario in that Survivor A would get DS deactivated because the killer hooked someone 2 seconds after A got unhooked allow9jg the killer to go right for the tunnelling and you have not denied that is how you would want it to work.
Touch a gen and it deactivated even if you're just passing it and want to stop it progressing...
Or you could just avoid going after the same person when they have been unhooked? Or hit them and force someone to come and heal them off the floor whilst you deal with other survivors.
I have never camped a survivor in this game, I have also never intentionally tunnelled a survivor, I am fine with downing someone who has just been unhooked if they get in my wah but I'll leave them to get healed off the floor.
Like I said earlier it is either when survivors are dressed the same that I get hit by DS or if I am not fully paying attention and in those scenarios when I do get hit by it, I stop the chase and go for someone else. I'm not looking to ruin someone's experience in a game. I don't need to win at any cost.
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Unnerving doesn't effect DS any more. Overcharge has the same skill check as DS. I honestly wish DS didn't have a skill check, I've had so many games where someone tried to locker DS me and missed, thereby rage quitting.
And sure, I get the whole 'snowball' argument, Unbreakable is a pain but it's not broken by any means. The problem is that people run DS, hook bomb, get 1 DS off and suddenly all the killers map pressure gone because everyone scattered. I know that you cannot change DS without getting rid of the hook bomb potential, but all the killer has to do is confuse 2 blendettes...
DS is complicated, not because of how people can use it but because of what it does to the game in general. Maybe that's why I hate it so much: I go out of my way to avoid people that just got unhooked, to the point of wasting my time looking for the unhooker AND FAILING, and still get DS'd by that same person because they 59 seconded me after their second hook. If I get punished for playing nice, why play nice? Well, because I have empathy and I hate getting farmed by my teammate, too. But if I didn't care...
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I don't need to read your post again. You resorted to making sad little threats and when someone points that out you try to spin it on them. I'll just ignore you, the same way I would anyone who tries to make ######### threats - especially when it is a text based threat on a forum.
Have a good sleep tough guy.
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You are absolutely right.
Hence, the creation of this thread.
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I'm just waiting for you to move the goal posts further. You never even adressed my point and told me i need proof that more than 1 ds can be in a game. Which i did, you ignored and then said i was trying to make the conversation about adrenaline being op. Really not much else to say to someone who BTFO's themselves that hard
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The developers themselves have stated that DS exists only to prevent tunelling, and that if it continues to be abused they will look at it once more. Unfortunately, they consider making 2 changes to the same thing in under a year to be 'making knee-jerk decisions.' I am personally shocked that they reverted the Oni nerf, and disheartened that they overbuffed Doctor because by doing so they are reinforcing their own terrible policy.
And you are close: the correct play is to have never been in that situation in the first place. But, if someone is on the hook and the killer downs someone close to them, you should either bum rush the unhook (if there is safety to be had for one of the hooked persons) or leave and do gens. Hook states take 60 seconds to transition, that's plenty of time to patiently plan your next move. The downed person, if they are not put on a hoo,k, should just crawl away and force the killer to make a decision as to whom they should pressure. If you have a decent 4th teammate then you can do the unhook tech, that's a real sneaky one that most people overlook: Force the killer to smack you, and while they are in cooldown the last survivor comes in, yoinks the teammate off the hook, and bodyblock, leaving plenty of time to unhook the other hooked person (or pick them up from the ground) while one of the 3 injured people is getting chased. Once again, however, I cannot overstate the fact that it's the survivors fault for being in that situation in the first place. Very, very occasionally it won't be, but you cannot balance on minority situations. It makes no sense.
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Leave them on the floor or slap on make your choice and go b*tch slap the other guy
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The hag was me, I posted it here a while back.
Apart from the 3rd one I'd lost track of who I'd hooked recently, there was a few hooks in succession near the end. Can't win em all 😅
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BigBrainMegMain is trolling this thread hard, and you're falling for it.
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Survivor mains are immune to common sense. Doesn’t matter what you say now they always come up with something stupid.
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I can vouch for this. I refuse to run DS especially because I'm not confident in actually hitting the skill check all the time.
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This is you accepting loss and trying to derail the topic.
Please stick to the topic, try to contribute instead of smearing me.