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Grenade Launcher challenge bugged

Chaubin Member Posts: 16

Platform: PS4


1) play huntress

2) get a least two fully charged hits with huntresses hatchets

3) challenge doesnt complete

In my last game I downed one survivor using only hatchets and also hit several others with hatchets.

The challenge says "Hit 2 Survivor(s) with a charged hit of the Huntresses Hatchets.

-complete in a single trial"

Unless they meant hit two survivors with the *same* hatchet, I should have completed this twice.

9 votes

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  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 962

    I play on PC and have the same issue.

  • Megacharzardx24
    Megacharzardx24 Member Posts: 3

    i play on Xbox and have the same issue i think this is happening on all platforms

    also you can't hit multiple survivors with one hatchet so its probably bugged

  • Pound0fFlesh
    Pound0fFlesh Member Posts: 10

    Can confirm bugged on PC as well.

  • Effrafax
    Effrafax Member Posts: 32

    Same issue (also on PC).

  • Chaubin
    Chaubin Member Posts: 16

    Figure out the "bug" with the help of a friend. You have to wind up the hatchets until you hear a "schwing" noise, then hit someone. You dont have to hit two at once, just two after the noise.

  • X_predator
    X_predator Member Posts: 1

    Same issue , PC

  • OfBloodNDarkness
    OfBloodNDarkness Member Posts: 1

    On ps4 did it twice : still doesn't work

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    It's not buggued. You have to charge the hatchet to its maximum(until you hear the *plim* sound), and then hit them. I completed this challenge without any problems.

  • Hecks
    Hecks Member Posts: 1

    I thought it was bugged at first too... but a "charged hit" is considered a hit done by a hatchet that is completely charged- meaning that you need to hear the little ping sound effect... you usually hear the sound effect around 3 seconds after you press M2 (your secondary action button), so it takes a while. Make sure you have a clear shot and are confident you can hit it, since it takes a while to charge up your hatchet completely.(:

  • KiliHD
    KiliHD Member Posts: 52

    I achivet it. Have you really FULLY charged?

  • BigBoss2030
    BigBoss2030 Member Posts: 1

    On ps4 and can confirm it is bugged, even after the "shwing" sound. Also, it is now affecting the "Bullseye" challenge, same problem.

  • pinillation96
    pinillation96 Member Posts: 1

    I've tried it and it won't work for me either, pc xbox platform