Oni Randomly turning or being spun around after a demon strike

bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,253

While playing as The Oni I was experiencing random turn amounts at the end of the demon strike such as after I hit a survivor it might do a 180 degree turn while still in the animation without any input. It is very disorienting

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  • dahbunneh07
    dahbunneh07 Member Posts: 2

    Confirmed here as well. After demon striking and missing (potentially only missing since I missed a ton and saw this happen a lot), the camera would spin some direction. It was very disorienting so I couldn't pinpoint if it was towards or away from the survivor I was trying to hit. Threw me off so bad I don't want to play Oni until it's fixed.

  • bLoodSLoth97
    bLoodSLoth97 Member Posts: 29

    I have been experiencing the same problem over here. When I would miss the demon strike my camera would flip to a random direction away from the survivor. Another problem I've had is when charging the attack, it would reset the animation causing me to have to charge in again. I play on PC and have been having this problem regardless of the perks I am running. I am currently running Sloppy, Ruin, BBQ, and Whispers.