Who is the most broken killer in your opinon



  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Billy. Because of his false saws.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Deathslinger is balanced because of how small and precise the hitbox is. That, and they spawn randomly on the screen... which can make you miss even though you aimed precisely at them.

    Spirit is not broken. You can loop against her, just not like most killers. She requires prediction and counterprediction. You can watch Tru3Talent or Monto go against them and win as a solo survivor. It is not really that hard mechanically.

    The only thing I can see in common about these two are that they require different mindsets when facing them, similar to Oni when he is enraged. I am both surprised and not that Nurse is not on here. On the one hand, she bypasses survivor defenses, and on the other, she is pure masochism to play, so nobody does.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    Myers with strong addons is broken AF

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    edited May 2020

    Spirit because you have not really counterplay when she "phase".. you can only make a gamble and go left/right and hope that spirit goes to the wrongway.

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    They nerfed the nurse the oni is the real one that's broken

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    The clown is actually more harder than you think if the right person is playing him cause if he even thinks your over there he will hurl a poison jar right there to you and you cant move fast or juke but still so abt huntress it is broken only when she got buffs but after that everybody hit absolutely nothing with the hatchet but still hit with a perk that downs you instantly

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    But one thing is that noed PERK is so busted n.o.e.d. (no one escapes death)

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    Pig has no indication of which traps are going to work. She just knows the location of traps and it is completely luck based and RNG as to which box you’re going to get the trap off. You could get it off first box or get it off last box. The pig has no indicator of which box a survivor will be able to remove their box at. And even then that is not such a strong affect

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    I've lost the pig and then I try to get the trap off and she just keeps coming back

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    None of them, because none of them are broken mechanics wise.

    All of them require a decent amount of skill to play effectively and they all have powers that has drawbacks to them using it.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Im not sure what op means by broken, but if meant mechanically then nurse. Way to many bugs. If over powered I dont think any of them are over powered personally. Most of them are underpowered

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Shes tracking you, she does not know which box has your key

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    If there's one Killer I generally have problems with it's usually insta-saw Hillbilly. Yes im aware his saw is not as fast as it used to be but in general I usually have trouble with them. Mostly because every goddamned one of them runs Infectious Fright and no one on my goddamned team seems to comprehend this fact and are all dropped in less than three minutes.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    There are add-ons that are powerful, but I'm talking about basekit for all the killers.

    Add-ons are meant to make the Killer more powerful, so aside from a few add-ons, I think they're all fine

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    And also the hillbilly can just stalk and when your working on a gen he can use insta saw and come out of nowhere and down you maybe it depends on if he hits you but spine chill or premonition wont help

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    I agree but I would jump on, and say legion's add ons are pretty op

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    None of Legion's add-ons makes it easier for him to get downs or end chases faster. They're not OP. They make some things more annoying and hinder the survivors in some way like making them Broken for 60 seconds, but they are not by all means OP.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Nurse because she's bugged to hell.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    lol this is an adorable post if you're genuinely this out of touch.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Did you ever try to play as them or against them? I have a feeling it is no. If you did you would not call them broken.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    How is Oni broken? He has to chase and hit survivors to get his power, and he has the weakest early game potential of any killer (except a bad nurse or deathslinger).

  • TheOneTrueTristan
    TheOneTrueTristan Member Posts: 85

    Bruh Spirit is LITERALLY in pieces. Like, that chick is the definition of broke.

    Though I don't know how many gigs Clown gets nowadays. He might be more broke than her.

    I say it's a tie.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    I find Deathslinger potentially broken at the moment.

    If he spears you there is nothing you can do to avoid the hit. The only times I don't get hit are 1) I get lucky he spears me at a bad spot and there is something in the way to break the chain, or 2) another player body blocks, neither of which are in your control as survivor.

    "BuT hUnTrEsS hAtChEtS jUsT dAmAgE yOu It'S tHe SaMe ThInG"

    No it isn't. Huntress hatchets do not PULL YOU OUT OF POSITION. They also cannot be thrown through the tiniest cracks in walls. They ALSO cannot be thrown instantly even with both Babushka and Braid. They ALSO require her to break chase to reload. They ALSO don't work with Exposed or literally any "basic attack" text like STBFL.

    It's just excessively lame to get shot by Deathslinger and there is nothing you can do about it. And at some loops, you will get shot and there is no avoiding it unless the guy has bad aim, which is again outside your control (relying on your opponent to mess up is bad design). It feels very much like old Legion where the chase is very scripted. It's dumb.

    I'm all for buffing Deathslinger IF they make it so that you have more control when you get speared so that there's stuff you can do to avoid getting hit in all but the absolute worst positions.

    Also his terror radius is completely #########. They say it's 24m, more like 16m and when every Deathslinger uses M&A it's basically 8m. Him, Doc, and Oni need BHVR's audio engineer to re-evaluate the decibels of their TR at max range. They all seem to have -6m because of their custom TR music and it's only going to become a bigger problem moving forward. Demo too but his isn't as bad. Myers is fine.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    He only got to hit them once to start getting blood orbs, and if you forgot blood rage is not fun to deal with. Plus even if you say that it's just blood orbs he cant track him you can see the blood orbs they highlight it.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    I'm a 6000 hour DBD player. I've played a TON of him and he's way excessively easily, since his power is broken on half of the loops in the game. I've also played against him many, many times, and as a 6000 hour legacy player, I can confirm he is barely, in any way, counterable on half of the loops.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, a 6000 hour player can describe why he is broken, not just that he is. If you have the experience, then you should demonstrate this, not just claim that you have it and say that is the one and only truth.

    Why do I say Deathslinger isnt that strong?

    Most loops have high walls, making his ability nearly worthless. On top of that, a lot of the low wall loops have hidden hitboxes, making them unreliable as well. Not to mention there are times where the spear goes through the models because of latency. He is also weaker because of how many pure slowdowns there are built into his character:

    1. Aim Down Sights. (slows movement speed and aim speed)
    2. Shooting. (slows movement speed and aim speed)
    3. Reeling in. (Slows movement speed)
    4. Breaking the chain (5 second stun)
    5. Missing a shot (Slows movement speed and aim speed)
    6. Reloading (Slows movement speed)
    7. Has a slower movement speed than most, and his power does not make up for it.

    All of these make him weaker. That, plus he has no map pressure element to his kit, and is reliant on his gun.

  • Aeon
    Aeon Member Posts: 41

    Considering the sheer amount of Huntress I'm running into in red ranks, I'd say Clown.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "Aim Down Sights. (slows movement speed and aim speed)/Shooting. (slows movement speed and aim speed)"

    Why are you hard aiming with Deathslinger? Just pop shot. No slow down, all the benefits. Click BOOM speared. Have you not played COD?

    "Reeling in. (Slows movement speed)"

    Except that you can't move to take advantage of this LOL. He pulls you with him. Out of position and away from the loop to make a follow up easy.

    "Breaking the chain (5 second stun)"

    Except this doesn't happen unless he wants it to happen. At majority of the loops in the game, if he spears you he is gonna get the hit. And if you were healthy, this is good for him because he doesn't need to hit you which expands his options in other places to get you injured.

    "Missing a shot (Slows movement speed and aim speed)"

    As survivor there is little to no way to make him miss his shot. The only way he misses is if he sucks, which is completely beyond your control as a survivor.

    "Reloading (Slows movement speed)"

    Barely. And with stacked add-ons he might as well be given a machine gun.

    "Has a slower movement speed than most, and his power does not make up for it."

    Dude it totally does. First his TR is deceptively small. They say it's 24m but with the custom music and changes in volume at the same range compared to a normal heartbeat, it's basically a 16m TR. Throw on M&A and he can get PLENTY close to you before you know it. Also again, when he spears you he can pull you out of position negating the slower movement speed. And he can use his power at almost any loop to guarantee a hit without having to actually do the loop. He just pop shots you as he turns the corner, pulls you far away from the loop, hits you, now you either have to run to the same loop where he will just do the same thing or take the chance running to another tile, which he will likely spear you before you get there ESPECIALLY if he has reload add-ons.

    Like, bro, do you play survivor against this guy? If you did you'd see how little you can actually do in a chase against him. It's very much an old Legion feel where there's just this timer on the chase and you are basically just some NPC bot because you can't do anything to get away from him or extended the chase.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    On console, you cannot quickscope like you can on PC. And I am not talking in terms of Quickscoping. I talk about all slowdowns, and the fact that each of these do that.

    Survivors can move to the left or right and put objects in between them and the killer. Even if you move backwards in some cases.

    This can happen very quickly if the above situation happens, or if survivors abuse the hitboxes of objects.

    Yes there is. You can make them miss shots a lot. The hitbox is very small.

    The TR means nothing if people are using their eyes. Most people notice me coming regardless, and I notice them coming if I am a survivor in this case.

    Maybe this is from my experience on console (Xbox specifically), which is very different to PC, but he is not nearly as strong as people say he is. It is the same case with Nurse, Spirit, and Huntress.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    The most broken killer is obviously Spirit. She's in pieces for crying out loud.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Plague is obviously the most Broken Killer.

    She's constantly applying that status effect to Survivors by maxing out their infection.

    If she doesn't have maximum infection herself, how could she spread it? And if she has maximum infection she must be Broken.

    Since she can't/won't use her Pools of Devotion to heal herself, she must always have the Broken status effect applied.

    Ergo she is the most Broken.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "On console, you cannot quickscope like you can on PC. And I am not talking in terms of Quickscoping. I talk about all slowdowns, and the fact that each of these do that."

    I'm on Xbox. You indeed can pop shot just fine. Every rank 1 Deathslinger I face will popshot. They don't sit there hard aiming unless it's a distance and the survivor is doing something where they can't move like unhooking or repairing.

    "Survivors can move to the left or right and put objects in between them and the killer. Even if you move backwards in some cases."

    There are no object you can wiggle to that will stop the hit. All Deathslinger has to do is walk backwards and pull you away from objects. You are seriously overestimating the ability of a survivor to control their movement when speared.

    "Yes there is. You can make them miss shots a lot. The hitbox is very small."

    I rarely see a rank 1 Deathslinger miss a shot. Only when you are running through corn is there a good chance he will miss.

    "The TR means nothing if people are using their eyes. Most people notice me coming regardless, and I notice them coming if I am a survivor in this case."

    Can't do this if the gen is inside a building or jungle gym. And if it's not that's actually even worse with the amount of dead space where you have to avoid getting shot. LOS works both ways and if Deathslinger has LOS on you that's generally a bad thing.

    "Maybe this is from my experience on console (Xbox specifically), which is very different to PC, but he is not nearly as strong as people say he is. It is the same case with Nurse, Spirit, and Huntress."

    I'm on Xbox. You obviously haven't played against good Deathslingers, or Nurse or Huntress. Play against someone that put time into these characters and they are definitely just as good as they are on PC. Nurse and Huntress are notoriously more difficult which turns off a lot of people and therefore there are way less people that are good with them on Xbox. But they exist. I was a very solid Huntress for a time but I haven't played her much since Spirit came out. I'm also a very solid Nurse but again I don't play her all the time so my skills are rusty. If I could I'd give you the name of one of the top Xbox Nurse players and have you 1v1 him, I guarantee you will last all of 10 seconds in a chase with him.

    Deathslinger is nowhere near as difficult as Nurse or Huntress to learn. If you play COD you can play Deathslinger. He can pop shot which is very easy to learn. Anyone with decent aim will be a good Deathslinger even on Xbox. Unlike Huntress there is little learning you need to do for his power. The smaller hitbox works in his favor since it means you won't hit air boxes as much as with Huntress, and again pop shots, where for Huntress you need to learn wind up time. You also need to learn when the best times to reload are, how to track survivors (which is harder because of lullaby), and how to conserve hatchets. Deathslinger doesn't require any of that. He can reload at any time very quickly, he has a smaller TR (with bonus small size due to custom music) which makes it easy to sneak up on survivors, and he doesn't need to conserve shots because he has infinite reloads.

    I know some of the BEST survivors on Xbox and most of them agree Deathslinger is busted. These are survivors that can run a killer for 5 gens consistently at rank 1. I doubt you have played against actual good Deathslingers because if you did you'd see everything about what I'm talking about.

  • Ghosty123
    Ghosty123 Member Posts: 23

    Bigbucks76 your grammar and spelling is terrible enough to be a 10 year old never mind a 12 year old

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    Dude shut up! If you are not talking about the topic I dont want to hear it

  • bigbucks76
    bigbucks76 Member Posts: 64

    I get that you said that it is easier for YOU (probably because your a legacy 6000 hour player)

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't think any Killers are broken, however Huntress' hatchet hitbox =

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Oni is just an M1 killer with no power except for a small tracking ablity, when he is outside of his power. He has to waste time getting his power, that's what makes him balanced.

    Also, he still has counterplay while his power is active, loops still work against him, just less than any other killer, which needs to be the case since he also has to spend time with almost no power at all. I actually enjoy going against him because things get scary whenever he activates his power.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Clown. Not in terms of strength, but I mean in actual functionality his bottles are incredibly buggy and hardly work half the time.

    In terms of strength no killer is broken IMO, you just have some stronger then others who have high skill caps.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Huntress hitboxes are a joke.

    Spirit (no skill required), just tracking ability.

    Freddy (no skill required) Spamming snares, bloodlusting, teleporting, 5ft lunge. Most boring and annoying killer in the history of video games.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    strong? yes, overpowered? no.

    Huntress is basically a stronger Deathslinger. If you know how to aim with deathslinger, by the time you reel 1 person in, you could have downed someone with 2 hatchets instead.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Huntress and trash? Huntress has been S Tier since her release and only after the tinkerer nerf has she turned A tier. She is still top 3 strongest killers in the game.

    People who play huntress can be trash, but huntress is arguably the second strongest killer in the game.

  • The_architect
    The_architect Member Posts: 120

    It would have to be oni, spirit, or ghost face (kinda)

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, broken killers are killers that have a relatively low skillcap and are still stronger than killers with an incredibly high skill cap. Huntress has a very high skill cap and the higher your skill is as a huntress, the more unbeatable you get(the only issue I have with huntress is having practically half the cooldown between hatchets than between m1's). But a baby huntress will pretty much lose the game without getting any kill at all.

    Spirit is a broken killer, cus her skillcap is incredibly low, very easy to master and still challenges Freddy and Huntress for top tier. A baby spirit can get a 1k easily and a skilled spirit can easily get 4k's every other match. I have 20 hours on Spirit and am more effective at getting 4k's than a 500 hour Huntress.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Most broken killers? Freddy and Spirit by far. All other killers are fairly balanced and can be countered, and if you cant counter a specific killer, then its pretty much because they are more skilled at that killer than you are at playing survivor.

    Spirit and Freddy are the odd ones out, where with practically 0 skill, you can still win against high skilled survivors as the only way to counter them is to do everything you shouldnt normally do as a survivor.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Spirit is not broken lol. She has a massive skillcap and is not even close too easy too learn. she takes many hours in order too master her.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    20 hours of Spirit, getting 4k's against red ranks with relative ease. Dont even have Stridor yet to make her even easier. Yes, she is broken. The hardest part is dealing with survivors going invisible while you do, but once you learn to ignore that and just go for sounds, which only takes 2-3 games at most, she's extremely easy.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    No one really. If i had to pick one, its Nurse, as she breaks the most mechanics (she was broken before the nerf though). But i've grown to like those gamebreaking killers, they're more fun to verse than M1 killers.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    'Broken' as in OP or 'Broken' as in they function differently to how they should (if that makes sense).

    OP kind of broken wise, not any.

    The other kind of broken, Huntress with the hitboxes and Nurse with the bugs.