Against the rules?

So theres two chicks that I run into every so often. They were nice to me a few games and so i started being nice to them and thats turned into everytime i see them and Im killer I let them farm off me. This happens maybe once a month and we just goof around. They hit me with pallets, i slap them, we dance, goofy things.
Well tonight there was a Karen in the lobby. USUALLY people figure out whats going on and I let them farm off me too, but this person was not happy, she dc'd, recorded it and sent the vid off to bhvr. Im assuming shes not lying about that, so what's the deal? Is that against the rules?
Also, even if it is, laugh at the Karen
It's only against the rules if it is being used to grief them (knock them down, survivor picks them up, you knock them down again; that kind of thing).
Basically if you are forcing them to participate in your farming and taking them hostage to do it is when it is against the rules
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One of the girls sandbagged her and i downed her, but then she immediately dc'd. I wouldnt have stopped her from doing gens and leaving 🤷♂️
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That's a bannable offense named "working/teaming with the killer".
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Alright so 1) Wouldnt i have to kill her for that rule to apply?
And 2) lets say it was against the rules, is it out right bannable or just a suspension?
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You most likely wont get banned over it. I was reported for teaming up with a myers to get my teammate killed a whileeee back when i was a rank 18 and i didnt get banned
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Honestly if i did get banned it would be a favor 😂
I just feel like it wasnt "teaming up" like that since i wasnt going to kill her 🤷♂️
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Then yes, it is bannable (you probably won't get banned assuming it's the first time you're doing it and that she actually reports it) and no, I will not "laugh at the Karen" because you were being a jerk.
Some of us don't have a ton of free time so having a game ruined by a survivor and a killer working together instead of getting to play the game as intended is super irksome.
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I was being a jerk for giving her free points? Ok karen 😂😂😂😂😂
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If the clip shows obvious teaming between you and a survivor and also covers all important details (killer and survivor gametags) expect a mild temporary ban IF said "Karen" really spends her time reporting you with a ticket, video evidence and match subscription.
Most people don't submit a ticket and only use the in-game report which does absolutely nothing, though - so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
The worst thing you can do when you meet survivors you like is take advantage when a they decide to sandbag another survivor for you as it can meet the requirement for "teaming with the killer". If you want to farm and goof around just do so while ignoring those that don't want to participate.
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You were being a jerk for working together with a survivor and not playing the game. If people being upset by you wasting their time makes them a Karen, then so be it.
But I can see this will be a super constructive and good conversation already so feel free to smugly declare yourself the winner of the argument while I abandon thread.
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Fair enough. It is what it is.
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Nah, she could have just done gens and left. Or she could have dc'd. Her going to the manager because people were having fun is what makes her a Karen. There was nothing "jerky" about what we were doing from my pov. If its against the rules its against the rules. Just seems stupid to me that people take the game THAT seriously.
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You're on Xbox. You won't get banned.
Unless you're legit hacking or something like that Microsoft won't do anything. I've also never seen someone outright banned on a single game, but who knows.
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She said she was sending the vid to bhvr, she messaged one of the girls immediately and messaged me 20 mins later, so Im just assuming shes not bsing about sending it in. Idk, its whatever. Someone else just posted a thread that to me seems like ACTUAL teaming with the killer.
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I try to be very careful about that stuff, because it's a precarious slippery slope of what might be considered "working with the killer"/griefing. I remember a match where two of the survivors were memeing and stuff, so I was friendly with them, but when they started trying to sell out the other two survivors I smacked them to the ground, not to be mean, but to try to prevent them from getting any of us in trouble. I worked hard to show the other two survivors I was friendly, and I would only ever do anything like hit them or hook them if they initiated it. Best to be safe.
I've also had survivors who were farming with me let one of the others who was participating die on the hook (to be funny, I guess?), so I also killed them in return, because 1. that's not cool, and 2. it can't look like I'm griefing or playing favorites.
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Platform doesn't matter. I reported people on XBOX myself who were working together (and recorded themselves doing so) and they got banned a few days after I submitted a ticket (which I saw as a screenshot on their page as they didn't set their profiles on private).
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Yeah i agree thats messed up. I guess from her pov maybe she thought I was going to kill her, I can see why that might be frustrating. But 4 gens were done and we'd been messing around the whole time so idk maybe she missed it
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Like I said, I've never seen anyone banned from one game.
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I can't imagine reporting a killer for not trying to kill me and just having a laid back round. I go in as Ghostface all the time and just hop around the map letting the survivors farm with me if they want. Sometimes after playing survivor and having multiple matches against campers and moris just want to play some laid back matches for points.
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Yeah i thought I saw somewhere in another thread that you get suspended a few times in increasing lengths before out right banned?
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Thats what Im saying! Look I totally get sometimes people just want to play the game, thats fair, but we were just messing around she could have broke free from my grasp and went back to the gen if she wanted 🤷♂️
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I always let them break free - helps them understand I'm just messing around. Usually ones that want to farm will go stand under a hook for me to get some hooks in. Tbh I'm fine just slashing, chasing, marking. Hooks are bonus but not necessary. I'm getting more points anyway even without the hooks than I was as survivor being camped/mori'd. 😂
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How are you supposed to see it anyways? It happens. People do get banned on every platform. The only reason everyone seems to think reporting does nothing is the fact no one actually spends their time submitting a ticket with proper evidence and all that stuff the devs (obviously) need to actually ban someone. They can't just ban someone because a player hits that in-game report button afterall.
The people I reported with everything (ticket, video, subscription etc) were banned even before XBOX had dedicated servers. I'm not sure but about this but isn't it way more complicated to ban players without dedicated servers? Anyways the devs do take reports seriously regardless of one's platform as long as people take their time to submit a ticket with clips and everything.
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Sometimes I dress as santa claus with clown and do the same thing. Ive seen people dc before, rarely but it happens, this is the first time someone got mad
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Maybe i read her wrong but I took her to mean that if people were banned it wasnt the first report. Not that the devs wouldnt take rule breaking seriously. As in theres a pattern of them breaking tge rules.
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everyone should just chill and remember its just a game :)
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Only time I've had people DC is when I haven't used Ghostface and they DC because they don't like the killer so they would've DC no matter what. My go to is Ghostface because with the others people don't catch on as easily if at all. Not sure what it is about Ghostface, maybe it's the ability to teabag, but they catch on and trust I want to mess around pretty much immediately.
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your such a fukin margaret
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100% 😊
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Santa Clause they catch on pretty quick too. Wraith too if you follow them just slamming your bell 😂
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Margaret? Thats new, whats a Margaret? 😂
When I called her a Karen she called me a Blake 😂
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There's been a few times they've caught on when I'm the Doctor just shocking everyone or Mikey just stalking and not making move at tier 3. I tried going around oinking as the pig trying to get people to boop the snoot but everyone just runs away, 0 trust for the pig. 😂
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When I’m not my Claudette main I’m My doctor main and like shocking them at the gates😀.
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Yes! I tried that with the pig, they dont get it with her 😂
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I do that too 😂
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I don't know why but I get more enjoyment from shocking people than hitting them as the Doctor. It's like when I'm the Trapper I just enjoy catching them in the traps. They can free themselves, I don't care, I'm just happy they walked into them. 😂
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I do know someone who did this on PC and got banned.
But I don't think you have anything to worry about.
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your a Margaret, old boring
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You'd think the repetitive oinking and making no move to injure/chase would be a big enough hint to boop. I die trying to boop pig snoots when I'm survivor, I wish I'd get ones freely offering up the boop. 😂
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Ill let everyone know if I do. Then we'll know for sure
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I started thinking that maybe they couldnt hear the oinking? Ive never been surv in that situation so idk.
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They can hear the oinking. I've been lucky to boop 2 snoots and they did the oinking after the boop and whenever they came back around to check on me if I was working a gen. 😂
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Ha fair enough 😂 good to know
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Sometimes I wish we could line up both survivors and killers and start smacking like a piñata😀.
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Ha, killers already get to do that
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Idk =p but in the future destroy the other people and farm with just Your friends so they don’t have to farm they can just move on that’s what I’d do btw what’s a Karen.
dh is your friend mori them I would
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Unless you only farm with certain people and kill other ones idc. If you weren't going to kill Karen then there shouldn't be an issue.
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Fair point, I just figured if im throwing a game might as well let them all have fun and get free bps.
A Karen is an internet meme. Shes the person at tge store that wants to speak to your manager because you wouldnt honor the 30 expired coupons she has for a different store.
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To be honest I don’t farm however I do team and by team I mean the worst player in the lobby who has no place in my lobby the rank 10-20 people they get slugged and I use them as a pawn in my game lol only way they can stop it is to dc after I destroy the team I’ll let them do a gen and drop a few pallets on me and let them get out as a thank you lol
id rather do this then tunnel
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Interesting strategy 🤔 I dig it