What do you find more annoying?

3 Blendettes evading around the map for 5 hours while you struggle to find them or Toxic Nea and Feng Min tbagging and pointing while looping you for 5 gens.
Taking the game hostage sounds worse. I've actually had some scenarios in which two Claudettes hide and refuse to touch a gen when the rest of the team is gone. Makes me want to slug them and let them bleed to death, but I don't have time for that #########.
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Actually, i find tbagging worse. Because tbagging was introduced as a way to insult and humiliate beaten opponents, and is very disrespectful. And most teabaggers do it to insult. 3 Blendettes just play the only way they know. There is clearly a different intent (if they dont do it just to be toxic)
3 Blendettes can be countered with a) perks like whispers, b) killer addons like all-seeing, and c) grafic filters if you use certain grafic cards.
IF i had the choice beforehand, i wouldnt want to play with toxic players at all.
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The blendettes! 100%
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When Freddy spamming snares trying to bloodlust you.
And no skill boosted t-baggers.
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I don't mind getting looped but I do mind when someone takes my game hostage.
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As a Claudette main and a doctor main I get people have grudges against Claudette users.But Let’s be real here there are plenty of other people that are toxic and use other characters and but dance at the gates and etc.Let’s not go and point the finger at a single character Just because you don’t like her skin tone and say she’s hard to see that’s just how they made her look and or people who play as her in general not all Claudettes are toxic bush loving Blendettes. I’ve seen plenty of selfish megs Dwights Fengs lauries and so on.
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i definitely hates the toxic neas a lot more
at one point or another i will find the blendettes and skin them alive so even if its annoying i dont rly mind
but there are ppl who play the game as a way to be toxic in group and thats just scummy
all 4 are extremelly good at looping and only 1 of them will ever touch a generator. that way the game will be extremelly slow and everybody will depip, making sure they stay in green-purple rank.
I had a couple games like that. makes u wonder about playing this game at all
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5 hours?
I would have dc’d. #notsorry
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Looking around bushes and behind rocks to find a Blend is the most boring thing for me as killer. I'll take 4 cocky god-tier players any day.
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The blendettes.
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Definitely gotta say looping. Nothing is more frustrating then getting triggered by someone looping and teabagging. I love blendettes it's funny when they think there're hiding and you find one just crouching not moving. It's hilarious. Plus if you hook one you know another one has to come to the rescue.
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Three Blendettes, no contest. Teabagging and pointing doesn't actually pointlessly waste my time.
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The blendettes that are actually really good at hiding, they waste so much time.
At least with other, they can actually loop you and play efficiently(play good) , eventually the game is coming to an end
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The blendette at that point why play the game if you literally aren’t playing the game
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"5 hours"
This isn't even a contest then, the Claudettes.
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If you got looped for 5 gens, you should be annoyed at the killer for being so dumb. If I can't down them quickly, I peel off to a nearby gen being worked on. That said, it's usually a David King or Meg who I have pointing at me on the other side of a pallet.
I guess Blendette wins by default?
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Easily the Blendettes. At least Nea and Feng will end your suffering sooner, even if they do wait until the final moments of the EGC to leave.