Get rid of nurse blink recharges
Now that we got pyramid head I think nurse should get some attention too,since everyone can relate nurse to Silent Hill.
I think the nurse was nerfed enough already,she was clearly too op when she had 3 blinks and no charge time to her blinks.But considering most of her addons are pretty weak now,her having 2 blinks and no charge time like she used to be would make a lot of players play her more or even return to nurse.When I play survivor she is the killer I encounter the least amount of times and i'm not surprised of it.Its really annoying and frustrating having to wait for her blinks to recharge,and sometimes blink a second too fast just to see your second blink was not ready.Or get dedicated,showing both blinks ready but because of the lag you can only use the first one.This one single change will make nurse so much more playable.
i agree. atleast make the recharge time faster or if you only have 1 blink the 2nd still charges.. one bad thing i know are the hitboxes on her.. 50 percent of the time they dont hit
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Yeah nurse needs some love now,she has been abandoned by most of the playerbase,hope not by BHVR as well.I see more Bubas than nurses which is something.
Post edited by Dzeikor on7 -
The reason you don't see many Nurse's now is more because many players relied on Omega Blink or liked to abuse it. Now with that gone, many stopped playing her. Yes with the recharging it is more difficult than before and Nurse has more counterplay now, but she is still very strong in the right hands. I have faced God like Nurses who decimate everyone even against really good Survivors.
Most Nurse players just didn't want to invest time in learning her again. It's like with those kids you stole their favourite toy from. I have seen Streamers reacting like that when she got changed. They did not even try to learn.
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^ basically this.
If you were able to use Omegablink or slap on multiple Blinks, it helped a lot. This is not possible anymore (or at least with a bigger downside), so players who relied on Add Ons dont play Nurse anymore.
The only thing that NEEDS fixing (and it is a really strong NEEDS, like, it should 100% happen) is the fixing of her Bugs. As long as her Bugs are not fixed, nobody can really do any statements regarding her Balance, because you cannot really apply this to a broken character.
Besides that, using the Silent Hill Chapter to justify a Nurse Buff is... questionable.
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They should've just added recharge to ONLY omegablink, then she'd have been fine.
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I wanna see if she'd be viable without these bugs. I think she'd be more played, and if she wasn't, they could always rework her again.
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Exactly my thought. Of course people dont want to play her when there is an arsenal of Bugs happening. I imagine someone picking up Nurse again and in the first game they play, they get the Bug where the second Blink is temporarily disabled. This person will probably not like to pick up Nurse again anytime soon.
If Nurse is in a fixed state, it would be way easier to judge if she is too strong/too weak/whatever.
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Don’t you get an audio queue when each blink has recharged though? Honest question.
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Limiting her mobility was part of the nerf. They purposely wanted to make her weaker, not just harder. In my opinion the addon changes (except for the useless BP addons) were cool, but touching her basekit was a big mistake.
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"The reason you don't see many Nurse's now is more because many players relied on Omega Blink or liked to abuse it. Now with that gone, many stopped playing her." - @LapisInfernalis
I've never used the "Omega Blink." It requires addons which are burnt after the match ends and means I have to siphon Bloodpoints to restock her addons. Not for it. I rarely use addons for killers.
The Blink recharge should be removed outside of chases. It was implemented to give Survivors a chance to break line of sight during chases as a means of escaping a pretty much inescapable killer. It should only affect chases.
I stopped playing Nurse altogether because she has to either blink to get anywhere or crawl at a snail's pace, and the recharge turned that chore into a project.
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Yeah, I don't personally play her because of her bugs. I love challenging killers that can snowball easily (Hag, Oni and Myers are my favourite to play and they fit the criteria, although Myers is a bit on the easy side, but mindgaming with him is fun and difficult against good survivors), but when they're bugged, I can't play them and enjoy them as I usually would.
That's why I haven't made my opinion on her yet, and in tier lists, I just place her as a draw with Spirit. (Whether she's better or worse, I'll never know until they fix)
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Well, the devs ignored her bugs until now so i don't got high hopes.
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It's really fun cause for nurse they only need to remove the blink charge and change 2 or 3 addons for her to be totally viable and not broken.
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Yeah, her base was very balanced back then. She was equal to Spirit's base but they nerfed it.
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I agree 100%. This recharge mechanics is just annoying. It hardly changes Nurse's balance but makes you wait so much and so often that she becomes really annoying to play.
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My big fear was that they nerf spirits basekit too. Luckily they left her.
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Agreed. They should have tested that first..they flew off the handle with the change and ignored feedback even during the biggest disappointment in the team to this day
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They did nerf hers, but it hardly did anything, she wasn't worse if the player is good, they just made her have a higher skill cap by removing collisions. I probably would have left the game permanently if they did butcher her base and refused to buff her back (I used to be a diehard Spirit main before Oni).
1 - seen possibly the best nurse player in dbd who used her addonless like the legit good nurses did..say shes unfunny and destroyed by the changes..not everyone relied on omega blink nurse..messing with her base bot only made her harder but even weaker than her base self even with addons! Shes unrewarding now..almost every time you see a nurse now they lose..because she gives too much free downtime..its exactly why death slinger crumbles at high level play
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I mean, there was a Thread a few weeks ago where someone said that she feels better now. But apparently this is not true.
I think saying that they did not test it is as wrong as it can be.
Also PTB Feedback is not really valuable.
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Her bugs do suck but they arnt around 100 percent of the time..just remember nobody is calling for omega blink nor does anyone want it..some of us never relied on it to win..some of us just hate how she feels and realise shes a free win to anyone who knows nurse even remotely
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They weren't delicate with a delicate character..that's the worst mistake you can make..they had made the mistake before and had to revert for the ptb well..perceptions havent really changed..after we fact the push behind nurse is growing and rightly so, it's nice for people who dont play her sure..but they arnt all who matter in this case
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Even if the game balance of the PTB is generally ignored, Most of the bugs are generally speaking addressed.
Which didn't happen with the nurse as she went live with bugs that were reported repeatedly on the PTB.
So even by the low standards of PTB feedback being bug reports only they still ignored player feedback.
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Mhm, it used to be fun with her base only. Whenever I ran Omegablink (after a bad day of Spirit since I was learning her back when I used to main Nurse) it felt like a whole new LEVEL of power. Her base though, that felt balanced to me. If I messed up, they'd have extra gen times, it felt right.
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They could reduce the blink recharge to eliminate edge cases where a survivor can W for at least 20 seconds before you can catch up without add ons. I think removing the recharge altogether would be risky. There are players like myself who are consistently doing well without add ons with her nerfed kit. It would be wild to play her without a cooldown at this point.
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Yes but her ability to ignore survivors defenses is too OP.
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I've given up hope that the devs will revert the change or make her any better.
All I ask for now is that her powerbar work like Pyramid Heads. Why couldn't they do that with it? Then it wouldn't be such a nightmare like it is now.
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Noone wants old 2 Blink Nurse back. She was OP af. And dont say: No she was dine. All fine Nurse Mains played her addon-less and still 4ked with ease.
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Maybe if more than 5 people tried to run differently when facing her they might actually live longer.
An overwhelming majority of survivors never tried to do anything different than run around pallets. They still do, but now I get punished extra hard for missing or getting ######### over by the game with the numerous bugs so it's fine now. They don't have to change anything and can just loop her like any other killer.
Because that's so fun.
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Please no. Old nurse was extremely unfair. There was no real punishment for making mistakes, addons or otherwise. Miss? Spam away. Still gonna hit them quicker than any other killer. Nurse is still extremely unfair, but now she requires actual skill to play beyond basics. Does she need some love? Yes, her glitches make it almost impossible to play her. But the nurse nerf was justified, and barring glitches her strength is still there. You just have to be actually good to play her now, instead of spending a few matches learning the basics before spamming away.
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The bugs is why I stopped trying to learn her
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Nah, baby survivors cried for 2 years to nerf her. They wont touch her any time soon.
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Oh yeah i forgot about the collision nerf and the added vaultig animation. xD
But it did hardly anything, like you mentioned.
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They still didn't fixes more than a few deadzones. You're right btw, they did test it and were happy with how she got rekt. xD
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The spamming argument is flawed at its core. If you spam Huntress hatchets does that mean you get automatic value and reward out of them? No. It doesn't.
It's the same for blinking. If you do nothing but hold m2 and "spam" away you won't get anything done. You still need all the other skill components to get hits. Timing, distance, mind-games, trajectory, all of these were necessary to get hits. Just spamming doesn't give you anything.
But if we must keep a stupid powerbar for her all I ask is to either let it slowly charge while you're holding a blink so you don't get that annoying 99% "feature", or make it work like Pyramid Heads where it just drains from the total bar for each blink instead of having to charge each one discretely.
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While I personally disagree with the recharge mechanics of her blinks, I Iearned to adapt to it. I can see the balance arguments in favour of it, considering she is the strongest killer in the game.
Her bugs on the other hands, are really getting out of control. Its been 12 months now since dedicated servers were introduced, and 7 months since her rework. Both brought a multitude of gamebreaking bugs to her, and not a single one has been fixed (with the exception of the Spasmodic Breath addon bug, which benfitted the killer, and got fixed within a week).
And now in the PTB, where there is a weird vertical mouse movement sensitivity change, as well as a higher cap how much you can look up or down, she just keeps getting nerfed with every patch.
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Oh no, you mean that sensitivity that PH has isn't unique to him, but is intended for all killers?
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Your counterargument is flawed at its core: YOU CANNOT SPAM HUNTRESS HATCHETS AND THEY ARE WEAKER THAN BLINKS. Seriously, you get basekit 5 and they don't phase though walls or have a giant hitbox.
Nurse was extremely, extremely spammable. You didn't need the precise muscle memory and reflexes you now require, you just had to get in the general area and the survivor wouldn't have enough time to get away even if you whiffed. Spam city and they're down, no counter and no real gameplay. You can only juke a bad nurse consistently, and she could recover, learn and come at you again in 2.5 seconds. That is the definition of spammable. No mindgames, no skill, just eventually landing on you. And since it was old nurse, that "eventually" was about 30 seconds because all she had was blink fatigue.
But sure, just assume I was meaning that you never, ever, ever, ever hit m1 in the entire match. Pretend that more than a basic knowledge of timing and distance mattered. Pretend that the time put in to reaching her skill floor was more than a few hours. Pretend that Nurse couldn't spam her power and get you down because she recovered from her mistakes far too quickly.
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I tested it in teh PTB (after painfully going through 15min queuing times), its universal for everyone.
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Explain to me how you blink attack a survivor.
Go through the process and explain each component and the skill it requires and how all of it coalesces into a blink attack. Whether you can do them in rapid succession or not is not the question. You're arguing it took no skill and "eventually" you just get an attack. But that simply isn't true. You have to have the skill to land the attack as well as the availability to blink attack. Just using blinks over and over and over won't "eventually" just net you a magical hit. You still had to do everything else right.
@ABannedCat Damn that really sucks. I didn't have the patience to wait for a lobby to try and find the new bugs for Nurse. That's a big yikes indeed.
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I had this discussion in another thread. Orginally I thought she was fine. But I rechecked the numbers and do think the recharge is a bit harsh. I don't think they should get rid of it. But shave a half second off each blink would be a good spot I feel.
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The reason I'm not playing Nurse is she feels very buggy since her rework. Before the rework I was a good nurse, not a great nurse. Never used more than 2 blinks. After the rework now I'm an okay nurse. The recharge requires me to save one of my blinks when traversing the map because I don't want to find someone and be empty. Normally I have to use my blinks just to close distance then wait for recharge and blink again to try to land a hit. Survivors don't even try to juke her anymore. They just run in a straight line when they are first spotted because they know she can't catch up to them on the first set of blinks without range add ons. When I try to do a quick blink through an object there's a good chance I won't pass through it. Missing a blink feels very punishing. I know how to play as Nurse but I just don't have fun with it anymore. It feels like I'm fighting the game as well as 4 other people.
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Well said. It'd be one thing if the rework had been just a bad rework, but it was so damn buggy too.
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Ohh lol, don't bring killers hitboxes up please. They are already disgusting.
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I only play Nurse for the daily, so I don't know of bugs. But I always had a feeling that my hits didn't hit although I should have. I thought it was because I'm bad or because of lag.
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Hes always doing to ignore really
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I can totally understand.
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Well it's a Nurse thread discussing the rework. What else did you expect other than discourse about Nurse?
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The nurse is still the strongest killer in the hands of someone who has taken the time to learn how to play her. That's one of the coolest things about the nurse, IMO. If you run into a good one, you pretty much have to respect their hustle, even as they inevitably murder your face right off. She doesn't need to be 'more accessible'...she is special and her skill cap is part of the reason.
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Nurse is the strongest killer in the game
A nurse main with over 1k hours is borderline broken to go against, but sure, let's buff Nurse