Punish hook suicides



  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    This is a laughably ludicrous request to make. What, exactly, do you think survivors should do if they want to nope out of the match? Just afk for your amusement? You do realize that there are times when you quickly need to leave the match, due to life and its randomness? "Punish DC's, Punish Hook suicides, Punish afks..." I'll do you one better, how about we just punish survivors for existing on the map in the first place? Gimme a break. I'm a killer main, and I'm still laughing at the amount of bias here.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    If you want to leave the match, then you should be forced to accept a disconnect penalty. Hook suicides as they currently exist are a way to disconnect without the penalty. If you want to play Dead by Daylight, then PLAY DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. If you're just going to leave a match, why did you decide to play in the first place?

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited May 2020

    Precisely. If they're at least trying to play the objectives or at least attempting to make their way toward me, game on.

    But take a match I had yesterday on Dead Dawg. Killer was Huntress. Hey, no problem. Whatever killer is fine by me. But, I got downed and hooked fairly quickly. Again, no problem, I don't know the map, am just now starting to play Survivor side, I expect to have quick losses as I learn.

    But, what do I see? Three Survivors crouch-hiding at different parts of the map, none of them even near a generator and two not even near the killer. I sit on the hook for a good minute, and none of them move from crouch-hiding . . . not to move toward a Gen, not to move to unhook me.

    Okay. Cool. Suicide on first hook. Next game.

    @Rydog I agree with you, except in the above situations. At that point, my teammates aren't even giving me the ability to properly play a match. I'm not just going to try to work on Gens while they continue hiding and not moving, and get hooked and killed quickly anyway for no BP. Better to just move on.

    It would be like playing an Overwatch match where you have teammates that are just meme jumping off the map, or just emoting at the enemy without shooting back, or just running into the enemy without shooting, repeatedly, to feed the enemy Ultimate charge. They're unwinnable and unplayable matches, and I'm not wasting my time with such teammates. Next match.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    What if you want to try and de-hook yourself. I mean there are perks and offerings to increase luck. It's a legitimate strat to de-hook yourself and you want to punish people for doing that, playing the game? lol

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Sure, but just don't give up in the struggle phase for no apparent reason.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    That's what the Leave Button is for but you get a penalty.

    Killing yourself on hook is a way to practically leave without the penalty.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Survivors are definitely a team. They work together to get gens done, cleanse totems and save eachother. People will often get themselves killed to save somebody else.

    When you load into a game, you accept the risk it might not go your way. If you want out, screwing over your team, you deserve a punishment.

    I agree, you can't keep people in a game they don't want to be in. They'll dashboard, force close or even turn off the internet. What you can do is punish them to encourage good behavior, like not screwing your team.

  • Maievh
    Maievh Member Posts: 62

    Just add bots like mobile do, easier than trying to stop people from leaving games.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I don't want to see another "survivors should be able to leave whenever they want and shouldn't be forced to play the game and shouldn't have any penalty for leaving no matter what, it's their time and no one should control how they spend it, they paid for the game and shouldn't have to play it if they don't want to" comment while killers don't get any of that. Killers have nothing even close to the equivalent of a hook suicide, they just have to sit there and take it until the game is over (assuming the survivors don't extend it to troll) with no way to make it end sooner without a penalty.

    Why should survivors be able to end it early with no penalty when they don't like their team, map, killer or killer's addons or whatever else, when killers can't end it early if they don't like the map or survivor's items or perks or tactics or SWF whatever else? Seems like a double standard. I think killers should be able to open the gate at any time OR they should remove the ability for survivors to suicide on hook. Make it equal for both sides one way or the other. I'd prefer the killer be able to open the gate but either option is better than one side being able to quit early without penalty while the other can't do anything like that

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    The interesting thing about DbD is that it is not a strict team game. I have done three gens on my own, cleansed totems, and escaped all without doing a single heal on another survivor nor running for an unhook in some matches.

    Other matches, I do heal and unhook. But it depends on the match, the situation, and whether or not it is safe for me to do so

    Rest assured, I will not ever die to unhook or save someone.

    When I play Overwatch, it is absolutely required to be a team. One or two bad teammates will cost you a match no matter how great you personally do. But in DbD, that same team dynamic design does not exist to that degree. It isn't absolutely required.

    DbD can be a team game, and for SWF it most definitely is, but not so much in SoloQ.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    No they're not. They can choose to work together, but they're not a team.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    I feel like some people will just argue with anything.

    Obviously the 4 people working towards the same goal with the same opposition are a team.

    There is also an achievement called Taking One For The Team which you get for taking a Protection Hit.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I get what @Huff is saying, which is that the survivor team is four players working toward a shared goal, but (generally) without the coordination and collaboration that you would commonly attribute to a team. DBD's survivors don't win or lose together all the time.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    This is why I try not to solo queue as much anymore.

    My advice, find a friend to play with, and limit your solo queue experience. At least then you don't have to take the game as seriously because you have a buddy who's got your back. That way even if someone dc's or gives up on first hook, you aren't forced to suffer with two other people who are probably thinking to give up on first hook as well. And you can encourage each other.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    The game has always been designed around saving your own skin. I don't know why you have to make that unnecessary underhanded remark about "some people will argue about anything." I just disagree with you. Don't have to be a douche about it. Yea, people can be altruistic and collaborate as I said, but there's a reason people don't get punished for leaving each other behind and whatnot. It's because saving people and doing extra stuff is going above and beyond -- not something that's mandatory and punishable for not doing. They're not working toward the same goal, they're working toward a similar goal. Player 1 is looking out for player 1, player 2 is looking out for player 2, etc. Player 2 does not have the same goal as player 1, as player 2's main goal isn't "make sure player 1 gets out." It might benefit player 2 in the long term to help player 1, but player 2 has no obligation to do any sort of thing to player 1.

    But yes, continue to treat me like I'm arguing for the sake of arguing.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    If killr is camping one survivor then jump on gens and make them pay for that by escaping. Also if a survivor is struggling with a camper killer, make their sacrifice count by finishing gens and showing the killr it's not a winning strategy. If you suicide, you reward the killer. Its a 4v1. It's a we vs me mentality. Sometimes you benefit from this selflessness, sometimes your the dude on the hook.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    This argues my point (and @Huff's earlier point) really well. Because DBD's survivors are sort of a "tenuous team" at best, the guy who suicides on the hook is acting selfishly, because they have no obligation to their team and no reason to care what their forced hook death does to the match. Which is why it's stupid to give them that option in any way, without penalty.

  • survivormain1105
    survivormain1105 Member Posts: 327

    They won't punish surviors for suicide just like they won't punish camping and tunneling.

    FYI: And that little bit of pipping crap is not punishment for camping.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Honestly it seems like it already punishes the player. Everyone else too, though. Nobody gets as many points.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    the killer should have actually the same mechanic to leave the game as them without punishment tbh

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    It should not be removed, many times I find games that I do not want to play. (Spirit, tunnel, camping or slugging).

    I enjoy the chases, aren't you giving them to me? Perfect, next game. 😁

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    If you decide you're going to play Dead by Daylight, then PLAY DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. Otherwise just don't start up the game.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah when it happens, as a survivor. I go yeah we are doom, unless the killer plays nice. While as killer, i seen it happen as Myer on a farm map. A farm map as Myers. Someone killed themselves on hook, on one of the weakest maps for Myers. I hook the first person i down and start walking away and bang, they kill themselves for some reason. When that happens, i tend to just play around with the remaining survivors, to help give them some points and get my bbq stacks of course. For it hard to treat it as a proper match, when someone killed themselves for seeming no reason so early on.

    Which it being made easier to black pip or giving the others more bonus points for when it happens, would be nice.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    A company shouldn't punish for someone refusing to play in an unfun unfair and unwinnable match.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited May 2020

    When you decide to queue up for a match, you are agreeing to the terms of it, which is any combination of the mechanics that are available to players. There are sometimes going to be mechanics in play that you don't like. This is part of the game that you have decided you want to play. You know this going in. If you decide you don't want to play it, then close the client and don't play, instead of queuing up and then leaving everyone else in a 3v1.

    The match that prompted me to make this thread was entirely benign, too. Legion caught a guy immediately, someone else got downed trying to save him, and they both suicided at the same time. It's so dumb.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It is also a mechanic for attempting to unhook yourself. Have you agreed to it?

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    Wow, this discussion is the same like about dcing before and I think suicide on first hook is the same like dc.

    Everybody explains about his „reasons“ for it (tunnel, mori, iri, bad mates...) and „you shouldn’t have to play a game you don’t like, cause you paid for it“.

    DBD is a game: sometimes win and sometimes loose. If you play a sologame it’s on you, but if you play a game with other people than stay in the game!!

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm talking about the "choosing to not struggle on the hook" bit. I mean, I think the whole struggle mechanic needs to be redesigned so as not to give the player any agency in dying or not, but until then, it's incumbent on the player to not be a jerk.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435

    They should make the second phase like the cage: skillchecks. Sure, survivor can just fail them but they don’t die that fast like now.

  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47

    I'll finish it... by killing myself on hook. Next game.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    You mean like how they punish brown and yellow rank killers by putting them in with red ranks, then punish them for leaving an unfair, unfun match?

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Go to your profile and click show more comments a few times so you have a lot of comments open.

    Hit CTRL + F and search Team

    You've referred to survivors as a team a dozens of times.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    What if my finger accidendently slips from the struggle button and I get sacrificed while trying to kobe beforehand, should I be banned due to a poor gameplay mechanic who asks you to smack your keyboard to death to remain in this exhausting and horrible trial where everyone is on last hook and 4 gens need to be done ?

    I really want to know, might not be banned because people can be clumsy sometimes.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Ebony Mori, Iri head Huntress, still at 5 gens when Killer has hooked 2+ people, Survivor DC/Suicide.

    Any of those things above and I’m sure as hell gonna hook suicide. No point in staying in the game if your team is guaranteed to lose.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Actually people only one due to camping, proxying or survivors that don’t save, it shouldn’t be punished due to the reason that one hooking is more the killers fault than the survivors

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited May 2020

    No, its the only way out from a game I don’t want to be in. Being against a Freddy or legion with full slow down perks or a huntress with iri is just boring and unfun. I play for fun, not to bore myself to sleep, and it’s faster to just move to the next game. And no, it’s not about “being against bad killers so I can feel better”. I have much more fun against a slugging nurse than against those, I accept loss and move on without suiciding.

    Also, it’s not only the killer: if I’m with terrible team mates because soloq sucks, I’m going to suicide too. Seeing a no mither go down within 30 seconds from the beginning of the game is just a fun killer. Aaaaaaaand on to the next game

    Post edited by nursewannabe on
  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Id be fine with it if it didnt mess up the game scoreboard. I did well, i got my survivor, why am i being punished because he bailed on his team :( . Other than that im more concerned about dcing to give the last person the hatch than people suiciding on hook.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Yea because it's a simplistic way to refer to the group of survivors. They're not actually a true team. Once again, can you actually make a real point or are you just going to say a bunch of stuff about me personally and avoid everything else that I'm actually saying? I don't care if I've called the survivors a "team" in the past -- it's just simply easier than referring to them as "a group of individuals who is out for saving their own skin," even though that is what they are. Do you have anything to say against that or are you just gonna keep making weird comparisons to basketball that aren't sensible?

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2020

    I've called them a team. You've called them a team. The developers have called them a team. But they're not a team.


    All this just to justify killing yourself and screwing over the other players.

  • Gonourakuto
    Gonourakuto Member Posts: 109

    I kill myself on hook everytime i face a legion with thana i am not into doing playing 30 min games where everyone is always wounded

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'll take that as a no, you don't have anything to say except "but they ARE a teeeeaaaam!"

    Guess I'll be moving along then. I'm glad to know you'll probably be bringing a lot of other people on here laughs as well. Have fun with your meaningless baseless viewpoint.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    And if one hooking suicide should be punishable then so should camping, if the devs punish hook suicides at all they will lose more players due to the fact the players already make the game disappointing as it is

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    I've explained how survivors need to work together. How you get points for saving and helping each other. I've showed you that the devs and even you refer to survivors as a team.

    Your mind won't be changed clearly. That is, until you change it to fit whatever opinion you want in the future.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    But they don't need to work together to survive. That's the point.

    But no, you just can't take the fact that you're not correct so you'd rather try to insult somebody than put up a point against what they say. Tell me how I'm wrong about that: survivors don't need each other to escape.

    Oh wait. You'd rather insult people. You couldn't anyway even if you tried from the looks of it.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    You haven't been insulted once.

    Survivors need to work together to escape, bar hatch which only one gets. The best way to escape is out the door with 5 gens done.

    Good luck running the killer all game and doing 5 gens yourself. No, you rely on your teammates to do that.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited May 2020

    This is a game, if you want to quit for wichever the reason is, nobody can force you to remain in the game.

    Also people who say "you agree"... I didn't know dead by daylight was a job application... I agreed to follow the devs rules, nothing else. If you want to make your own rules like "if you're being camped you shouldn't suicide" or stuff like that then go ahead but unless you are a dev you have no saying in how I should play the game.