Huntress Add-on Rework

I'm sorry, but after facing my 5th game in a row with an Iridescent camping Huntress it gets old. Something seriously need to be done because it's extremely toxic and OP to run that with Infantry Belt. It's extremely ridiculous that it's a thing. Any survivor will agree with me, killer you think it's okay (which I understand) but come on, we all already hate each other enough.
It's not Huntress who needs a rework. It's that specific combination, which is one of the absolute worst things to face in this game.
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Also, welcome to the forums @Destroyer242420 !
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What does 1 addon have to do with Huntress rework?
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Might want to word that a bit better. Rework the add ons to reject each other, not Huntress as a whole.
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The funny thing is that an Iridescent Head Huntress is actually worse at camping because she has less Hatchets.
I'm no proponent of Iridescent Hatchets (personally I find them to be rather unfun) but I think you should provide an actual argument for them being removed.
As is this post is just "I've run into something I don't like, it's ridiculous that it exists, remove it".
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I don't really mind Iri hatchet Huntress. I mind the, shall we say overly generous hitbox her hatchets seem to have.
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As a survivor main, I don’t personally mind iri head. The downfall is that you will run out of hatchets faster so it is gonna be harder to hit good survivors.
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You are named after a tree, this should be your kryptonite.
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I’ve grown a resistance to flying refrigerat- I mean hatchets.
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She needs an add-on rework and nothing more
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What do you mean? Huntress is totally fine.
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Im tired of survivors running op busted ds bt adrenaline dh nerf now
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If you dont tunnel you wont see DS or BT.
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The only rework huntress needs is to fix hatchet hitboxes.
Huntress mains abuse ######### out of her horrible hitboxes.
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If you must change it..I had an idea..reduce her hatchets to 3 base but when she hits a survivor they receive mangled till healed, exhaustion for about say 20 seconds, and hindered for 20 seconds..then..her final hatchet only becomes a one shotting axe..makes the addon cooler and since you only get one chance to insta down it could lead to neat plays
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Aka easier survivor games yea no thanks
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Well at this point they're basically garunteed to change it..may as well try to at least give ideas to make it better than it could be
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yea because selfish entitled survivors cried enough because heaven forbid they have a hard game. Just another case of a good killer getting ruined for survivors fun because killers fun doesn't matter.
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or maybe survivors could just adapt to it
It's one of the easiest addons to dodge, but survivors refuse to dodge them and ask for nerfs
Hell the only change they could make is soo they can only cary 2
The addon is fine
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Hey man lay off me I believe iri head is extremely overrated but it's not up to me
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Lol, it really do be feeling like that.
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what about an add-on that makes you regain a hatchet every time you hit a survivor with it. In theory, If you never miss, you never need reload as huntress. That would be good example of iridescent hatchets that is decent add-on. Maybe her other iri add-on makes her move at 115%.
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This actually sounds neat for the most part. I don't know about hindered for 20 seconds. But I have a counter offer.
Oblivious, Mangled/broken, and Exhausted for Iri head. I'd say reduce hatchets to 3 instead of 1.
Then give her an addon that grants her let's say undetectable? (Maybe) for about 10 seconds when she gets a hatchet hit.
(This might be useful for huntresses that like to split pressure by throwing hatchets to other survivors while in a chase... or close distance with more unpredictability)
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Heavy dislike IS a reason to do changes. That's why Legion/Freddy/Doc got reworked and Spirit got her vaulting animation added and body collision in phase removed. Especially the reworks had nothing to do with overperformance.
This addon is an ancient one from the time where you had insta moris and insta repair BNPs. There were already enough posts how to fix the iri hatchets. And I think the two most mentioned I heard are both worth it, I would be fine with any of them: Either give it a minimum range to be deadly like on Deathslinger (depending on the min range you could even reduce the hatchet count penalty or remove it) or remove the stackable attribute from the iri heads.
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Her hindered green does 30 and it's not very good at all...and broken status is super pointless goal is to keep it worthy of an iri, also undetectable does nothing to her lullaby so youd get nothing out of it really
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Uh oh...Huntress' iridescent head could be going in to the same confiscation cupboard as Spirit's prayer beads 😂
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A camping huntress cannot be dodged. Try to touch the hook and you go down
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The truth is that it is rare to run into someone who uses that addon, I would rather say that nobody uses it because people usually commit suicide when they see that you have it, which means that you do not make much points.
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Good luck dodging latency powered hatchets that hit you from metres away. You can’t dodge something that isn’t actually where it appears to be on your screen.
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What are you talking? 3 insta down hatchets. 3 survivors trying to rescue. She just has to be patient and snack them down 1 by 1 when they try to unhook. It's basically as strong as billy or Bubba facecamping
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Although it wouldn't help with hook camp, maybe make it so only a full-charged shot is an Iridescent.
Could go the whole hog and make the belt add-on incompatible with the Iridescent Head. I bet folks would not be happy with that.
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Just go with what Scott and other good huntresses have suggested and make iri head one-shot past 18 metres or so, like the deathslinger addon. At that point the hatchet is dodgeable so the huntress needs to be skilled to predict the dodge, or survivor isn't paying attention.
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well im tired of going against ds, unbreakable, bt and adrenaline for my 148th game in a row
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Make it so that it works like the Deathslinger addon... if you hit someone from over 20 meters away it’s a 1 shot down.
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I have about 50 and rarely use them, maybe if I see a team of 4 matching blendettes with flashlights... then it’s time for Iri head and mori...
It gives you crappy results meaning you don’t get points or pip most of the time. Plus it just feels un fun for me as a killer even.
Also if you do “win,” with it you’ve given the survivors an opportunity excuse to why
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Oh, ok, so you're telling me I shouldn't play efficiently.
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Actually here’s my other idea @Peanits it no longer reduces the number of hatchets, but the LAST hatchet is the only one that triggers one hit downs. A little strategy now is involved because if you keep reloading at 2-3 then you never get to use it, and if you use it and miss you have to quit chase. This would basically means stacking it with 2 extra hatchets almost hurts you instead of helping.
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Just remove all killers powers perjs and addons so survivors can have their and stop crying
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She doesn't need a rework, just an add-on pass. An idea a lot of people like to change Iri head is to only have it insta-down survivors from a certain distance away. I can definitely get behind that.
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Latency is a different issue that needs to be taken care of separately. It has no bearing on balance any more than a bug or exploit would.
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The add-on is fine! It literally has the same counterplay when Huntress doesn't have Iri Heads!
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and you can dodge a camping bubba?
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then the issue is with the servers
not with the addon
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I honestly think Iri head is cool when you have one hatchet, it's strategic and fun. I think the easiest change would just be to lock the number of hatchets to one when using it so that other add-ons don't change it. But I know that would be kinda weird since no other add-on in the game really does that.
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I refuse to play against iridescent hatchets. I will work on gens normally until she finds me and if she downs me after a chase I KO myself on first hook. Sorry to my fellow survivors in these games but I will not reward that mechanic by giving a Huntress more BP she can use to buy more iridescent hatchets.
I find it crazy that they haven't nerfed this add on and even worse that they made her a featured character of this Tome with challenges without addressing the add on first.
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Anyone ever said camping bubba is fine? What do you try to counter with that comment?
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I would like to get an addon that reveals survivor auras farther than 40m while a hatchet is charged ☺️.
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That "if you don't tunnel you don't get hit" argument is pretty random anyway, doesn't really count for me. There are scenes where you can down and hook 2 other survivors in the meantime and still get hit by DS. Also the argument "if you get Dstriked, you tunneled"... always wanted to ask these guys if a 40 second down after unhook is fine when the guy only had DS tier 1 and turns into tunneling on tier 3 XD